Angel Unseen: An Unseen MC Novel

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Angel Unseen: An Unseen MC Novel Page 3

by J Bree

  “What’s the face for?”

  He grunts. “Diego came in for the party with Luis and Poe just got back from her summer fucking holiday so she’s here with Trink. It’s a fucking mess waiting to happen.”

  I cuss the whole world out and rub a palm over my face. “Are you sure you can’t get Thorn to budge and just give her your fucking patch already? Mom was pregnant with me at seventeen, it’s not that fucking bad.”

  He glares at me and I shrug. “I’m not saying knock her up, I’m saying protect her from that asshole and all the other ones coming out of the fucking woodwork now she’s grown tits.”

  I walk away before that comment gets me knocked the fuck out because there’s no doubt in my mind he’s about to start swinging.

  He catches up to me before I make it out of the hallway and says, “It’s not that fucking easy. There’s too much happening in the club right now to just say fuck it, and have her. What if a fucking war breaks out? That’s where we’re heading with the Demons.”

  I can’t help but say it. “If a war breaks out and she’s not yours, that means she’s fair game. If you think for a second Grimm might come knocking to call his kid home then you need to fucking patch her.”

  He doesn’t have the chance to argue as we get to the bar, the crowd already fucking rowdy as hell, and there’s too many ears around to keep this going. I head to the bar and get us both drinks, walking over to where Keely is fussing over Poe like she’s a fucking toddler.

  “You’re so tiny, did they not feed you while you were gone?”

  She laughs and shrugs. “I did some self-defense classes with my sister, learned eight ways to kill a man with my bare hands so I don’t think I’ve worked out so hard in my damn life.”

  Rue’s eyebrows get all low and pissy so I cut the fuck in before he starts his shit. “So now you’re a badass and don’t need us watching out for you? Good to know, we’ll stop hanging around.”

  She laughs, all sunshine and fucking rainbows, and nudges Trink. “No need for that, just letting you boys know I could kill you all in your sleep.”

  Rue huffs out a breath and drains his glass. “Duly noted. You two stay outta trouble. The Shreveport charter are here and I don’t need to be starting a fucking war tonight.”

  Keely frowns a little, casts me a look and I give her the slightest shake of my head. Nothing has happened just yet but Diego would do fucking anything to piss Rue off.

  Unfortunately, he’s figured out Poe is exactly that something.

  “Ugh, he’s looking over here. I need a drink to get me through this. Is my ban over or do I need to go sweet talk Speck?” Poe says with a cheeky grin and a flirty look at Rue.

  I would rather fucking clean corpses up than stand around listening to this shit.

  “Trink, don’t be an asshole. Just for tonight, sit your ass down and do nothing,” I say and walk away from them all, stopping long enough to kiss Keely’s cheek.

  I don’t hang around to hear Trink’s reply because I know for sure she’s going to do whatever she can to fuck with me and the rest of the club tonight.

  Growing up the only girl has made her intent on stirring up shit.

  King and Hawk are already setting up for the night in their booth at the back of the bar, a sight I haven’t seen for so fucking long but it just feels goddamn right. Hellion is busy joking and talking shit with the Shreveport guys, the alliance he built with them the only thing stopping the war at the moment.

  Luis has been trying to reach an agreement with Grimm for fucking years. Their borders run up against each other and there’s a helluva lot of overlap in how the heat treats them.

  He’s spent some time in lock up with Demons and that just makes him suspect to me.

  Axe tips his head at me when I get up to the bar, calling an order out to Speck for us both on his account. I take a seat with him, ready to get fucking wasted and forget all about Vic and his fucking bullshit.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the asshole is dead.

  But this opens up a whole new era of the Unseen Originals, one that means everyone needs to prove their fucking loyalty. I for one think we’ll be lucky to keep half the members.

  Axe gets a look at me and nods. “Yup. This ain’t gonna be a good time so we better fucking drink while we can.”

