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Tornado Page 3

by Todd Fleming

  Closing his eyes, his mind wandered by to his dreams last night. Harry was standing over him and started making out with him. The nerds mouth tasted sweeter than any girl that he ever fucked. Moaning like a bitch in heat, Toby was turned over and forced on his hands and knees. He cried out as Harry thrust his cock into the hero’s ass. As he remembered being fucked in his dream, his hand went from his nipples and started to finger his hole. Remembering being dominated in his dream by a nerd that he picked on for years sent him over the edge and Toby shot his load all over his abdominals and chest. Panting he opened his eyes in horror. What the fuck was he doing?

  Toby sat up and held his head in his hands. How could he get off being fucked by another man? He was the mighty Tornado, a hero that was famous with all the young ladies. He was horrified that he just had a fantastic orgasm thinking of another man. As the bliss of orgasm faded, Toby realized that his need for release was still strong as ever. This orgasm was fantastic but it still did not fulfill the craving for sex that he desired.

  The young hero cleaned himself up and forced these disgusting new thoughts out of his mind. He was a fucking alpha and today he would not only prove it to himself, but to the rest of the school. After getting dressed and making sure that he looked devastatingly handsome, Toby grabbed his bookbag and rushed to his first class.

  Toby had no idea how he managed to get through all his classes. His lustful cravings haunted him throughout the day. His cock seemed to be out of control and would get erect with no warning at all. He spent most of the day holding his books to cover his excitement from being discovered. Toby even used his powers to race to the bathroom and masterbate between classes. It was rare for him to use his powers while pleasuring himself, but the need for sex had grown to the point that he could not ignore the need of his cock. Yet each orgasm did nothing to lessen the craving that he felt.

  The young man walked as fast as he could to get back to his dorm. His hard erect cock felt uncomfortable from rubbing against the fabric of his boxers all day. His usual cocky walk was replaced by an unnatural hunch from trying to avoid unwanted attention. There must be someway to get rid of this lust that now controlled his body. His hands shook as hours without getting the release he needed was denied. This was a feeling that he never felt before. Sure he had felt lust before, but nothing compared with the craving for sex that he felt all day.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Toby got to his dorm room without any incident. As soon as he closed the door behind him, he dropped his books and started to rip his clothes off his lean muscular body. Gripping his hard and sore cock, he stumbled to his bed stroking himself with fevered desire. Climbing on his bed, Toby laid on his back and reached for his lube while masterbating. There must be someway to get the release that he desperately needed.

  With his seven inch cock now completed covered in lube, Toby jerked his cock desperately, trying to satisfy himself. His other hand roamed to his chest as he twisted his nipples to increase his pleasure. His mind started to wander as he felt himself sink into a fantasy of sexual pleasure.

  Harry stood before him and smiled at the naked hunk laying on his bed jerking himself off. “You’re pathetic!” He sneered as Toby blushed with shame. “You act so tough but you're nothing but a pervert yourself!”

  The young hero moaned as the nerds words sent waves of pleasure through his body. Harry lifted up his shirt showing off his scrawny chest. Toby’s eyes could not take his eyes of the young man’s chest as he stroked himself faster.

  “Is this what it takes to get you off, loser?” Harry sneered as he exposed himself to the young hero.

  Toby wanted to shake his head, but he stared at the object of his desire half naked as his hand flew up and down his shaft. He felt a pressure building in his balls as he pinch his nipple hard as an orgasm started to overtake his body.

  Crying out in pleasure, his cock exploded as the first ribbon of cum flew and hit his face. Cum shot from the head of his cock landing on his chest and abdominals. After every drop was squeezed from his cock, Toby opened his eyes and saw he was alone in the room. It was not the first time, he fantasized that Harry was in the room when he played with himself. He must have masterbated six times today and every time he thought of Harry to help get him off.

  Closing his eyes, the young hero felt despair. Was the only way he could off was thinking of that faggot? He thought wildly. Ever since last night when he was tricked into having sex with Harry, he could not get off unless he thought of the nerd who rode him.

  Toby moaned with frustration as he realized that the lust was still there and stronger than ever. He couldn’t live this way. Harry must have done something to him that caused these feelings. The only way that he could get back to normal was to confront that skinny faggot and beat the answer out of him.

  Climbing out of bed, Toby fished out a fresh pair of boxers and wiped the cum off of his body. Whatever was done to him to make him feel this way would end tonight! None of the rest of The Hammer would take this and neither would he. Harry would pay for what he did to him and he would be back on top of the world.

  His communicator started buzzing, and the young man grabbed it and turned it on. “Tornado, here!”

  “This is Titan!” His leader’s voice came through the communicator. “We have a riot in downtown New York and we need you to meet us in Time Square, ASAP!”

  Toby grinned. “I’m on my way!” Using his powers of speed, he cleaned himself up and got into his costume. Finally some action! He thought to himself. This was just the thing he needed to get his mind off of his troubles. It was time to kick some ass.

