Embracing Emily (#7 Warriors of Kelon)

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Embracing Emily (#7 Warriors of Kelon) Page 7

by Angela Castle

  After several deep, calming breaths, his shaking subsided. The attack was mild this time. She was here to calm him, to soothe him.

  My corami. My love.

  “I am okay.” His English was slow as he pronounced each word with care. “Sleep, my beauty.”

  “Hmmm.” She nestled back against him. “'S’okay.” He felt her breathing even out as she again fell asleep.

  Keep her tight in your arms, closer to your heart and the rest of the world out.

  Chapter 8

  Vallarr must have snuck out sometime during the early morning. It didn’t matter. Emily rolled over and slammed her palm over her alarm clock. She felt like a new woman, so alive—until she moved to get up and winced.

  ‘Ouch.’ Her body ached, her sex tender, not that she minded in the slightest. First time sex. She grinned like an idiot. Every twinge today would remind her of what an amazing lover Vallarr was. She was almost unable to believe Kelon men didn’t engage in sexual relations until they mated, as he knew just where to touch her to bring her the most pleasure. She would have to ask him how they knew what to do.

  Not that they were mated. He went ‘Earth native’, engaging in sex for recreation. She pulled herself up, noticing her crutch by the side table. He must have put it there, knowing she would need it.

  He didn’t let her slight disability get in the way and she loved this about him. She giggled as she made her way into the bathroom, turning on the tap to the shower. So this was what being in love felt like.

  Crap. Her smile fell. Undeniable, she should have realised there was no possible way of keeping her body and heart separate. She simply cared too much. From the moment he made her jump out of her skin and her heart pound walking into her classroom, she started to fall.

  ‘When I find the love of my life, I’ll bring him around for dinner, I promise.’

  How was her dad going to take this news—the love of her life is a Kelon warrior? No doubt, he would not be happy his match making efforts didn’t go according to his plans.

  Gawd, what a mess. There was no hurry to tell anyone about Vallarr though, or how she felt about the wonderful, strong, sexy....Mmmm.

  Ouch. The hot water hit her naked body, snapping out of her drifting. No reason to tell anyone.

  What if he never wants to tell anyone? Don’t rush him, don’t scare him off.

  For now, she would simply enjoy him and the wonderful floaty feeling inside.

  She dressed just in time, her hair hung around her shoulders still damp, but it didn’t matter. A thump came at the door. She grabbed her handbag and hobbled over.

  “Wow, royal treatment?” She bit back her laugh at the three Kelons standing behind Lieutenant Simmons.

  “I couldn’t get them to stay in the car,” he grumped. “Seems you need an honour guard.”

  Jyl pushed Simmons aside. “May I?” His English was clear and crisp, his hand outstretched.

  Her eyes met Vallarr who did nothing, but scowl at the Commander's back. He’s jealous. A thrill ran through her, knowing he cared.

  “Your English is improving, and yes, you may.” She put her hand into his, thinking he would help her to the Hummer sitting out front.

  No, the Commander bent, sweeping her off her feet and making her gasp in surprise.

  “Jyl, you don’t have to carry me!”

  “It is...what word...delight? Yes, my delight!”

  Simmons muttered something about being a show-off and Vallarr growled, marching to the vehicle's front door and opening it, so Jyl could put her inside.

  Jyl set her crutch in the car next to her. She gave in to her giggles at the proud smile on his face, ignoring grumpy Vallarr as he seated himself behind her in the car.

  Simmons was tense as he drove them through the base checkpoint and off the base. During the hour-long drive, Hurr asked questions about human hospitals, switching between English and his native tongue when he couldn’t match the right words.

  “We cure you,” Hurr blurted out.

  She turned in her seat to glance back at him. “Cure me?”

  “Yes, leg, no more bad. Brain...” he touched his head. “Spine, leg, we can do back home. You no more need stick. I look, you come for scan.”

  She stared. Not once did it cross her mind the Kelon technology could repair the damage the polio has done.

  “Hurr, that’s very nice of you. I’m sure there are much more important things for your healing team to be working on than me.”

