Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 16

by Paige Cameron

  Bliss smiled and shook his hand as Lann introduced them. Then a slim woman with hair as dark as Bliss’s came forward. She was dressed in jeans and a bright blue shirt. Her smile was warm and welcoming.

  “Lann, it’s good to see you.” She hugged him. “And this must be Bliss. I love your name. I’m Elle.”

  “Thank you, Elle.”

  “We’re going into my private study. It’s much more comfortable for talking. I’m sure Pruet can keep Lann entertained.”

  “I want to show you a new horse I bought. He’s a bit wild.”

  “A bit!” Elle said. “Cody Jessup comes every day to work with him and the horse is difficult even for him.”

  “As you might note, my wife is not fond of my new acquisition.” Pruet winked at Elle and led Lann outside.

  “There, we have the place all to ourselves.” She led Bliss around a corner and into a large room. The walls were almost all bookshelves and they were full. One wall did have large windows showing the prairie.

  Bliss stopped and looked out. “It’s a lovely view.”

  “I like to sit and enjoy looking at the prairie and the mountains. Many times I find answers to problems if I relax and open my mind.”

  Soft flute music played in the background, and Bliss smelled the faint scent of violets. “This is a restful room.”

  “Please have a seat in one of the leather chairs by the fireplace. In the morning there’s often a slight chill in the air, and I find any excuse to have a small fire.”

  Bliss sank into the buttery leather chair. The fire crackled in front of her and much of her anxiety left her.

  Elle sat in the opposite chair. “I am to tell you of our people and how we ended in Wyoming. It’s a long story. You may be skeptical, but it is all the truth.” Elle pointed to a number of rolled scripts in one area of the shelves. She got up and got one and brought it to Bliss. “You can see this is very old, ancient in fact. It tells of our ancestors’ journey to find a new world compatible with our physical makeup. A world where we could survive and make a new home.”

  “You are saying you are not from Earth?” Bliss asked.

  “Our ancestors were not. Over the centuries we have become more like humans in many ways. There has been much more intermarriage in the last fifty years and so our children will be a mixture of both.”

  “How did your ancestors get here?”

  “They crash-landed in a desolate part of Europe. The spacecraft was taken apart and what wasn’t saved was buried deep. The nearest village accepted the story of our ancestors moving from the busy city back to the country.”

  “Since you are not earthlings as you say, is that why Lann is so strong and has such superior eyesight?”

  “Yes. We all are stronger and our senses more acute. Also certain ones of our tribe have other talents or abilities.”

  Bliss listened as Elle told her more and more about their people. Her head began to hurt from all the mind-boggling information she’d been told.

  Elle stopped talking. “You look pale.” She walked to her desk and pushed a button, and then she knelt by Bliss and took her hands in hers. “Don’t be frightened by what I’ve said. We do not want to hurt anyone. And we do help many people. But only a few are told who we really are because we fear the reaction of the masses.”

  “I think you are smart not to tell the world. I’m not frightened. I’m fascinated and a bit overwhelmed.”

  “That is certainly understandable. Ah, here is Pruet and Lann with our tea. Come in gentlemen.” Elle took the tray from her tall, handsome, dark-haired husband. She kissed him and turned to place the tray on her desk.

  “Sit and join us. Bliss and I have finished talking. Lann, you may answer whatever questions she has, and I’m hoping to see her again on your next visit.” Elle handed the tea cups around and the plate of cookies.

  Bliss drank the fragrant tea and ate two of the chocolate-chip cookies. Her headache had gone away. “I’m so glad I met you two, and that you and I had a chance to talk, Elle.”

  “We have enjoyed the visit. We are both fond of Lann as are all of our people. He might not have told you, but for many years he was the leader of the third tribe. A job he did well.”

  “He said that is why he’s so bossy.”

  Elle and Pruet laughed heartily. Elle wiped her eyes. “Oh, I love that explanation. All our men tend to be a tiny bit bossy.” Elle winked at her husband. “We let them be some of the time, but we’re all strong women. They know not to push their luck too far.”

