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Neutral Page 9

by Darci Darson

  “I really want to meet granny Cherry one day,” Alyssa said. “I want to travel and I will never get married,” she added firmly.

  “You can travel with you husband, Alyssa,” Ettrian said and fell silent as Yasmeen’s glance radiated with hostility like she was overwhelmed by the urge to kill.

  Alyssa felt her mum’s arms wrapping tightly around her chest and a soft kiss landed on the tip of her head. Her Varuh sensed a stable, strong, maternal love tinged with nervousness.

  “Don’t sneak into my head,” Yasmeen reprimanded her and her light kiss landed on Alyssa’s head again.

  Alyssa nodded and glanced at Ettrian. His eyes burnt with bright silver.

  “Saleh has bought new bows for me,” Yasmeen said, pointing to the bag remaining on the wooden bridge. Ettrian’s shirt lay on top of the bag.

  “For me and Aymar and Alyssa as well,” Ettrian said. “I will bring them later to your house. Or Alyssa can collect them from my house.”

  “You bring them to ours,” Yasmeen said in a sharp voice and wrinkled her forehead. “They are too heavy for Alyssa. I’m dreaming about a roasted duck for dinner,” she added quietly.

  “It’s disgusting,” Ettrian said with a hint of humour. “I will never understand your love for meat.”

  Alyssa’s eyes locked onto his chest as she noticed a grey line that began to appear across his pectoral muscle. Ettrian hissed as the mark lengthened, running now from his collar bone down to his heart area and it opened into a wound. It did not bleed but the rims looked like they had been burnt. Ettrian hissed again and jerked his hand up but Alyssa leapt towards him and covered the wound with her hand, sending him her healing warmth.

  “You’ve been irresponsible,” she reprimanded him for the first time in her life. The strong magic always came with consequences, especially when used towards another elf. As her Varuh radiated the energy towards the wound, she could sense the vibes of the neutral magic contradicting hers. It was dangerous and tempting but her power turned out to be stronger. It was like a cleansing and healing fusing into one.

  “I did it for you, Alyssa,” Ettrian said with humour as his wound closed into a scar. “I don’t like it when you are upset.”

  “It’s not funny,” Alyssa said. “You are our family. We care for you. I’ve never seen you behave so irresponsibly.”

  “Me neither,” Yasmeen said in a dry voice and shot a warning glance towards Ettrian. “She is intoxicating, isn’t she? Like my mum. Addictive and intoxicating. Rav and I don’t know why. Every generation should be weaker but for Alyssa it is the opposite.”

  Ettrian stared back at Yasmeen with a tinge of hostility and Alyssa did not understand why her mum had described her in such odd words. There had been a growing and electrified tension between Yasmeen and Ettrian and Alyssa had no idea why. She had never seen them acting like this. It happened for the first time in her life.

  “We have to go,” Yasmeen said at last, pulling Alyssa behind her. “You must be very busy, Ettrian.”

  “I’m not busy,” Ettrian said. “I will walk you home,” he added and joined them, exchanging cold glances with Yasmeen.

  Alyssa walked between them. She could sense her mum’s anger and fear.

  “Alyssa,” Yasmeen growled. “I don’t like it when you sneak into my head.”

  “I’m not doing this on purpose,” Alyssa said. “My Varuh is crazy today.”

  A flow of fierce and dangerous emotions entangled with a veil of earthy and musky scent surged through her body and mind as well.

  “You are violating my privacy too, Alyssa,” Ettrian said and chuckled.

  “Shit,” Yasmeen cursed and pulled herself forward.

  Alyssa’s eyes travelled towards Rav leaning over Kate who lay on her side on the grassy ground in front of their house. The cat was wounded and its chest oscillated as she took shallow wheezing breaths. A frothy pink sputum was pouring out from her fanged mouth. Rav kept his hands on her shaking black body.

  Yasmeen darted towards them and knelt beside the cat, entangling her fingers with Rav’s.

