Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings) Page 12

by Cameo Renae

  I reached my finger out to touch it, then pulled away. What if it was against some immortal law for a mortal to touch their marks?

  He glanced at me. “You can touch it if you want to.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He grinned and leaned in, his closeness acting like a vacuum, sucking the air from my lungs. I reached out and traced his mark with my finger. There was something sensual about the act. The tip of my finger tingled and continued all the way down to my toes. “Does my mark look like this?”

  “Yours is smaller. And lighter. If a mortal looked at your mark, they wouldn’t understand what it was. They’d think it was a birthmark.”

  “That’s what my mom thought it was.” He nodded in agreement.

  “How old are you?”

  His eyes narrowed. “How old do you think I am?”

  “If I were to judge by your looks, I’d say nineteen. But then you have the body of someone who has trained for many more years.” I bit my lip, as a grin rose on his perfect mouth, realizing I’d just admitted to checking him out. “I mean—I didn’t…“

  Alex laughed, and the timbre was seductive, resonating through my chest. “It’s okay. I get that a lot. And my age. Well, let’s just say I probably could have met your great-great grandparents.”

  “They’re dead,” I exhaled and realized what he was saying. “You’re over a hundred years old?”

  His eyes flickered. “Give or take a few, in angel years.”

  “What, are they like dog years?”

  “Dog years? No.” He laughed. “I’ve actually lived every one of those years. The aging process slows when you’re immortal. So, in angel years, I’m young.”

  I could feel my pulse thrumming under my skin as I asked the next question. “What will happen to me?”

  “Once you go through your transformation, your body will change from mortal to immortal.”

  Those words made my head throb.

  “Okay, wait,” I exhaled. “You’re going to have to explain this to me slowly. I don’t understand what you mean by transformation.”

  He leaned back, holding himself up on his elbows. I watched his muscles ripple under the thin material of his shirt.

  “I don’t know everything about the transformation process, or how to explain it…but I know someone who does. She went through the same thing.”


  “Her name is Emma, and she lives up in Alaska with her bonded.”

  “Is she the one you told me about earlier?”

  “Yes. Hold on just a second. Let me see if I can do something.”

  He sat up and grabbed his cell phone from his pocket and started texting. Was he texting Emma, or Midway? Did Midway have cell phones? I would think angels could communicate without electronics.

  He paused, watching the screen, then his phone buzzed, and he looked over at me.

  “Can you wait right here? Give me twenty minutes, tops. I’ll be right back.”

  “Where are you going?”

  He popped off the bed, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “I have to go talk to the admistrator of Midway. I’ll be right back.”

  A feeling of dread surged through me.

  “Wait, how will you get there?”

  “There’s a portal in the woods.”

  “You can’t go outside. The Darkling are out there, and the Fallen!”

  “Don’t worry about me. I promise I’ll be okay. Twenty minutes tops.”

  “Are you sure.”

  His eyes steadied on mine. “I’m sure.”

  I was terrified and even more so when he was going into the dark woods late at night. Shaking my head, I had to remember he was an immortal being. A Guardian angel who was trained to fight and be stealthy.

  He walked over to the window and checked the lock. “Don’t open the window, and make sure to lock the door. I’ll text you when I’m back.”

  “Okay,” I breathed.

  We stood face to face, less than a foot of space between us. In my mind, I envisioned him wrapping his arms around me and pulling me tight against his chest. It was the safest place I’d felt in a long time. When I blinked, he didn’t move. He was an angel after all. And a gentleman.

  Instead, his hands grasped the sides of my arms. “I’ll be back, hopefully with more answers.”

  I nodded as he walked around me and left. Then, I locked the door and paced my room. He said he’d be no more than twenty minutes, but it felt like an eternity and only five minutes had passed. I sighed deeply, checked my phone, then plopped on my bed. It took everything inside me not to peek outside, but I’d given him my word. Besides, I didn’t want to see any more evil creatures.

  Eighteen minutes later, as I was about to walk into the bathroom, I received a text.

  Alex: I’m at the door. Put something warm on. I’m taking you somewhere.

  Me: Ok. Be right there.

  I threw on some sweats, slipped on my running shoes, grabbed a jacket, then headed out the door anxious to see where he was taking me. I hoped it wasn’t far. I quietly walked past the dorm mistress’s door, and when she didn’t open it, I slipped out the outside door. Phew!

  “Where are we going?” I questioned, stepping into the stairwell and slipping my hand into his. It was so warm, so perfect.

  “Somewhere you can find answers.” His smile beamed brightly like the sun.

  He led me down the stairs and out the front door. “Stay close, and don’t stop.”

  “Are we going into the woods?” My heart raced.

  “Yes, but I’ll be with you, so you won’t have to worry. I just came from there and didn’t catch any signs or scent of Darkling.”

  “How far do we have to go?”

  “Not far.”

  I nodded, putting my trust in him.



  He took off running toward the right side of the school, and because of his tight grip, pulling me along, I was able to keep up. Right before we came to the tree line, there was a horrible stench.

