Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings) Page 23

by Cameo Renae

  “I’ve got you,” he repeated, his gentle words traveling from my ear, straight to my heart.

  The music muted, and the air around me stilled. Forcing my eyes to open, I witnessed Alex’s wings wrapped around us like a cocoon. My cocoon. A private universe only he could provide.

  I tried to withdraw my mind from the pain and its fiery tendrils, but it was useless. It tugged me deeper and deeper into its dark pit.

  Helpless, I felt Alex’s lips press against mine. Trying to push through the pain, I focused on the one thing helping me, holding me through this transformation.


  His tongue traveled along the seam of my lips, causing my lips to part as he took control. His arms tightened around me, his mouth became eager, almost desperate to find a way to take away the pain.

  As the fire continued to incinerate my humanity, I focused on his perfect face until the pain blurred my vision.

  I gasped for breath as the fire hit my chest. The pain was like a hot knife, piercing directly into my heart, plunging deep, over and over again.

  I cried out, my body arching, every muscle tensed.

  Grasping for Alex, I captured his shoulders. His wings and arms tightened around me.

  “I’ve got you, Eden. I won’t let you go.”

  The pain left me limp in his arms, breathless and tormented. I couldn’t tell if I’d been on fire for minutes or hours. It continued its course, burning and charring, until it finally passed my chest.


  “I’m here,” he whispered.

  “Kiss me.”

  His arm lifted my head, mouth covering mine. His kiss was like magic, quenching the remaining embers within. I wrapped my weak arms around his neck, letting his kiss carry me away, deeper into his universe, past the pain.

  I held tightly to him as the fire finished its course.

  As soon as the blaze passed through my toes, an invisible force slammed into me. My body jolted and tingles filled every cell. Gasping, my lips left Alex’s as a wave of dizziness overcame me.

  “What’s happening?” I exhaled.

  Alex was looking at me with an expression I couldn’t explain. But swirling within his emerald eyes, I could see love, adoration, and unbridled happiness. It was as if I could feel his love coursing through my veins.

  His lips crashed back down on mine, and this time, it was much different. The intensity was mind-blowing. Electricity buzzed around us. It was so strong, I couldn’t begin to describe in words what it felt like. His lips, his taste, his smell…everything about him was overwhelmingly seductive.

  Alex finally pulled back, resting his forehead against mine. My body was weak and fragile, zapped of all strength. I could barely keep my arms around him without effort.

  “Alex?” I was confused. The tingles were greater wherever we were touching.

  He smiled, tears welling in his eyes. “The immortal bond has chosen us, Eden.”

  My heart felt as if it was going to burst into a million pieces. Tears spilled from my eyes. “We’re bonded?”

  “Yes.” He nodded.


  He unfolded his wings and laid me on his bed. His fingers gently wiped away my tears. “I don’t know. No one knows how the immortal bond chooses two individuals, but when it does, you know as soon as you touch. The bond has chosen us to be mates, and it will be sealed by consummation, tying our hearts together forever.”

  My mind was spinning and a lump formed in my throat. “I’m yours?”

  His smile melted me all over again. “Forever,” he breathed.

  The tears continued, uncontrollably. I didn’t understand the immortal bond, but having experienced it firsthand, I could see how powerful it was. Like love had found us, and bound our hearts and lives together.

  Alex was mine. There was no doubt in my heart or mind. I could feel the connection, deeper than anything I’d ever felt before. It was unexplainable, a bond created by the creator himself. A bond, connecting two compatible hearts for all eternity.

  “Your transformation is complete, and the only way to recover is to sleep.”

  He was right. Emma had warned me about it, and I could barely keep my eyes open. “Stay with me,” I whispered.

  He laid down next to me, sliding his arm under my head. He pressed his lips to my temple. “I am yours, now and forever.”

  I scooted closer, until we were spooning. I felt his warmth wrap around me like a warm blanket.

  “Happy Birthday, Eden,” he murmured, moving my hair and kissing the spot where my mark was.

  “Thank you.” I pulled his arm tighter around me.

  “Sleep, my love,” he whispered.

  And my mind obeyed.

  Chapter 36


  Around five AM the next morning, Eden’s phone began buzzing. I was going to let it go, but as the buzzing continued, I knew it must be urgent. I slipped my arm from under her head and got up to check what was going on, only to find panicked texts from her friends, wondering where she was. I answered the last text I saw.

  Sebastian: Girl, freaking let us know if you’re alive.

  Me: Eden is with me. She’s safe. What’s wrong?

  My phone rang, and it was a frantic Sebastian. “Alex, you have Eden?”

  “Yes, she’s in my room, sleeping.”

  “Holy freaking crap. We thought—hold on.“ Trissa and Kimi were firing off questions in the background. “She’s safe. She’s with Alex.”

  “Sebastian, what’s going on?” I asked again.

  “Someone broke into Eden’s window last night. There is blood and glass shattered everywhere. And the—the dorm mistress is dead. She must have gone to check on the noise and…oh God, it ripped her throat out.”