  The surroundings filled with the streaks of laser blue mist and the power of Rav’s and Yasmeen’s bond that healed and loved with a stable purity. Alyssa stood a few steps away, frozen in a timeless moment as the warmth of her parents’ gift for Kate circled around her and through her. The energy vibrated and floated as the air resounded with an elven joyful humming. With the shimmering particles of the elven magic dancing and flashing, the surroundings pulsated, blurred and composed themselves again.

  “The elves are always so happy when my mum and dad heal,” Alyssa whispered to Ettrian.

  “This is pure love,” Ettrian said with amazement as his hand travelled to the back of Alyssa’s neck and his fingers sank into her hair. “They admire this ability.”

  Kate lifted herself and walked into the house as Yasmeen’s cry broke the stillness of the air.

  “She is old,” Rav said bluntly, throwing his arm around Yasmeen’s back and drawing her closer to him.

  Kate loved them all but Yasmeen was her true mistress. Their relationship was strong and full of mutual affection.

  “She spends more time in the woods than with us now,” Yasmeen sobbed. “She is old, she should remain at home. I can look after her.”

  “She doesn’t want to concern us with her deteriorating health,” Rav said. “And she’s always been very independent.”

  Yasmeen buried her face in his neck as her chest shook with her sobbing. Rav and his wife disappeared in the house.

  “The cat will die in six full moons,” Ettrian said in a neutral voice.

  “Did you see it?” Alyssa asked and shivered.

  “Yes,” Ettrian said and tightened the grip on her neck.

  “My mum will be heartbroken. Don’t tell her.”

  “I won’t,” Ettrian promised and pulled her closer to him. Alyssa’s cheek rested on his shoulder. “I can’t do anything about it,” he added.

  “I know,” Alyssa said coldly. “We are immortal and we have to watch mortals die. This is the price.”

  Ettrian kissed her head, saying, “Go home. Enjoy Kate’s company as much as you can. I have plenty of time,” he added, more to himself.

  Alyssa nodded as tears blinded her eyes, then she followed her parents inside. She was too disturbed with Kate’s health to listen to her subconscious. On the edge of her mind, a timid thought wavered that something was different. The atoms of her body moved impatiently but she ignored it. A fever fluttered in her veins for an instant and a vomiting reflex squeezed her stomach and throat.

  She fell into Rav’s arms and cried. Yasmeen joined them and they stood in the embrace of their support for each other.

  Alyssa returned to the present, kissing Calla’s head. She promised herself to be a good mother to her daughter. Like Yasmeen, or like granny Cherry.

  Chapter 11

  Kitty disturbed Alyssa’s nervous nap as she brought in the afternoon meal on a tray. Calla slept beside her mother, cuddled up in the warmth and protection of her arms. The servant took the baby to change the nappy.

  “She wants to feed all the time,” Alyssa complained. “My breasts are very sore.”

  “The baby is healthy,” Kitty said, shooting a look of disapproval. “Miss, you should be happy. The baby is tiny and was born too early.”

  “You are right, Kitty. I’m sorry for my bad mood. Where is Imre?”

  “He is asleep in the bedroom with green walls, miss,” Kitty said and lowered her voice to a whisper. “He looks like a corpse now. He does not breathe.”

  Alyssa chuckled, saying, ”He will be alright, Kitty. He will help us.”

  Kitty nodded and placed the crying baby back beside Alyssa.

  “The house needs a man,” Kitty said. “Is he the father?”

  Alyssa shook her head as she tried to use all the advice given to her previously by Kitty to breastfeed Calla.

  “He is my... brother,” Alyssa answered and
kissed her daughter’s forehead. “Come on, Kitty. Stay with us for a moment.” Alyssa pulled the duvet from Calla’s other side and tilted her head to encourage Kitty.

  Kitty shook her head and placed her hands on her hips.

  “When you finish with your meal, miss, I shall help you with washing,” she said. “And then I can stay with you.”Kitty sent Alyssa a bright smile and rushed to prepare a bowl with hot water.

  Alyssa fed her baby and slumped into Kitty’s attentive care as she helped her bathe and then changed the bed linen.

  As the mother and child rested, the young servant got into the bed and positioned herself opposite Alyssa with Calla between them. Alyssa reached out for Kitty’s hand and they lay together, three girls united against the whole world.

