Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 6

by Paige Cameron

  “May we sit in this aisle?” A familiar deep voice had Bliss glancing to her side. Lann and Bern smiled at her. Then Lann started to move toward the seat next to Bliss. When he sat beside her, she whispered, “I didn’t say you could sit here.”

  He winked. “You would have.”

  Bern grinned and shrugged. “He’s used to getting his way.”

  “You didn’t stop him?”

  “No, I like his ideas, or most of them.”

  She reluctantly smiled. It was fun to banter back and forth with them. A challenge really. She didn’t feel overpowered or looked down on. A refreshing change from Alan. Bliss jerked her head back.

  Lann and Bern aren’t like my brother. I’ve tried to tell myself they are, but I was wrong. Maybe I wanted to believe it to protect myself from the attraction I feel toward them. Anyway, I can give them and myself time to see how we get along.

  “Are you all right?” Bern asked.

  “Yes, but I just had a realization about something, and it surprised me.”

  Chapter Six

  The court case didn’t last long. Bliss told the judge she’d rather not bring charges against her brother. She wanted him to take an anger management class, and let his ex-wife have custody of their children. Alan threw her an angry glance, and the judge saw him.

  “I believe we’ll let the charges stay. Without the court having some jurisdiction, he’ll do as he pleases.” The judge looked down at Alan. “If your mother was alive, you’d break her heart with this behavior,” he admonished Alan.

  Alan sat sullenly and didn’t respond. The judge asked Sunn to come to the bench. They spoke softly. Addie sat tensely beside Bliss.

  Sunn went back to her seat and the judge asked Alan’s lawyer to come forward. After they spoke, he told Alan to stand.

  “I’ll let you out on bail, but you will wear a monitor. I’m going to give temporary full custody to your ex-wife.”

  Alan started to speak and his lawyer grabbed his arm. The judge frowned. “Be aware what you say could get you put in jail. Now, as I was saying before you almost interrupted me. If you go within ten miles of your children until I tell you that you can visit, you will be put in jail. Do you understand me?” Alan nodded his head reluctantly. “At the end of ninety days all parties will come to court for an evaluation of how Alan is doing. Also, Alan, you will take an anger management course starting Thursday here at the jail.” The judge looked across the courtroom. “Does anyone have any questions?”

  The courtroom was silent. “Then I dismiss you all, and we will meet in three months.” The judge got up and left. Two men walked Alan out to take him to the jail to have the monitor put on.

  Lann sat so close to Bliss, she heard the quiet buzz of his phone. She glanced his way, and then Addie grabbed her in a hug.

  Tears ran down Addie’s face.

  “I’m so happy. I can’t wait to get my children and take them home with me.”

  “You know where Mrs. Turner lives?” Bliss asked.

  “Yes. Will you call her and tell what’s happened? She’ll want to hear from you that it’s all right to let the children go with us.”

  “Sure.” Bliss pulled out her phone and talked with Mrs. Turner. “She’ll have them ready. They don’t have all their clothes. I can go get them and meet you back at the restaurant.”

  “Thank you. I wouldn’t want to run into Alan, even if he is wearing a monitor.” Addie hugged her again. “See you in a little while.”

  Bliss glanced around. The courtroom was empty except for them. She hated to admit she felt disappointed Lann and Bern left without saying good-bye. Addie and her husbands walked out ahead of her. When she came through the door, Lann stepped in her way.

  “I thought you two had left.”

  “Bern had to get back, but we wouldn’t both leave without saying good-bye. I got a call. My furniture is being delivered later this afternoon. How about riding out and seeing my ranch and helping me decide where to put all of the tables, chairs, beds, and such.” He grinned at her.

  “I’m blushing again, aren’t I?”

  “Yes, I love your rosy cheeks. You are so easy to tease.”

  “I can’t come with you. I have to get the children’s clothes from the ranch. Then I have an appointment, at five, with the contractor about doing some work on my shop.”

  “Call him and reschedule. Then you’ll have plenty of time to get the clothes and other things you need from the ranch. I’ll go with you. Alan will be set free shortly. You don’t need to face him alone.”