  Lann glanced at his watch. “I hate to leave, but we’re due around noon at the main ranch house for lunch. It’s twelve now.”

  “You’ll love Sara when you meet her. She, like you, was surprised to find out about us. She married Mitch and Daren, the leaders of our other two tribes. Kira leads the third tribe now. I’m sure you’ll meet her on one of your visits.”

  Bliss had stood. “You seem certain I’ll marry Lann.”

  “I see the love between you. It won’t be denied.”

  They’d started to leave when Lann turned back to Elle. “I’m going to believe Bliss and I will get married. Bernardo and I have talked about having you marry us, besides having the regular ceremony first in Texas. I’d like for the three of us to be joined in our people’s ceremony of marriage.”

  “I suggest you talk to Bliss. She’s looking puzzled. My other suggestion is you find a spot on your land and build a gazebo. I’m sure the other men who moved with you might want to have me marry them when the occasion arises. I don’t mind traveling to your ranch to do the weddings. I’ll bless the spot when I get there, and we’ll have the ceremony. What do you say?”

  “We’d love it, but are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. It’ll be a little vacation for Pruet and me.”

  He hugged Elle, shook Pruet’s hand, and urged Bliss forward. “We’re late.”

  Elle and Pruet stood at the door waving until they were out of sight.

  “I really like them both,” Bliss said.

  “I knew you would, and you’ll like Mitch, Sara, and Daren.”

  “After lunch can we fly home?”

  “Are you tired?”

  “I need some time to process all that’s happened.”

  “Sure. I’ll let Bern know when we’re going to arrive. He’ll be happy to see you.”

  “I do have one more question that I didn’t ask Elle,” Bliss said as they drove toward the main ranch house for lunch.

  Lann glanced across at her. “What is it?”

  “Are you a shape-shifter?”

  He chuckled. “If I was would you run screaming from the car?”

  “No. But I’d like to know.”

  “Neither Cad nor I are shifters, nor any of my immediate family. About half or maybe a little more of the third tribe are shifters. But I have the stronger senses of my people, and we’re all physically much stronger than humans.” He parked the car by the ranch house. “We also don’t feel the cold as much as humans and generally our life-span has been longer. That is beginning to change. We are gradually becoming more susceptible to human diseases.” He grinned. “I think that’s enough information for now. You’re looking bewildered. Let’s go inside. Some food in your stomach might help.”

  “It’ll take more than food.” She took his hand as they walked to the door. “I’m sure I’ve fallen down a rabbit’s hole and found a mysterious land.”

  Lann laughed heartily and hugged her. “I do love you.”

  * * * *

  Bliss realized how stressed she was when the jet took off for Texas. Her whole body gave a sigh of relief when she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  They’d had a lovely lunch with Sara and her husbands. Sara had regaled them with stories of how she, Mitch, and Daren had met and ended up married. Bliss really liked her and her husbands. They were nice, handsome, and obviously adored their wife and children.

  Lann took her hand in his. “You’re ti

  “Exhausted. But I’m glad we made this trip. It cleared up many questions I had and gave me much to think about regarding you and marrying into your extended family.”

  She’d opened her eyes and saw the worry in his. “It doesn’t mean I won’t marry you. Still, I need time to think and let my brain sort through all the information.”

  He nodded and laid his head back against the seat. Bliss knew he was disappointed in her answer, but she wanted to be sure before she committed herself to him and Bern.

  When they arrived, Bern was there to meet them. Bliss ran across and threw herself into his arms.

  “I hope this means you missed me.” Bern smiled and kissed her.

  “I did, although we were so busy, and I’ve learned many stunning things about Lann and his ancestors. You knew who he really was!”

  “Yes. He’s been quite open with me over the years. It came out gradually. I can’t imagine how confused you feel hearing it all at once.”

  “I am, and Lann doesn’t seem to understand I’m not rejecting him when I say I need time to process all the information.”