  “Alex!” I screamed, fear surging through every cell.

  “Shit. Don’t stop!” he urged. I didn’t even notice he’d pulled his sword from somewhere on his back until he swung. I felt warmth splatter on my cheek before I saw a head roll in front of me. The Darkling’s eyes were wide, mouth open, tongue hanging to one side. I screamed and jumped over it, as Alex continued to pull me further. Screams and growls surrounded us, the stench of Darkling thick in the air.

  Alex held tight to my hand, but I was suddenly jerked backward. Sharp claws embedded into my arm, tearing flesh, yanking me away from him.

  “Eden!” His voice called as he swung his weapon at two more approaching Darkling.

  Heat burned inside, and my fight-or-flight instincts kicked in. There was no way this damn monster was dragging me away from Alex and into the darkness to die.

  With every ounce of strength, I yanked my arm back. Catching the Darkling off guard, its face came close enough for me to swing. My fist connected with its nose, and I heard a cracking noise. It growled, its black eyes narrowing as sharp teeth were bared.

  I’d pissed it off.

  I kept pulling, trying to release my arm from its grasp, my flesh burning as it tore into it even more. Its ugly face came inches away, teeth snapping, so I gave out a loud scream and head-butted it.

  It recoiled, releasing its hold just long enough for me to see Alex stick his sword through the chest of another. As soon as he withdrew his sword, he came around my back, pulling me into his arms. He ran with me secured in his left arm, his sword in the other. The wind whipped against my face as we snaked around the forest trees.

  How the hell could he maneuver in the dark? Maybe ange
ls had night vision.

  In a flash, we were somewhere completely different. In front of us sat a large mansion on the horizon, surrounded by trees. The air was cold and the sun low, but still lighting the sky. Alex set me down, his attention on my arm.

  Blood was flowing, but at the moment I was numb to the pain, especially after all that’d happened.

  “Dammit, I need to get you to Alaine.” Alex’s voice was strained. Ripping his shirt off, he wrapped it around my forearm, then lifted me into his arms and ran to the front porch. I admired the details of the carved angels inset in the dark wood as he kicked and rang the doorbell.

  An older gentleman immediately answered the door, his eyes wide as he looked down at the bloody shirt wrapped around my arm. “Alexander. Come inside. I’ll fetch Alaine.”

  He carried me inside, through an ornate hallway, where two large vases sat to either side, filled with dozens of red roses.

  The world around me spun, and I found myself burying my face against his chest. Breathing in his scent helped a bit.

  “Hey,” he breathed, hugging me tighter. “We’re safe now.”

  “Are we in Alaska?” I asked.


  “Alexander!” A beautiful woman came around the corner. Her brow furrowed as she assessed my arm and the blood.

  “Darkling attacked right before we entered the portal,” he advised.

  “Take her to my office.”

  Alex hurriedly followed her into a larger room…a foyer.

  “This is Eden East, by the way,” Alex noted. “Eden, this is Alaine Gray.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Eden. I wish it was under better circumstances,” she said, “Welcome to my home.”

  A soft moan left my lips. The shock was wearing off, and pain began to pulse through my arm.

  “You’re in pain,” Alex said, his eyes narrowed on me.

  “The adrenaline’s wearing off,” I whispered, the pain becoming unbearable.

  He nodded, then gently whispered, “Sleep.”

  The pain and the world around me faded away.

  Chapter 19


  As Eden slept, Alaine worked on stitching up her arm. Her wounds were deep, and seeing torn flesh made me sick. It was all my fault. I was supposed to protect her.

  I hadn’t smelled any danger when I came back from Midway, so how the hell had the creatures gotten there so quickly? Unless they were waiting somewhere close. Somewhere, I wasn’t able to detect them. Bastards. They’d all pay when I returned. Every damn one of them.

  “Look who the cat dragged in?” A voice blared from the hall. “First Dom, now Alex?”

  “Kade.” I stood and hugged my friend as he entered the room. “Damn good to see you, man.”

  He laughed, looking me up and down. “Look who’s losing his shirt now.” His eyes flitted to Alaine and Eden. “Who’s the girl?”

  “My assignment.” My eyes also focused on Eden. “Ephraim sent me to protect her after she had a run-in with a Darkling.”

  “How’d she survive that?”

  “I don’t know. But both Darkling and Fallen are after her now.” Kade’s brow furrowed at my statement. “She’s Nephilim,” I explained further.

  “And Midway didn’t know?” Alaine questioned, snipping a suture.

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “Does she know?” Kade stepped closer to her.

  “She does now.” I sighed. “Her eighteenth birthday is in nine days, and she has a million questions. I thought her best chance was to bring her here, so maybe Emma could talk to her.”

  “You know Emma,” Kade said, slapping his hand on my shoulder. “She’ll be more than happy to help.”

  “Thanks, man. You don’t know how much that means.”

  Kade’s eyes lingered on mine. “So, you’re infatuated, huh?”

  I shook my head, trying to hide whatever it was he saw. “Nah, she’s just my assignment.”

