The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis

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The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis Page 5

by Monica Parker

  “I'm not lying. Stop trying to work my nerves right now. Stop trying to find something wrong with me. Stop trying to make an issue out of nothing at all before it becomes a real issue.” Kortez spat with venom. His phone vibrated and he grabbed it, smiling before he texted back. That shit made my blood boil. Clearly somebody had his attention as he started putting the blunt out.

  “Fuck your nerves, Kortez, because if there was nothing wrong then why are you putting out the blunt while we are smoking together? And who the fuck do you keep texting? You know what? Let me see your phone.” I held out my hand and he laughed at me.

  “Girl, go on somewhere…actin’ like you my mama.” Kortez was smiling a little bit too hard for me, which indicated he wasn’t taking me serious and that made me mad.

  “Kortez, what female got you all in your feelings, smiling and shit like that? It surely isn't me, so who is she? Don’t lie to me either because I will find out. I know that you are texting a bitch.”

  “Mane, stand down with the bullshit and quit assuming things. You really are killing my vibe with the insecure shit. Straighten up.” Kortez ran his hands through his dreads the way he always did when he was lying. With all the strength that I had, I slapped his phone directly out of his hands, causing it fall to the floor. From the impact, I knew that screen was cracked. He quickly picked it up off of the ground to survey the damage.

  “You see this shit?” he yelled. Alisha, don't you ever in your pill-poppin life slap shit out of my hand. Do you understand me? If you ever pull this shit again you will regret it!” Kortez threatened.

  “Fuck it! If you wanna be on some hoe shit, then two can play that game!” I stormed past him headed to go get my clothes when he jumped up and snatched me by the back of my arm.

  “Let me go, Tez! Let me go before I fuck you up!”

  “No Alisha. Sit your ass down somewhere. Hit the blunt again or pop you a pill.” I hated when he talked to me like I was an addict. That shit got up under my skin.

  “Sit down for what? There is nothing left to say! I hope you been strapping up when you steppin’ out! You love more than these damn streets nowadays!” I yelled as my chest heaved. I could tell my pressure was high as I felt a headache coming on. My nostrils were flaring like a bull and I was ready to fight him. He saw that I was not about to back down.

  “You know what? Fuck it I'm out. You on this little girl shit and I don’t have the patience or time to go there with you tonight.” I stepped in front of him, nostrils flaring. He didn’t even deny that Plum’s unborn twins might be his. Kortez pushed past me so hard it almost knocked me down. I was hoping he would leave, but he hesitated and turned to walk upstairs. Once I heard the bedroom door slam behind him, I grabbed my shit and left. Fuck him and this house because I didn’t need either one.


  I could have killed Makayla once I discovered my clothes missing. I left 2 racks of tricking money in the pocket of my newest pair of Robin jeans. I knew some shit looked funny when I pulled up but I could quite place it. Smelled like somebody had been burning trash, but I ignored it because my neighbors do country-ass shit like that sometimes. I ran back down the stairs, but she was long gone. When I walked outside, I could see a huge pile of ashes. Sure enough, when I walked into the back yard, I could make out a few of the charred remains, and knew she had burned my stuff. I kicked the garbage can over as hard as I could, sending it flying into the neighbor’s fence. I didn’t care because I didn’t like them anyway.

  This situation was starting to wear real thin on me. As much as I loved my girl, I never lied to her about who I was or what I stood for. I was not for being broke or being turned in to a bum. I made sure she had the things that she needed and I tried to let her ease on carrying the weight of our relationship; she had done it for two years and that killed me.

  I needed to provide for her; not the other way around. I felt like she deserved heaven, but she was content to give me hell all the way. The arguing got old with Makayla. One minute I would be her king and the next I would be the court jester. All this nagging shit was getting out of hand. I had a little chick I would holla at every now and then and I called her a stress reliever. I needed my stress relieved so against my better judgment I sat in my driveway and made a phone call. As usual she answered on the first ring.

