Shades of Werewolf

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Shades of Werewolf Page 83

by T. S. Ryder

  Lord Aurzac stared at him. Rage burned inside him. His jaw clenched and he looked murderous. “What else?” he asked in an ominous tone.

  “Shanra has imprisoned Lady Renaya in the dungeon.”

  “No. No!” Aurzac said, fear taking over his anger. His breathing became labored. “When was this?”

  “The day we left.”

  “No. No. No!” Aurzac banged his fist on the table. “Not Renaya. Not her.” His voice choked and his chest constricted.

  His expression was unreadable, only his eyes betrayed the turmoil within his soul. He blinked back tears that threatened to spill, his gray eyes filling with agony. He had never reacted like this before. How strange it was that his eyes welled up like that at the mere thought of his mate being tortured. He turned his face away from Aerav. He took a deep breath, tried to compose himself and then resumed commanding his ship.

  Aerav had never seen his Commander like this. He saw how shattered he was. He wished he wasn’t the one bringing the news.

  “Set course for Terrgius. We go back now,” Lord Aurzac ordered in a cold commanding tone. He desperately wished he hadn’t given the authority to Shanra.


  Renaya clutched the Aramith in her hand. She sat in the corner of her cell and hugged her knees. They had taken off her restraints since she would be unconscious most of the time anyway. Despair gnawed at her soul. She had stopped eating. She just wished for death to come and end her misery. With Aurzac dead, she had no reason to live.

  She daydreamed, reliving those short precious memories she had with him, clinging to them as if they were her life force. It must have been more than a week since she was imprisoned. Nobody came to see her. The prison guard would give her bland food and water. That was all. Even Ayana wasn't allowed to see her. She simply waited for death to take her to her mate.


  She thought she was dreaming. Aurzac was there, standing in front of her. He looked so worried. She smiled and tears blurred her vision. She wanted to kiss him ... And he kissed her... Why was he crying? Lord Aurzac never cried. He took her in his arms and picked her up. Yes, she would go with him. Darkness engulfed her as he held her close.

  He couldn't bear to see her like this. She had become pale and thin. Her eyes were red-rimmed and gaunt, and there were dark circles underneath them. Her hair was pasted on her face and her wrists were blue-black from the restraints. He held her close as uncontrollable tears streamed down his face. He rushed upstairs and took her to her chamber where Dr. Aldon awaited them. He stood by the entire time the doctor treated her.

  “She will be fine, My Lord,” Dr. Aldon reassured him. “She’s a bit malnourished, but she’s stronger than she seems.”

  “She better be. Treat her doctor. I want her back,” Aurzac commanded, turning on his heel as he left to see the arrest of Shanra for himself.


  He stood there, stone-faced as Shanra was taken aboard the small spacecraft, bound in shackles. She gave him a look that chilled him to the bone. With her was the guard who helped her. Misa was spared as she confessed to everything, saying she was coerced.

  The guards dragged Shanra and the other prisoner into the ship as it left for the prison on Andromeda 13.

  Lord Aurzac went to his conference room and set up a video conference with the Council. He needed to alert them of the situation. After that, he busied himself with the battle plans.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He remembered that day when the doctor had treated her. And he had waited at her side as she lay there, sleeping. She still looked pale and thin. As he bent down and kissed her, her eyes fluttered open.

  “Aurzac?” she whispered with an incredulous look in her eyes. “I thought I had lost you.” Her breath hitched and she heaved a sigh.

  “Oh, Renaya, I am so sorry,” he said gently, taking her in his arms. His lips found hers.

  “Don’t you ever leave me like that again!” she sobbed into his chest.

  He tightened his arms around her and buried his nose in her hair, taking in her sweet scent.

  “I didn’t know Shanra would go to this extent. But you don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

  “Oh, Aurzac. Please forgive me. I... I love you...” she whispered, looking up into his stormy gray eyes.