  I slap him on the back and take the whiskey from Speck, rolling my eyes at his dumbass story about his week at The Boulevard.

  “Ain’t no fucking way the new girl made five grand with one dance, stop your bullshitting,” I say, cutting his fucking bravado off.

  Looks like he’s fallen for some new side piece, so a regular fucking Thursday for him.

  “I swear on my patch, she did. Diamond about shit herself, she did not want her on the books but the fucking way she moved… fuck, I’d pay good green myself for a private dance.”

  Axe chuckles and shrugs. “You waste all your fucking money down there ‘cause you don’t know how to get pussy without paying. Maybe you need to spend a little more time at a real bar and not just the titty one.”

  Monroe walks through with Diesel in tow and half the fucking room groans inaudibly. I know it for sure because we’re all turning away, hoping they’re not gonna park their asses with us.

  Of course she picks me.

  “What’s the sour fucking face for, Tomi? Finally caught the clap from those whores you’ve been fucking?”

  Speck curses under his breath and walks away, just turns on his heel and stalks over to serve drinks further down the bar. I set my glass down and face the little cunt.

  Dave’s kid and born into the club, she’s been a fucking nightmare from day one. A different sort to Trink because she’s somehow managed to rope Diesel into handing over his patch to her and yet she spends her days desperately following me and my cousins around.

  Difference between Trink and Monroe is that my sister just wants to live her own life. Monroe wants to fucking destroy whoever she touches and fuck is she desperate to touch me.

  “Only whore I see around here is you. How about you go on back into Diesel's room and leave us all to have a good night?”

  Diesel gives me a hard look and I grin back at him because I’m itching for a fight now. He stands up from his seat and snarls, “Shut your fucking mouth.”

  Axe curses under his breath and starts looking around for backup.

  “I’m not saying anything that isn’t true so how about you fucking make me. Unless your little whore of an old lady has your balls about that too.”

  He dives at me but I’m in the mood to fucking beat the shit outta him and serve a reminder of a lifetime to him and all of the other men here.

  Callaghans own this place.

  Everyone else can fall the fuck into line.

  Chapter Three


  I make almost eight thousand dollars in my first shift at The Boulevard.

  After I convinced Diamond to hire me with my first dance she gave me an ID pass and information about working here. The tour was short thanks to my unwillingness to do any of the extra jobs and the only other things I needed to know were about the themed nights the club holds. I’m a little nervous about how much I’m going to have to spend on underwear and shoes but the stacks of bills that were in Diamond’s hands from my audition keep popping into my mind.

  I can do this.

  The bouncer lets me in before the club opens and I walk straight to the locker room without really looking around the room that the staff are setting up for the night.

  The locker room is full of girls, most of them either naked or wearing the teeny tiny outfits that the bar staff here wear. I find the locker I was assigned and unlock it, shoving my bag inside and grabbing out the supplies I need to take a quick shower to get ready. None of the girls try to speak to me but they all sure do enjoy watching my every move.

  I already feel like an outsider.

  I try to tell myself it’ll get better, I just need to prove myself. If I keep my
head down and dance my ass off hopefully they’ll come around. I don’t need friends but fuck, it wouldn’t be so bad to have them.

  I only have two slots for dances but my crowd is bigger than any other girl in the room, half the guys there are familiar or wearing patches. Word has clearly gotten out about the new girl.

  I change outfits for the second dance, something a little less white and little more sexual with the diamonds and feathers. I’m stashing the other, sweaty outfit into my bag when the door opens and Diamond walks in, a sour look on her face as she stops next to my locker. I keep my eyes on what I’m doing and she huffs out an annoyed breath at me.

  “If it were up to me, I wouldn’t have hired you. Girls who think they’re too good to do extra don’t last here and I don’t really want to have to deal with the drama but you caught Speck’s eye. I’m sure once he’s done with you he’ll be happy to see you on your way.”