  I left Jasmine’s house with an empty nut sack and two less blunts. She tried to suck it, but the pair of bumps on her bottom lip quickly lost her that privilege. We smoked a few blunts and I let her jack me off while watching an amateur porn video of her with 4 other niggas. The way she handled them made me tempted to try her, but I couldn’t risk the infection. Once I got my nut, I left her ass right there with a wet pussy and wet couch to clean up. I was never into her like that.

  Once I left, my mind when back to all of my problems. Makayla’s ass had officially gone too far burning up my shit. I was scared of what I might do when I saw her again. On the other hand, I was thinking about Jacori and wondering whether I should involve myself with his issues. He was my nigga, true enough, but he was too hot for me. What nigga would make a serve in public like that? I didn’t have it in me to go back to jail. Nobody but my girl looked out for me when I was locked up.

  That realization made it clear to me what I would have to do. I tucked my tail between my legs and took my ass home. I needed to make shit right with her even if I was mad. Most of the shit she had burned was shit she had bought me any way. I could replace that, but never her loyalty. Her car was missing, but I didn’t trip because I assumed she was parked in the garage. She never stayed gone when she got mad. I opened the front door and everything was the way I had left it so I knew she hadn’t been back. I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and froze as I observed an envelope on the table along with her keys.

  I opened the letter:


  I will make this short and sweet. I feel as if I have been a stand-up woman to you. All I ever asked was that you did the same. I have made it clear that I am to come first in your life, but you have treated me like all that matters is your pockets. Where were the streets when I was holding you down? Who helped you get out? Who worked two jobs to make sure you had commissary every week and then held down the bills at home? Who made sure you came home to a wardrobe that most niggas only dreamed of? That “who” is me. The one you jump out of bed with to go play in the streets. The one that you talk crazy to. The one that you make feel worthless. You have tried to buy my love with material things which is why I left the keys to the Mercedes. The one thing I needed from you was free… and that’s love.

  After reading Makayla's letter a rush of anger came flooding through my body. Not only had she burnt up my shit, but she also left me. I rolled up a blunt to smoke on to relax my mind before I lost what little cool I had left. Tomorrow I would have to buy all new clothes and shoes. This shit was rock-bottom for me as I really thought about it. How could she not see that I was trying to pay her back with the lifestyle she deserved? We had a nice house in a decent neighborhood with three cars. I made sure she got her hair done and manicures and pedicures weekly. She had money to blow and she didn’t have to lift a finger unless she chose to. The only thing she had to sacrifice was some of our time together.

  I called her phone and was more than pissed when I heard it ring in the living room. I picked it up and almost threw it when it dawned on me where she might be. Six hours had passed and she still hadn't come home yet. Makayla was out somewhere probably with Alisha or Legacy. I tried my best to not contact them first, so I called Jacori; but he didn't answer his phone. Next I dialed up Kortez and he actually answered the phone on the third ring.

  “What's up? Have you seen my wife?”

  “Have I seen your wife? Do I look like the wife hunter around here home boy?”

  “Maybe you do smart mouth-ass nigga. She hasn't come home yet so I figured she was with your wife or Legacy.”

  “No Davion, I haven't seen Makayla but if I do, I'll tell
her to take her ass home to you,” “Okay good looking out,” I replied disconnecting the call.

  “Damn, K where in the hell are you?” I whispered to myself. “You got a nigga over here going insane.” I was worried like shit. And all things considered, I understood where she was coming from, even though I didn’t like how she was doing me. “Just bring your as home,” I whispered again.

  Makayla had me running through the house talking to myself like a crazy man. I would surely go crazy without her because my life would be incomplete. If she comes home anytime soon I would try my best to make everything up to her the proper way. Six hours later, and no Makayla, I started changing my mind.