  Bern looked behind her. “Here he comes. He must have been saying good-bye to Ethan.”

  “He wanted to give us a few minutes.” Bliss frowned. “Do you understand?”

  “Completely. We’d talked about taking a trip just the two of us when you and Lann got back, but you need alone time, and we have an assignment. I just got the call an hour ago. We’ll both be gone for an indefinite period.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry we’ll miss our weekend.”

  “Don’t worry. Hopefully when we return you’ll know your mind and want to marry us. Afterward, we’ll have many opportunities to take a few days off.”

  “I heard the last of the conversation. We have a job to do.”

  “I’ve ordered clothes for you. They’re at my house. As soon as you change, we have to leave.”

  Bliss pulled back and looked at Bern. “I was so glad to see you that I hadn’t noticed what you were wearing.” He had on a gray T-shirt with a small, black insignia on the left side. She leaned in closer. It was a black scorpion.

  “This is serious business. Will you two keep safe?”

  “We plan on it. I hope you won’t mind if one of my cowboys drives you home.”

  “No. You go ahead and do what’s necessary. I’ll be busy getting my shop open.”

  Bern walked with her to another truck. A tall, lean cowboy stood straighter when they got to him. “You know Cadel. He’s in command when I’m gone on assignment. Cadel, see her safely home.”

  “I will, Boss. Don’t worry. Nice to see you again, Madam.”

  Cadel opened the truck door for her and Bern lifted her inside, then he leaned in and kissed her. When Bern stepped aside, Lann, who’d followed them to the truck, kissed her, too.

  “Be safe, darlin’, and think good thoughts about us while we’re gone.”

  “I will. You two take care of each other.” She waved at them until the truck turned a corner and she couldn’t see them any longer.

  Well, I wished for time alone to think, and I got it. I guess I have to be careful about my wishes. I’m not feeling so happy about being by myself now.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Bliss’s boxes had all come the next day after she’d returned to Saddlespurs. Since she had money from the sale of the ranch, she had hired painters and they were all finished. The walls to her shop were slate blue and the trim, white. This week she’d hurriedly sewn white curtains for the windows and door. The contractors had come by during the week to inspect their work and finish anything that needed to be done.

  She was excited to see the picture in her mind come into existence. Friday night she walked around the finished shop, picturing where to place certain items. She wanted to start putting the lingerie and soaps out for show.

  Maybe if she kept busy she wouldn’t worry so much about Bern and Lann. They’d left Monday night right after she and Lann got home from Wyoming. She hadn’t heard from either of them.

  A knock on her locked shop door stopped her thoughts. She peeked around the curtains she’d made for the double doors. Sunn held up a large pizza box. They’d made plans to spend the evening setting up the shop and visiting.

  “Come in. The pizza smells delicious.”

  “It has everything on it except one side has no anchovies. I can’t imagine why you don’t like them.”

  “I just don’t. Thanks for keeping them off my part. Let’s eat and talk. Then we’ll get to work. What’s in the bag?”

  “Ah, a surprise.” Sunn pulled a bottle of Chablis out. “Our drink for the night.”

  “Then you’re staying and not driving home.”

  “That’s correct. We haven’t had a sleepover in a while, and you said your men were out of town, so let’s make merry.”

  “We can sit at the table I’m going to use for soaps and such. I’ll get two chairs from my office.”

  Sunn put the pizza and wine on the table. “I’ll help.”

  Once they were seated, Sunn poured the wine in plastic cups, and they stuffed themselves with pizza.

  “This is good,” Bliss said after finishing her third slice. “I haven’t been eating much this week.”

  “I guess you’re missing Bern and Lann.”

  “Yes. I’ve had a lot to think about, too. Lann and Bern want to marry me.”

  “I sort of figured. They have that stunned look. The ‘I’ve been caught’ stare.”

  Bliss laughed. “I’ve never heard of any such look. I think you made it up.”

  “Oh, I’ve given it a lot of attention over the years. Watch the expression on the next man’s face that falls for one of our friends. If he’s serious, you can see the startled, ‘I’m in the headlights of something barreling down on me’ look.”

