Savage Seduction

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Savage Seduction Page 14

by J. Woods

  “I’ll call you.”

  Max nodded once sending Zoe one of his charming grins followed by a wink. Logan didn’t have the energy to get upset over it and it seemed Zoe didn’t have the energy to return the gesture.

  Strapping her safely into the confines of his truck he slid in behind the wheel. Placing his gun where it was reachable if needed, he grabbed Zoe’s hand, twining her fingers through his. Just to be sure, he drove around the block a few times and took the extra long way to his place with confidence they weren’t being followed. “Logan!” Zoe gasped as he was pulling onto the dirt road he called a driveway. He slammed on the brakes, his senses on high alert.



  Immediately he pulled out his phone, easing his foot off the brake he listened to Ace’s deep voice come across the line. “I need you to stay with Rachel tonight. Maybe even get her out of town. Suspect confirmed as Leslie Alex Sullivan, armed and dangerous.”

  “Will do boss.” He heard Rachel’s worried voice in the background wondering if Zoe was okay.

  “She’s fine, she’s safe. Keep Rachel safe.”

  “Yes.” With the one word, Logan was able to convince Zoe of Rachel’s protection.

  “No matter how many times you say his name I still find it hard to believe.” Logan pulled his truck up to the front of his very secluded log cabin. “This is your house?” she asked in disbelief.

  “This is my house.”

  “Logan, it’s huge! It’s absolutely stunning!” He smiled, for some reason her approval meant something to him. He loved his house. His mother always told him it was too big, always questioning why he needed four bedrooms when it was just him. And he didn’t have an answer, maybe until now. Helping her out of the truck his trained eyes surveyed their surroundings, as hard as it was between the trees, until they stepped foot inside. His house was almost impenetrable with the best security system money and time could build, Logan had cameras and alarms on any and every possibility of a breach point. His land was secured the same way, taking no lazy measures when it came to the knowledge of enemies. Axel bounded toward them and Zoe got down on her knees welcoming his dog as if he were her own and she’d missed him after some time away. “Hey boy! Oh you’re such a good boy, yes you are. Did you miss me? I missed you.” Logan smiled at the way his hard security dog melted at her touch and her praise. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes knowing his own parallel reaction when she did the same with him.

  Logan led her down the hall to his bedroom. “I know your feet must be killing you in those heels. There are sweat pants in the bottom drawer, t-shirts in the one above so you can change.”

  “Oh thank you, that’s wonderful.”

  “I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done. Are you hungry?”

  “Not really, I can’t stop thinking about what he did to my bedroom.”

  Logan stepped toward her, his hand cupping her jaw as his thumb caressed the soft skin of her cheek. “I know. How about I see what I can rustle up while you change. I want you to try and eat something then we can try and get some sleep. The bathroom is through that door, take your time.”

  “Thank you Logan, for this, for everything.” He leaned in to kiss her before stepping away and out of the room to leave her to gather herself, something he knew she needed to do, and change without his needy hands all over her.

  Twenty minutes later Logan had two plates of hot, homemade casserole his mother had dropped off while he was at Zoe’s. She walked out and as she visibly groaned at the smell of the famous dish, Logan could only notice the sharp tug of possession at her wearing his clothes. She was so damn sexy even in sweatpants she had to roll five times at the waist and a t-shirt that was at least three sizes too big for her. She had her hair piled high on her head and it looked as if she had washed off all her makeup. She was a goddess. And she would be sleeping in his bed tonight. “What have you cooked up?”

  “Mamma Savage’s famous chicken casserole. Come, sit.”

  “Mmm, smells divine.” Pulling out the bar stool beside hers he sat down next to her and watched as she took the first bite, her eyes closing in pure contentment. He felt the smile tilting at his lips, at the soft moan that escaped her. “Oh my god. And I thought you were a good cook. This may just be the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” He could think of a number of things that trumped his mother’s casserole in the taste department, and all of them had to do with Zoe. He took bites of his but seeing her practically inhale her food was triumphantly amusing.