  “Shh, Renaya. You don’t have to apologize. It’s my fault that I left you like that.”

  He cupped her face in his hands and looked deep into her dark eyes.

  “I promise you, except for battle, you will come with me anywhere I go. I'll show you all the incredible places out there. And I will love you in a way that only you will remember, and kiss you in every place I take you. Centuries later, even if you forget everything else, you will still remember my taste like wine in your mouth, my scent on your skin like perfume. And then you will know what it means to be loved by a Durlan Warrior.” He kissed her deeply, sealing his promise.


  One week later, Lord Aurzac was training his troops vigorously. The Council agreed to help him with re-enforcements, sending in more troops for training. His on-ground battle army had expanded. He had a good chance of destroying the Zorg and making them leave the planet, now that the planet was gradually healing. The trees were growing along the once barren wasteland. Rivers flowed with bubbling water and crops flourished. The towns and cities were becoming better places to live. The poor people now had the opportunity to earn a sensible living. As his training session ended, he went to check in on Renaya. It had been a week since her rescue and she had recovered fast.

  They shared a room now. He went inside and saw her reading. He smiled and felt a tug at his heart. She wanted to learn his tongue and had been making good progress. She was very intelligent, he had observed. She looked up and saw him, closed the book and ran into his arms. He kissed her passionately, with an urgency that made her want more. Long after they pulled apart, he still held her close.

  “Renaya, my love. How do you feel?” he asked, his voice gentle.

  “I’m fine,” she smiled, beaming up at him. “You worry too much.”

  “Only for you, my love. Sadly, I have to leave for battle,” he said. “But guess what? Dr. Aldon just told me he has found a way to slow down the human aging process. It will prolong your lifespan just like mine.”

  “So I could live as long as you do?” Renaya asked.

  “Probably. And I will make sure that you are happy all of the years we spend together.”

  “Thank you. Come back safe, Aurzac,” Renaya said with genuine concern. “I don’t want to lose you again.”

  “I will be alright. You learn the Argarian tongue while I'm gone,” he smiled, warmth radiating from his eyes.

  “And you come back in one piece,” Renaya said as she pressed her lips to his.

  He tucked one free strand of hair behind her ear and bent in to claim her mouth.

  They kissed deeply, one last time. He held her for a long time and then left for battle.


  The ground battle between the Zorg and the Argarians raged for weeks. Swords clashed, bodies severed and blood spilled. In the space battle, Aurzac’s army held off the Zorg from further invasion. Lasers and explosions lit up the night sky. The Argarians wished the war would end. Many more days passed before the Zorg retreated. Trobbut went into hiding and finally Terrgius found the long awaited peace.


  The day began with the preparations for the King's coronation and the subsequent marriage feast. The palace was alive with the many guests and the decorations being set up.

  Renaya had butterflies in her tummy. She had been trying out outfits for the ceremony with the help of Ayana for days. She finally chose an exquisite green gown with a train. The veil was made of gossamer net.

  “You must hurry, My Lady,” Ayana said.

  “I know, I am just so nervous,” Renaya said. She couldn’t stop giggling.

  “You look beautiful, My Lady. I can assure you that. Lord Aurzac
won’t be able to take his eyes off of you.”

  “Now you flatter me,” Renaya smiled.


  The ceremony took place in the palace garden. The thrones of the King and Queen were placed in a stunning pavilion decorated with white flowers. A long buffet table was set on the left side of the pavilion. More chairs and oval tables were placed in the garden. Soon, guests started to gather. The ceremony began as violins and a cello played beautiful music that filled the summer air.

