Savage Seduction

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Savage Seduction Page 5

by J. Woods

  “Good. Zoe?”

  “Yes?” She raised her eyes to his and he hated that the glimmer of fear was back.

  “Can I talk to you for a second?”

  “Sure.” She motioned him out onto her terrace and away from the curious officer’s ears. Zoe’s place was big, too big for one person he thought, but then again so was his. Or so he had been told.

  “How are you feeling?”

  He watched her chest fill with the deep breath she was taking in as she sorted out her answer. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to feel right now.”

  He appreciated her honesty; it was something he usually had to pry out of his missions.

  “That’s normal. It’s okay to be afraid and cautious.” She nodded her head but kept quiet when they were interrupted by the Detective sticking his head outside and commanding them back in.

  “So tonight Logan and I are going to sit down and come up with a revised plan. Zoe, I’m going to have Jones stay the night in the apartment with you while someone will replace him outside in the car.”

  “He’s going to stay inside my apartment?”

  Logan could tell she wasn’t too keen on the idea; he got the impression Jones made her feel uncomfortable. He should volunteer to stay with her tonight but he knew Ashbrook wouldn’t have it; Zoe was the priority and keeping her safe was top of his list. That meant spending the night with Ashbrook, chasing down leads and figuring out how to keep her and the creep who managed to get past him and the safeguards he had put in place. Ashbrook issued orders before telling Logan he would meet him out front, pulling a cigarette between his teeth on the way out. Logan stepped up to Zoe. “I’ll have my phone with me all night. Call me for anything.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled. “I’m sure I’ll be fine with Jones here.”

  Logan studied her for a silent moment trying to see past the well constructed professional mask she had locked in place. She held his eye contact daring him to continue. “Alright. I’m going to leave Axel here with you.”

  “You are?”

  He held back his smile at the triumph of surprising her. “Yes. He’s a trained military dog, very protective. And I think you’ll sleep better if he’s here. He’ll do what you say - he seems to have taken a liking to you.”

  “And me to him. Are you sure you won’t need him tonight?”

  “No, I’m sure I’ll be stuck in the station for most of the night. And I’m positive he’d much rather be here.”

  “Well, thank you. That’s very kind of you. I actually have dog food here, sometimes I babysit Rachel’s dog when she goes out of town on the weekends.”

  “Great. Axel.” He called his dog and bent down to explain what was going to happen. “Keep Zoe safe.” His dog sat back on his hind legs making himself almost larger as he looked from Zoe to him. “Good boy.” He rubbed his head and stepped away calling Jones over to him.

  “What’s up Savage?”

  “Your job is to make sure she doesn’t leave this house apart from going to work in the morning. Keep her safe, but it stops there. Understand?” Jones raised an eyebrow in a silent challenge. Logan wasn’t worried. He had a good three inches on Jones and a solid thirty pounds of muscle to back him up.

  Without breaking eye contact, Jones conceded, “Understood.”

  “Good.” He looked back toward Zoe who happened to be watching the entire scene play out with a frown on her face. “You’ll call me if you need me.” She rolled her eyes at his order before calling Axel to follow her into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Lucky dog.

  Chapter Five

  Zoe climbed into bed pulling the covers over her legs as she watched Axel stand guard at the door. “Axel, come.” She patted the empty spot beside her, and she smiled as the dog looked so torn on what to do. “It’s okay boy, you can protect me from here.” She patted the bed again and like she was presenting him with a forbidden pleasure he had never been granted, Axel bounded onto the bed and curled up snugly beside her, making sure he continued to watch the door. “Good boy.” He kept quiet, he obeyed and you fed him twice a day - he was the perfect man. Zoe knew she wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight, even with Axel in her bed, the only man she wanted beside her she told herself, and Jones out in her living room she couldn’t get her heart to stop its pounding against her chest. She could hear Jones moving around her space. Her space. Just the thought of him rummaging through her things left her uneasy. She felt awkward around him after she turned down his offer of drinks because she knew, she could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t willing to accept her soft yet firm ‘no’. She knew now that her text to him this morning wasn’t a good idea - he took it as her being playful when she was just trying to be nice. He had called her after Logan had left earlier that night, before her night turned to shit, under the guise of making sure she was okay. She had tried to tell him she was fine, that Logan had just left and she was going to bed. At the mention of bed his voice became huskier as she heard his car door shut. “Why don’t you forgo the bed and I can take you out for a drink? It’ll get your mind off things.”

  “I don’t think that’s appropriate since you’re supposed to be watching my house.”

  “Nope, just got off,” he interrupted her.

  “Well I appreciate the offer but I’m really tired, so I think I’m just going to stay in.”

  “Are you sure? I think a drink could probably make you feel better.”

