Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 13

by Paige Cameron

Lann ordered the coffee and several different coffee cakes.

  “Here you are. I hope you aren’t planning on eating all those cakes alone. It might ruin your figure,” Emma said, a glint of amusement in her eyes.

  “No, I have a few friends who’ll help me. Thanks and good luck with whatever you decide.”

  Lann strolled along, humming to himself. When he stepped inside the apartment, Bliss was coming out of the bedroom.

  “Where have you been? Oh, you’ve brought goodies. You’re just in time. I planned to make coffee, but this is much more inviting.” She took the holder with the coffee cups out of his hands and put them on the small table. Then he placed the bag of coffee cakes in the middle.

  When Bliss peeped inside, she smiled. “You couldn’t make up your mind, could you?”

  “It’s all so tempting. I want to buy one of everything when I walk in the door and smell the aromas.”

  Bern walked into the living room to join them. He brushed his hand over his damp hair. “I smelled the coffee. Lead me to it.”

  Bliss laughed and handed him one of the cups of regular. “I’m sure this cup that smells of cinnamon and spice must be for me.” She opened the lid and took a deep breath. “Heavenly.”

  She took a big swallow.

  Lann’s strong arm went around her waist, and he pulled her onto his lap. “Since you only have two chairs at this little bitty table, you have to sit in my lap.” He held a piece of Danish coffee cake to her mouth. She took a big bite.

  “Hmmm, good. What a wonderful way to start the day.”

  While they ate and drank, Lann explained about his arrangements to get the ranch paperwork done today. “I also thought since it’s Friday, once the papers are signed, we’d fly to my place in California for the rest of today and tomorrow. Then on Sunday, we’ll fly to Wyoming to meet my family and friends. I’ll have you back here by Monday evening. What’d you say?”

  “It’s a tempting offer. I did get one shipment last week and I have it all arranged to go in the shop. They said the last shipment would arrive the middle or last of next week. I think it might be fun to relax a few days before it all gets very hectic for me.” She glanced across at Bern. “But what about you?”

  “I’ll be fine. There’s lots of work to do on the ranch.”

  “We need a few days of alone time, too,” Bliss insisted.

  “I’ll plan something special for us after the shop opens and you have time to take a weekend off.”

  “No, it might be too long before we get the chance. I need to have time to know you both individually.”

  “I’ll call my brother. He has a condo in Florida, right on the beach. He’s seldom there. I’ll make the arrangements for the next weekend. If you think you can take off.”

  “I’ll manage. Now that I’m going to have extra money I can take a little longer setting up the shop and arranging the grand opening.”

  “Then it’s settled,” Lann said. “We’ll each have our time with you and maybe afterward you can decide whether you want to marry us or not.”

  “Maybe.” She reached around Lann and got out a different piece of coffee cake. “I’m going to gain weight, but this is too good to waste.”

  * * * *

  Bliss signed the papers at one, by two the check was in the bank, and by three o’clock they were flying to California. “You know how to get things done,” Bliss said to Lann.

  “When I called Mitch, one of the other leaders of our people, he offered to have Ethan fly the jet down and take us to California. Ethan will drop us off, and then he’ll come back on Sunday to take us to Wyoming.”

  “I never knew anyone who had private jets and pilots they could borrow.”

  “The contractor I hired to build my runway is starting on it tomorrow. Once it’s finished, I’ll buy a small jet. Then I can visit family in New Mexico and Wyoming whenever I want.”

  Bliss ran her hand over the soft cushioned seat. “This really is the best way to fly.”

  “We should celebrate the start of our short vacation.” He walked into the small kitchen he’d shown her before takeoff. When he came back, he carried a champagne bottle and two crystal glasses. He poured some of the bubbly wine in each glass and toasted her.

  “To getting to know each other.”

  Bliss tipped her glass and the bubbles frizzed in her nose. The champagne was cold and tasty.

  “I don’t usually like champagne, but this is very good.”