  Renaya stood, ready to walk down the aisle. A carpet of ivory rose petals led to the pavilion. The green silk dress clung to her figure. Her shoulders were bare. The veil was draped across her neck and trailed behind. She wore the Aramith around her neck. Her hair was done in a messy bun with an intricate gold tiara that partially covered her forehead, giving her an ethereal look. She wore gold heels that matched the sophisticated thread work on the bodice of her dress. The music reminded her of a piece from Bach’s symphonies. She loved it. Feeling elated she walked down toward the pavilion where her King awaited. Her breath stopped as she saw the handsome man, dressed in simple gray pants and a white shirt. He wore his warrior’s crest on his arm. She reached the top of the pavilion and stood beside him. His look told her that he was equally mesmerized by her beauty.

  The Elder pronounced their oaths as they repeated after him. He put the crown on Lord Aurzac’s head, declaring him King of Durlan Warriors. He then pronounced Renaya Queen and gave Aurzac a ring that he put on her finger. They bowed and held hands.

  The crowd cheered and applauded as they sat on their thrones. Renaya understood now that she was destined to be here on this planet, in another universe, married to an alien warrior. Later she would find out that she was admired as the most beautiful Queen in the history of Durlan Warlords.



  * * *

  1 Estion Year 2370 equals Present day Earth.

  Vampire Romance Collection

  Owned by the Vampire King


  A curvy runaway trying to survive PLUS a sexy Vampire King who wants a child PLUS a killer on the loose!

  Twenty-something Rosa Lopez is on the run, hiding from her abusive stepfather. Living in a women's shelter and struggling to feed herself, life isn’t easy. So when Angelus Rex, King of the Vampires, offers her a way out, she accepts.

  The deal is simple. She gets all the riches and luxury she could ever imagine. In return, she will be his mistress and have his child.

  Angelus has been a Vampire for hundreds of years. Now he wants an heir. And with her lush curves and delicious smell, Rosa is the one he wants to impregnate.

  What started off as a business contract becomes complicated when Angelus and Rosa find a passion that neither can deny.

  But there are enemies who want to destroy Angelus and his mate. Don’t they know what happens when they cross a Vampire King?

  When everything that he loves is in danger of crumbling to dust, Angelus has to make a decision that could destroy everything. Can Angelus save Rosa and their baby? Is he prepared to risk it all to save the one he loves?

  Chapter One - Rosa

  Rosa Lopez pulled her thin jacket tightly around her plump frame, shivering in the freezing wind. Her heart sunk so low that she couldn't feel it beating, tears freezing upon her cheeks as she gazed at the doors: closed and locked.

  She had arrived just a few minutes too late, and now the women's shelter she lived at was closed. Her backpack, full of college textbooks, was so heavy that she felt like her shoulders were breaking, but she didn't dare put it down on the snowy ground. If her books were ruined, whatever chances she had for the future would vanish. She only had one chance to escape this city and that was to graduate with her massage therapy license.

  Rosa's gaze swept up and down the abandoned street as she desperately tried to decide what to do. She had a couple hundred dollars in her pocket, but that was meant to hold her to the end of the month for food. She already couldn’t afford things like fresh vegetables or really anything other than bread and instant noodles. If she found a hotel for the night, she would have to get through her days with only the single meal the shelter provided. The buses had stopped running by this time, so she couldn’t even find refuge from the cold on public transport.

  If I use my credit card, Michael will find me.

  Hefting her pack higher on her back, Rosa started walking. Hotels didn't take cash, and she couldn’t risk using the credit card. If her stepfather found her… He wouldn't, so she wasn't going to think about that. Sometimes there was a homeless woman behind the theater on Twentieth that would let Rosa curl up beside her, protected from the wind by the garbage bin. It was her best bet for having a safe place to sleep until classes tomorrow.

  A sleek, black car pulled up to the sidewalk right beside Rosa and she tensed. It wasn't a cop car, which was a relief. She knew a few women at the shelter would purposefully get themselves arrested on nights like this so they could have a meal and a warm place to sleep, but that wasn't a luxury she could afford. Michael Jones, her stepfather, was on the force and she just couldn’t risk it.