  She started to say he wouldn’t attack her, but she’d felt certain he wouldn’t the last time, and he did. “All right. It won’t take long, if I have help. Give me a moment to call and cancel my appointment.” She stepped to the side and made her call. The contractor was agreeable to meet with her at lunchtime the next day.

  When she came back to Lann’s side, he said, “I knew you’d put me to work.”

  “You can pack the boys clothes. It won’t hurt their things if you throw them in the suitcase. Clara likes her clothes folded and neat.”

  Lann put his hand on the small of her back. “Let’s go. We’re wasting time.” He directed her to a large, gray truck and opened the door. Then he put his hands around her waist and lifted her up onto the seat.

  When he got in the driver’s seat, she said, “This is brand new.”

  “Yep, I’d picked it out my last visit. They ordered just what I wanted. I went to the dealer early this morning and got it.”

  Bliss sat back in the comfortable seat. “This is as nice as a car. I like it.” She enjoyed watching the countryside fly by. Lann drove fast. But he was a good driver, and she felt safe.

  He parked the truck in front of the house and came around to swing Bliss out of the truck and onto her feet. “I am capable of getting out of a vehicle on my own.”

  “But then I wouldn’t get to touch you and smell your sweet fragrance. You smell like roses and lilacs.”

  “Back off,” she pushed at his chest. “We have work to do.”

  “If you insist.” Lann followed her. She unlocked the door and led him inside.

  “The boy’s rooms are the first two on the left upstairs. Clara’s room is on the right across from her brother, Mark’s. There are suitcases in the back of the closets.

  “You can walk beside me,” Bliss said as they climbed the stairs.

  “No, thanks. I like the view from behind.”

  She glanced back and pretended to frown, but he only winked at her. She opened the door to Buddy’s room. “Start here. I’ll be across the hall and down one door. Let’s hurry. I’d rather not see Alan.”

  Lann nodded and went inside. Bliss hurried to Clara’s room and started stacking her clothes in the suitcase. The little dainty dresses she left on their hangers. She’d put a sheet over the suitcases and lay the dresses across them.

  Bliss carried the suitcase down to the truck, and Lann followed her with Buddy’s. Then they both went upstairs to get Mark’s clothes packed and the rest of Clara’s dresses. They’d just closed the door to the backseat of the truck when she saw a whirl of dust coming down the drive.

  “We’re a few minutes too late.” Bliss waited beside the truck for her brother to stop.

  Alan got out and slammed the door to his vehicle. He sauntered around to face Bliss and Lann.

  “I hope you’re happy. Addie will have the children and her two husbands. You have your damn shop, and what do I have?” He leaned close to Bliss’s face. “I have a wife that screwed me, a sister who’s a traitor, and a ranch falling down around me.”

  “The offer’s still good on the ranch,” Lann said in a low, firm voice.

  “What I’d have left after paying off the bank wouldn’t get me out of town.”

  “I have to go to my ranch,” Lann said after glancing at his watch. “But I’ll return tomorrow morning around nine. We’ll talk. I’ll see if we can find an amount we can both agree on.”

p; Alan gave him a suspicious look. “Are you trying to pull something?”

  “Nope. It’ll all be on the up and up.” Lann put out his hand.

  “Tomorrow, at nine.” Alan nodded and walked around them.

  Lann put his hand down. “Come on, darlin’. We’ll drop these clothes off at the restaurant and head for my ranch.”

  It took longer than they’d expected. The children were happy to be going with their mother, but tearful about leaving Daddy behind.

  “Daddy is fine. He’ll be busy working the ranch,” Bliss said. “And when he’s caught up with his work, he’ll come visit you.”

  Clare threw her arms around Bliss’s knees. “I’ll miss you, too, Auntie Bliss.”

  Bliss knelt in front of the children. “I love you all, and I’ll come and see you. But I’m opening a new shop, and I have to get it going before I can visit.”

  “Can we see it?” Mark asked.

