Blood's Nexus

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Blood's Nexus Page 9

by K MacBurn

  “So, what are you planning then if you have no assistance from them?” Viktor asked.

  Jarden gave the saddest puppy dog eyes he could manage to the burly Wolverine.

  “What can I possibly do for you Jarden? I will not risk the Guild, or in that case, the city, for one life. Regardless of how pretty a life it is.”

  “No one needs to know about your involvement.” Jarden insisted. “I am simply here to hire one of your thieves, preferably hailing from the desert, one that might show us the way to the old Yardick ruins.”

  The Guild leader paused.

  “Those ruins have been hidden for years. And, even if I did have someone from the region, I can not guarantee their loyalty to your cause.”

  “Nor do I expect it. But I know they will honor a guild contract and want to be paid.”

  The Wolverine looked back at Taylor and reached out to tilt her chin towards him. Tarak growled a warning, but Viktor ignored him. Taylor held out a hand to stop any further action from the Tiger and allowed the leader to look her in the eyes.

  “Are you aware of the risk this Croc is taking to protect you?”

  “I do. He is putting his life on the line to get me home, as is Tarak.”

  “And how will you repay them? What will you do if they die trying to help you?”

  Those were much harder question to answer, and she wasn’t sure she knew, but she tried.

  “Whatever I have is theirs, admittedly it is not much.” Taylor said sadly. “And if they die, I will be lost and mourn them. Though, I hope they will give me up long before they ever put themselves in that position.”

  She wasn’t sure what Viktor was looking for, but he sighed and looked at Jarden.

  “She is humble, and has a quiet charm, doesn’t she?” The predator gave her a small smile. “Very well Jarden, I will see what I can do. But, before I do, let’s celebrate this rare occasion and have a meal and a few bottles of wine.”

  The guild leader left to bring back platters of food and jugs of wine until the table was full. Jarden and Viktor sat near the head of the table and regaled them in tales of their youth, and some misadventures. The two had a surprising amount in common and shared a drunken, womanizing side that let them enjoy each other's company. Taylor could only shake her head at most of the tales while Tarak looked downright mortified. Then, they both had the chance to turn red when Jarden commented on their frolic the night before to the Guild leader.

  It was getting late when Jarden said they had to be getting back to the inn. Viktor agreed it was getting late and told them he would send supplies and, hopefully, a guide late tomorrow afternoon for their journey. He and Jarden gave each other one last hug before the Wolverine led them back to the red door.

  As they started their walk back to the Inn, it became very clear Jarden wouldn’t be leading them anywhere. The old Croc was too drunk to even stand. Tarak sighed and threw the monk over his shoulder and started in the direction he knew would lead them to the Burrows at some point.

  Taylor stayed close on their heels, sparing a glance over her shoulder now and then because it felt as though they were being followed. Seeing the dingy little inn made her happy.

  As they entered, the old Goat women greeted them.

  “Oh my,” she said, “Is he all right?”

  The Croc answered that with a belch.

  “Is that the voice o-of the sweet Moana I hear?” Another belch.

  “It is, my tasty morsel,” the goat simpered.

  “Put me down, r-ruffian, I must stay with my love!” He weakly smacked Tarak with the walking stick.

  “Yes! Yes, please leave him. I will nurse him back to health.”

  After that morning, Tarak wasn’t about to pass up on the opportunity. He dumped the old croc on the floor then, took Taylor’s arm and escorted her up to their room.

  “He will not be happy about that,” Taylor laughed. Tarak grinned.

  “No, but I did as he asked.”

  Tarak sat on the bed and took off his boots. Taylor thought this was a good a time as any to ask a question that had been bothering her.

  “Why are you guys helping me?” Taylor asked. Tarak looked up at her and saw what the Wolverine had said had gotten to her.

  “Not everyone helps another for reward,” Tarak breathed, “You were in trouble, and I helped. Perhaps I felt it was my duty as a Guardian at first, but I often thought my fate has always been mine to control, and I knew it would some day lead me to Ransidius. It so happened your fate intertwined with mine when you came through the gate.”

  The statement lined up with his character, which made it believable.

  “And if Ransidius gets a hold of me, what do you plan on doing when he wants a fight and he is hopped up on human blood?”

  Tarak took a moment to reflect on that one.

  “I will fight him.”

  “If my blood is so strong you wouldn’t stand a chance, would you?”

  Tarak sat down on the bed and motioned for her to do the same. Taking her hand gently he spoke.

  “Maybe, but I would still fight. I have never seen the effects of human blood, it was all before I was born, but that wouldn’t change my decision.”

  The teen picked at a stray string on her shirt a moment before speaking again.

  “I don’t want you to get killed because of me. If that Sabre were to go into battle with an advantage, I want you to have the same chances.”

  The silence in the room was thick with tension. The Tiger was at a loss for words.