  “Hungry?” he asked her before she licked her plate clean.

  “Not anymore,” she grinned leaning back and patting her flat stomach.

  He got up to take her plate when she placed her hand on his. “I’ll clean, you cooked.”

  Logan laughed, “I wouldn’t really call it cooking unless throwing it in the microwave can be defined as cooking.”

  “I do. So sit that pretty ass down and let me get to work.” He did as he was told, for a moment. He watched her saunter to his sink turning on the water and creating a mound of bubbles with the soap.

  “I’ll dry,” he murmured into her ear feeling the shiver that ran through her. He picked up a towel and took the plate she was handing him, the white suds running down her arm making him think of bubble baths and the naked, slippery skin of a willing woman. “How are you feeling?” he asked her placing the last dish back in the cupboard.

  “I don’t want to think about it right now,” she said honestly.

  “Okay. What do you want to think about?” he asked raising an eyebrow suggestively.

  “Oh, I can think of a few things.” She stepped closer, her hands full of white bubbles and he could see the playful spark in her eyes.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he warned. Before he could move out of the way her hands roamed over every inch of his face and into his hair, her laughter spurning his own and even in their state of emergency she made everything seem a little bit lighter before she pressed herself against him taking his lips in a kiss that had his heart slamming against his chest. He’d never felt the urge to play and have fun with any of the women he’d been with before but with Zoe, she was able to tap into a side of him he thought no longer existed. Pulling her closer in an effort of distraction, Logan reached over and grabbed the spray from the sink, aiming it at her he pulled the trigger. With a squeal and more laughter she grabbed a handful of bubbles throwing them at him as he defended himself with the shooting streams of water.

  “Okay, okay! I surrender,” she giggled stepping back. With a triumphant smirk he turned to place the spray nozzle back in its place. Turning back his breath caught in his throat as Zoe stood leaning against the island, her shirt in a sopping puddle at her feet. She lifted an eyebrow daring him to make a move; challenge accepted. Taking her by surprise he scooped her up throwing her over his shoulder causing her to grip the back of the dress pants he still wore. He didn’t care if he was acting like a caveman; when she presented herself to him, he was going to take it and to hell with his control. Walking down the hall he ripped his sweatpants off of her throwing them on the floor. When she slapped his ass he smacked hers right back and the sound of his palm against her bare cheek caused the possessive growl to rise within him as his arousal became painful, begging to be satisfied. He tossed her onto the mattress with a bounce and she quickly got to her knees ripping open the buttons of the pressed white tuxedo shirt before pulling it off his shoulders. Her mouth found the spot between his neck and his shoulder, laying small nips across his collarbone. His head fell back, her desire for him taking over every one of his senses. Her fingers went to his belt, her teeth finding his earlobe, “I want you.”

  “Baby, you have no idea how much I want you,” he growled. Letting his pants fall to the floor, he stepped out of them pushing her back on the bed as he crawled over her. God, he wanted to worship her, every inch of perfectly smooth, beautiful skin. His tongue licked up her neck to her jaw, her gasps of p
leasure urging him on. He slowly moved down her body, her fingers threading through his hair. His palms cupped her breasts, her nipples instantly turning rigid with a flick of his tongue. He pressed his body down on top of hers when she started to wiggle underneath him. He sucked one hard peak into his mouth, grazing her with his teeth eliciting a low moan from deep in her throat before moving to the next.


  “So beautiful. So sweet.” Unable to help himself, he marked her just below her breast sucking her skin between his teeth. His tongue traced the outline of the red sting before he trailed hot wet kisses across her ribs; squirming underneath him she grabbed his face and pulled him up to hers. Her tongue plunged into his mouth as they exchanged breaths. Squeezing her thighs around his hips she turned them over so she straddled him, her hot core fitting perfectly over his as she rubbed herself against him. Taking a deep breath his fingers wrapped around her waist and he marvelled at how tiny she was, his fingers almost touching. Moving down he grabbed her ass; her thighs tightened and squeezed his as she started to quiver. He was precariously close to the edge bringing her mouth down to his.