  “When is it going to happen for you, Sunn?”

  “I’m a career woman and a lawyer. One or both scares them off.”

  “Dr. Larsson didn’t seem the type to frighten easily. You never said why he quit coming around.”

  “He had divorce fear. It was soon after his, and he wasn’t ready to try again. I fell hard for him and his friend. It must have frightened Chandler terribly. He disappeared back to Houston. If he’s been back to Saddlespurs since, I haven’t been aware of it.”

  “Too bad. What was his friend’s name?”

  “Todd Carrigan.”

  “I’ve heard his name recently. He owns a part of the contracting company that worked on my shop, but I haven’t met him. Harrison and his workers did the actual work. But Carrigan, you, and Chandler appeared to be having a great time.”

  “I thought the same, but Todd has many businesses. He returned to Houston with Chandler and stays there most of the time. They hurt me more than I let on to anyone. I’m still not ready to date someone else.”

  “Sunn, was I so oblivious? I didn’t notice either. You joked and carried on the same as usual.”

  “There were tears when no one was around.” She sat up in her chair. “But I’m over them, and I’m going to eat this last piece of pizza.”

  “I’ll clean up the mess, and we can start putting out the lingerie.” Bliss walked around the table and hugged Sunn. “I’m sorry I wasn’t more aware and there for you.”

  “I didn’t want even you to know. I think I have too much pride, but it’s handy to hide behind. Forget my sad story. Let’s get busy. How exciting that your dream is coming true.”

  Bliss loved handling the delicate lingerie and smelling the wrappers on the special soaps. She breezed around arranging it all as she’d imagined. Finally, she and Sunn stood back.

  “It looks great, Bliss. The Saddlespurs women are going to love shopping here. You’d better put in another order before you open. I’m guessing most of this will go at the preopening party and opening day.”

  “Do you think so?”

  “Definitely. I think you need to place your second order.”

; “I will first thing in the morning. Come on upstairs and we’ll finish this bottle of wine.”

  * * * *

  They’d finished drinking and talking. Bliss had wanted to tell Sunn about her visit to Wyoming. She mentioned it, but couldn’t tell her about all she’d discovered. Sunn had gone to bed, and Bliss lay in the lounger thinking about Lann and his people.

  She’d purposely kept busy and hadn’t allowed herself to retrace her visit. Relaxed and ready, she pictured Elle and her husband, Garth and Walker, who she’d seen briefly before leaving, and Morgan with her lovely family.

  Then she’d met Sara. She’d told Bliss how she and her friends Morgan and Ellen had met and married their husbands. Sara and her friends had been living a normal life, before they discovered the men they loved were different. Bliss hadn’t met Ellen, but Morgan and Sara obviously did not regret the choices they made, and according to Sara, Ellen was equally happy.

  Bliss wasn’t sure she had a choice. Her feelings for Lann were strong. She couldn’t imagine telling him to go away for good. Her throat tightened at the thought and her chest ached.

  What did she have to worry about anyway? Lann’s people had lived on earth for centuries and had blended into society. Lann said a few select people high in the government were aware of them, but only a trusted one or two knew the whole story. They used Lann’s warriors, as Lann called them, for special assignments that needed their unusual abilities.

  But had she known Lann long enough to commit herself to him? Bern had been around much longer and the townspeople all respected and liked him. And Bern respected and was best friends with Lann.

  Her phone rang and she grabbed it hoping Sunn wasn’t awoken.

  “Hello, darlin’.”

  “Are you safe at home?”

  “We’re on the plane headed that way. We rescued a lady and we’re bringing her back with us. We want to keep her hidden until we’re sure the threat’s over.”

  “I’m glad you were successful.”

  “Tell me you didn’t doubt us.”

  Bliss laughed. “Only for a second or two.”

  “My heart’s broken. You mustn’t doubt us, not when we have you waiting for us. You are waiting for us, aren’t you?”


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