  “You wouldn’t be interested. It’s a shop for ladies, but your momma and Clare will want to visit. I have some sweet-smelling soap coming. You’ll like it for your bath,” she told Clare.

  Finally they were ready to leave. The children waved until they were out of sight. Although Bliss had told Lann he could go on ahead and she’d drive out later, he’d insisted on staying by her side. She blinked the tears trying to flow out of her eyes.

  Lann leaned down and brushed one tear off her cheek. He pulled her close to his warm body. “It’s all right to cry, darlin’.” He bent to look into her eyes.

  The gentleness she saw in his face broke the dam, and the tears spilled across her cheeks. She cried out loud in big gulps. Lann held her close and soothingly ran his hand down her back. When she got control, she pushed at his shoulders.

  “I’m fine. We can go now. I’ve held you up for hours.”

  Lann handed her his handkerchief. “I have nothing more important to do than make sure you are all right.”

  “But your furniture…”

  He put his finger across her lips. “It’s furniture. It won’t run away.”

  She lightly hit his shoulder. “Silly.” But it brought a smile to her face. Lann helped her in his truck and walked around. “I can’t wait for you to see my house,” he said as he drove out of town.

  * * * *

  When they parked in front of the house, the workers were carrying in furniture for the dining room. “Come on.” Lann grabbed her hand and hurried her along.

  Bliss smiled at his eagerness. She saw the small boy in him and liked it. The ranch house was beautiful. The living room had a mixture of soft colors and enough wood and big chairs to keep it from looking too feminine. They walked on past the couch, chairs, tables, lamps, television, and sound system.

  A tall, dark-blond-haired man stood in the curved entrance to the dining room. He wiped his brow with his handkerchief. “I’m glad to see you. I’ve tried to follow the layout Cassie drew up.”

  “Sorry I’m late, Josh. Bliss Meades, this is my good friend and foreman, Josh Wybert. Bliss needed some help, so I stayed with her.”

  “Nice to meet you, Madam.”

  “Please call me Bliss, if I can call you Josh.”

  “I’d like that.” Josh smiled. “Can I get back to work outside, Lann?”

  “Yes, and thanks for the help.”

  Bliss watched him stride out and get on his horse. “He’s a striking man. All the men I saw at the barbecue seemed to be very tall, have lots of muscles, and be extremely good-looking. What did they feed you in Wyoming?”

  “I’m not sure I like you looking so closely at other men.” Lann raised an eyebrow at her. “But our ancestors were all large people, and the genes have carried down through the line.”

  “As far as you not liking me looking at other men, I’m single and not dead, so get over it.”

  Lann picked her up in his arms and twirled her around, almost bumping into the men carrying in the dining room table.

  He set her down and pointed out how he wanted the table and chairs arranged. Then he turned to Bliss. “I love your snarky mouth. No woman has ever stood up to me like you do.”

  “It’s obvious. Where are you and your people from originally?”

  “Far away, a small-town overseas. Several families moved to the states many years ago. We have a ranch in Wyoming and land in New Mexico.”

  She would have asked more questions about his ancestors, but the movers were bringing in more chairs and a china cabinet.

  “Who’s Cassie? I gather she did your interior decorating.”

  “Cassie and Rae did it together. They came down a few months ago. I left it up to them about what I needed, and they ordered it. They have their own business, and they’re well-known for creating an atmosphere in the home that is specific to the owner.”

  “From what I see so far, I’d say they are very good. I love what they did with the living room.”

  “Good.” Lann put his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck while the movers had gone back to the truck. “I hope you’ll like the place enough to move in and live here.”

  “What?” She pulled out of his arms. “I have my apartment. It’s convenient to my work. Why would I decide to move in with you?”

  He pulled her out in the hall. “Let me show you the kitchen.” They walked a few steps down the hall and into the large, eat-in kitchen.

  “Wow,” Bliss said. She looked around at the room done in pale yellow. The windows let in lots of light. An oblong table sat on the left end of the room with chairs on one side and a long padded bench like for a booth against the wall. All the most modern stainless steel appliances were in the kitchen.

