Be Careful What You Wish For

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Be Careful What You Wish For Page 24

by Evangeline Anderson

  “No,” Cass said breathlessly and a bit defiantly. “I’m not ashamed.”

  To prove her point, she unbuttoned the pinstriped shirt herself.

  She had meant to only undo a few buttons, just enough for him to see her breasts. But then a reckless impulse surged through her, urging her on and she found she was unbuttoning the entire long row of buttons to show everything. As a final touch she threw the shirt open and lifted her chin, letting the big elf see from her tight nipples all the way down to her plump, bare pussy. Her outer lips were spreading to show her slippery pink interior because her thighs were open wide, straddling him. But Cass didn’t try to shut her legs—if she was going to do this, she was going to do it right, she told herself. Still, she couldn’t still the racing of her pulse as she let the big elf see her almost completely naked.

  What would he think of her? Biting her lip, she waited to find out.

  She’d never felt like she had the best body in the world—her hips and ass were too big and she was nowhere near as skinny as one of the anorexic fairies, although she did try to keep in shape. But when Jake looked her up and down and murmured,

  “Gods, Cassandra, so beautiful,” in a low, admiring tone, Cass felt like a goddess.

  “Well,” she said, still a touch defiantly. “Is this what you need?”

  “This and more. I need to touch you again…to taste you.” Jake’s voice was low and hoarse. “May I do that, Cassandra?” His big hands were already roving restlessly up and down her bare sides. As he spoke, he leaned forward and placed a soft, gentle kiss on one aching nipple, leaving Cass no doubt about exactly where he wanted to “taste” her.

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  “But I thought…thought that I was supposed to be giving you pleasure,” she protested breathlessly.

  “Seeing your beautiful body naked before me…touching you and pleasuring you does give me pleasure.” Jake’s voice was a low growl. “Nothing could give me more pleasure than hearing you moan my name while I touch you again, Cassandra. While I taste you.”

  Cass felt like she was drowning inside. Part of her insisted this wasn’t right—that she was going too far and shouldn’t be doing this. But another part—a larger part—wanted to do even more…to go even farther.

  She didn’t answer in words. Instead she leaned forward and, cupping her right breast, pressed her nipple to the big elf’s lips.

  With a groan of sheer lust, Jake sucked her tight peak into his mouth, taking it as deeply as he could and pulling hard, sending a shiver of desire straight from her tingling tip to the heated mound of her pussy with each suck.

  “God, Jake!” Cass gasped and pressed her chest forward, wanting to give him more, to give him everything. It felt so good—so right to have him touching and tasting her! She never wanted it to end.

  He growled deep in his throat, his big hands roving restlessly under the shirt, caressing her bare body as he gave another deep pull on her breast and then circled her aching nipple with his tongue.

  Cass moaned and writhed restlessly in his lap. This was wonderful but she couldn’t help feeling like they needed to do more somehow. But before she could say anything, Jake was pulling back, letting her aching peak slip slowly from between his lips.

  “What…why did you stop?” Cass demanded. She felt achy and hot and unfulfilled. Were they done already?

  But Jake was already explaining.

  “This is good,” he told Cass. “I can feel the spark of magic inside you growing. Now we need to use it to prime my own magic and start the healing process. As I touch you, Cassandra, I need you to say an incantation for me. Can you do that?”

  “I…I guess so.” Cass nodded, distracted by the way he was cupping her left breast and gently thumbing her nipple as he spoke.

  “Good.” Jake nodded, his eyes still half-lidded with lust. “Now as I touch you…as I taste you…I need you to say, ‘I heal thee, Jacobin, by the power of our joining. I heal thee, Jacobin, by the power of my love.’

  “Of course, I know you do not really love me,” he added quickly before Cass could ask a question. “But the words are necessary to channel your magic. Will you say it for me?”

  “Of…of course,” Cass murmured breathlessly. “I’ll do…whatever I need to do to heal you, Jake.”

  “Thank you.” He took her mouth in a soft but urgent kiss, making Cass’s heart beat even faster. “Then let us begin again.”