  Chapter 4

  With a rush of wind, Tornado arrived in Time Square where his other teammates waited. Looking around at the chaos that surrounded the heart of New York City, the young hero felt a little scared. People were everywhere destroying everything they could get their hands on. It was like the riots at the prison except this was so much worse. He would expect prisoners to act like this, but ordinary people should have more sense.

  Titan had instructed them to meet outside the edge of the rioting just in case the rage that infected these ordinary citizens affected them as well. It was a silly precaution since none of them were affected at the prison, but he didn’t say anything. He would have to wait until he was a full member of the team before he could truly speak his mind. For now he would do as he was told and use every opportunity to show The Hammer his moves.

  All eyes were on Genkotsu as he took out a strange pair of goggles and placed them on his head. The silent crimefighter looked around slowly. “I have located the rage machine,” He said softly. Getting more than two words out of the man was always a trial. Tornado always thought he could get a stone to speak before he could induce a conversation from the Japanese super hero.

  “Rapture and The Dusting are guarding it,” Genkotsu said with a small frown.

  Tornado could not help but grin at the news. The other heroes frowned thoughtfully as they looked in the direction of the rioting. The young hero could not understand their worry. The Dusting was pathetic when it came to his powers. The loser could summon dust and use it to blind his enemies. That was his only power! He had no idea why the villain even got out of bed in the morning. They could not be worried about going up against him. It must be Rapture that worried the team. The witch had magical powers that could destroy the entire city. Tornado hoped that he would be picked to fight against her. She was smoking hot and almost as good looking as him. He knew that he could use his looks and charms to stop her in her tracks.

  Titan turned to the rest of the team. “Ice Pick, I want you to take out The Dusting. Make sure that he does not blind us with his dust. Silver Charger and I will handle Rapture. Tornado stay behind Ice Pick and be ready to disperse the dust storm if The Dusting is successful in raising it. Genkotsu, stay in the shadows and take out the machine as soon as the shield is down.”

  The rest of the team nodded and sprang into action. Tornado suppressed
his disappointment of not being picked to go against Rapture. That disappointment was small compared to the boring task he was given. Again he was not able to show his potential because Titan was coddling him again. He obediently followed the dark skinned hero to face one of the most pathetic villains in history.

  Tornado watched as Ice Pick made a slide of ice and landed right in front of The Dusting. The villain sneered as he raised his arms taking a step back. Dust seemed to explode everywhere as it created a thick fog that was impossible to see through.

  “You’re going to have to try harder than that!” Ice Pick laughed through the fog of dust.

  Springing into action, Tornado used his super speed and circled the edges of the wall of dust. Creating a small whirlwind, he gathered every single speck of dust from the outside in. From the corner of his eye, he could see Ice Pick’s fists glowing blue as he stood ready to attack once the dust was disbursed.

  The young superhero stumbled as he felt his cock suddenly come to life. The vision of Harry invaded his mind and the lust that had plagued him exploded through his body. The whirlwind he had created died as he fell to his knees doubled over by the intense pleasure of his erection. Dust settled all around him as the fog of dust grew thicker.

  Paralyzed by the pleasure of his cock and the image of Harry in his mind, Tornado tried to cover his bulging tights and stand back to his feet. Moaning he fell back to the ground as all his strength seemed to be focused in his rock hard erection. He needed to pleasure himself and get the release that he desired.

  The hero gasped as the ground underneath him began to ice up. He looked up but the dust blinded him and prevented him from seeing what was happening. Tornado knew that this was Ice Pick’s doing. The ice sent chills through his body as he hoped it would calm his out of control cock down. The hero lay on his stomach and pressed his lycra contained cock against the icy cement. The chill sent a wave of shock through his body as his cock throbbed beneath him. The ice only seemed to excite him even more as he slowly rubbed his cock against it. Moaning with pleasure that the cold against his hard erection gave him, Tornado threw his head back in passion.

  The hero became lost in pleasuring himself as the sounds of battle faded away. He imagined that Harry was rubbing an ice cube up and down his cock slowly teasing him while increasing his pleasure. Visions of the skinny nerd pleasuring him sent his senses into overdrive. The only thing he could concentrate on was the calling for release from his cock. Dry humping the icy cement, Tornado closed his eyes and moaned. He didn’t care if anyone saw what he was doing, the hero needed to get release and be free of the torment of lust that invaded his body.

  The icy stimulation that he was inflicting on his cock felt so good to the horny young college student. It was not long before his cock finally rewarded him by exploding in his tights. The hot stickiness of his cum stained his crotch and made the fabric stick to his throbbing cock outlining it even more than usual. Every line and vein of his cock was now visible in his now wet crotch as he collapsed on the ground in exhaustion.