  Looking for a Rider


  When I got back to the house I was glad to see Jacori’s car was gone. I still didn’t believe he had the nerve to walk up in here taking a shower like he was fresh out of some pussy. He knew I was not about to let that slide. I may have gone too far with the dildo, but he pissed me off. He knew he couldn’t afford to lose me because I was the only reason that he was on in the first place.

  I frowned as I walked in and took a whiff of an unsavory aroma. My living room smelled like corn chips and old milk. I knew then that Javon had been there with his non-sock-changing ass. He pretty much stayed out of my way because I always made him take his shoes off before coming into my house. I opened the windows and sprayed some air freshener before walking upstairs to my bedroom.

  After sliding off my shoes, I got in the bed and tuned into an old Maury marathon when Jacori walked in scaring the hell out of me.

  “You out your feelings now so we can talk?” Jacori asked sitting next to me. I was about to answer when his phone rang. Fucking with the Plugs Daughter by Kevin Gates played loudly. He looked at his phone and back to me before answering. I peeped how he felt the need to walk over to the window to talk. Me being the concerned wife that I was, I studied his facial expressions and body language to see what type of phone call he was taking.

  Jacori was a handsome, brown skinned, muscular, seductive, tight-eyed Adonis and sometimes I knew he would dibble dabble with other women. Did I mind him cheating every once in a while? No. Why? Because he was going to be a man. I did my dirt every once in a while. I did my shit on the side too, but our agreement was to always be truthful about who we were dealing with and to always use protection. I had a feeling he wasn’t honoring his end of the bargain. The only queen in his life was me and he was supposed to make sure I knew it every second of the day. This morning showed me something else, though. He knew that I wasn't to be fucked with. I was the only woman allowed to sit up on a high horse. I was his connect to this business and this lavish lifestyle. Jacori was fucking with a boss which is why he could fly across the country first class, dipped in the latest and finest shit

  I am Legacy Legend,the daughter of the most notorious Tennessee kingpin, Latieric Legend. I know multiple Colombians; ones that showed my dad the ropes of the game. And when I turned 16 my dad showed me the ropes because he didn’t have any sons to show them to. He showed me how to cook up the dope and ship it off unnoticed. I learned every aspect of the game.

  I was the female that every man wanted to link up with. I met Jacori four years ago at the Ice Bar and Grill. He was celebrating his 21st birthday while I was there for a business meeting. I wasn't looking for love or anything, but when he approached me at the bar with his sexy bedroom eyes and hypnotizing smile, I was intrigued. He wasn’t the best-looking or most paid nigga there was by any means, but Jacori had a swag that was unmatched. I was used to men trying to impress me, but he didn’t do anything other than be himself.

  When Jacori finally asked me out, I accepted. He exposed me to things I didn’t think a street nigga would know anything about and I exposed him to some things that women usually weren’t involved in. We complimented each other well. After a year of dating we got married with my father's blessings. It seemed like yesterday when everything was going so well.

  I was knocked from my thoughts briefly when I noticed Jacori going into the dresser that held the key to the safe room. The safe room was where we kept the dope along with a python name Rose Royce. We had her from a baby so she recognized us, but I never underestimated her ass; after all she was a snake. Who would be crazy enough to go in a room guarded by a 250 pound snake?

  “Baby, what's up?” I asked as he retrieved the key and slammed the drawer shut.

  He then kneeled down kissing my lips. “Look, I have to go make a run. I need you to take 80 ounces to my brother on the Eastside and be extremely careful. Watch your rearview closely,” He ordered.

  I watched from the bed as Jacori opened the closet door before unlocking the steel inner door. I could hear him talking to Rose as he slipped in and got what he needed. Once he locked the door back he tossed two Gucci duffle bags at my feet.

  Truth be told, I employed half of these niggas in Memphis. They were just too stupid to realize that it was a girl who made their extravagant life style possible. Moving in silence was the key to it all. The only one that knew that I was the supplier and connect were, me, my father, my husband, my ex-boyfriend Chris and my husband’s brother Javon. Nobody wanted that information to come out because nobody wanted it to be known that a female was dominating the game. I didn’t mind keeping it concealed because I didn’t want to be a target. I liked moving around state to state without having to look over my shoulder.