  Ducking his head, he took her left nipple into his mouth and nipped her gently before swirling his tongue around the tight peak to sooth the tiny pain.

  “Oh, God!” Cass gasped, surging forward involuntarily to give him better access. Then she remembered she was supposed to be saying the incantation. “I, uh, heal thee, Jacobin, by the power of our joining,” she recited, trying not to moan as he sucked her nipple deep and hard. “I heal thee, Jacobin, by the power of my love.”

  “Good,” Jake murmured, releasing her nipple for just a moment. “Yes, Cassandra—just like that. Keep it up.” Then he sucked her left nipple back into his mouth as he gently pinched the right between his thumb and forefinger, tugging to send sparks of pleasure straight to her pussy.

  Cass moaned again. “I…I heal thee, Jacobin, by the power of our joining,” she gasped. “I heal thee, Jake, by the power of my love.”

  As she said the words, she could feel the power he had spoken of growing inside her. Just a tiny spark at first—something that had always been with her but that she had mostly ignored because she didn’t think it could do her any good. This was the first time she had asked this part of herself to come forward—had given her fae inheritance any credit—and the little spark seemed eager to grow and help her however it could.

  Heal Jake, Cass thought at it. Help me jumpstart his magic so he can heal himself.

  “I heal thee, Jacobin,” she began again and then gasped and lost her train of thought as she felt his big, warm hand come down to cup her bare pussy.

  “Gods, you’re lovely,” Jake murmured after releasing her nipple with a wet, sucking kiss. “Your little cunt is so warm and wet in my hand. I want to touch you again, Cassandra—I want to slide my fingers deep in your tight channel and feel how ready you are for me.”

  “Yes,” Cass whispered. “Yes, Jake—please.”

  She felt him parting her pussy lips even further and then two long fingers were stroking her folds and circling her clit knowingly in just the right way. As she had last time he’d touched her, Cass couldn’t help marveling at how well the big elf seemed to know her body. He knew exactly how to touch her with a light, indirect touch, circling her throbbing clit until she felt ready to scream.

  “That’s good, Cassandra,” he murmured hoarsely as he continued to caress her. “So good, my darling. Now keep saying the incantation while I pet your soft little cunt. Tell me that you want to heal me—let me hear my name on your lips.”

  “God, Jake!” she moaned again as he continued to stroke and tease her, sliding his long fingers in and out of her heated depths. She had never been with any man who seemed to know instinctively how to give her pleasure before. Jake stroked her the same way she did when she was touching herself—with a light, sure touch that teased her and made her want more—need more. It was an intoxicating experience.

  “The incantation, darling,” he murmured, reminding her.

  Cass came to a sudden decision.

  “I’ll say it,” she told him. “But I want to try something different. I want to make you feel good too. And don’t say that touching me makes you feel good,” she added when he opened his mouth to protest. “I mean I want to touch you—the way you’re touching me.”

  Jake gave her a slow smile that did things to her insides.

  “As my lady wishes. I am yours to command.”

  “Like this,” Cass told him breathlessly. And reaching between them, she tugged open the drawstring of his sleep trousers and pulled them down to reveal her prize.

  It certainly w
as a prize. Jake might be an elf but his equipment looked like any other male parts Cass had ever seen—well, except for being much larger than normal. His shaft was long and thick and it stood up hard against his flat belly, a pearly droplet beading on the broad head.

  He sucked in a breath and cursed softly in Gaelic when Cass captured him in her hand. His shaft felt hard, yet silky soft at the same time—his skin like heated velvet against her palm.

  For a moment—just a moment—she was tempted to lower herself down on him and take his thickness deep in her pussy. But the guilty part in the back of her brain which she had mostly managed to suppress spoke up and wouldn’t let her. Instead she stroked him up and down while Jake made low, guttural noises of pleasure in the back of his throat.

  At last he shifted and put a hand on her wrist.

  “Cassandra, I thought we were going to pleasure each other?” he murmured, arching an eyebrow at her.