  “I’ll be right up.” I hung up the phone and texted Isaac.

  Me: Darkling attacked the school. Eden is in my room. She’s under the sleeper, but I need you here while I go investigate.

  A few seconds later, there was a knock at the door. I opened it and Isaac’s bulky frame stood in the doorway.

  “I messaged you. Told you they were attacking.”

  “What?” I grabbed my phone and saw his message. Dammit. I must have fallen asleep. I exhaled, shaking my head.

  “I went to Midway. Returned with help, but the Darkling had already gone.”

  “I must have dozed off. Sorry, man. I’ll be back soon.”

  Isaac gave a single nod then stepped into the room. I slipped a T-shirt over my head and headed up to the third floor, texting Sebastian.

  Me: I’m outside the girls’ door.

  Kimi came and opened it up. The entire hallway was filled with students. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me through. On the ground, right outside Eden’s door, was a body covered with a blanket. A few teachers were gathered, trying to push the students away.

  “Principal Haggert,” Kimi called, her hand still gripped around my arm.


  “Eden is safe. She was with Alex.”

  “Where is she now?” he asked, his eyes scanning the hall.

  “She’s asleep in my room, sir. Last night we celebrated her eighteenth birthday. I left the present I bought her in my room, so she came down with me to get it. We ended up talking. She said she didn’t feel well, so she laid down and fell asleep. I didn’t have the heart to wake her.”

  The principal exhaled. “Thank the Lord. I’m glad she’s safe,” he said. “Someone—or something— broke into her room. There is blood on the windowsill and on the concrete below. We have no idea what it was, but the trail leads into the forest. There are police out there now. Did you see or hear anything out of the ordinary last night?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t.”

  The police cleared the hall, sending everyone back into their rooms. Paramedics lifted the dorm mistress onto a gurney and carried her out.

  “We were lucky Eden wasn’t in her room. However, Miss Westbrook wasn’t as fortunate.”

  I was glad she was with me. Those bastard stinkers were waiting. They knew of her transformation and were waiting to strike when she was at her weakest. I knew they were long gone, and they’d failed. Who knows how many had come. And how the hell did they get up to her room? I could only think the Fallen had something to do with it. She wasn’t safe here anymore. Not without constant protection.

  “Do you think it could have been a student?” Kimi asked.

  “No,” Principal Haggart replied. “Whatever did this, wasn’t human. There were claw marks, and her throat was bit—you know what, I’d rather not go into details.”

  A few teachers surrounded him. “Principal Haggart, what should we do?”

  “Cancel all classes today. I want everyone in the Grand Room for an emergency meeting in one hour. No one leaves the premises until the police have thoroughly searched the area and have given us the green light.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Alex, I need you to get Eden. The police will need statements, and proof she is okay.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said.

  Trissa grabbed my arm. ”Please, tell Eden to call me.” The stress on her friends faces made my heart ache.

  “I will.”

  “Do you mind if I go down with you?” Sebastian asked, hand over his heart. “I have to see her face. Not that I don’t believe you…I just need to see her, to make sure she’s okay.”

  “Of course,” I said.

  I sent off a text to Isaac, letting him know I was coming with Eden’s friend.

  When we got down to my room, I opened the door and let Sebastian in. As soon as he saw Eden asleep on my bed, he ran over and fell to his knees beside her. “Oh, God.” He took her hand and pressed it to his forehead.

  I walked over and touched her arm. “Eden, you need to wake up now.”

  She was exhausted from the transformation. I knew she’d need a lot more rest to recover, but we had to deal with this.

  She moved, then her eyes opened. They were bloodshot. “What?”

  “We thought you were dead,” Sebastian sobbed.

  Eden moaned, bringing her hands up to her head. I could see her mind trying to process what was going on.

  I walked over and sat on the other side of the bed. “There was a break-in last night. In your room. Something shattered your window, and the dorm mistress is dead.

  “What?” Eden raised up on her elbows.

  “We thought they got you too.” Sebastian sniffled. “Trissa and Kimi called me screaming. When I got upstairs, all I saw was your broken window, a dead body that had been torn to shreds, and blood everywhere. We called and texted, but you weren’t answering. So, we assumed…” His lips began to quiver.

  “I’m fine,” she said, reaching over and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Seriously, this bitch’s heart was almost broken.” He hugged her back. “I’m just freaking glad and relieved you’re alive.”

  Eden’s eyes turned to me, filled with concern.

  “We have to go talk to the police,” I explained. “Everyone was wondering where you are, so you’ll have to give a statement. I just told them I had your present in my room, and you came down to get it. Then, we started talking, and you fell asleep.”

  “Well, that’s the truth.” She rubbed her face and shook her head.

  “What about Miss Westbrook?”

  “They took her body away,” Sebastian said. “Whatever came in, ripped her freaking throat out. She had claw marks everywhere. There was so much blood…” Sebastian stopped and covered his mouth. Dry heaving, his eyes filled with water.