  “Relax and drink as much as you want. My chauffeur and man of all jobs is picking us up. He lives in a cottage by the house year-round and keeps an eye on the place. He cleans and has it ready whenever I fly there.”

  She turned to face Lann. “I knew you have a lot of money, but I never dreamed you were this rich.”

  “Does it bother you?”

  “A little. If I marry two rich men, people will look at me different, perhaps treat me differently.”

  “No, they won’t. Because you won’t put on airs or flaunt yourself or your position.”

  “How did you make so much money?”

  “Not illegally if that’s what you’re thinking.” He leaned forward and kissed her quickly on the mouth. “My people have invested together over the years. We’ve acquired a large amount of money which is evenly distributed. We also get paid for our jobs on the ranch and I’ve saved and invested that money, too.”

  “You keep saying your people. Who are they?”

  “We’ll have that conversation this weekend. I promise. But I want us to be totally alone and have you ready to hear what I need to say.”

  “We’re alone here. Surely you don’t fear one of your own people overhearing you.”

  “No. But believe me, this isn’t the time.”

  She nodded and sat straight in her seat. “I’m exhausted.” Bliss closed her eyes and let herself fall into sleep.

  * * * *

  Lann put the champagne bottle in the fridge and sat across from Bliss. He liked looking at her. She’d let her seat back and turned on her side. Her long black hair lay in waves down her back. Her curiosity meant he couldn’t hold off on telling her about himself and his skills. How would she take knowing he wasn’t an earthling. His ancestors had married women in the tribe, keeping their bloodlines pure. It was only recently that the men started seeking human brides. Lann thought it was good. They were here to stay.

  “You look very serious.” Bliss had opened her eyes and looked directly at him. “What are you worrying about?”

  “My thoughts were about how much there is to do at the ranch before we are really settled,” Lann lied. He didn’t want her to know his real concerns.

  “On this trip you’re not allowed to think about work.”

  “Thanks for reminding me. Change seats and sit beside me. If you look out the windows you’ll see when the ocean comes into view. All the front windows in my house face the Pacific Ocean. With luck we may see a whale or two.”

  “I’m excited. I can’t wait to get there. My family never took vacations.”

  “You are getting two right away, and after we’re married we’ll take you on many more.”

  “Are you bribing me to marry you?”

  “Whatever it takes, darlin’.” Lann smiled.

  “When I open my shop it will be quite a while before I can think about a vacation. My first priority will be making it a success.”

  “You can hire an assistant.”

  “Not right away. I want to be there to supervise and manage until it’s well established.”

  “We’ll kidnap you and take you far from your shop.”

  “You won’t.” She raised her chin at him.

  Lann couldn’t help but grin. He loved to see that little chin pushed out and the fire in her eyes. Looking back he realized no woman had ever defied him. They agreed and tried their hardest to please him. Bliss’s determination to test him constantly kept him on his toes. Living with her would never get boring.

  “Why are you sm
iling at me?”

  “Because you’re so cute. I’m six-foot-three-inches tall. You must be about five-seven or eight. I’m sure I outweigh you by over fifty pounds. How would you keep me from carrying you off?”

  “I’d find a way. I’m very resourceful.”

  “You are an interesting, challenging woman. Look out the window. See there’s the ocean with the sun going down behind it. It’ll be dark, or close to it by the time we land.”

  Lann’s body got hot at the thought of having her to himself until Monday night. His cock rose to attention from being this close and breathing in her sweet scent. He was ready to lick and kiss her soft body before plunging in her tight pussy.

  He excused himself and went to the kitchen to drink a cold bottle of water. After readjusting his jeans, he sauntered back to sit by Bliss just as the light came on telling them to fasten their seat belts.

  Bliss slipped her hand into his as the plane banked in preparation for the landing. She leaned close to Lann.

  “Are you scared of flying?” he asked. She’d done the same during takeoff, but he hadn’t realized the reason.

  “Just a little. I’m better holding on to you.”

  “No problem, but Ethan is an outstanding pilot.”