  “I want you. I need you. Now,” she breathed. He rolled her onto her back, taking back control as he reached over and grabbed the box of condoms in his bedside drawer. The need to be inside of her was overwhelming and he desperately wanted to ignore the shake in his hands, like it was his first time, as he rolled the condom over his erection. Ever since Zoe, he didn’t think he’d ever been so constantly and painfully hard in his life. Positioning himself, she lifted her hips in an invitation before wrapping her legs around him; he plunged into her hard and deep dragging a cry from her lips.

  “Okay?” he asked, worried he’d hurt her. He should slow down, he knew that, she just made it so difficult; he wanted all of her, he wanted to give her everything, and he wanted it now.

  “Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” she panted. Logan didn’t need any more encouragement than that. Thrusting into her slow and easy was the last thing on his mind; hard and fast and the fact that he couldn’t get enough as she cried out her pleasure underneath him became his only focus. Her moans mixed with his and when he started to feel her insides quiver and one breathy cry blending into the next, he continued relentlessly. Bending down he pulled the soft pink of her nipple into his mouth using his teeth he effectively pushed her over the edge. Screaming out her climax, it was her body clenching his cock in a tight grip that pushed him over his own. Spilling into the condom he growled her name, falling next to her once her body set him free. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her so she rested on his chest.

  He felt her breath even out almost instantly and he knew she was on the brink of sleep. “Logan?”


  “Thank you.” He smiled into the darkness squeezing her closer as he kissed the top of her head. He knew she was exhausted, the day having taken its toll on her and he was glad he could provide her an escape. He quietly climbed out of bed disposing of the condom and after quickly washing himself he ensured the security system was set from the panel in his room. Climbing back under the covers he was immediately surrounded by Zoe’s warmth as she sought him out in her sleep, resting her head comfortably where she’d left it, over his heart.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Zoe was pulled from a deep sleep when she felt Logan moving under her. Draped over his body she lifted her head to see his face pulled into a fierce frown, every muscle in his body pulled tight with strain and tension. Oh god, he was having a nightmare. She’d read enough to know that she shouldn’t try to shake him and pull him from his sleep. Attempting to roll off of him , she winced when his arms refused to let her go squeezing her impossibly closer. It wasn’t painful but she knew there was no hope of escaping his hold. In low, calming tones she pressed her lips lightly to his bicep, “Logan, wake up. It’s just a nightmare. Open your eyes.” She continued to trail her lips over his tight muscles; with a tight squeeze she gave a small yelp, more of surprise than pain, when he took in a sharp breath as his eyes sprung open. Crawling quickly so she was in his line of sight, her stomach plummeted when she saw the distant, vacant torture that clouded his eyes, visible even in the darkness. She placed her hands on either side of his face, “Logan, look at me. It’s just me, you’re okay. It’s just me.” His panicked breathing was breaking her heart. “Logan, please. Come back to me. It’s okay, it was just a nightmare. You’re okay.” Finally his eyes cleared of some of the distance and he wrapped his arms tightly around her as she rested her head on his chest. She closed her eyes tightly against the manic beat of his heart. Pressing her lips against the starburst scar, she whispered, “Talk to me.” He was silent for so long she thought he wasn’t going to answer.