  Eden rubbed his back. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” She looked at me and I saw the guilt in her eyes. She was blaming herself for the incident, and she shouldn’t have.


  After the tiresome police statements, we attended the emergency meeting—which forbade all students to leave the building or premesis without notice. Hunters and police officers were brought in to scour the woods of Brindle Hollow and surrounding areas. There were also a few guards stationed around the grounds, and they would remain there until after graduation.

  That’s one thing the Fallen hadn’t predicted. Their stupid Darkling pawns had made it nearly impossible for them to come near Brindle Hall again, especially with all the mortal protection. This worked to my advantage.

  Tomorrow was graduation day. After that, I had no idea what to expect. Eden and I had been bonded, and I still had to notify Midway. All I knew was that I could not be separated from her. In every immortal eye, she was mine, and I was hers, for all eternity.

  The teachers set up indoor activities, and the Principal brought in a few counselors for those who were having a difficult time coping with Miss Westbrook’s death.

  Sebastian, Kimi, and Trissa helped me and Eden pack everything from her room, and move it to Trissa’s, a few doors down.

  That afternoon, the seniors did a final walk-thru of the graduation ceremony. With the police and hunters all aorund, there was a mixture of excitement and terror. Most had high spirits, knowing that tomorrow would be the start of their new lives. High school would be officially over, and they would all enter adulthood.

  Eden and I still had to discuss our plans for the future. It’s not like we were in a huge rush, but we’d need to figure out a way to be together. Her mother would be the hardest sell. She didn’t even know Eden was seeing anyone, let alone be able to comprehend that we were connected by an immortal bond.

  Eden’s mom was driving down from Tacoma to watch her graduate. The thought of meeting her—the woman who birthed my bonded—made me both excited and nervous.

  Because Eden had a special connection to them, I’d invited Samuel, Alaine, Kade, and Emma to the ceremony. They’d helped me keep her alive, and we both had news to share with all of them.

  Chapter 37


  It was graduation day, and I was awake before dawn, listening to Trissa snore and Kimi talk in her sleep. Trissa’s roommate had agreed to swap rooms with Kimi, so that we could all stay together for our last night on campus.

  Because I was with Trissa and Kimi, Alex had stayed in his own room. It was the first time in over a week he hadn’t spent the night next to me, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. My thoughts were bombarded by him. My body and skin craved his touch. I couldn’t wait to see him. I’d even had the thought of leaving the room to go find him.

  But I knew these were my last hours with my best friends, and as much as I wanted Alex, I wanted to be there for them too, especially after all that had happened earlier. Alex was my future, and I would have forever to spend it with him.

  My mind was spinning, and I couldn’t help but wonder what my gift would be. Would it be super strength or invisibility like Alaine and Emma? Or something completely different? How would I know? Would it be obvious, or something I wouldn’t even know I had until it showed itself?

  Although I didn’t get much sleep, I wasn’t tired. I felt great. Hell, I was immortal now. I’d love to see Sebastian or Kimi wrap their heads around that one.

  Just the thought of their reactions had me laughing quietly to myself.

  My mother had already left Tacoma and should be arriving within the hour. She’d promised to call as soon as she reached Brindle Hollow.

  The principal had a room set up for guests, complete with couches, television, a coffee maker, and even tables with snacks.

  I couldn’t wait to see her and introduce her to Alex. Nothing about the introduction scared me. I knew she’d love him. A
ll my life, what she wanted most for me, was to find love and happiness. And I was lucky enough to have found it.

  I was supposed to leave with her and head back to Tacoma tonight. I hadn’t discussed this with Alex yet, but we really hadn’t had time to discuss the future since my transformation. And it had only been just yesterday, when the bond had finally chosen us. We still hadn’t sealed it yet…and the thought made my insides heat.

  But, I wasn’t going to worry about that now. All I wanted was to get through graduation.

  I took advantage of my sleeping friends and hit the bathroom to get ready. An hour later my phone rang. My mom was here. She’d just pulled in and was making her way into the school. I agreed to meet her downstairs, and sent a text to Alex, inviting him to come and have breakfast with us.

  My pulse raced when he responded, saying he’d meet us there. I couldn’t wait to see his handsome face.

  I nudged Trissa, and when she moaned, I told her I was going to meet my mom. Through half-opened eyes, she muttered a few words which I pieced together as, “Okay. Later.” Within seconds, she was back to sleep.

  As I headed downstairs, I found my mom standing in a corner, staring at one of the pictures hanging on the wall.

  “Mom,” I called.

  Her head twisted, and a broad smile lifted her pinkish lips. Her hair was cut to her shoulders, and she’d added highlights. She even wore makeup, which I’d rarely seen her do.

  “Eden,” she gasped. When I reached her, she wrapped her arms around me, giving me the warm motherly hug I’d craved the past few months.

  I breathed in her sweet, fruity perfume.

  “You look beautiful, Mom.” My comment made her face glow.


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