To Seduce And Satisfy

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To Seduce And Satisfy Page 7

by Abby Gordon

  “Yes,” Quincy nodded.

  “I don’t remember hearing your name mentioned in any of the complaints,” he murmured, eyes narrowing. “But I did hear about two women saving Keith’s assistant. Given that bruise, I’d say you were one of them. Good for you. Sorry you got hurt though. Hammond should have his balls cut off.”

  “Not enough pain involved,” Quincy grunted.

  Brody nodded again, his gaze taking in the two of them. He smiled slightly as they reached the basement. The doors slid open.

  “I’m sure I’ll see more of you. Have a good evening,” he wished them, exiting and turning right.

  Debbie stayed silent as Quincy guided her to the left and put her in the truck. She felt sure that the two of them knew each other, beyond Quincy working for one of Brody’s friends. Custis’ reaction to Hammond attacking Serena and hurting Debbie and Claire was similar to Quincy’s, Ben’s and Keith’s. The light bulb went on and she nearly smacked her forehead. It had all been there right in front of her. The alpha male attitude, his self-control, the spanking, his knowing how to touch her, the toys, the rules, his comment about her being submissive.

  He climbed in and closed his door. As the locks clicked, he started to put the key in the ignition. She reached out and covered his hand.

  “You want me to be your sex slave.”

  For a long moment, he didn’t move, before he slowly turned his head and looked at her. Debbie held his gaze, not willing to back down. She didn’t know what the hell to think. And couldn’t believe she wasn’t running screaming from the truck.

  “That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? You got assigned to protect me and decided to spend that time making me your sex slave.”

  Chapter Seven

  Quincy considered how to answer her. She was extraordinarily close to the truth. He had known she was perceptive and brilliant, but hadn’t planned on her figuring things out this soon. It had to have been the encounter with Custis that had kicked her brain into gear.

  “Yes and no,” he finally answered.

  That didn’t come close to satisfying her.

  “That’s not an answer,” she said flatly. Anger and righteous fury radiated from every line of her slender body. “I’ll have you know right now that I am not about to be any man’s sex slave. It’s the twenty-first century, in case you haven’t looked at a calendar recently.”

  Quincy turned, caught her shoulders, and kissed her. Only when they were both breathless did he raise his head.

  “I don’t want you as a sex slave,” he rasped. “I want you as my submissive.”

  “Oh, and of course, that makes all the difference.” She glared, even as her chest heaved in a breath. “Like I have a clue as to what you’re talking about!”

  “A slave has no rights,” he said bluntly. “A slave knowingly enters a contract with his or her master and gives absolute authority over him or her. The slave’s duties can be strictly sexual, but usually include running the household and other responsibilities. Masters of slaves are considerably stricter than a master of a submissive.”

  “What? How?” she whispered, clearly stunned at his words. “What’s the difference?”

  “Slave and master is usually a total lifestyle. Some masters will tie up a slave, put toys in him or her, and leave them like that for hours. Supervised, of course,” he added at her gasp. “The slave turns over everything to the master. And a slave’s master might limit how much they go out in public. If at all.” He saw her eyes widen and heard her swallow. “A dominant and submissive can be very different. Some may seem like a perfectly normal couple. Behind closed doors, the relationships vary. Some keep it strictly to the bedroom. Others let it spill over. There are clues and hints if you know what to look for.” He smiled. “I’ll bet you know relationships like that and don’t even realize it.”

  “I don’t think so,” she shook her head.

  “It’s possible,” he shrugged.

  “What do you want from me?” she demanded, shaking over her shock. “I mean, you started in on me as soon as the door closed on Claire last night and…”

  He smiled slightly and brushed his thumb over her lips to silence her.

  “How about I promise to explain when we get home?” he reached past her and pulled her seatbelt into place.

  “Why do you keep calling it that?”

  He turned the key and fastened his own seatbelt.