  “Come on, man. It’s me. You wouldn’t have brought her here if you didn’t care for her. Besides, you have a goofy love-struck look whenever you look at her.”

  I laughed shaking my head. “Can’t fool a fool, huh?”

  “Nope.” He slapped another hand on my back. “I’ll go get Emma. She’s in the cottage out back.” He stopped at the door. “It’s good to see you again. We’ll catch up in a bit.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “You know it.”

  “I thought I heard voices.” Samuel slipped past Kade and entered the room with a broad smile on his face. Samuel was Alaine’s husband, and a long time ago, was one of the third who were cast out of Heaven with Lucifer. But after years of fighting with the Fallen, he didn’t want to fight anymore. He’d met Alaine and decided he needed a change, and began to live life on his own terms.

  He extended his arm out to me. “Alexander, what brings you to our neck of the woods?”

  I pointed to Eden and gave him a quick response. “My assignment, who happens to be Nephilim. She didn’t find out until today.”

  “I can see how that poses a great problem.”

  “It does. She’s also in high school. Boarding and private, but still.”

  “Well, that’s it,” Alaine said, bandaging Eden’s arm. “In a few days, with adequate rest, she’ll be good as new.”

  “I can’t thank you enough, Alaine. Now we’ll just have to come up with how she’ll explain this to her friends and the school nurse.”

  “When is her transformation?” Samuel asked.

  “Nine days,” Alaine noted, walking over to me. “I gave her a shot of antibiotics, but she’ll need to take some pain medication when she wakes.”

  “Thank you.”

  She rested a hand on my cheek. “Anytime, Alexander. We’re all family here.”

  “Does she know her parents?” Samuel asked.

  “She was raised by her human mother, but doesn’t know who her father is.”

  “Have you seen her mark?”

  “Yes, and it looks familiar, but I can’t seem to place it. Would you take a look?”

  Samuel stepped toward Eden. Alaine gently rolled her to her side and brushed the hair from behind her neck. I watched as their eyes narrowed. Gasping, Alaine stared at Samuel.

  “Is it possible?” she asked him.

  Samuel stepped back, running his hands through his hair. “It has to be.”

  “Whose mark is it?” I asked, desperately wanting the answer.

  Filled with emotion, Samuel shook his head, then stepped out of the room.

  “I’m sorry, Alex. Just give him a moment.”

  I nodded, and Alaine left after him.

  Who the hell was Eden’s father?

  Walking next to her, I felt my chest compress. God, she was beautiful. Her skin was like porcelain, her hair like silk. She looked so delicate, but she had some fight in her, and even kept the Darkling from taking her. For that, I admired her even more.

  I gently touched her shoulder. “Eden,” I breathed, her full lips daring me to steal a kiss, but she moaned, then slowly, her eyes fluttered open.


  “I’m here.”

  “My arm hurts like hell.”

  “I know. Hold on.” I walked to the desk where Alaine had left a pill and a bottle of water. I twisted the cap off, then slipped my hand under her back to help her up.

  Through tired eyes, she assessed her bandaged arm.

  “Alaine is a nurse. She had to give you some stitches, but said you’d be good as new in a few days.”

  “You put me to sleep, didn’t you?” Her eyes were on her arm, her voice tired.

  “I did, and I apologize. I couldn’t bear to see you in pain, and the
only way I knew how to make it stop was to put you to sleep.”

  Her chestnut eyes found mine and softened. “I’m glad you did. Thanks.”

  “I’m so sorry you were hurt.” My chest was aching as I took a seat next to her.

  Tears rimmed her eyes, daring to fall. “You didn’t know. And, you did get us through, alive.”

  I shook my head, still feeling like crap. I reached for her hand, and she let me take it. “It’s my job.”

  She swiped the tears from her eyes and looked up at me. “Only a job?”

  She swallowed hard, then looked down at our connected hands. She must have been embarrassed by what she said. But she was right. It wasn’t just the job. I was doing this for her.

  “No,” I answered truthfully, placing my fingers under her chin and gently lifting, so she was looking at me. “It’s not only the job.” A smile lifted perfect lips; lips I wanted to kiss so damn badly it made my body ache. “Let me go get the others. They’ll be able to tell you what you want to know. You’ll be in charge of asking the questions.”

  When she nodded. I stood. As I headed for the door, she stopped me.


  Twisting my head back to her, I watched a tear trickle down her cheek.

  “Are you okay?” I took a step toward her.

  “Yes,” her voice trembled. “You’ll stay here too, won’t you?”

  “Of course.” I winked. “I’ll be right back.” I turned then headed out to get the others.

  Chapter 20


  As soon as Alex left the room, an overwhelming emotion pressed in my chest, and it was hard to explain. Maybe emptiness. Maybe sadness. But the longer I seemed to be in his presence, the more I felt a connection forming with him.

  I’d wondered if it was just me, and some silly, school girl crush. I mean, any girl who encountered Alex wouldn’t be unable to resist his charms. He was perfect in every way.


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