Precious Embrace (Embrace Series)

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Precious Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 20

by Dana Mason

  Her mouth fell open and she tilted forward, now leaning on his chest, her hands splayed.

  She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on. He felt the spasm as it traveled through her body, her hands gripped his shoulders, the nails digging in and grasping for leverage. “Johnny…I…oh God.” She shuddered one more time and it took every ounce of strength he had not to lose it with her.

  Johnny watched her face as the force of the orgasm hit her, then she collapsed on top of him. He smiled and wondered if he could get her there again. With quick hands, he grabbed her hips and flipped her on her back, forcing out a cry in surprise when he thrust back inside her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Ali couldn’t have been asleep more than a couple of minutes when Micah woke her up crying. She jerked up, scared at first until she realized she wasn’t dreaming. Micah was actually crying in his crib, two feet from her bed. She stood and pulled on her robe then went to the crib, but it was empty. She gasped and jerked awake in a half cry and half choke.

  “Ali, sweetheart…you okay?” Johnny asked pulling her closer.

  Her eyes locked on his. “Where’s Micah!”

  “He’s right there in his crib.”

  She got up and stumbled over to see him. He was wide awake and staring into the darkness. She wanted to cry out in relief, but sent a silent thank you up to God for bringing her Micah home.

  “Everything okay?” Johnny asked coming up behind her.

  She nodded and said, “Hi, sweetpea,” as she reached into the crib for Micah. “You’re awake, what are you doing?” She cradled him and held him close and closed her eyes enjoying the feel of him.

  She turned to face Johnny. “I had a bad dream, but it’s fine, he’s home and safe.”

  “Should I go make him a bottle?” he asked rubbing Micah’s fuzzy head.

  “Would you?”

  “Yeah, you change him and I’ll get the bottle.”

  After Johnny left the room, she looked down at Micah. “Did you hear that, baby? Somebody is here to help mommy,” she said, reflectively thinking about their conversation. “He loves you too, Micah, do you know that?”

  She carried him into his room and changed his diaper, chatting with him the entire time. When he was clean, she snapped up the buttons on his sleeper and held him with her cheek resting on his head. He smelled like himself again, instead of that other foreign scent she didn’t recognize.

  “Here we go,” Johnny said coming into the room with the warm bottle.

  “Do you mind if I put him in bed with us?”

  He smiled. “Of course not.”

  “You want to lie down in the big bed, sweetpea?” Ali asked carrying him back to her bed. She propped herself up on a couple of pillows and cradled Micah while he finished his bottle and drifted off to sleep. When he was asleep, Ali placed the bottle on the table and laid Micah down on the mattress between her and Johnny.

  “Is this okay?” Johnny said looking at Micah. “He can sleep with us?”

  “Yeah, just don’t roll over on top of him.”

  “This is cool,” he said lacing fingers with her over Micah’s head.

  “Goodnight,” Ali said on the tail end of a big yawn, closing her eyes, more content than she’d felt in a long time. She smiled and squeezed Johnny’s hand. “Thank you for being here for us.”

  Johnny pulled her hand to his lips, “Goodnight, sweet Alison. Good night, Micah,” he whispered.

  When Mark showed up the next morning with Jamie, Ali greeted them at the door and couldn’t believe what she saw. Stuffed animals and flowers completely covered the front lawn. She wanted to go outside, but Mark pulled her back inside and shut the door behind her. “I didn’t know people were coming by and leaving things,” she said staring through the peep hole in the door.

  “I suggest you don’t go out there for a few days. The press is still camped out, trying to get pictures of Micah.”

  Ali hugged Jamie, “Hey, babe.”

  Jamie gripped her tight with his little fists, and rested his cheek on Micah’s head. “Is Micah okay,” he said, his voice a little high pitched as if fighting tears.

  “He’s fine, honey, see.” She turned Micah around to face Jamie. “We’re all fine, Jay.”

  Jamie’s chin quivered as he let Micah grip his finger.

  “Do you want to sit down and hold Micah for a few minutes?”

  “Okay,” he whispered walking toward the couch, wiping tears from his cheeks. Dark circles traced the underside of his eyes making him look like he hadn’t slept. Her heart hurt for him after all the trauma he’d been through over the last few days…and for not being there for him. The road to recovery would be a long one for her family. It was one thing for her to lose sleep and worry, but her son shouldn’t have to deal with such difficult things in his young life.

  Johnny rounded the corner from the kitchen with a mug of coffee in his hand and smiled. “Hey, Jamie, how are you?”

  “Hi,” Jamie muttered, climbing onto the sofa.

  Johnny knelt down, eye level with Jamie. “You okay?”

  Jamie nodded, forcing another tear to fall.

  “Honey, you know Micah is just fine now,” Ali said. When Jamie looked up at her, she gestured toward his lap. “Are you ready to hold him?”

  Jamie grabbed a pillow and propped up his elbow. “Ready.”

  Ali had to suppress a chuckle. She laid Micah across Jamie’s lap and positioned his arms so he wouldn’t get tired and Micah wouldn’t roll onto the floor. “Hold tight, he likes to wiggle.”

  “I know,” Jamie said and a huge smile spread across his face.

  Ali watched them until she was sure Jamie had a secure hold on Micah then she turned to see Mark and Johnny looking through a crack in the curtains.

  She walked over and looked out too. “Why haven’t they left yet?”

  “They won’t for a few days, maybe a week,” Mark said. “It takes them a while to close out a story, besides the kidnappers haven’t been caught yet so they still have something to talk about.”

  “What if I need to go out? Jamie has school,” she said. “I can’t stay trapped in the house that long.”

  “I was thinking maybe you should spend a couple of days with me and Sarah,” Mark said. “The property is gated and totally private. You’ll be able to go outside. I already talked to Melissa and your mom about getting the stuff outside packed up. They’re taking the toys to the children’s hospital and collecting the notes for you.”

  Ali looked from Mark to Johnny and didn’t know what to say. “I’m sure Sarah doesn’t want your ex-wife staying in the guest room.”

  Mark’s eyebrows rose. “Ali, don’t do that. Give Sarah some credit here.”

  “Sorry, that wasn’t—I didn’t mean—I just don’t want to impose.” Ali looked at Johnny again, but he was still staring out the window.

  “We were going to invite Johnny too,” Mark said looking between the two of them. “He’s a target too—with the press—since he’s the hero.”

  Johnny turned with a smirk on his face. “Yeah—right.”

  “What other choice do you two have? Johnny’s place is too small and I don’t think a hotel will be very comfortable…of course there is always your mother’s house.”

  “No, I’m not going to mother’s.” Ali crossed her arms over her chest. “We’ve just mended fences. I don’t want to push it.” She looked down at the floor, refusing to agree to anything until Johnny spoke up.

  “Look…I haven’t spent any time with Jamie either since I’ve been here. Just come over and hang out with us for a few days. I can take Jamie to school every day and everyone will be safe.”

  “I can’t speak for Johnny, but we can come for a few days.”

hnny?” Mark said.

  Johnny turned again and looked at them both, then looked at Jamie holding Micah. “Are you sure you have the room?”

  “Plenty of room, it’s not a problem.”

  “It’s up to Ali. If she wants me there, I’ll come.” They both looked at Ali.

  She met his eyes and knew he’d give his right arm to be with Micah. “I would like to have you there with us…if you don’t mind.”

  He nodded and the change in his constitution was immediate. It looked like a ton of weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

  “Then pack some stuff,” Mark said. “Do you need help? Should I—“

  “Why don’t you take Johnny home to get his stuff then come back for us? He doesn’t have much here and he hasn’t been home in a week.”

  “No, y’all shouldn’t be left alone.”

  “Johnny, its fine. Go with Mark while I pack mine and Micah’s stuff.”

  “She’s right. We won’t be gone more than an hour. They’ll be fine and it’ll be good idea for her to have some one-on-one time with the boys for a while,” Mark said.

  Johnny turned to look at the boys. “Fine.”

  “Jamie,” Ali said moving to the couch. “May I take Micah back for a few minutes?” Jamie looked up from Micah’s face as Ali leaned in to take him. Ali cradled him for a minute then handed him to Johnny. Johnny took Micah and held him close for a few moments closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “He will be fine,” Ali whispered to him. “It’s just an hour.”

  Johnny opened his eyes and looked into hers. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it…”

  “I understand,” she said placing her hand on Micah’s head.

  “What about you, are you going to be okay, Micah isn’t the only one I’m worried about?”

  “I’ll be fine too.”

  “Ready?” Mark asked from the foyer.

  “Yeah,” Johnny said leaning over Micah to kiss Ali goodbye. “See you in an hour, sweetheart. Please keep the door locked and the alarm set.”

  When Mark and Johnny arrived at his house, Johnny couldn’t believe the camera crews that had followed from Ali’s house. It was crazy. Didn’t they have something better to do than follow him around? News vans parked up and down the street. Once Mark pulled in the driveway, a few ventured up toward the house, but they both managed to get inside without having to talk to anyone. “They don’t give up do they?”

  “Nope—never,” Mark said. “And you should watch what you say to them. You never know when they’re on your side, and when they’re not. They can twist everything you say into anything they want the public to hear.”

  Johnny grinned. “Fine with me, I got nothing to say to them anyway.”

  When they stepped inside, Johnny felt a little embarrassed at the mess. Mark looked around and whistled. “Wow, you’re not even fully unpacked yet.”

  “This has been the craziest two weeks…I thought I’d live a quiet life when I moved here.”

  “Yeah, well things never turn out the way we plan.” Mark gestured to the bedroom. “At least you have a bed now.”

  “What the hell?” He turned into the bedroom. “How?”

  “Ali mentioned the delivery times. Sarah made sure someone was here so you wouldn’t have to worry about it.”

  “Wow, I forgot all about it.” Johnny stared at the bed. “Thank you so much.”

  “Maybe one of these days you’ll get to sleep in it.”

  “Yeah, maybe…”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  When the doorbell rang, Ali froze. “Who the hell…” She checked her pocket for her cell phone and looked down at Jamie. “Hey, Jay, will you stay here and watch Micah in his crib while I get the door.”

  “Yeah—or I could get the door.”