  “I’m not sure,” he said quietly. “It’s the first time I’ve used the word like that.”

  She stared at him until they pulled out of the garage. He wasn’t sure what to make of her silence. He knew it wouldn’t last though. He smiled slightly. Her quick mind, combined with an inability to keep quiet, would provide all sorts of opportunity to discipline her. And reward her. Her figuring things out could be played to his advantage.


  Debbie thought fast and furiously. This was way more than anything she’d ever been involved in. Quincy was deeper and, what had been his word earlier, kinkier than anything else she knew about regarding sex. And Brody Custis! He was a close friend of Ben Hancock and Keith MacLauren. She closed her eyes. She didn’t want to go down that road. Except that left her trying to figure out what to do with Quincy.

  She had to admit that, considering her life, there was something appealing about turning everything over to someone else and not having to worry about anything. To focus on one person and what that person’s needs were, knowing that person would take care of her. She would be safe, protected, desired, and taken care of in every way.

  But something inside her rebelled at the idea of being so totally under the control of a man. She’d struggled too damn hard to let a man dictate her life now. She was woman, hear her roar. As her self-righteous feminist streak built up steam, she replayed his words. Submissive, he’d said, was different than a slave. And he wanted her as a submissive.

  Okay, that required a completely different train of thought. And, she chewed on her bottom lip, she didn’t know enough to make a decision. Except that she could not give up her life and have what he’d described as a slave’s life. But to be Quincy’s submissive? She considered what had happened so far. And realized she was thinking about giving up control, at least about sex, to a man she’d known less than twenty-four hours.

  “I don’t believe this,” she whispered, shaking her head.

  “What?” He spared her a quick glance, but the stop-and-go traffic didn’t let him do much more.

  “How did you get to me so fast? I don’t understand any of this, but I’m actually listening to you talk about…” She looked at his profile. “I’m listening to a man I’ve known less than a day, whom I know nothing about or even if Quincy is your first or last name.” She exhaled in a loud whoosh and tossed her hands up in a helpless gesture before making fists on her thighs. “I’m actually discussing this with you. I want to know more before I decide and that scares the hell out of me. I mean, I know I can’t do the slave thing you were talking about.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll tell you right now that won’t happen. I’ve worked too damn hard my entire life to stand on my own two feet and not depend on anyone. But…” She paused, trying to find the right words. “I’m feeling so much right now and I can’t figure any of it out and…”

  Giving up trying to express herself, she rested her head back and closed her eyes.

  “Hey,” he said quietly, putting his right hand on her fist. “It’s all right to be confused. We’ll start talking tonight and keep talking.”

  “Really?” she turned her head slightly.

  “Absolutely,” he nodded.

  “Have you ever done anything like this?” She wondered at the jealousy that stabbed at her when he hesitated.

  “Nothing like what I’m considering with you,” he answered slowly.

  “I don’t follow you.”

  “I wanted to wait to discuss this when I wasn’t driving,” he reminded her.

  “Well, say
what you can now and we’ll wait if we need to.”

  “I’m a sexual dominant,” he spoke slowly, as if he was choosing his words carefully. “I’m a member of a club, a sex club. Dominants and submissives go there. Some live there full-time. The live-in submissives are trained to surrender to a dominant for his or her sexual pleasure. Sometimes a dominant may prefer to focus solely on a submissive’s pleasure.”

  “The way you did last night? Or in the ladies’ room before we left?” she whispered. “And yet, this morning, you said you weren’t going to wait any longer.”

  “I damn near didn’t leave you last night,” he sent her a wry smile. “You’re extraordinarily responsive and submissive. I really wanted to climb into bed with you and…”

  She watched him snap his jaw shut and firm his mouth as he stared out the windshield. The idea of waking up with him next to her, on her or in her tugged at her pussy as much as her heart. And she didn’t think they would only be sleeping in the bed.

  “What exactly are you considering with me?” she asked, going back to the topic.