  “If you are not opposed to using it, then I want you to take some of my blood. Make Jarden mix the potion, and keep it with you in case you ever face Ransidius without me.” Tarak was shaking his head before she even finished, but Taylor wouldn’t hear it. “Look, Viktor asked what I could give you, and I know you want nothing, but this is something I can do! I want you to have it. I am giving it to you, which is my choice.”

  “All right.”

  His sudden agreement made her jolt.

  Tarak cupping her face in his hands and rested his forehead against hers.

  “Have Jarden get it from you tomorrow, when he is sober; he will have a proper container. I promise I will take it if I face the Sabre Lord without you.”

  Nodding, it surprised her to find tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. She cursed herself for getting so worked up and forced a small smile.

  The Tiger kissed her, not the raw passionate kiss like the night before but a sincere, caring kiss. The two cuddled close on the bed, at ease in each other's arms.

  That was where they remained for the night.

  A harassed Jarden came up early the next morning after they had been awake for a while.

  The nights events had his robed bunched up in places and his eyes were red and wild. The door closed behind him with a snap and the Croc breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Good morning, Jarden.” Taylor chirped. “How is your love doing?”

  “My love?”

  “Moana. You called her your love last night and insisted to stay with her.”

  Jarden groaned and ran his hands over his bald scaly head.

  “That explains so much.” He straightened his robes and composed himself quickly. “Well, we will never speak of this again.”

  The monk went about collecting his things and organizing them on a chair while pretending that the other two weren’t smirking at him.

  After a while they let it drop and Taylor used the new silence to confront Jarden and asked him to take her blood and make a potion for Tarak. It was a gift she was willingly giving and didn’t care if Jarden was against the magic behind it.

  “Are you sure?” He wrung his hands and frowned deeply.

  “Yes, I am sure. My blood, my choice.”

  “And you, you are ok in having it? And taking it in the event you have to face Ransidius?”

  “I am. It is a great gift and I accept her right to give it to whomever she chooses.”

den gave a curt nod and went rooting through his satchel. Ultimately, he found what he was looking for in a clean vial, about the size of a pill bottle.

  “That is all that you will need?” Taylor asked looking at it.

  “Yes, this will make a strong single dose. Maybe even two.”

  Taylor sat on the bed and held out her arm to Jarden. She didn’t even flinch as he made a small but deep incision with one of his metal tools. Once he had filled his container, he chanted and left his blue mist seal the wound.

  Just as they finished a soft but persistent knock came at the door. Tarak pulled his cloak on in haste, Taylor was close behind with hers.

  “Who is it? I asked not to be disturbed!” Jarden growled.

  “I am here on contract. Someone told me to say, ‘Gold for the black and white, copper for the green.’ Whatever the hell that means.” Came the disgruntled but distinctly feminine voice.

  Jarden pulled open the door with a scowl that contorted his already odd shaped face.

  “It means Viktor has a failing memory if he thinks he has beaten my number.”

  The confusion was shared between everyone else in the room. Tarak ended up holding out a hand to stop the female weasel at the door from asking.

  “If those two have some sort of wager going, we are all best not to ask questions. It’s probably adult themed, anyway.”

  The tiny weasel made a face, but entered the room.

  Long, flowing white locks streamed down her back. Standing at maybe four foot ten inches her pale skin and pink eyes pegged her as an albino with a row of small but pointed teeth that flashed when she spoke.

  “My name is Bella. I am to escort you to the west, to the Yardick ruins. At least, what I think are the Yardick ruins.”

  “Yes, you are in the right spot,” Jarden purred. “May I offer you a drink?”

  There was a brief sound of metal leaving sheath before Jarden found himself at the end of a sharp dagger.

  “I am here for a job, not to socialize. And don’t think I won’t gut you like a fish if you try to come on to me again. I don’t care if you are friends with Viktor.”

  “Point taken. Literally.” The Croc stepped back from the knife and straightened his robes. “Very well, I wish to leave as soon as I get back from the market. These will be your travel companions.” He motioned for them to remove the hoods. Tarak was reluctant to do so, but it was again the trust of Jarden the won out.

  The Tiger and human looked at the Weasel and waited.

  The weasel stared. And stared.

  Giving her head a shake, she started to come around.

  “I think my price just went up.”

  “Fine. You can have double the contract price. I will write an add-on to the contract when I get back.”

  Appeased, the weasel nodded, and flopped down into a chair.

  “Fine. Get a move on then, I want to get paid and be on my way.”

  Taylor wasn’t sure this weasel was a good fit for their group, but she trusted Jarden to handle it.

  Mumbling snarky comments all the way out the door, Jarden left to restock his supplies. Tarak motioned Taylor to sit and, without delay, placed himself between the weasel and human.

  Bella noticed this and smirked.

  “What’s wrong big boy, think I am gonna bite?” She gnashed her pointy little choppers together just to emphasize the point. Tarak leaned forward only a little, arms crossed over his chest.

  “For your sake you’d better not,” there was a rumble in his voice that screamed predator.

  “How do you get it to travel? Tempt it with treats? Or do you have to carry it?”

  “I do quite well on my own, thanks,” