To Seduce And Satisfy

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To Seduce And Satisfy Page 10

by Abby Gordon

  “What made you decide to spank me so soon?” She cocked her head slightly. “Or anything else you’ve done?”

  His eyes narrowed and she felt heat fill her body as her pussy clenched.

  “Instinct, mostly,” he murmured, turning her so she straddled his lap. He pulled her forward on his thighs so his cock nestled against her folds. “You were acting like a child who had lost her favorite toy, yet I saw the look in your eyes when Claire went to Paul in the hospital.”

  “That’s why you said I was jealous,” she said softly.

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “You were such a confused woman that I thought you might just respond to a spanking the way I wanted.” His hands slid under the silk and caressed her back. “I could hardly believe it when I touched your pussy and you were wet. I couldn’t leave you wanting,” he shrugged with a smile.

  “I woke up this morning thinking the whole thing had been a dream,” she admitted. “But my body felt different. And not just from when Hammond threw me against the wall.” Quincy’s fingers gently traced the bruise. “I couldn’t believe I’d let a complete stranger spank me and then…” she stopped, frowning slightly.

  “Fingerfuck you to two orgasms?” he suggested.

  “Yeah,” she nodded. “Of course, finding out how you take your coffee was a real eye-opener.”

  Quincy chuckled and ran his fingers along the crack between her ass cheeks. “Wait until you see what I like as a midnight snack,” he told her, his voice deepening.

  Debbie wriggled on his lap, rubbing against his cock. “Tell me,” she whispered.

  He reached around her to move the candles then set her on the counter.

  “How about I show you?” he suggested, spreading her legs wide.

  Chapter Nine

  Debbie felt the hard surface beneath her ass. It was still slightly warm from his plate. Her heart thudded as she realized what he was going to do. No one had ever done that to her. No one had ever done any of what Quincy had done to her. She didn’t understand their connection. She had never responded to anyone the way she had to him from practically the minute she’d seen him. She’d been trying to figure it out all day. As his fingers massaged her inner thighs, she didn’t think she’d be able to concentrate much in the near future.

  In a daze, she watched him kiss the inside of her right knee. His lips, tongue, and teeth did a crazy seductive combination of nuzzling, licking, and nibbling along her thigh. When he stopped just short of her pussy, she moaned and grabbed for his head.

  “Oh, no,” he told her, catching her wrists. “I thought you might not be able to stay still. Or be quiet.”

  He straightened and went to the far side of the fridge.

  “What are those?” she frowned.

  “Cuffs and a gag.”

  Her jaw fell open in shock and he slipped the soft ball between her lips. She shook her head, protests muffled, as he secured it behind her head. Her hands came up and he caught them, wrapping the soft leather around them before latching them behind her back.

  Glaring at him, she snapped her legs shut.

  “Oh, stop,” he shook his head. “You won’t be able to be quiet or keep your hands still and you know it.” Furious, she shook her head vehemently. “What’s really got you upset? The fact that someone else is in charge?” He leaned toward her, his hands planted on either side of her hips. “The fact that it really arouses you and all you’ve heard about bondage and submission is that only perverts do it? And you’re scared that liking everything I’m doing to you makes you a pervert.”

  Debbie inhaled swiftly and leaned back slightly to see his face. How did he know?

  “I know,” he said quietly. “Because that’s what most people think. Unless they’re actually doing it. Some play at it to spice things up in their relationship. Others do it once for a thrill and that’s all they want.” His hands went to her shoulders. “I don’t do it for spice or thrill. I do it because it feels right.” She trembled as his hands circled her upper arms and stroked up and down. “To have a submissive trust me completely. To know that I’m fully responsible for her pleasure.”

  His mouth bit slightly on her ear lobe and she moaned. “Or her pain. Be honest with yourself, Debbie, and then you can be honest with me. You want this. Not for spice or thrill, but because it feels right. Because you trust me. You know that when I seduce you, I’ll satisfy you.”

  Her gaze sought his eyes and she found the truth in the dark depths. He was right. On all levels. Some part of her had understood that last night, even before he’d been assigned as her protector. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly and felt something settle inside her. She nodded.

  “Good. That’s a step we skipped over earlier because of the conversation in the car.” His lips firmed. “I thought you understood fully. You certainly acted like it. Do you now?”

  She nodded again.

  “Shall I go over the rules from this morning again?”

  Debbie didn’t move, eyes on his face. The rules. She’d hardly been paying attention because her body had been trying to understand what he’d done to her and put on her. What had he said? She remembered the parts about automatically obeying him in public and getting behind him in elevators as she’d done earlier. What the hell else had he said?

  “You don’t argue with me. Unless you’re sick or hurt, you don’t deny me. You certainly don’t cop an attitude with me.” He paused and frowned. Debbie held her breath, fear that she’d screwed up again racing through her. The hard look in Quincy’s eyes softened slightly. “This has been a lot thrown at you on top of everything else, hasn’t it?” The knot in her stomach loosened slightly and she nodded. Slowly, he raised his hands and removed the gag. “I’ve probably done everything wrong with you that I could.”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Shh,” he murmured, his thumb brushing over her lips. “It’s not your fault in any way. It’s mine. I know better than this. I’ve rushed you into things that—”

  “I want this,” she insisted, wishing he would release her hands as well so she could wrap her arms around him. “Everything you’ve told me and shown me. Everything you’ve done to me—”

  “We need to slow things down,” he said, as if she hadn’t spoken.

  “Slow things down?” she echoed. “Quincy, how the hell can you say that now? In twenty-four hours, I’ve connected with you in ways I didn’t think possible. I’ve learned things about myself that blow my mind.”

  “Exactly,” he nodded. “You were vulnerable after the attack on Serena and then Claire leaving with Paul. I took advantage in ways that I can’t believe. I shouldn’t have.”

  Debbie didn’t know what to think as he stepped away and leaned against the other counter. Now he was pulling away from her? After everything they’d done and talked about and…not to mention leaving her on the counter with her hands behind her back.

  “So what do you suggest?” she whispered, unable to believe he was doing this.

  “We back off. We act the way we’re supposed to. My job is to protect you. Yours is to work for MacLauren.”

  “You’re serious,” she breathed. “After everything, you think we can just slam on the brakes and act as if nothing has happened.”

  “We have to,” he stated.

  “Bullshit,” she shook her head.

  “No shit.”

  Debbie clenched her jaw, thoughts spinning through her head. She couldn’t, wouldn’t believe he was doing this. No way. From the look on his face, she would think he meant it. From the erection tenting his sweats, he was clearly of two minds about it. Fine. If that’s the way he wanted it, she could play that game and make up the rules as she went as well.

  “Fine,” she replied steadily. “Then uncuff me and get me off my own damn counter.”

  Now he was clenching his mouth shut as he stretched his arms around her and released the cuffs. As soon as she felt her feet hit the floor, she brought both her hands up and shoved at his chest. She ca
ught him off-guard and he stumbled back a step. With emotion that had been bottled up for years, she charged him, hitting him everywhere she could reach. When he grabbed her wrists, she twisted and kicked out with her legs. He held her at arm’s length so she couldn’t reach him.

  “Stop this,” he said firmly.

  “You’re a tease!” she yelled, as furious at how easily he held her as the tears streaming down her face. “You took what you wanted and for all your spouting about taking care of me, you don’t give a shit. You just took something beautiful and made it trash. Let go of me and don’t ever come near….”

  He jerked her toward him. One hand caught the back of her head while the other held her wrists at the small of her back.

  “I am thinking of you,” he ground out. “I want something that lasts, not a damn flash in the pan that fizzles out at the first sign of problems. I want us! I want something real and deep, not just sex and physical hunger. I’ve never had anything like this and I don’t want to screw it up.” The hand at her head left her, raking through his hair before resting on the counter behind him. “Debbie, I’m feeling things with you that I…” he grimaced, “I’ve never felt before. I’ve had subs before, but it never went beyond the scene. That’s why I said we should back off and take it slow. I don’t know what to do.”

  “For starters, you can’t decide everything all on your own,” she tossed back at him. The throbbing cock pressing against her stomach was a serious distraction but she managed to focus. Barely. “If you want us, then you have to talk with me. Not at me like I’m a child. The master stuff during sex is one thing, but for other stuff we have to talk and decide together. Couples do that.” She frowned, realizing how few couples she really knew. “At least those I’ve seen go beyond a few months do. They tell each other about how they grew up and what they like to do and…”

  “That’s what you were doing,” he whispered, groaning and rolling his eyes. “God, could I fuck this up anymore?”

  “Let’s not ask questions like that,” she advised. “Quincy, we want the same things. Talk to me,” she urged. “Talk with me. Don’t just arbitrarily decide on how things will be.” He opened his mouth and she shook her head. “If there’s danger, that’s totally different. I know that.” He nodded and she pressed a quick kiss to the bottom of his throat. “Maybe,” she swallowed. “Maybe you were right earlier. About dinner and getting a good night’s sleep. I think we’ve both been put through the wringer. Just one thing.”

  “Anything,” he nodded, voice low.

  “Hold me tonight.”

  “Just hold you?” he frowned. “Baby, I’m not sure…”

  “At least until midnight,” she murmured. “Then you can show me your idea of a midnight snack.”

  Visible relief showed on his face and his arms wrapped around her.

  “Is this how you felt when you closed the bathroom door? Like you’d damn near lost everything?”

  “Until you knocked on it,” she nodded, pressing a kiss over his heart. “I was scared to death that you wouldn’t want to be with me. That you were going to call Ben and have him assign someone else.”

  “I damn near killed Ben when he suggested that today,” Quincy told her, his mouth twisting slightly. “Of course, he was riding me about us anyway and I didn’t appreciate him questioning me like that.”

  Debbie blinked as those words registered. “You mean, Ben Hancock is a…” she snapped her mouth shut with an audible click.

  “Yeah, he’s a dominant also.”

  “And Brody Custis?” she whispered, not sure if she cared or not when he nodded. “Oh, my God,” she closed her eyes. “I don’t believe this. Everything I thought I knew is being turned upside-down.”

  “People into this are not perverts,” he told her, hands gently stroking her back. “They’re just normal people who like something a little different when it comes to sex.”

  “Do I still fit in?” she smiled. “I’ve never thought of myself as normal.”

  “You’ll fit in fine,” he assured her.

  “This is probably a stupid question, but I didn’t hurt you when I hit you, did I?”

  “Nothing broken,” he smiled, moving his jaw around. “You’ve got a good right hook. I barely blocked it. If we don’t kill each other by Friday, it will be a miracle,” he sighed. “Okay, you go on and get in bed. I’ll double-check everything and be there in a few minutes.”


  Quincy didn’t take more than five minutes to secure the apartment and take care of his own needs in the bathroom. When he walked into her bedroom though, he immediately saw that she was already asleep. Curled up on her side, facing the door, she looked absolutely perfect to him. Carefully, he lifted the covers and slid in next to her. In the pale light from the bathroom night-light, he gazed down at her. He’d never had anyone like her in his life. She hadn’t hesitated to say that he couldn’t have done anything to deserve a court-martial. She hadn’t had a problem with him being half-Sioux. Instead she’d mentioned how they’d both come from poor backgrounds and pulled themselves out of it. Sliding an arm under her head, he curled himself around her body and closed his eyes.

  Waking up later, Quincy knew two things—it was nearly midnight and Debbie was curled up next to him. It took two breaths to know that he had to have his snack. And he knew just how he wanted it.


  Debbie sighed. Someone was stroking her legs. Long, slow caresses along the inside of her thighs, right up to her pussy, but not quite touching it. And that same someone was leisurely kissing her breasts.

  “Quincy?” she murmured, not sure if she was dreaming or awake.

  At least, she tried to say his name. That’s when she realized that she was gagged and her hands were bound and secured over her head. She opened her eyes and realized she was blindfolded. Holy crap!

  “Shh, babe,” he whispered, shifting his body. “I didn’t think the neighbors would appreciate hearing you as you orgasmed.”

  Swallowing around the ball gag, she nodded. Yeah, the neighbors might complain about that. She wasn’t exactly going to win any awards for being quiet.

  “Now, I’m going to have my midnight snack.”

  Oral sex, the thought flashed in her mind. He was going to… Well, she had a vague idea of what he was going to do, but no personal experience and…

  His mouth began kissing where his fingers had been stroking her earlier. His hands lifted and parted her thighs so they were nearly perpendicular from her hips. Debbie closed her eyes as she felt the heat form a tight spiral deep in her core. Quincy’s thumbs parted her folds and his tongue began lapping at her dripping pussy.

  She gasped, then moaned. His tongue pressed into her before he sucked on her clit. She twisted slightly and his hands pushed her legs until her knees were near her shoulders.

  “Be a good girl and keep your legs there,” he murmured. “Don’t come until I give you permission.”

  Completely exposed, totally vulnerable, Debbie held her breath wondering what he was going to do. His fingers—she had no idea how many—slid into her pussy, hooking up to press against her nerves. His thumb flicked back and forth over her clit and fire built up inside her. The pressure inside her increased and her fingers clutched at the leather strap securing her. Desperate, she tried to hold on, to not give in to the rising urgency to explode. He pulled his fingers out of her pussy and she sighed in relief, trying to breathe normally.

  And felt one finger, wet with her own juices, push against her anus.

  Whimpering, she shook her head, even if he couldn’t see in the dark. The thought struck her. She had no idea if the lights were on or not. For all she knew, he had lights shining down right there so he could see her. Debbie trembled, not sure if she was excited or bashful at the thought.

  As his finger slid completely into her ass, his palm went under her butt. His middle finger, she realized, feeling two on each cheek. The thought of that long thick finger inside her aroused her. On the
ir own, her hips wriggled. His mouth clamped down on her clit and tugged. Beneath the gag, she shouted as sensations of need shot through her. She was on the edge, determined to obey him and not orgasm until he gave permission. But it was growing harder with everything he did! His mouth moved and now he focused on her pussy. Lips, tongue and teeth, all combined to drive her crazy. The finger in her ass twisted slightly and ratcheted the friction. She felt control slipping and the orgasm build rapidly. She whimpered, frantic to hold back. Her thighs trembled as she tried to hold them up as he’d told her.

  Then he said the welcome words.

  “Come for me, baby. Come for me hard.”

  Released, she let her body soar. He was relentless though, nibbling on her clit to give her a second orgasm fast on the heels of the first. She floated as the euphoria filled her. She felt his body shift, his hands on her hips to lift them, then his cock was pressing into her pussy. Panting, she accepted his lust. She could do nothing else and wanted to do nothing else. She was his and wanted him to lose himself in her the way she just had. Her pussy tried to tighten around him as he thrust in and out.

  “So damn wet,” he moaned. “So fucking hot.”

  His mouth nuzzled the side of her neck and worked its way to suck on a breast. Debbie moaned beneath the gag. Remembering what he’d said about how tight her pussy was, she focused on that part of her body. Her walls clamped hard on his cock as it drove into her.

  “Oh, Great Spirit,” he shuddered, mouth on the other nipple. He pulled out and held still, his cock barely inside her. “Do that again. As tight and hard as you can. That feels so damn good!”

  She nodded, delighted by his reaction. He thrust back in and she squeezed her muscles with everything she could. She felt his forearms tremble along the sides of her head. The bed jolted and he stiffened with a long, drawn-out grunt as his seed rushed into her, hips flexing with each pulse of pleasure. Quincy collapsed on top of her. Her legs splayed on either side of him as he caught his breath. Pinned beneath him, Debbie reveled in the feel of his heavy body, covered with sweat from his exertions.


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