  The window rolled down, revealing an unnaturally white-skinned woman smiling at her. "Hi there. You look cold. Would you like to get in?"

  Rosa stared at her suspiciously. She knew serial killers tended to be men, but that didn't mean she should just climb into a stranger's car. "I'm fine, thanks."

  "Just get in," the woman said. "You look like you could earn a little extra money… How does five hundred, plus cab fare in the morning sound?"

  It wasn't the first time someone had propositioned her, but it was the first time coming from a woman. Rosa swallowed hard. Five hundred dollars? It sounded too good to be true. It was almost three times as much as what she was normally offered. Not that she had ever accepted before. Yet, there was a first time for everything, and five hundred dollars was extremely tempting.

  "For you?" Rosa asked, hardly believing that she was thinking of accepting this crazy offer.

  Better than freezing to death on a night like this.

  The woman smiled. "Get in and we can talk."

  Rosa slid into the passenger seat, her heart pounding. If Mama were still alive this would break her heart... But she's not.

  The interior of the car was so warm that Rosa relaxed despite herself. She stretched her frozen fingers toward the vent, sighing as the warmth washed over her body. Even if she did come to regret this decision later, at this moment all she could feel was relief that she wasn't freezing anymore. Besides, it wasn't like she was selling off her virginity, although it was true she had never done this with a woman before.

  "There's a non-disclosure agreement in the glovebox," the woman said. "Sign it and I will give you your money upfront."

  "A non-disclosure agreement? For sex?"

  The locks engaged. The woman turned to Rosa fully, giving her the same tight-lipped smile as before. "No, not just sex. Sex with Angelus Rex."

  Rosa's jaw dropped. She looked at the woman with new eyes, and new terror. The whiteness of her skin, that almost chalky color. The way she smiled with her mouth closed. To hide the fangs? If this woman was taking her to the Vampire King, then she must be a Vampire herself.

  "Why me?" It came out a plea. If she was being delivered to Angelus Rex, the Angel King, then he must be after her blood and not just her body. There were rumors of young women whisked off to his palace to slake his desires, but she never thought she would be one of them.

  A deep, rumbling voice spoke from the back seat. "Because I want you."

  Her heart jumped to her throat and she couldn't breathe. Rosa's eyes flickered to the rearview mirror, but all she could see was a giant, dark shape in the seat behind her. Her hands trembled. Did she agree, or did she run screaming?

  "If you have changed your mind," the hidden King continued, "we will drive you to a hotel and pay for your room overnight. It's your choice."

  Rosa let out
a deep breath. She needed the money. There were worse things than allowing a Vampire to bed her and drink her blood, weren’t there? She pulled out the agreement and signed it. Then she closed her eyes, already imagining what she would do with five hundred dollars.


  The room was ornate. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling and the walls were trimmed in gold. A delicately patterned carpet lay beneath the throne-like stuffed chair that Rosa sat upon. She felt all the more grubby in this beautiful space she suddenly found herself in.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  "I have been watching you for a long time."

  Angelus Rex was more awe-inspiring in person than he was on the news broadcasts Rosa had seen. His body was impressive, the white dress shirt tailored to his muscular chest and arms. He was taller than she expected. His dark hair had a slight curl around his ears and the back of his neck. There was something extremely alluring about him. Knowing that he wanted her in his bed had Rosa's heart pounding. She knew she should be more frightened than she was, but she didn't care. The sooner those full lips were on her body the better.

  Their fingers brushed when he handed her a glass of wine. The ice-cold shock made her gasp. She didn't drink the wine, too absorbed in the King.

  "You believe that I asked you here as a prostitute," he continued, settling in the chair opposite her. His dark eyes were locked on hers, unblinking. "That isn't entirely accurate."

  Rosa finally made herself move, gulping down the wine. She set the empty glass down, twisting her hands. "You want to drink my blood."

  The King's lips twitched. "No. Well… yes. But that's not what I really want from you."


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