  Alyssa closed her eyes and departed into a deep sleep, her exhausted body and mind in need of regeneration. For an instant, she could still feel Kitty’s hand squeezing hers and her small fingers plaited tightly around hers.

  Alyssa woke up with a start, to the noise of a closing door and then Imre’s complaints and growls filled the dark bedroom.

  “Useless, useless,” he muttered and threw a bundle of wood in front of the fireplace. He quickly started a fire that released an aroma of resin and emitted a flickering light.

  “Thank you,” Alyssa said to Imre and smiled to Kitty who was now rubbing her eyes and yawning.

  Calla woke up as well, informing the world of her presence with a loud cry.

  “The baby is hungry and wet,” Imre growled to Kitty.

  The servant started from the bed in a rapid movement, abducting Calla from Alyssa’s embrace and effortlessly, dealt with the soiled nappy. Giving the baby back to her mother, she dropped a curtsy in front of Imre and escaped to her duties.

  “The servant is only fourteen,” Imre continued with his growls. “The one in the kitchen shall die in a few months and you are useless.” He paced around the room as if irritated.

  “I told you, you moron, that you can stay with us,” Alyssa said and lowered her head to kiss the baby who now slept with a full stomach. “You can stay forever. I need you.” She could have sworn that Imre’s red eyes gleamed with joy for an instant.

  “You have no husband,” he said. “People like talking. I have to stay and protect you from them.”

  “Ok,” Alyssa said.”You are right.”

  He seemed contented that she had listened to him. He took off his dirty shirt and washed his hands in the bowl that stood on the dresser. Alyssa watched him moving towards the bed and catching little Calla in a gentle embrace. He dropped into the armchair with the baby resting on his chest and this light face of his was the purest representation of unconditional love.

  “I ain’t a fool, Alyssa,” he said. “We are both cursed, the outcasts from the human world.”

  “We are a family, Imre. We need each other.”

  “I lived an ascetic life, praying and studying the Bible, but when I died, killed by a wild boar, my angel did not come for me,” Imre started. “Whilst I live now a life of darkness and sins, I’ve met two angels. Shall you take me to my peace and happiness?”

  “Your angel will come to you. Imre and she will love you unconditionally for who you are. Cherry will give you your happiness.”

  He shook his head as if it was a fairy tale for him and his expression was sharp and threatening.

  “No woman can truly love such a dark creature like me,” Imre growled.

  “She is not an ordinary woman. Cherry is your woman. Imre, she is your destined true love.”

  Imre narrowed his eyes and shot her a hostile look.

  “The land is devastated,” he said in his usual harsh voice. “The house needs repair. You need a husband. I can compel a fine young man to marry you.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Alyssa hissed. “Compel people to think that I’m a widow instead.”

  “The ghost shall not come back to you, you foolish Maiden.”

  Alyssa cried out in anger, resisting the urge of twisting his neck.

  “You are wrong,” she hissed. “I managed to pulled him towards the world of the living. There must be a way.”

  “I can call my father once again,” Imre muttered. “But he can give you a vampire, not a human.”

  “I can live with it.”

  “I created one strigoi myself,” Imre said quietly. “I was lonely and did not love her. I craved for a companion, but she was incapable of feelings so I killed her at once.”

  Alyssa shuddered. She did not want such a fate for Philip. He did not deserve to be a ruthless creature stripped off human emotions.

  “I met other vampires,” Imre continued. “They are different. I am the only one of my kind.”

  “There are three of us now, Imre,” Alyssa said and smiled to him. “Calla, you and me.”

  Imre smiled back like he was very happy.

  “Sleep now,” Imre said. “Calla is safe with me. The servant girl is cooking a meal for you. I shall wake you up. I shall look after Calla like she was my own daughter.”

  “I know this, you moron,” Alyssa muttered and rolled on her side. She was certain that her daughter had been in the safest embrace possible. Closing her eyes, she drifted away into her memories of the Alyssum Forest. As she fell asleep she dreamt about the woods...