  “He may be outstanding, but is the plane?”

  Lann laughed and shook his head at her, but he put his other arm around her shoulders, holding her tight.

  * * * *

  After landing, they said good-bye to Ethan. “Has Morgan had the baby yet?” Lann asked.

  “Yes, two weeks ago. We have a beautiful daughter. She looks just like her momma.”

  “Congratulations. Are you sure you want to pick us up on Sunday? We can fly commercial.”

  “It’s not a problem. Morgan and the baby will meet us at the airport. You can see her and our son. He’s feeling a bit insecure even with two fathers and his mother telling him he’s still as important as ever. He doesn’t let Momma and the baby out of his sight.”

  “He’ll get used to her.”

  “I know. We just have to help him over this initial time when our daughter, Lacey, needs a lot of attention. Justin took him to work today. He loves seeing the animals.”

  They waved and got off the plane. A tall, brown-haired, older man strode across the tarmac toward them.

  “Bliss, this is Carl. Carl, Bliss is going to be my fiancée, I hope.” Lann turned to Bliss. “Carl’s worked for me since I had the house. You need something, and he’ll see you get it.” Lann gave Carl a hug. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You’ve been gone a long time.”

  “We had a little trouble at the ranch in Wyoming, and then I left and moved to Texas as I told you I had planned to do.”

  “It’s good you are here now and with such a lovely lady. I have the car parked right by the gate.”

  The drive along the winding highway had Bliss holding Lann’s hand again.

  “Don’t worry. He’s a better driver than me, more like Bern.”

  She glanced out the window at the sharp drop close beside them. “He’d better be. This is scarier than the plane.”

  Lann pulled her close and held her head down so she couldn’t see the drop-off.

  Still, Bliss was relieved when they parked, and she was in the house. She stood looking out the windows at the awesome view. Lann and Carl brought in the cases. Then Carl left and Lann came to stand behind her.

  “Didn’t I tell you it’d be great?” His arms wrapped around her waist and his teeth nibbled at her neck. Her body responded to his lightest touch and craved being caressed by him. She let herself lean back against his strong body.

  Lann slipped one hand in her blouse, under her bra. He caressed her breast and kissed her neck and shoulder. “Your heart is beating rapidly against my palm.” He tweaked her peaked nipple. “I want to lick and taste every spot on your body.”

  Her breast swelled in his hand and moisture flooded her panties. “I might like that.”

  “Shall we see?” She nodded yes, and he swept her into his arms. He took long strides through the living room, down a hall, and into a huge bedroom with lots of windows facing the sunset shining across the ocean. In fact, most of the walls were windows.

  He sat her gently on the side of the king-sized bed. When he started to remove her blouse, she took hold of his hand to stop him.

  “Close the curtains. Others might see us.”

  “Darlin’, this is the highest peak around here. There’s ocean on one side and forest on the other. Carl’s cabin is in the opposite direction from us. Who’s to see? Live daringly.”

  She glanced around the room. Her blood raced at the idea of making love in the open. This was almost like being outside. She let go of his hand. He continued to unbutton her blouse and bra. Then he threw them to the side. Lann knelt before her and took one breast in his warm mouth. He massaged her back while he held her against his mouth and licked and sucked on her sensitive nipple.

  Her craving for his touch grew in intensity. Heat swirled in her veins, and her heart raced. When she thought she’d explode, he reached down and undid her belt and jeans. He grabbed the edge of her jeans and pulled them and her shoes off.

  Lann lifted her further onto the bed before joining her. He sat back and admired her curvaceous body.

  “There’s nothing separating me from your jewel, but those flimsy, little panties you wear.” He took the edge of the band between his teeth and pulled the bikini panties off. Then he spread her legs wide and leaned forward breathing in her scent.

  Her breath quickened, and she shivered with delight. As he moved up her body, Lann pretended to be a tiger ready to pounce. His nose sniffed her lower lips. “Ambrosia.” He separated the pink folds and licked her clit and down the length of her labia. “Exquisite.”