  “No, thanks again, Jones. I’ll talk to you later.” She hung up the phone and that’s when her entire day was turned upside down. It was just her luck that Jones was still lurking around her neighborhood when she had called to the car downstairs and of course he volunteered to stay with her tonight even though it was one of the few he had off. Well, if he thought something was going to happen tonight because she was afraid and vulnerable, that she was going to throw herself in his arms because of a creak in her floorboards, he definitely didn’t know her. She had been taking care of herself for as long as she could remember and she never threw herself into a man’s arms for support. That’s how it always was - until earlier tonight. She had no idea what was wrong with her. As soon as Logan walked through that door it was a wave of relief she didn’t know she was capable of feeling and before she could control it, her arms were flung around his waist and she was in his arms. She knew he was just being kind by holding her as she couldn’t stop her body from trembling, what she wasn’t sure of was the source of it because she couldn’t remember trembling before she embarrassingly threw herself at him. Shaking her head at herself, Zoe blew out a rough breath as she reached down to pet Axel before she closed her eyes in an attempt at a far away sleep.

  A few short hours later she lifted her lashes to the streams of pale sunlight that filtered in through her blinds. Her eyes burned with the exhaustion of less than an hour’s sleep and an overactive imagination. She stretched her arms over her head as Axel jumped off the bed and sat at the door waiting patiently for her. “Just a quick shower boy, then we’ll get you some breakfast and go find Logan.” She smiled as his ears perked up at the name of his owner. She wanted to have a shower and get dressed before she stepped into her living room and the lustful gaze of Jones. Standing within the thick steam she felt everything she was feeling last night wash away, disappearing down the silver drain at her feet. After throwing on the first outfit from her closet she paused with her hand on the doorknob. Taking a deep breath she moved her head side to side cracking her neck and preparing herself for the unrelenting man on the other side. Axel nudged her thigh, urging her forward. “Yeah, yeah,” she muttered.

  “Good morning,” she greeted.

  “Morning. Sleep alright?”

  “Yes, well, thank you. How was your night?”

  “Lonely.” Axel let out a low growl as he walked past, almost to himself as he took a cursory glance at the officer who had spent the night doing who knew what in her living room. Everything still looked in place but he was a cop, surely he knew
how to maintain appearances. She ignored the hint in the one word answer as she walked past him silently and pulled a large bowl from the cupboard filling it with food for her bed buddy. Jones walked toward her leaning against the doorframe attempting to look casually sexy. Zoe looked at him wondering why she didn’t find him attractive. He was a good looking guy; his short sandy blond hair cropped in that standard police officer cut, his green eyes full of playful confidence framed by his sharp cheekbones. He obviously wanted her, he was nice enough, had a good job. But it was something about him that put her off. Normally she found a pushy guy amusing, she would play with them, string them along for fun until she had enough and fell into bed with them, but she just didn’t feel the urge to play with Jones. It was too bad, she was sure she could have put those handcuffs to good use.

  “I’m going to work now. Thanks for staying last night.” She smiled at Jones as she pulled on a pair of black leather heels. His eyes stayed on the height of her shoes before he raised them back to hers. “No, I’m driving you.”

  “What do you mean? I’m sure that’s not necessary.”

  “Orders from the high commander. I’m driving.” He walked past her grabbing her keys off the table. “Men,” she sighed to Axel. “Come on, I’ll take you outside to do your business, maybe you could try to aim for his shoes or something.” Axel nudged her palm agreeing with her statement.


  Logan heard Zoe’s heels click against the stairs as she walked toward her office. He waited silently and rather impatiently as he sat beside Ashbrook in front of her desk. He looked around the room and couldn’t help but think it matched her personality, her work personality - the professional, confident, controlling woman that she was. Where her home represented who he thought she really was. Still confident, but a woman who was soft and warm, who allowed herself to be vulnerable and real. Logan couldn’t help but think that Zoe Alcott was different than any woman he had ever met, and the first that he couldn’t figure out for the life of him.

  “Good morning gentlemen.” He and Ashbrook both stood as she walked in to greet them. Pulling off her sunglasses, Logan noticed the dark circles underneath her eyes from the lack of sleep she probably had last night. “Sit, sit.” Unbeknownst to her, after his meeting with Ashbrook, Logan pulled his truck out front her apartment, just far enough away from the undercover police cruiser and watched her place all night. Because he didn’t have it in him to go home. After she was shaking in his arms he had to make sure she was alright. It killed him last night when she called him and he wasn’t right there to comfort her. Axel walked over to him resting his head on Logan’s thigh. “Good boy,” he murmured before pulling a large bone from beside him that he brought in.

  “How was your night?” Ashbrook asked her.

  “Fine. Yours?” Logan couldn’t help but notice the tight smile that formed on her lips, so different than the bright sunshine that she normally displayed.

  “Good. Logan and I were able to revise our original plan as well as follow some new leads.”

  “Just lay it on me, Detective.” Logan loved how straight to the point she was. Loved? He couldn’t push that word far enough away. She wasn’t one to cry wolf and use her fear and tears to gain what she wanted, she didn’t hide behind her pride and she… wasn’t like any other woman he’d ever met.

  “Because the threats are becoming more insistent, I as well as Logan, don’t feel comfortable leaving you on your own until we catch him. As I said we have some strong leads that we are following very closely but until I actually have this person handcuffed and in a jail cell, you’re not to be alone.”

  “So what are you suggesting?”

  “I’m not suggesting anything. I’m giving you two options.”