  “A dominant-submissive relationship,” he said, hitting the blinker to make the right turn into the nearest parking building to the brownstone just a few buildings away. He rolled the window down and inserted the card into the slot to raise the gate. Moving forward, he returned the card to the emergency brake well and rolled the window back up. “A permanent relationship.”

  Her jaw dropped. Of all the things he might have said, that hadn’t even entered her thought process. A permanent relationship? Did that include marriage? Or children? They knew nothing about each other and he was talking like this? What was more amazing—that he’d mentioned it as if he was serious or that she hadn’t laughed at him?

  Quincy backed into his spot, shut the engine off, and pocketed the keys. Releasing his seatbelt, he turned on the seat. She hit her belt’s release button and turned to face him.

  “Do you mean all that?”

  “Yes, I’m serious. I know it’s a helluva lot for you to deal with on top of yesterday and all your responsibilities at work.” He held up a hand as she opened her mouth. “I want you to keep working. If that’s what you want to do. If you ever decide you want to do something else, stay home or go trekking through the mountains, then we’ll talk about it then.”

  His hand cupped her jaw. “I’m not the easiest man to be around. I’ve been alone my entire life. The men in my military unit were the closest I’ve had to family. The women I’ve been around have been at extremes. Mostly either members of Ben’s family or submissives at the Club.” His thumb rubbed her cheek bone. “I know it’s crazy as hell, and impossible to explain rationally, but when I saw you in the hospital last night, I wanted you. Yeah,” he nodded, “at first it was a purely sexual reaction.”

  Heat rose in his eyes. “I didn’t know if I wanted you on your knees sucking my cock or spread out on a bed waiting for me to fuck you until we were both exhausted.” As her lips parted slightly, his thumb slipped inside. “Then it became more. You’re strong, inside and out. You’re intelligent, caring, fiercely loyal to your friends and your sense of humor is damned near as warped as mine.”

  “If you’re referring to the stress ball tossing, that was to relieve tension,” she replied, feeling her pulse race both at his tender touch and his words. A smile twitched at her lips. “We all needed it.”

  “You’ve got a wicked pitching arm,” he smiled. “I want all of that, Debbie. The public and the private you.” He grew serious. “I don’t know how I feel about marriage. I’ve never considered it before. Then again,” he exhaled. “I’ve never considered a permanent relationship before.” He pulled her head nearer. “You’re not the only one with new and confused emotions, sweetheart. I’m surprised my head’s not spinning off my shoulders.”

  “That helps a little,” she smiled. “Knowing that you’re trying to figure all this out as well.”

  “Let’s get home and continue this conversation,” he suggested. “Before I joined you in the ladies’ room, I called Tino’s and asked them to have dinner ready for pick-up.”

  Before she could respond, he slipped out of the cab. When he opened her door, she just stared at him.

  “How did you know about Tino’s? What did you order?”

  “It was the top menu in the drawer by the phone. I told him I was your boyfriend and needed his help so I didn’t screw up a romantic evening,” he smiled. His hands caught her by the waist and set her on her feet. “He told me your favorite things and helped me select the wine and…”

  Debbie threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. With a groan, he pressed her against the truck’s cab and ground his cock against her. The toys began to vibrate.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned. “Quincy, not here.”

  “Yes, here,” he nodded, nibbling her neck. “We’re in the shadows and the door’s still open.” He lifted his head. “I could fuck you here and no one would see.” She inhaled sharply and he chuckled. “I can see I’m going to have to wait on that one. But in the meantime…”

  “Oh,” she whimpered as he increased the speed of the vibrations.

  “Stay quiet,” he warned. “We’re still in public, sweetheart. You get too loud and I’ll have to shut them down.”

  “I’m not going to be able to walk,” gasped Debbie. “I want you, Quincy. I want you inside me.”

  “I know, babe,” he smiled as the toys hummed faster. “And I will be soon. But,” his mouth hovered over hers. “I do love making you come.”