  “You should do it,” Simmons interjected. “My mother’s bringing my little brother in for them to look at on Thursday.”

  “You are important, our teacher.” Jyl again smiled from Hurr’s right.

  Heat rose into her cheeks at his compliment. “You’re very sweet, Jyl, but what did you mean 'back home', Hurr?”

  “Damn, limited human technology, they could cure so many things so simply, helping their minds understand is difficult.” Hurr broke out in Kelon. “Emily would need to travel to Kelon, so Solron can repair the damage to her neural pathway, blocking the signal to her leg.”

  “English, Hurr,” Jyl said.

  “Sorry, I mean, we to go Kelon, to cure you.”

  “Okay, well, thank you, I’ll keep it in mind.” It would be wonderful to get rid of her crutch and it would also relieve her father of so much of his guilt if she was normal once again. She pondered what it would be like to travel to Vallarr’s home planet.

  Simmons pulled the Hummer into an underground car park at the hospital. He flashed something at the security guard who waved them through.

  “You have exclusive parking? I normally take the tram in.”

  “We have VIPs today. So, yeah. Besides, the Colonel made the arrangements, I’m only following orders.”

  She frowned at the way he snarled out the words. His attitude rankled. Why was he so ticked off?

  “What’s up with you anyway? I didn’t ask you to come. You insisted,” she blurted out while he pulled the car to a stop.

  “Emily don’t, not here,” he warned, his blue gaze clashing with hers.

  She opened the door, turning to glaring at him. “Why not here? Your attitude is growing worse by the day. If you don’t want to be here, then go home.”

  Vallarr was by her door, helping her out of the high, tank-like vehicle. She glanced up at him and her heart stilled as memories of how he had touched her last night flooded back. She momentarily forgot about Simmons and everything else around them, wanting nothing more than to fall into his arms.

  Vallarr placed her hand on her crutch, snapping her out of the haze. He shook his head and she swallowed.

  “Uh, thank you, Vallarr.” She leaned on her crutch. Doors slammed, making her jump.

  “Emily, look I’m sorry...”

  Vallarr took a guarding stance in front of her, his arms folded. She needed to peer around him to see him glaring at Simmons. “Do not upset her.”

  She placed her hand on his arm. “Vallarr, it’s okay. We’re here for the kids, let’s focus on this, please.” She would have to have a talk with Simmons later. She didn’t know the man very well. He was nice when they first met. It seemed the closer she got to the Kelons the more agitated and hostile he grew.

  “Of course.” Simmons led the way into the hospital.

  * * * *

  First, Vallarr wanted to gut the Commander for daring to lift her up. Jyl had been flirting with his female far too much for his liking. Remaining stiff and silent on the journey into the healing centre, he wanted nothing more than to growl at all the other males, declaring Emily his.

  He barely contained himself from punching the human Lieutenant for upsetting her. Brave and bright, she shook off the clear tension from the human male.

  All his fellow Kelons were aware of how poorly many human males treated females on this planet; it was a heavy topic of discussion during times of socialization and training.

  Reaching Sunshine Ward, Vallarr had no idea how many ill younglings there wer
e, as they passed many rooms with children, some clearly more ill than others.

  The healing staff greeted Emily with familiarity and warmth. Some younglings squealed with delight when they saw her.

  She introduced them and asked Jyl to tell them all about space and the planet they came from. Every child was enraptured while Jyl talked about what it was like travelling in a spaceship. Hurr handed over his scanner to some of the younglings. It beeped and showed different images which he pre-programmed.

  Vallarr could not take his eyes from Emily when she smiled, lifting her gaze to his while she held a smaller youngling on her lap.

  The image of Emily full and rounded with younglings flashed in his mind. His unruly cock hardened, wanting to take her, bury his cock deep in her body over and over, filling her with his seed until it took root. She told him there was no danger of her becoming pregnant because she took a human contraceptive.

  “Who are you?”

  Vallarr glanced down to a male youngling, tugging on his tunic.

  “Warrior,” he rumbled at the wide-eyed youngling.