  “We were in Egypt,” he started, so quietly she held her breath so she could hear. Not wanting him to stop she kept her head on his chest and stayed perfectly still as she listened. “I was team leader, one of a team of five. Our mission was to extract the subject, who was a Canadian journalist, being held captive. She’d been missing for over two months and when we were able to locate her we put together a plan. She was being held in a cave. After a few nights of surveillance we knew it wasn’t too complicated, she would have been in one of the two main caverns. Their security of her was pitiful.” He stopped and she waited knowing he was reliving it in his head. “It should have been so easy,” he whispered. “Ace and I went in before the others and when she wasn’t in the first room we knew she had to be in the second. Except she wasn’t. They had moved her without our knowing. Still to this day I don’t know why, don’t know if it’s because they knew we were there or for something else. When we moved away from the cave, a kid ran up to me. Even in the middle of the night I could see he had been beaten pretty badly. He would have only been about nine or ten. He told us he knew where they had taken her. I asked him where his family was and why he was out in the middle of the night alone. He told me that they killed his family. That they had taken the reporter to his home, to another cave and had killed everyone who lived there because they refused to give it up. He managed to escape but not before he was black and blue.

  “We found the cave and did some basic recon. We heard her in there so we knew that much was true. She was screaming...someone was hurting her. We went in immediately and what was supposed to be a simple target extraction turned into a deadly firefight.” Zoe swallowed over the lump forming in her throat as the word ‘deadly’ was dragged from his gravelly voice. “Ace managed to find the journalist and pull her out, she received a bullet to the leg. After we disposed of her captives, I searched around for the kid but he’d disappeared. I figured he was hiding out in a hole somewhere and I would find him the next day. I didn’t know what I was going to do but I knew I couldn’t leave him out there alone. We went back to camp, and once the journalist was bandaged and everyone else was taken care of, we bunked down until command could get us out. Not even an hour later I heard whispering outside. Ace heard it too and when we went to check it out, it turned out to be the kid. He’d followed us and we had no idea, he was that good. I brought him inside and cleaned him up. All he kept saying in his broken English was I’m sorry. I had a bad feeling in my gut. We didn’t have any extra gear, and I knew the command was sending in a chopper in a couple of hours. I checked my gun and told the other guys to be ready. I took off my vest and put it on the kid. The minute it was off me was the same moment two guys burst through the camp and made it rain bullets from automatics. We managed to cease their fire pretty quickly but not without injury. Taylor took two in the arm, Peete took one in the shoulder. The bullet that landed in my chest took me down to the ground. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t manage to do anything. But I forced myself to turn at the sound of my name. It was the kid. He’d taken one to the neck.” Zoe felt the first tear fall onto the very marking that left so much more than just a physical scar. “I tried to stop the bleeding, I did. His last breath came out saying I’m sorry.” It took everythi
ng she had in her to stay still and not wrap her arms around him telling him it was okay and it wasn’t his fault when his voice started to shake with unexpressed emotion. “I couldn’t save him. I tried to save him, I did. And I knew he brought those men to our camp but I also knew he didn’t have any other choice. I couldn’t save him,” he breathed. Zoe knew his chest was wet from her tears. As she lifted her head he wiped her damp cheeks with his thumb. When she opened her mouth to tell him how sorry she was, he put his finger over her lips. “Don’t.” She kissed the pad of his touch before moving it to press her lips against his. She tried to put all of her thoughts and emotions into the kiss; it wasn’t sexy or sensual, it was understanding and forgiving. His arms tightened around her, encircling her into his warmth. “Thank you for telling me,” she whispered against his lips.

  His touch became more insistent, “I need you. Right now.”

  Laying hot, wet kisses against his neck she murmured, “I’m right here.” Zoe knew Logan needed an outlet, he was too emotional, he needed grounding and she was there to give him that. He told her that she made him forget and that was exactly what she wanted to give him right now. He flipped her over and plunged into her in one hard thrust. Her back bowed off the mattress as pleasure enveloped her. Winding her arms around his neck as an anchor she knew this was no sweet lovemaking. He was losing himself in her and she felt him drag her down into ecstasy with him. He moved his hand in between them managing to take her to a place she knew only Logan could take her.

  She felt her climax hard and fast rolling over her, “Come for me Zoe.” She clenched down on him, her body not willing to let go of the pleasure as she could only release an incoherent cry. Logan’s lips found her neck, sinking into her one last time, she felt him spill himself inside of her and in a moment of shock she knew he hadn’t put on a condom.


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