  After what seemed like an eternity, his cock gave up its last shot of cum and his powerful orgasm finally began to fade. It was then that Tornado finally remembered where he was at. Gasping he looked around and saw that the fog of dust still surrounded him. Sighing with relief, he was glad that his teammates did not see him in his passionate debauchery. He looked at his stained crotch in horror. How was he going to hide this from the rest of the team. The fog of dust will not last forever. Even though his cock was softening, the stain of cum would be obvious.

  As Tornado considered running back to his dorm and changing, the dust suddenly started falling to the ground. It settled on him as much as the icy ground beneath him. His entire costume was now covered in dust. Tornado hoped that it could conceal the evidence of his masterbation during a vital mission.

  Ice Pick was only a few feet away from him and looked soaked to the bone. His costume clung to his muscular body showing off every part of his body like he was wearing nothing at all. The dark skinned hero shot Tornado a withering look and shook his head. Tornado paled at the thought of what today would bring him. He failed to do his part of the mission and may have resulted in the failure of the mission itself. He was supposed to prove himself, but all he did was pleasure himself like a thirteen year old boy.

  Titan walked out of the building and patted Ice Pick on the shoulder. “Thanks for the assist! That stone construct was stronger than I thought. Did you get The Dusting?”

  Ice Pick glanced as Tornado and shook his head. “He got away,” He said regretfully.

  Tornado never felt so low in his life. What is wrong with me? He thought in despair. He would be lucky if he was not thrown out of The Hammer for his actions today.

  Silver Charger and Genkotsu walked out of the building carrying parts of a broken machine. “We destroyed the machine, but Rapture got away.” He said with a frown on his face. “She fled at the sight of me.”

  Titan looked at the broken remains of the machine that caused such rage and chaos and frowned as well. “It’s not like her to run from a fight.” He said thoughtfully.

  Tornado sighed as he finally got back on his feet. He walked to where the rest of the team stood.

  “She must be following orders from someone else,” Ice Pick said. “Who would have that kind of power and influence to keep her in line?’”

  Titan nodded. “There is more to today’s attack than meets the eye. Everyone get cleaned up and then meet in the conference room in two hours. We need to get to the bottom of this.” He looked at Tornado. “I need to speak with you as soon as you get cleaned up.”

  Tornado felt his heart fall to the bottom of his feet. He nodded before he ran at top speed for his dorm. He would face whatever came from this like a man.

  Chapter 5

  Toby teleported back into his dorm room from The Hammer’s headquarters. He had never been so embarrassed and mortified in his entire life. Still clad in his costume, he fell into his bed and punched his pillow. How could he allow himself to be aroused during a dangerous battle. It was his fault that they failed to take in the two villains. The team counted on him and he let them down.

  The young hero just wanted to burst into tears. Ever since he was tricked into sleeping with Harry, his life had been turned upside down and spiraled out of control. Toby was supposed to be the hero. The man who all the women fawned over and the men aspired to be like. The lust that had consumed him now threatened to take everything away from him. For the first time in his life, he felt weak and afraid. Toby had tried everything to satisfy his lust, but each time that he orgasmed, the lust just grew stronger.

  Looking up from his pillow, Toby realized that he needed to confront Harry once and for all. This all started when that nerd tricked him into gay sex. He just had to convince Harry to release him from this lust that consumed him.

  Getting up from his bed, Toby took off his uniform. Standing naked in his room, he flexed his muscles and admired himself. He was a perfect specimen that women would get wet looking at. A man like him would never let some skinny ass nerd get the better of him. It was time to end this once and for all!

  Toby went to his dresser and pulled out a shirt and jeans to wear. He had to make sure that he was looking his best to keep the advantage over Harry. Knowing for the past two years that the skinny nerd had a huge crush on him, Toby would use that to his advantage during the confrontation. After he quickly dressed, the young hero went to the mirror and styled his hair. Flashing an irresistable smile at his reflection, he knew that he was ready to take back his life.

  As he left the dorm, the night sky was completely clear and a full moon hung low in the sky. Most of the students who lived on campus was already fast asleep which made it easier for Toby to get to his car. Harry lived in fraternity house and he knew where it was. The roads were mostly deserted as the campus as Toby drove the speed limit to get to his destination. When he pulled up to the frat house, he took a deep bre
ath. His nerves suddenly flared up as he prepared to confront the young man who turned his life upside down. His heart raced as he took another deep breath. Toby reminded himself that he was the better man and no skinny nerd would get the best of him.

  Climbing out of his car, Toby walked purposely to the front door. Knocking loudly to make sure that he was heard, he waited as lights went on in the upper floors.

  One of the nerds who Toby didn’t know came to the door and opened it cautiously. “Can I help you?” He asked nervously.

  The young hero flashed his most charming smile. “I’m here to see Harry,” He said sweetly. If he acted belligerent, then he could be denied access to the house. Toby would charm his way in and then there would be hell to pay.

  The nerd opened the door all the way and let Toby into the house. “Harry has been expecting you,” he said with a huge grin.


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