  “This is Vallarr, Simon. Big, strong and tough.” Emily smiled at the child.

  “Cool, I want to be a warrior, too. Do you fight monsters in space?”

  Monsters? Yes, there were many. How vulnerable this planet was, the population soft and weak, and yet they were all like these younglings. He hoped they never needed to face the terrors lurking out there. He has seen the horrors first hand, and failed to protect even a few of these people...

  His mind tumbled back to that day...

  He jolted awake, the taste of dust and ash in his mouth, the smoke in his lungs making him cough, pain wracking his body in the blackness. Silence, utter silence screamed louder than any noise could. Fight, protect...he struggled to push himself up. Something soft, yet cold and wet and lay beneath him.

  “Here, here, someone is alive!” He heard muffled voices in the distance. The sound of rubble shifting as men worked to free him from where he was buried.

  His groan turned into another painful cough, revealing his raw, dry throat. Pain shot along his back and across his side every time he tried to move. Dimness fringed the edges of his mind.

  Stay awake, fight through the pain.

  Light broke through when a slab of something lifted off him. “It’s the Commander. Thank Elron, he is alive! Get him out of there.”

  “Wait, let me stabilize him.” He recognized the healer, he survived the blast. Thank Elron.

  The hiss of a pain inhibitor pressed against his neck, easing the screaming pain. “Good, lift him, but gently.” As he moved upward, blinking in the light, he glanced down.

  In the planet star’s sunlight he saw how wet his uniform top was. His hands, were soaked in...He gasped when he caught sight of the human female under him. His body crushed hers when the blast took down the compound.

  Frantically, he glanced at the healer who moved down, his scanner running over the female body. The healer shook his head, sadness in his eyes.

  Vallarr saw her glassy brown eyes. She was dead.

  You did this, Vallarr, your mistake, you murdered helpless human females.

  “Vallarr! Look at me, Vallarr, see me, not then, here and now.” He blinked, blue eyes not brown, Emily’s face, not the others.

  “Remember breathe with me...in...” He followed her, deep breaths in, slowly out. Her arms hung around his neck as she stroked his back, staring into his eyes. He sat in a chair, Emily on his lap and yet, he did not remember sitting down. Such beautifully soft eyes, her voice so soothing. The vision faded completely. He lay his head on her, against her breast, regaining control of his breathing.

  “That’s my guy, back with me now?”

  “Yes, sorry, I...”

  “Uh, no, no apologizing. This is something you can’t help. It’s not your fault and you’re going to be alright. Okay?”

  Okay, safety was here, wrapped in her arms, where no pain or guilt could reach him.

  “Yes. I am better now, thank you, my Corami.” The title of his heart flowed out naturally.

  Someone cleared their throats and his head snapped up. Jyl and Hurr stood behind them, concern in their dark eyes. He froze, his throat closed up and he moved to push Emily from his lap.

  “No, stay, Vallarr, be at ease. We are friends here. You should have told me about your attacks.” Jyl moved in closer. “I am glad Emily could calm you; you had us worried. We needed to move you away from the children.” He smiled fondly at her. “She could tame the wildest of beasts, which includes you.”

  A new panic swelled in his chest. “The younglings—did I scare any of them?”

  “Oh, no, they are all fine for sick kids. We got you out pretty quickly when I realised. I know you won’t talk to me about what happened, but I think you need to talk to someone for your own peace of mind.” She smiled and shuffled off his lap.

  Jyl's brow plate rose in surprise, and then turned to amusement. He understood and so did Hurr who hovered close by. Behind them, Vallarr noticed Lieutenant Simmons, his arms folded, his face turned down in a deep scowl.

  There was no way this would go unreported to Emily’s father, the Colonel. Everyone witnessed his shame, added to the fact he called Emily his Corami in front of Jyl and Hurr. There was no running, or hiding it from his fellow Kelons.

  “Corami... Vallarr, are you sure?” Jyl offered his hand to help Emily balance until she threaded her arm through her crutch. “You best be certain before there is a challenge to her—including by myself.” Vallarr growled before he could stop himself at the thought of Jyl touching her, daring to try and claim what was not his.