  Bliss felt the heat in her face from blushing. Lann let his body lay lightly on her while he cupped her face in his hands. “Don’t be embarrassed. I love you. I’ll never deliberately hurt you in any way. I want to earn your trust.”

  “I wouldn’t have come if I didn’t trust you.”

  “Good, I’m glad. Relax your body, darlin’. It is all beautiful, and I enjoy tasting, licking, and loving all of you.”

  Bliss took a deep breath attempting to relax her body and accept whatever Lann gave her. He went back to lying between her legs. His mouth and fingers soon had her back arching and her gasping for breath.

  “You’re very responsive which is a real turn-on for me.”

  “Move up and let me touch you,” Bliss said.

  He slid beside her and she rolled to face him. Her hand roamed across his face, along his neck, and she rubbed his nipples, bringing a moan from him. Bliss smiled and continued to move downward. Her hand grasped his cock. She touched the balls in his sac as she took his cock in her mouth as far as possible.

  “Oh, baby.”

  She glanced at his lust-filled, green eyes. “Do you want me to continue?”

  “Yes, please,” he gritted out between his teeth.

  Her mouth wrapped back around him. She took him in all the way, and then pulled almost completely out. Her tongue licked and sucked on his cock.

  Suddenly, he gripped her head and arched his back. “Stop, I want to come in you.” He reached for the condom package he’d placed on the bedside table and sheathed his dick. Then he pulled her across his body from where she sat studying him.

  She straddled his hips and her hot, wet pussy glided down over his large cock. Lann’s hands on her hips showed her the rhythm he wanted, and soon sizzling pleasure infused throughout her whole body.

  Bliss rose and then sank on his dick. She loved watching the emotions showing on his handsome face. Her own were in a turmoil of excitement. She had a hypersensitivity to his touch and the texture of his skin. It stimulated her to quicken her movements and demand all he had to give.

  Lann pulled her down to him and sucked on her breast while he rubbed his finger across her clit.

A sense of wonder and delight rose inside her, and when his teeth raked across her peaked nipple, intense joy sent her flying high. She screamed out as her orgasm shook her whole body.

  Lann rolled her on her back and thrust hard and fast keeping her pussy rippling with delight. Then he stiffened as he found his release, and his cock pulsated along her pussy walls, sending another spike of ecstasy rushing up her spine.

  When he could move, Lann raised up and looked down at her. “After this I hope you never doubt my love for you.” He kissed her mouth and rolled off of her.

  Bliss turned her head and admired his body. Perspiration made his skin shine. He took quick gasping breaths. A thrill ran through her when she realized she could have such an effect on this magnificent man. If she was certain he wouldn’t try to control her after marriage, she’d give her heart completely to him and Bern. She trusted Bern, but she still had a little doubt about Lann. Maybe meeting his family would help her understand him more.

  Later, they showered and dressed. Lann guided her to the large kitchen. “Carl will have left us something to eat for tonight.” He opened the refrigerator. “Here it is.” Lann pulled out two plates with a large salad on each. “I hope you like chicken.”

  “It looks wonderful.” She opened drawers and found the silverware. Lann put the plates on the table and opened a bottle of white wine.

  Once they were seated, he raised his glass. “To the loveliest lady I know.” They clicked their glasses, took a swallow, and started eating.

  “You were hungry.” Lann nodded to Bliss’s clean plate.

  “Is there any dessert?” she asked.

  “I do love to see you eat. I’ll bet there’s ice cream in the freezer.” He checked and pulled out a gallon of chocolate. “And”—he checked the pantry—“we have Fig Newton cookies.”

  “My favorite.” She took the bag of cookies and grabbed two.

  Lann filled two bowls with ice cream. Then he sat and watched her eat.

  “Don’t stare. Eat your dessert.”

  “I will. But you’re so much fun to watch. You enjoy your food, especially sweets.”

  “I try to stay away from them, but my resistance is low.”


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