  “No—no, Mommy will get the door. You stay here with Micah. Don’t pick him up, just watch him, okay.”


  Ali rushed down the stairs and checked the peephole. “What the hell?” She reached over to punch in the alarm code before throwing the door open. “What are you doing here, Carl?”

  “I heard Micah was home…thought I’d stop in and check on you guys.” When she didn’t immediately respond, he said, “I just want to see him.”

  “Why? Why now?”

  “Alison, he is my son, even if I’ve screwed up the past few months.”

  “Jamie’s here, it’s not a good idea for him to see you. He’s still getting over what happened.”

  “I would like to see Jamie too. I miss him.”

  “No. I don’t like this—you need to leave.”

  “Ali.” Carl reached out and slapped a hand on the door. “I didn’t come to fight with you. Just let me see him for a few minutes.” He looked over at the news crews and she knew it was another game. If she didn’t let him in, there was nothing to keep him from saying whatever he wanted to them.

  “Carl.” She rubbed her forehead, wishing she could slam the door in his face. “This isn’t a good time.”

  “I don’t want to start any trouble…Ali, just let me come inside.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut and dropped her hand to her side. “Fine, but only for a few minutes. I have a lot to do.” She turned and led him up the stairs. When they entered her room, Jamie was leaning over the crib talking to Micah.

  “Hey, buddy,” Carl said to Jamie.

  “Carl!” Jamie ran to him and hugged him.

  “Hi, Jamie, I missed you.”

  “Me too, did you come to see us?”

  “Of course, I heard Micah was back so I came to check on you guys.”

  He looked around Ali’s bedroom and raised an eyebrow. “Crib in the master bedroom?”

  “Johnny moved it last night,” she said pointedly. “I’m having trouble letting Micah out of my site.”

  “Why? The boy can’t walk, what do you think is going to happen?”

  Proof Carl was no parent, and never would be…he just didn’t get it. “What do you want, Carl? I can see you have another motive.”

  Carl looked down at Jamie then back to Ali.

  She bowed her head toward Jamie. “Honey, why don’t you check your room for anything you might want to take to Daddy’s.”

  “Okay,” he rushed toward the door then stopped. “Can I take my Transformers to Dad’s?”

  She smiled at Jamie. “You can take whatever you want, babe.” When Jamie was gone the smile dropped from her face. “I’m not stupid.”

  “I want visitation, Ali. I want a relationship with him.”

  “Forget it!” she said taking Micah from his crib and cradling him to her chest. “You have lost your mind.”

  “Be reasonable, he’s my son too. I have rights.”

  “No, you gave up those rights on the divorce papers.”

  “It’s not too late to file for joint custody.”

  “You son of a bitch, don’t threaten me.”

  “Ali, you’re going to get Jamie back in here if you shout. Calm down, we can talk about this. I’m not here to threaten you, I’m here to talk.”

  “Really? Calm down when you threaten to take my son just a couple of days after he was stolen from me?”

  “If you and Mark can agree about Jamie, then you and I can agree about Micah. I don’t want to take him away or fight over him. I’m only asking for a few hours a week with him. Supervised, you can be there. I understand you don’t want him out of your sight yet…if ever.”

  Ali relaxed slightly. “Like what? You want to come here for a few hours a week?”

  He held his hands out, palms up. “Yes, that’s all.”

  “I don’t want you here when Jamie’s here. It’s been hard for him. I don’t want him to get even more confused.”
br />   “I understand, although I would love to spend time with him too.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Mark would never agree to it,” she said bouncing Micah a little. She looked down at her watch. “Oh hell—you need to go now.” She turned toward the door. “You can call me and we’ll talk about it.”

  “What’s the problem?”

  “Carl.” She grabbed his arm and led him out of the room and down the stairs. “You need to go now.”

  “Alison, relax. I’ve only been here for a few minu—”

  Halfway down the stairs, the front door swung open. Mark and Johnny walked in and looked up to find Ali rushing down holding Micah, and Carl trailing behind her. “Hi,” she said meeting Johnny’s eyes as she hit the bottom step. “Carl stopped by to check on Micah. He…ah wanted to make sure he was okay with his own eyes.”

  Johnny walked up to Ali, took Micah out of her hands and held him to his chest staring Carl down.

  “He’s seen Micah, he can go now,” Mark said.

  “Alison, thank you.” Carl stared at Mark with a disapproving expression then he blinked rapidly and said, “I’ll call so we can work something out.”

  “—Bye, Carl.” She gave him a little shove hoping to get him out and shut him up.

  “Work what out?” Johnny said after the door closed.

  “I’m not ready yet,” she said. “If you keep Micah, I’ll go finish packing.” Then she rushed up the stairs before he could question her further.

  “What the hell is she doing?” Johnny asked Mark.

  “I don’t know, but he can’t be trusted.”

  “I have no doubt he had something to do with Micah’s kidnapping. Why is she so blind?” Johnny growled.

  “She’s not blind, Johnny, just defeated. It’s easier to give in than it is to fight with a manipulator. She’s ready for some peace and if giving Carl a few minutes with Micah gives her some peace…and he is Micah’s father.”


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