  My hands are rock steady while I apply the lipstick, a soft peachy color that I know makes my lips look even poutier than normal, perfect to make men think about ramming their cocks between them. I’ve had enough practice before competitions to learn how to keep my nerves in line and there’s already four thousand dollars locked away in my bag. That will always help me to deal with some bitchy attitudes.

  “I’m just here to dance and make good money. That’s it. I’m not starting drama, I’m not being pulled into it, I’m just here to dance. If it really is a problem, I can move on and work somewhere else.”

  She looks down her nose at me. “Well now you’ve caught Speck’s eye I can’t exactly tell you to leave, can I? You should though. You’ll regret it if you don’t.”

  That sounds threatening.


  I lock up my shit, checking for sure it’s secure, and then I make my way out onto the stage again. The crowd is even bigger than the last time, rowdier and yelling out to me the entire time dancing. The money rains down onto the stage even though I’ve been out once already and I try not to listen to any of the words coming out of any of their mouths, just focussing on the dance itself and staying steady on the stripper heels. They’re new and even higher than the last pair.

  When the song finally ends and I collect all of the cash, forcing a flirty grin on my face as I scoop it up even though I’d rather fucking choke than have any of these men touch me.

  Speck is waiting for me in the locker rooms when I get out there.

  I’m starting to get worried he’s into me, something I can’t freaking give him, no matter how nice or cute he is. He grins and motions at the green in my arms. “I’ve never seen a girl make that kinda money in a single night, let alone one fucking song.”

  I grin at him and shrug, remembering at the last second I’m in a fucking thong and pasties. I fight a blush or, you know, dying of mortification.

  I get my locker open and shove the money in my bag before I pull it out and head towards the showers. Speck chuckles at me and calls out, “I’d throw my life savings at that ass too, Angel-baby.”

  Christ on a fucking cracker, I need to figure out how to let him down. Firm but gentle, enough that he doesn’t chase me but not so much that it gets me fucking fired.

  “Selling him your ass already? Guess you aren’t Miss Prim and Proper after all,” Diamond sneers as I walk past her to get into the showers.

  I ignore her but she was loud enough for Speck to overhear and he snarks back at her, “You should be grateful. Half your private dances came straight from Angel’s stage, she filled your fucking pockets tonight.”

  Of course. That’s why she’ll be freaking pissed at me, I’m taking work from her and the other girls. I tell myself I don’t care but honestly, knowing they all hate me here doesn’t matter either way.

  I need the fucking money.

  I’ll happily be hated around here if it means my stage is the one getting all of the big tips. I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to set my life up and get out from the freaking hellscape I’m stuck in.

  I take my time in the shower, scrubbing the gel out of my hair and washing away the glitter and crystals. The water is piping hot and I have to drag my ass out of there.

  Speck is gone when I walk out but all of the other girls are in the locker room, dressed and ready to leave. I duck my head, ready to just tear out of there without another word, but one of the girls steps into my path to stop me.

  “Hey! We’re having drinks tonight, wanna come with? I know being new is really hard here so I thought I’d invite you!” Melody says, twisting a strand of her bleach blonde hair around her finger like she’s flirting with me.

  I wish I could. I think that would be the quickest way to get them all to stop hating on me but I can’t risk sleeping in the underground parking lot I’ve found while even a little tipsy. Too easy to be attacked and not be able to run or fight back and I haven’t been here for long enough to know the risks yet.

  “I can’t tonight, sorry! Maybe some other time?”

  The smile falters a little on her face, like she wasn’t expecting me to say no. “Why? You got some boyfriend waiting or something? You could bring him.”

  I look over her shoulder and find the other girls watching us, whispering amongst themselves. I shift on my feet awkwardly. “It’s not that, tonight just isn’t good for me. I’d love to next time though.”

  Diamond smirks and calls out, “I told you, Miss Untouchable thinks she’s too good for us. C’mon, Mel, we have shots waiting for us. Leave the frosty little bitch to her night.”