  It was still awkward at times taking orders from him because I taught him mostly everything he knew, but I did know how to be submissive.

  I stood up and stretched before stepping into my shoes. “Just remember that our lil’ conversation ain’t over.”

  “Okay, I won't forget, but promise me that you will be careful,” he pleaded.

  “I will be careful. You know that I know better out of all people.”

  I leaned in and kissed Jacori’s lips before watching him leave out of the room. I decided to get up and get myself together before I ran out to give Javon the product to supply our team of street soldiers. I was going to make Jacori take me out to dinner so I took a quick shower before changing into an all-white knee length Dolce and Gabbana dress, paired with all black Dolce and Gabbana stiletto pumps. I didn't need any jewelry because I was already shining. I went to grab the big duffle bags that Jacori had already prepared for me and headed out the door to the east side of Memphis.

  It took me only a few minutes to get to my destination. Javon and I chopped it up for about five minutes before I headed out. I was never one to stick around too long because I didn’t trust nobody. The day was still young so I decided to go to the nail shop and get my eyelashes and eyebrows done by my lash technician, Elle. Elle was the best and she always made sure that I had my own personal room away from the public. I admired myself in the vanity mirror before tossing her a hundred dollar bill and heading out.

  I decided to take myself on a little shopping spree to kill some time. I figured Makayla could use a nice gift so I walked into the MAC store and bought her a few lip sticks. My girl loved makeup and wore it well. My girl may have only been 5’4, but her slim frame, heel game, and long naturally wavy hair gave her the appearance of a model. She never went anywhere half-stepping.

  I grabbed me a white Brahmin bag to match my dress before heading over to Bath and Body Works for Alisha. She loved her smell goods so I grabbed her a $100 gift certificate. She was another diva, standing 5’8, skin the color of peanut butter and her natural curls were so luscious and thick that it was always mistaken for weave. My girl wore no makeup as her honey eyes jumped out from her skin-tone. All Alisha needed was clear mascara and lip gloss to be on point.

  Not to be outdone, I was the most different of all us. I was the shortest at 5’2 with slanted eyes like an Asian. My buttery dark skin was tatted up from chest down, but my shit was tastefully and professionally done. The fact that I wore my hair in a fade intrigued most men but my thick bow legs, fat ass
and 38 C breasts left no room formistaking my gender.

  I was feeling myself as I walked intoQuick and Smooth to get a fresh cut. All eyes were on me as usual and my barber, Que, knew what the routine was. After locking my purchases up in the back, he cleared his chair for me. Nobody was bold enough to say anything, but I knew they were mad.

  “What you getting done today beautiful?” he smiled as I slid him the hundred dollar bill.

  I just want you shape me up and give me a side part.”

  “Yes ma’am,” my barber replied, reaching into his drawn for my personal Chanel smock. Everybody look on in awe as he proceeded to enhance my fly. He was halfway done when my phone rang. Seeing Jacori’s face caused me to immediately pick up.

  “Hello,” I answered. He never replied so I was about to hang up when I noticed that he was talking to somebody. I knew I should probably hang up but my curiosity always got the best of me. I listened in intently to the brow raising conversation. Just when I thought I could trust him he tried to outfox me again. I would definitely be checking him later on but for right now it was time to get my sexy on.


  I walked my homies outside then walked back into the house. My phone fell out of my pocket and hit the ground with a loud thud face first. Picking my phone up and flipping it over, I could see Legacy’s picture and number.

  Shit. I quickly hung up the phone. Legacy probably heard the entire conversation between me and my crew, but then again she could have not heard anything. Maybe my pocket muffled the sound. “Think, think, think!” was all I could say to myself out loud. I wasn't ready to explain this situation just yet. Legacy would be beyond pissed off because I sold the dope outside instead of inside when I knew better.


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