  “We will—we can.” Cass had already thought of this. Scooting forward, she settled deeper into his lap so that the thick, hot shaft was pressing between her slippery pussy lips.

  Jake’s eyes went wide for a moment. “I thought we agreed on no penetration?”

  “We did,” Cass murmured, her heart beating hard. “But…it doesn’t have to go in to feel good. Watch.”

  Shifting her hips, she pressed down and felt his long, hot cock sliding against her sensitive inner folds. They both moaned as the broad head bumped over her clit and came to rest—just for a moment—at the mouth of her pussy.

  Jake looked into her eyes.

  “Be careful, Cassandra…” his voice was low and dangerous. “With one thrust I could be inside you.”

  “But you won’t,” Cass reminded him. “Because…because we said we wouldn’t.” It was hard to remember now, why they had made that rule. But the guilty part of her that she had pushed away reminded her it was important to follow it anyway.

  “Very well.” Jake gripped her hips tightly in his big hands. “Then we’ll continue this way. But you must say the incantation.”

  “All…all right,” Cass moaned as she moved her pelvis, rubbing him against her hot inner pussy and beginning the long, slow, delicious slide of her heated folds against his cock. “I heal thee, Jacobin,” she began again. “By the power of our joining. I heal thee, Jake, by the power of my love.”

  “That’s right—that’s good,” Jake growled. “Keep it up, darling. Keep saying it.”

  Cass did. And as she chanted the words between moans and gasps while Jake sucked her nipples and thrust up to rub her slippery pussy with his thick, hard cock, she felt the power beginning to build once more.

  “I heal thee, Jacobin,” she moaned as he parted her pussy lips to rub deep inside her, “By the power of our joining. I heal thee, Jacobin, by the power of my love.”

  She didn’t know how long it went on but the power and pleasure built inside her until she could barely breathe—until she knew she was about to come…come so hard…harder than she ever had in her life.

  “The healing is close,” Jake growled, thrusting against her. “Can you feel it growing…building?”

  “Yes,” she nearly moaned. “God, yes Jake! I can feel it. I’m so…so close.”

  “Work for it then, Cassandra.” He gripped her hips tighter, looking into her eyes. “Ride me—ride my shaft and let your pleasure overwhelm you. Now.”

  As he had before, he seemed able to make her come on cue.

  Cass gasped as an orgasm ripped through her with the force of a hurricane, pleasure crashing over her in waves as the power that had been building threatened to electrocute her with its overwhelming sensations.

  “Jake…” she moaned, curling her fingers into fists on his broad shoulders. “Oh God, Jake I’m coming…coming!”

  “That’s right, come for me,” he growled, his eyes half-lidded and intense. “Come for me, Cassandra. Come all over my shaft and let the healing and the pleasure flow.”

  Cass moaned as another surge of intense pleasure pulsed through her—almost electrocuting her with its intensity. Her toes curled, her breath caught in her chest and bright stars of light seemed to explode behind her eyelids which were tightly closed as her body tried to process the overload of pleasure.

  “No, my darling—look at me,” Jake demanded roughly. “Look at me while you come. I want to see it in your eyes.”

  Cass opened her eyes and they locked gazes for a moment. Then he claimed her mouth with a harsh, possessive kiss, his big hands drawing her close, seating her firmly down against his lap so that Cass could feel the thick length of his cock pulsing as he came too, spurting against both their bellies.

  “Oh Jake,” she gasped and dropped her head on his broad shoulder, trying to get her breath. “Oh God, that was…incredible.”

  “Cassandra,” he murmured and then he said something in Gaelic which was unmistakable—a word of power.

  Cass felt a ripple run through her—a stronger one this time and she shivered all over. When she raised her head and looked over his broad shoulder she saw something amazing—

  Jake’s back was completely healed.


  “Oh my God, it worked!” Cass stared in wonder at his unmarked back. There weren’t even any scars to show where the whip had fallen—the tan skin was smooth and even and perfect to her touch. She knew because she couldn’t resist leaning over Jake’s broad shoulder and running her hands over him.