  “And they are?”

  “Logan moves in with you or you move in with him until I can guarantee your safety from this sadistic bastard. Excuse my language.”

  “Logan… move in with me?” He felt the twitch at the corner of his mouth that wanted to form into a grin. He hadn’t seen Zoe this uncomfortable before. She obviously had the same opinion about the idea as him but it was their only option, the only way he could manage her safety and keep his sanity.

  “Or move in with me,” he countered.

  She stared at him for a moment and he wondered if the flash he saw in her eyes was unbridled fear or just his imagination. “I think I would be more comfortable at my place. If that works for you,” she added.

  “Of course. Whatever you’re comfortable with.” She slowly nodded her head as she started to realize how out of control she really was; the unchartered waters that were enveloping her were becoming overwhelming.

  Ashbrook stepped in not realizing the war that was going on within her that was so obvious to Logan. “Good, then it’s settled. Logan will stay with you starting today. Call me if you need anything. Savage, I’ll be speaking to you shortly.”

  Logan nodded his head once as he stood to leave. “Thank you, Detective.”

  “Take care Zoe, I’ll be in touch.”

  She flopped back down in her chair covering her face with her hands. He took a long uninterrupted look at her before he asked her, “How was your night, really?”

  She contemplated her answer before returning with, “Uneventful. I was much more comfortable with Axel, thank you for allowing him to stay at my place.”

  “Not a problem. How was Jones?”


  “Good. Zoe I think you need to tell your parent’s to get out of town for a bit.”

  “I was thinking the same thing last night. My mom called me the other night and I hung up on her and haven’t spoken to her since. God, I can’t tell them what’s going on. They’ll freak out and as much as I love my parents, I cannot handle their well intentioned parenting right now.”

  “You don’t have to. Tell them you organized a vacation for them, a surprise.”

  “Yeah okay, daughter of the year. Where am I going to send them?”

  He watched her fire up her computer and start to plan her parent’s impromptu travel plans. As she stood up to stare out the window with her phone pressed to her ear Logan couldn’t help but notice how her black pants hugged the curve of one of the most mouth watering asses he had ever seen. He felt the itch in his fingers as he fisted them into his palms. It was obvious she kept in shape; her stomach was flat and he guessed he could span her waist with both of his hands, her arms were tight and judging by the length and tone of her legs underneath the soft material covering them - all he could think about was detailing every inch of her body. He had a lecturing talk with himself last night during the long hours in his truck - she was an attractive woman, any hot blooded male would be attracted to her and he was due to have a woman in his arms. That’s all it was and that’s all it would remain as.

  “Hi Mom… yes I’m well thank you, you?” There was a pause as she listened to the other end of the conversation. “Good. Listen, I’m sorry that I didn’t call you back the other night but I’ve been trying to put together a surprise for you and Dad. I’m sending you on a trip!” She ran her hand through her loose hair as she listened, no doubt, to the same objections his own mother would have. “Yes a vacation - I’ve booked you at a five star in Hawaii. You’re flight leaves tonight at seven and you’ll be staying for two weeks.” She turned around to make sure the time frame was alright by shrugging her shoulders at Logan. He nodded his head in confirmation.

  As soon as she hung up the phone after telling her mom that yes, she was serious and no, she wouldn’t be joining them, Rachel stuck her head in the office. Logan knew how to take a cue when a silent one was issued. Zoe needed to have some girl time and he was more than willing to get out of her way for a while - he needed a breather himself. “I’ll be around. Axel, come.”

  Zoe watched Rachel stare after Logan as he walked down the stairs to wherever he was going. “You look tired,” she pointed out.

  “Because I am.”

me it’s because you were up all night with that fine piece of man meat.”

  “I was up all night and he was definitely part of it.” Zoe smirked knowing she was stringing her friend along but she needed to laugh today, it was starting to feel like a foreign concept.

  “Shut up.” Rachel took Logan’s vacated seat sitting on the edge as if on pins and needles. “Give me every sweaty sexy detail.”

  “Well, he followed me back to my place and walked me to my door. He stepped inside and looked around to make sure everything was secure,” Zoe gave an exaggerated wink as she continued to tell her story to Rachel with a pronounced, yet very false, sense of sensuality. “Then he left for what I thought was going to be the night. But! He came back.”

  “He did?”

  “He did. He came back when I called him.”

  “You called him?” Zoe had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her laughter contained before she continued. “Yes. And he rushed right over. When he walked in I was sitting in between handcuffs and the bedroom.”


  “And then,” she paused for effect. “I showed him the threat that I found in my purse after he left the first time.”

  Rachel slumped back in her chair. “That was cruel to tease me like that Zoe. But are you alright? What did the note say this time?”

  “It said something about being ready and our time has come, type of bullshit.”

  “Oh god! So what’s going to happen now?”

  “I was just informed that Logan is going to be my shadow - all the time.”

  “And what does that mean?” Rachel raised an inquisitive eyebrow as she asked her question.

  “It means I’m going to have two new roommates until Detective Ashbrook catches this guy.”


  “His dog.”

  “Oh! Okay so let me ask - handcuffs?”


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