Saved By Her Dragon

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Saved By Her Dragon Page 20

by Julia Mills

  She had admitted that she’d never really had a serious boyfriend, swearing the girls to secrecy and then almost fell out of her chair when they all admitted to the same thing. There had been guys she’d dated and guys that were friends, but none she ever wanted to spend any real time with and none that made her feel the way Devon made her feel or made her think of forever. She had felt so reassured when every single one of the others nodded in agreement.

  She remembered how her mom had always said she was too stubborn and too head-strong for any ordinary man. If only you knew how right you were Mom. But then again, maybe her mom did. It wouldn’t surprise Anya at all if Sadie Sloane had been wise to Destiny’s plan for her adopted daughter all along. It would be just like her mom to keep someone as special as Devon a secret from her until she was ready.

  To his credit, since his fit of temper Devon had been trying really hard to see her side of things. He didn’t even freak out when she, Grace, and the others went into town to pick up something special for her to wear on her mating night. They had all laughed when they spotted Jace and Liam following them, but it did not diminish the fact that Devon was trying.

  Siobhan had been the greatest help of all. Not only had she explained the mating ceremony and more of the dragon culture, but she had given valuable insight into the inner workings of her son. Anya had laughed when the healer told the story of her mate, Gareth, on the day Devon was born. She chuckled as she remembered Siobhan’s words… “Because I am a healer, I thought we could forgo all the craziness that usually went along with the birth of a dragon shifter. History dictated I would have a male; that has been the way of our people for almost a thousand years; hence the reason a perfect match from the human race is created for every dragon. The birth of any dragon shifter was and still is highly celebrated, but the pomp and ceremony surrounding the birth of a Guardsman’s child goes far beyond outrageous. I had let my mate know I wanted no part of it; only me, Gareth, and our child were to be present for the birth. It was decided after much debate and many arguments that we would go to the Healing Caves when I was ready to deliver, along with one of the other healers, and return to the lair after the birth.”

  “I did not take my mate’s inability to keep anything from his brethren into account. Nor did I realize the lengths he would go to make sure I was safe. Sometime between when my labor started and the birth of our son, Gareth had called four more healers and several of their mates to assist with the birth. From one contraction to the next I was surrounded by a team of people and a beaming father-to-be. He had also shared the blessed event with one of the men on his Force, who then shared it with his mate and her with another, until by the time my beautiful baby boy made his screaming presence into the world, a full-fledged party was underway just outside the entrance to the cave.”

  “As I came back to me senses, the sounds of the celebration reached the back of the cave. I was much too happy to be upset. I had an amazing mate, a healthy baby, and a family that wanted nothing more than to celebrate a new member of our clan.”

  “I tell you all of this, my dear Anya, not to say that you should not make your wishes known or stand up for yourself, especially where my son is concerned, but to illustrate an important ingredient for your future sanity. Dragon shifters are warriors…leaders…an entire breed that was created with the sole purpose of fighting evil in the world, protecting those in need, and ensuring the survival of their race. The weight of their existence can cloud their judgment, making them act irrationally, especially where the One that holds their heart is concerned.”

  “I can promise that his overbearing tendencies will lessen the longer you are together, but they will never completely go away, and if you or your children are in danger, the beast within our Devon will roar and defend you all to his dying breath. His dragon simply will not allow him to hang back and think of your feelings or wishes–it will demand he act and do so quickly.”

  Anya’s musings were cut short by a knock at the door. There, standing just outside her bedroom door were Sam and Sydney, holding a large, light grey gift box bound with shimmering pearlescent ribbon and beautiful matching bow. Syd danced on tippy toes and squealed, “Happy Mating Day! We brought a present for you Anya and you’re gonna love it!”

  “Come on in. Let’s see what it is.”

  She moved to the side while they entered, Sydney dancing all the way to the bed, singing, “Anya’s getting mated” at the top of her lungs to the tune of Ring Around the Rosie. Sam laid the box on her bed and Sydney climbed up beside it, bouncing on her knees and switching to an “Open it. Open it” chant. The child continued as Anya carefully untied the bow, lifted the lid and then stood speechless, completely overwhelmed by the gorgeous gossamer gown delicately folded within. With shaking hands, she lifted the gift card with her name perfectly scripted across the front. The world around her slipped away as she read the words inside…Today we begin our lives together. Now…always…forever, Devon.

  Lifting the garment from the box, Anya marveled at the attention to detail and the absolute beauty she held in her hands. The fabric shimmered in the sunlight. The same sunlight that highlighted the opalescent flames exquisitely embroidered in a sporadic patterned the full length of the skirt. She spun towards the full length mirror, holding the dress in front of her, stunned at her reflection. It had thin, white satin straps, delicately sewn into a sweetheart neckline with a corset type bodice she was sure would show off her full bust to perfection. Damn man truly thinks of everything.

  The vision before her seemed unreal. There had never been a time she could remember thinking of herself as pretty. Cute, maybe…cleans up nice, probably…never pretty. But standing there holding what would be her wedding dress, her makeup expertly done and her hair in a loose twist secured with the combs that had been her mom’s, wavy tendrils hanging loosely around her face and cascading down her back, she felt truly beautiful.

  “Anya, you look like a princess,” Sydney squealed behind her.

  “You are gorgeous, girl. Now, let’s get you into that pretty frock and on your way to the ceremony. I know a very nervous dragon that can’t wait to see you,” Sam agreed, grinning.

  Reality set in as Sam zipped her into her dress and wrapped the thick pearlescent satin ribbon around her waist. It was as if her life had been pulled from one of the books she’d read as a child. She was the princess that had been saved by her knight in shining armor. He had battled the forces of evil to bring her back to life and they were going to live happily ever after. The only difference was her knight was also the dragon, and that plot twist was just fine with her.

  One quick look in the mirror and a swipe of lip gloss was all she had time for before Sydney announced, “Jace and Liam are here.”

  Walking down the hall, she accepted hugs and wishes from all the girls. Siobhan had told her no one but the Elders, Devon’s Force, Devon, and she were allowed at the mating ceremony but she knew her friends were getting ready for the party following their nuptials.

  Just as Sydney had said, the younger Guardsmen stood right outside the front door in full dress uniform. They looked like they had stepped right out of a Knights of the Round Table movie, which she guessed made sense based on their heritage. Black pants tucked into the top of their polished knee-high black boots and a long-sleeved black undershirt gave the perfect backdrop for the shining white of their surcoats. She was amazed by the almost exact match to the color of Devon’s dragon’s scales. The fabric even had an opalescent glow in the waning light of the sun. Black and gold braiding trimmed the top and sides, but it was the dragon in the throes of battle embroidered on the front that made their uniforms complete.

  Both turned toward the walk when they saw her, putting their arms out for her to grasp. Once she was settled between them, they escorted her down the steps and toward three majestic Palominos, not unlike the ones she had helped her pops train for most of her life. Tears filled her eyes at the continued thoughtfulness of her mate, and the stun
ning way flowers had been woven into each horse’s mane and around the reins. Even the blankets under their saddles matched the men’s surcoats.

  The young men helped Anya onto the most decorated of the horses and stood by while she got situated to ride side saddle before climbing upon their own mounts. Their ride to the ceremony took them through the woods behind Siobhan’s home and past the home she would share with Devon. Each tree along their path was wrapped with a twinkling white ribbon and a huge white bow holding a spray of three large white Calla Lilies. It was one of the most striking things she had ever seen.

  As they exited the trees, another young man, also in dress uniform, stood holding the largest bouquet of white roses she had ever seen. Her horse slowed, as if the animal knew something she didn’t, and then she heard the young Guardsman communicating with her mount mind-to-mind. He approached with a huge smile, handed her the flowers and bowed, before returning to his post. The card attached read…Only a few minutes and you will be mine …now… always… forever, Devon. She sat still for only a moment and then she, Jace, and Liam continued on their way.