  He gave a little shiver and laughed softly.

  “Surprised at your own power, Cassandra?”

  “This wasn’t me—it was you. That word of power you spoke right as we, uh…” Cass blushed as she sank back into his lap. “As we finished.”

  “It was more you than you know,” Jake said quietly. Cupping her face in his hands, he drew her in for a gentle but intense kiss that left Cass breathless. “You healed me, darling,” he murmured. “Just as I healed you. There is a bond between us now—one which goes well beyond that of a Counselor and his client.”

  “Oh, um…” Cass felt a burst of apprehension. Though she wanted to sink into his arms and kiss him back, the guilty little part of her brain—the one she’d been pushing aside the whole time she’d been “healing” the big elf, was suddenly speaking loud and clear again.

  You’re still with Brandon, you know, it pointed out. It’s not like you broke up with him or even gave him any indication you’re unhappy. Plus, you barely know Jake—you only met him two days ago. And it seems like he might still be on the rebound from his relationship with Glorianna. Maybe you should take it easy here, Cass.

  Jake seemed to sense her hesitation.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked, pulling back to search her face with those piercing green eyes of his.

  “No, I just…” Cass looked down. “I just think maybe it’s time to put on the brakes a little. I mean, I’m technically still with Brandon and you seem like maybe you’re on the rebound from Glorianna.”

  “Glorianna. Ha.” There was absolutely no humor in his voice but he let Cass go and she slipped off his lap, buttoning her shirt quickly.

  “Yeah, Glorianna,” she said, frowning. “You know—your ex-fiancée who you just broke up with?”

  “She never cared for me.” There was a trace of bitterness in Jake’s deep voice. “I was a plaything—something to distract her when she was bored. I represented her family’s legal interests and she liked the idea of slumming it with a non-fairy.”

  “There must have been something there,” Cass said cautiously. “I mean, you were engaged, right?”

  He nodded reluctantly.

  “We were. Until her father threatened to disinherit her if she went through with the wedding. She was quick to break the engagement after that ultimatum.” He shook his head. “Glorianna was raised in the wealthiest strata of our society—the idea of living on what a mere Counselor could make didn’t exactly appeal to her.”

  “I’m sorry,” Cass said awkwardly. “I, uh, di
dn’t mean to pry.”

  “It’s all right.” He ran a hand through his thick black hair and shook his head. “I’m well rid of her.” He gave Cass a blazing look. “You can be certain my ex-fiancée would never have been able to heal me as you did just now.”

  Meaning what—that I care for him more than Glorianna did even though we just met two days ago?

  Cass wasn’t sure what to say to that.

  “Well…thanks,” she said at last, lamely. “And thank you for all you did for me today, Jake.”

  “You’re very welcome. I would do no less for any client,” he said briskly, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “Come, we should clean up. I should be able to dry your clothes now and take you back home.”

  Clearly the touchy-feely part of their time together was now over, Cass thought as she followed him back to the bathroom. She didn’t know whether to feel relieved or sad about that.

  Why should you feel sad? demanded the little voice of common sense in her head. You don’t really know him and up until recently you found him extremely high-handed and irritating.

  But somehow it was difficult to recapture her irritation with the big elf when all she could think about was his hands and mouth all over her body and the sound of his deep voice in her ear telling her to come.


  The transport back to the big house on States Street took next to no time and before Cass knew it she was standing in the middle of the living room. Unfortunately, she and Jake weren’t the only ones there.

  “Oh my God,” she murmured, looking around at the crowd of rough-looking people who were filling her grandmother’s house. There were lots of big men wearing long beards and black leather and a few women, also wearing leather. Was it some kind of a theme party? They all appeared to be drinking bottles of beer and loud, Southern rock music was blasting from someplace.

  In fact, it was so loud and confusing that no one had even noticed her and Jake appearing out of thin air in a puff of navy blue smoke.

  “What is this? What’s going on?” Cass demanded, looking around.


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