  My stomach drops as they all giggle and leave me behind. It’s not a big deal, I don’t need to be friends with any of them. I don’t need friends.

  I walk out of the club and set my bag into the back of my car, sliding into the front seat and turning it on to let the engine run to warm up a little. I wriggle my feet out of the heels I’ve been stuck in for hours and sigh at the relief. God, it feels amazing to finally let them breathe.

  I drive over to the gas station and grab something greasy for dinner, ignoring the looks from the guy behind the counter. I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or if he really has been down at the club and seen me on stage but fuck, I try to get in and out as quickly as possible.

  The parking lot is quiet, no one else here tonight, thank God. There’s usually not many people here, and they always stay away from me. I’m glad to be able to sleep in the car, only cracking the window the tiniest bit to let in some air and then putting my seat back and throwing a blanket over myself. It’s not ideal but it’s also safer than I was back home by a long shot so I don’t fucking care.

  I sleep like the dead.

  Now that my job is secure, I hope, I figure out where the hell I’m going to transfer my college credits to. The simple answer is Southern Miss but Coldstone is too small to actually have a campus and I don’t have a phone with internet access to look that shit up.

  So I sit outside a takeout place with free wifi and sip an icy cold coke while I search. The freaking heavens must be looking down on me because there’s a college campus in the next town over for me to transfer into. I still want to take online classes, to save fuel and because college isn’t exactly my scene, but to transfer I still have to show up and sign paperwork.

  Oh, and hand over a sizable chunk of my tips. Can’t forget that heart-wrenching part.

  It’s easy enough to get an appointment right away and my shift at The Boulevard doesn’t start until nine tonight so I seize the freaking day and just get it over with. There’s no point surviving here if I don’t have an exit strategy and there’s no way I wanna be shaking my tits on stage forever.

  The drive isn’t that long but with the air conditioner broken in my car and the hot summer sun blasting down I kinda want to die a little. I’m thankful for my tiny shorts and the little cami I’m wearing because my skin is on fire.

  When I finally park and get out of the car I catch my reflection in the car window and, lord help me, I look like a hot mess. I run my fin
gers through my hair as I tie it up, trying to get it off of my neck and out of the way. There’s no rescuing the rest of my look. I make peace with that because, hell, who exactly am I trying to impress here?

  I’d rather repulse people and keep them the hell away from me, especially here. The office building is older and needs an update but it’s clean and welcoming enough. A couple of guys hold a door open for me and make flirty eyes at me but I duck my head as I thank them and scurry through like my ass is on fire.

  I just want to get this over with. In and out.

  I stand awkwardly over by the door even though there’s no line or anything stopping me from just enrolling.

  “Can I help you?” the lady at the desk calls out and I startle into action, stepping forward with my files.

  “Uh yeah, I called earlier? About, uhm—”

  “About transferring credits? Do you have all of your paperwork here with you?”

  I nod and hand it all over to her. She sifts through it all and types into her computer. I rub at my arms a little, the cami I’ve got on not doing much against the cold in the office. God, from one extreme to another.

  Finally, after like a half hour of typing and frowning at what I’ve given her, she looks up at me and says, “Okay, I think that’s everything. Let me call you an advisor. I’ve assigned you to Finley, he’s good at the more… challenging cases.”

  I swallow and try to smile back at her.

  How exactly am I a challenging case?

  I don’t get the chance to question her before she gets on the phone, her tone cheery and a little flirty as she speaks to this Finley guy. She motions for me to wait, like there’s anywhere else I could go right now, and I take a seat. It’s times like this I wish I had a phone to mess around on or a book in my bag to bury my nose in but instead I’m forced to stare around the office at the inspirational posters and event fliers.

  I wish I were normal enough to enjoy something like a freshman mixer or to join a sorority. It would be nice to have friends.


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