  Lann opened a door at the opposite end of the room and there was a good-sized walk-in pantry. “What do you think?”

  “Any woman would love cooking in here. It has everything. But I won’t move in with you just to get to use this kitchen.”

  He put his hands around her waist and pulled her against his body. “It wouldn’t be only with me. Bern and I want to have a threesome marriage.” He looked deep into her eyes.

  His large cock pulsed against her abdomen and her heart raced being this close to him. She breathed in his scent of musk and sandalwood, and moisture flooded her panties. When she started to speak, he lowered his head and kissed her gently on the mouth.

  “Don’t say anything right now. Just think about what I said.”

  Her body was reluctant to pull away, but she had to. She didn’t want to belong to one man, much less two, and yet for this moment she wanted to cuddle against his hard frame.

  As though he understood her turmoil, he let her go. “I’d better see where they’re putting the bedroom sets. Do you mind fixing a pot of coffee?”

  “No, I’d be glad to help.”

  * * * *

  Lann’s balls ached from wanting to make love to Bliss. He’d never held off so long. Usually women were attracted to him, and he enjoyed himself with them. But this was different. He wanted a lasting relationship with Bliss. Trying to push her wasn’t the right way to deal with her skepticism about men being controlling.

  I am controlling to a certain extent, but not like her brother. I’d only insist on something if I felt she was in danger of being hurt.

  Perhaps after the movers left they could cook a meal together, and afterward he’d suggest Bern come over for coffee and dessert. If she agreed, then maybe they’d get a chance to make love to her.

  He called Bern and explained his plan. “After coffee and dessert, we’ll ease her into the idea of making love.”

  “Call me, if all goes well.”

  The movers came up the stairs with the king-size bed and mattress. He showed them where to set the bed up in the master bedroom and directed where the other tables and chest of drawers would go.

  Downstairs, Lann headed to the kitchen. The large coffee urn was percolating. Bliss had found cut-up chicken in the refrigerator and was busy rinsing it. She glanced at him coming in the door.

p; “I thought you might be hungry. I guess I couldn’t resist trying out your stove, and I wanted to do something as a thank-you for all you’ve done for me.”

  “Is there enough to invite Bern?”

  Bliss turned to face him. He saw the hesitation in her eyes, but also a flash of desire.

  “You’re only committing to dinner. Whatever comes after is up to you.” He held his breath waiting for her answer.

  “There’s enough for the three of us. Call him.”

  Holding her close, he felt the rapid beat of her heart against his chest and the slight tremble in her body.

  “I hope you know neither of us would ever hurt you, or pressure you to do something you didn’t want to. Trust is an important part of a relationship.”

  “But I don’t want a committed relationship. Men change, and I’d be devastated if I married and then found out my husband intended to tell me how to act, dress, and where or when I could go someplace.”

  “Then enjoy us and let us all get to know each other better. We’re in no hurry, as long as we can see you and hopefully make love to you. But in the end we’ll want marriage, and if you don’t, then we’ll have to walk away.”

  * * * *

  Bliss pictured herself at the edge of a cliff and her choices were to jump off and trust Lann and Bern would catch her, or to step back into a safe and quiet life with her shop being everything to her.

  Lann’s emerald eyes glowed with warmth and an enticing invitation. His own personal, male scent enticed her to jump, to take a risk.

  “Spread your wings, darlin’. Bern and I will be here if you start to fall.” Lann’s low, seductive words wrapped around her.

  She stepped out of his arms. “We’ll see how dinner goes.”

  He nodded and strode to the door. She took a deep breath. I do want them, but maybe not forever. Still, I can make that decision later. We all might find we’re not compatible. But I’m so hungry for them right now, I’m in danger of grabbing the closest one to me at dinner and hauling him upstairs. She grinned at the thought. They’d love that.

  Bern arrived just as she placed the chicken on a platter. “Hi, thanks for inviting me. It sure smells good in here.” He sniffed at her neck.


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