  She was running after Philip but he was further and further away from her. Her body seemed to be slowed by a paralysing force and a silent cry chocked her throat. She caught another glimpse of his back as he meandered among the tree trunks. Trying to call his name out loud, she felt a suffocating sensation like her voice stuck in her throat. She moved slower and slower and Philip escaped even further.

  Emitting a long sigh from her mouth, she woke up with a start. Calla still slept in Imre’s arms.

  “Who is Ettrian?” Imre asked as a mischievous boyish smile raised the corners of his mouth.

  Alyssa leant against her folded elbow and locked her eyes onto his.

  “Who is Ettrian?” Imre repeated his question and chuckled. “You called his name in a dream.”

  “How do you know that Ettrian is a masculine name?” Alyssa said with a hint of humour.

  “You called his name like women who call the names of their lovers,” Imre said and chuckled again.

  “Shut up,” Alyssa said and blushed. Extending her arms towards Imre she took over her little daughter who shivered to alarm her mother that she was hungry.

  Imre lifted himself and rushed towards the exit.

  “I am going to clean the garden from pests and weeds,” he said in a rough voice. “Feed the baby properly. Calla is very tiny.”

  “I know how to look after my own daughter,” Alyssa exploded.

  “I know better,” Imre said harshly and then gave her an honest boyish smile. Stopping at the doorway, he turned back for an instant and added, “Maybe you should marry this Ettrian?”

  “Go, clean the garden, you nosey old fogey,” Alyssa muttered. Her veins filled with uneasiness as her heart fluttered wildly. “Ettrian is a friend, my parent’s friend. He never said that he would like to marry me. He is focused on travelling and renovating his house. My parents will be delighted with Philip when one day I bring him back and introduce to them.”

  Imre shook his head and left, mumbling, “Foolish Maiden.”

  Chapter 12

  “I saw you last night with that... woman,” Alyssa said lifting her head, her glance meeting the young man’s red eyes. She had known these red flickers in his pupils for almost eight years now. She stopped embroidering a small napkin and placed her hands on her lap, fingers smoothing the soft fabric of her brown gown. Her face turned towards the massive fireplace radiating pleasant warmth and adding more unearthly light to an oil lamp placed on a round, small mahogany table. Alyssa stirred in her armchair and sent another glance towards the man, this time her eyes full of resignation. “You don’t love her. You did not love any of them,” she added in a cold voice.

  “I’m lonely
,” the man growled.

  “Imre, you’ve got us,” Alyssa continued. “We are your family and we love you. I told you to be patient.”

  “You are my daughters not my women,” Imre said sarcastically. “And this Cherry you told me about... You are foolish and mad, Alyssa.”

  “And you are stupid and stubborn,” Alyssa said with irritation. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to find your daughter,” he said sharply. “You are not even able to look after your daughter properly. And clean the house, Woman. You are useless.”

  “There is only Kitty and me,” Alyssa said and stood up. “I’ll go with you. I’m sure Calla is playing in the churchyard.” The girl approached Imre and held his elbow, resting her cheek against his arm. Imre extended his other arm towards her hair, stroking gently, his face softened by a boyish and honest smile. “One day, Imre, one day everything will be fine, again. You will see. But for now I have to ask once more, stop feeding on Kitty. She is our friend. If you don’t stop I will twist your neck. I mean it. Kitty is in love with you and you’ve used her... as your food twice a year since she turned twenty.”

  Imre grinned in his unique, boyish way as Alyssa nodded with her lips held tightly together, trying to repress her urge of throwing a vase at him.

  “Kitty needs a proper husband,” Imre said. “I can compel the boy from the mill to marry her. He is a decent man. Kitty should have a good life with him.” He lowered his head and whispered in her ear,” I have to eat something.”

  “Eat old men instead of young girls,” she said. “You see? This is me trying to look after you, Imre. You sometimes behave like a small boy. You just enjoy these all women falling for you. You are so horrible. I’m sure your daughter and wife don’t know the worst traits of your difficult character. You will see, Imre, that one day my granny Cherry will enjoy you falling for her.”


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