  “What is Corami? The translator isn’t translating it.” She glanced from Vallarr to Jyl.

  “She is mine! You dare try and challenge, I will tear your insides out!” The venom behind his words made her gasp, her eyes wide, but not in fear.

  “Vallarr? What’s going on?

  Jyl smiled. “I am making sure, Emily, that you belong to Vallarr, so none of us can court or claim you. It is the Kelon way. If anyone challenges a claim, it is a fight to the death.”

  “No, don’t you dare do that.” She scolded, his fierce little teacher. “No fighting—I won’t allow it.”

  “Do you care for Vallarr, Emily?”

  Such lovely colour bloomed in her cheeks, her smile one of adoration, it scrambled his thought process for a long moment. His arms ached to hold her close, his cock wanted to feel her tight, wet heat wrapped around it. “Yes, I care with my whole heart.”

  Her eyes met his, her gaze uncertain of how much to reveal. He nodded. “It is alright, I have already accepted my feelings for you.” He took her hand. “Yet, I would rather not display them before present human male company.” His gaze slid to the still scowling Simmons.

  Jyl followed his gaze. “I understand. Have you claimed her? Otherwise there is still a chance—”

  “Do you want to die today? Yes, I have claimed her.” There was no holding back, his mind and body knew the truth. He needed to claim her, especially with so many other Kelon males interested, although he could not blame them for desiring his sweet Emily.

  She gasped, her eyes widened “But you said...I thought...oh, I feel dizzy.”

  Vallarr pushed to his feet and wrapped his arm around her, steadying her.

  “I was a fool, I beg your forgiveness. You are mine, my Corami, it means you are the only one who can fill the emptiness within my heart.”

  Tears swam in her eyes, his heart ached as he knew she wanted to throw her arms around him. He leaned down and whispered, “When we are alone, my love.”

  She nodded and stepped back. “Can we keep this only between us, for now?” She glanced from him to Jyl to Hurr. I doubt my father will take kindly to me, dating a Kelon.”

  “We will do our best to make sure it goes unnoticed for now. Something will be reported.” Jyl stepped back. “I will make sure the others know you are claimed, so there is no more, a
s the humans say, flirting.”

  Her cheeks reddened further. “Thank you, Commander, you are a wonderful man, truly.”

  “Only not wonderful enough for you. I am saddened, but I will live.” He winked, bringing back her smile.

  “I think it best we return to base,” Vallarr said in loud, clear English for the benefit of their audience.

  “Agreed.” Jyl nodded.

  “Assist me, please?” She handed off her crutch to Jyl.

  She leant heavily against Vallarr and he fought the urge to lift her into his arms.

  “When do you think we can return? I promised to bring images of some of our Kelon ships to the younglings.” Hurr picked up the chatter as if nothing happened at all.

  “They loved you guys. The nurses thought you were pretty handsome, too, Hurr.” Emily teased good-naturedly.

  Vallarr glanced down at the woman by his side. One thing he could not bear was to lose the one he needed more than life itself. Once they were alone, no more hesitation, he would claim her and speak the words to the great God, Elron. Come what may, she was his forever.

  Chapter 9

  Simmons watched the Colonel's every movement, his every facial twitch. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin, his eyes glazed over in thought. The older man was prime for his age, fit and healthy, yet Jon wondered about his state of mind, especially when it came to his daughter.

  “Do you think there is something more going on than only your suspicion of the security officer having some kind of mental trauma?”

  “If I can speak freely, Sir?”

  “Yes, yes.” The Colonel waved his hand.

  “It’s hard to tell with Emily. She is innocent and very caring towards everyone. The Kelons have become extremely protective of her, but they are men, even if aliens. I don’t trust them not to take advantage of her naivety. You’ve seen for yourself the kind of women they’ve taken back to their home planet. She fits the bill perfectly.”

  The Colonel shook his head. “You’ve made no headway with her? Where is this famous Simmons charm you boasted about?”


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