  Just like that, the vibrations increased to maximum. Her breasts swelled so that the nipple rings were outlined against her turtleneck. Her clit throbbed and her pussy flooded with moisture until she felt it dripping. She understood what flashfires felt like because one swept through her body before she even realized what was happening. As she arched against his cock, his mouth smothered her shout of release. For what seemed like ages, she clung to him as her entire body pulsed with ecstasy. And just like that, everything went still. The garage was quiet except for her panting. Quincy cradled her against the heat of his hard body, lips brushing over her forehead.

  “How can I react like this? I didn’t think it was possible to have so many orgasms.”

  “Your body has been on edge all day from the toys,” he smiled, wrapped an arm around her waist and closed the door. “Wait until we get home. Think you can walk?”

  “Your sense of humor is definitely more warped than mine,” she managed.

  Setting the truck’s alarm, he guided her out of the garage.


  Inside her apartment, he swiftly secured the door as Debbie turned on the nearest lamp. Holding the two bags of food and wine, she didn’t move from the door as he checked the apartment. Harsh reality collided with the sexual haze she’d been under.

  A little over twenty-four hours ago, Serena had been attacked. Quincy had entered her life. To protect her. Hammond had attacked Serena, but Debbie had seen his face. Hammond might come after her to keep her from being able to testify. Samuels and the other men fired might come after her for revenge.

  Quincy paced from Claire’s room to hers. This was real. As real as the way he’d been seducing her. Did she want to be his submissive? She couldn’t believe she was seriously considering it.

  The image of Quincy that morning came to her. All broad, deep, rippling muscles and a cock that had been ready to explore the deepest part of her. He wanted her sexually, yes, but was there more? The gleam of humor in his eyes when she’d chucked a stress ball at Pamela in the next cubicle and started an all-out stress ball battle with the staff. Most of all, she saw the want in his eyes when she’d emerged from the bathroom stall, whispering in her ear as she held onto him in the garage after her orgasms.

  She’d never wanted a relationship with a man. She’d been hurt too many times. But Quincy was different. She wanted to be with him. She wanted to be his. She wanted something more.

  “It’s clear,” he
stated, leaving her room. “You okay?”

  Debbie nodded as he took the bags from her hands and carried them into the kitchen.

  She hung up her coat. Turning, she saw the expression on his face. He wanted her now. Talk, she decided, as he came toward her, was going to wait.

  “Now that we’re alone,” she started in a soft voice. “What should I call you?” That stopped him in his tracks. “What would a submissive at the club call you?”

  “Master or sir,” he replied, sounding as if the words were hard to get out.

  “If they were in a relationship out of the club, what would a submissive do once she and her master came home?” When he just stared at her, she swallowed. “Quincy, I know we still need to talk, but I think we’re past a lot of it. I’m really trying here, but I need a little help from you. A little guidance on…”

  “Go take all your clothes off and wash your face. Pull the covers to the foot of the bed. Lie down and wait for me. Do not take your toys off. Once I’m there, don’t move unless I tell you to.”

  “Yes, sir,” she smiled, starting past him.

  He caught her upper arm and gazed down at her for a long moment.

  “Be sure, Debbie. If you go in that room and follow my orders, there’s no turning back. Once I take you like this, with you fully aware of what I want, I won’t let you go. You understand this?”

  Debbie felt as if things in her life had prepared her for this. For him. To be strong with him. Something in her centered and it all fell into place. She didn’t know about love. But she knew she wanted him. She didn’t know him, but she knew trusted him completely.

  “I understand,” she nodded. “You might want to put the wine in the fridge.”

  She saw amused understanding in his eyes before he released her arm.

  In her room, she hurried to remove her clothes, hang them up, get done in the bathroom, and get on the bed before he came in. She’d barely placed her head on the pillow when the door opened. Her eyes widened. Quincy was nude, already erect with a condom on, and carrying a small black bag.


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