  They circled a small lake and stopped at the base of the mountain on the other side. Jace turned, and for the first time during their journey spoke, “Devon said you were an expert rider, I just want to make sure you can maneuver the trail to the first ledge.”

  Anya’s eyes followed his gesture to a narrow path carved into the side of the rock and she nodded, “Not a problem. Lead the way.”

  Grinning, Jace turned forward in his saddle, made a clicking noise with his mouth to signal the horses, and led the way up the side of the mountain. The trip was slow but extraordinarily beautiful. Not only was the natural scenery breathtaking, but large white bows with white Calla Lilies that matched those from the path were attached to vines and outcroppings sporadically along their trek.

  They stopped on a landing that led to the mouth of a huge cave. Moving faster than her eyes could follow, Jace dismounted and was at her side to help her down while Liam took the reins and kept the horse still. Once her bare feet touched the white patterned carpet strewn with red and white rose petals, the young Guardsmen escorted her to the mouth of the cavern. Her hands slid from their arms and Jace presented her with her bouquet. Once the flowers were secure in her arm, he and Liam took their positions on either side of the entrance.

  She took a few steps and stopped, overcome by the splendor of one of the most magnificent places she had ever seen. The raw power of the cave spoke to Anya. She listened with her heightened senses to the story it had to tell. It was remarkable that the longer she spent with Devon and his clan, the more acute normal everyday things like hearing, became.

  The minerals, rocks, and gems embedded in the walls and ceiling glittered and glimmered in the light of the many candles hanging in sconces throughout the cave. There were huge stalactites hanging from the ceiling and stalagmites rising from the floor that seemed to be standing guard, protecting the sanctity of a place she could feel held great significance to the dragons, and therefore to her. Following the white carpet, she made her way deeper into the cavern and soon heard the sound of water flowing and gently splashing into what she imagined to be a pool.

  Only a few feet ahead, Anya saw an entrance brightened by several candelabras and knew it was where she was to go. Stepping over the threshold, she saw the stream she had heard flowing down the wall, the water tinkling like little bells as it made its way into the lagoon covered with white water lilies. She looked around the grotto at the huge white Grecian planters filled with bunches of the enormous white roses and flowers from lily of the valley plants. A raised platform stood to the side of the pool with four chairs loosely resembling thrones upon it and a circle with an archway strewn with white ribbons and flowers in the center.

  She spotted a small white chair to the side of the platform, remembered what Siobhan had told her, and walked to it. As soon as she was seated the Elders Devon had introduced her to a few days ago appeared on the platform, reminding her how quickly dragon shifters could move, even the older ones. The Head Elder, Carrick, gave her a nod while the others smiled serenely in her direction. A rustling to the right drew her attention as the men of Devon’s Force filed out, dressed to the nines in surcoats that she knew matched the color of each man’s dragon.

  Rayne was at the head of the line, standing tall and proud in the reddest of reds, looking every bit the Commander he was. Then came Royce, whose beautiful royal blue surcoat with green accents truly fit the man and the beast. Next, Aaron and Aidan, dressed in a silvery gray that shined in the waning light, stood tall and dignified. Aaron winked and grinned, making her giggle just a bit. Lance was at the end of the line in a stunning golden surcoat that she had to imagine depicted his beast perfectly.

  The butterflies in her stomach were throwing a serious party as silence filled the chamber and just when she was sure she would faint, Devon appeared from the same direction the others had come. He smiled from ear to ear, looked better than a man had a right to, and winked when he took his place in front of the other Guardsmen. Anya stood, placed her flowers on her chair and waited. Only the sound of Devon’s voice in her head kept her from hyperventilating…You look absolutely gorgeous…


  Devon watched Anya across the chamber, both man and beast ready to have her as theirs for all time. She looked like a goddess in the gown he had commissioned. It fit her like a glove, accentuating all her attributes and making his mouth water with the need to taste every inch of her luscious body. He saw on her face and heard in her thoughts how much she enjoyed all his preparations on her most special of days. When he looked into her eyes, he felt the last piece of the puzzle that was his life click into place. The electricity that was always present when they were together snapped to life and he watched her eyes widen in recognition of their magical connection.

  He held her eyes as he strode towards her, falling more in love with every step. Stopping in front of her, the scent of sea and sand filled his senses and wrapped around him, making his dragon chuff loud and long in his head. Taking her hands in his, he led Anya to the center of the Sacred Circle and watched as she held her breath. “Breathe mo ghra’, just breathe,” he whispered into her mind and was rewarded a stunning smile.

  Carrick cleared his throat and his voice rang out loud and clear through the chamber. “Long ago, when knights and dragons fought side by side for King and Country, it became apparent that dragon kin was no longer safe from those that would expose and destroy them. They sought to join with the knights that had fought so valiantly by their sides for centuries. Thus, through magic, and the will of both dragon and knight, the Golden Fire Clan of the Dragon Shifters became a reality. It was through the joining of many different clans that we have become the strong and powerful Clan we are today.”

  “We are here at the Healing Caves, a place long blessed by our ancestors that went before us, to honor what the Universe put into place all those many years ago. To acknowledge and bless the mating of Devon Reid Walsh to the one the Universe made for him, Anya Brynne Sloane. Will those seeking to witness this union please step forward?”

  From their place next to the Elders, the men his heart knew as brothers stepped forward. These men had trained with him, fought with him, bled with him, and now shared the happiest moment of his life. They knelt as one, and bowed their heads. Rayne then stood, and addressed the Elders, “We, the five of the MacLendon Force, wish to witness and offer our blessing to the union of these two souls, two halves of the same whole. May they live long, fight hard, love harder, and produce many young to flourish in this world when their souls have gone to the Heavens.” He knelt next to his men, and bowed his head once again.

  Carrick began again, “Your witness and blessing have been acknowledged and accepted MacLendon Force.” The Guardsmen stood and stepped back to their original position.

  Only the sound of the water flowing into the grotto could be heard as he stood staring into
the eyes of his very own angel. Thoughts of her body against his flooded his mind until he was sure no amount of self-control would keep him from taking Anya in his arms and running to their home.

  Carrick began again, “The white dragons are warriors born of the sun and the moon. The Universe shines favorably on all of Her winged warriors, but the ones born with white scales hold both the favor of the day and of the night. They are a powerful sign of purity and wisdom combined with tremendous spiritual energy. Their calm exterior hides the heart of the beast and allows them to take those that oppose them by surprise. Loyalty and strength of will are their two greatest attributes and they use those to protect all they hold dear. Love and devotion run deep within those with white scales and grows deeper as the years pass. To mate a white dragon means to accept all that they are, and honor the power shared between mates.”

  “Now is the time of the marking. May the Universe continue to bless you and yours all of your days.” The sounds of the others exiting the chamber only served as background noise to the beating of their two hearts as one. Devon had no idea how long he stood looking at his magnificent mate, but he knew with every fiber of his being there would never be a day he not welcome the sight.

  He felt his eyes began to glow and saw a heat that was more than passion reflected in Anya’s gorgeous green eyes. Devon lowered his mouth to hers, and as their lips touched whispered, “Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat,” into her mind. The experience was unlike any other–a flame ignited in his heart and spread throughout his body, filling every cell with the bond only true mates share.

  Anya broke their kiss with a hiss, a twinge to his neck telling him that they were being marked by the Universe. “No worries, mo chroi, it’s only the mating mark.”

  He lowered his mouth to her neck, running the tip of his tongue along the lines of the double flames signifying their bond, to ease the sting. Anya’s hands grabbed his head, holding him in place, moaning his name. Her body arched into his causing his already hard cock to rub against the cradle of her stomach.


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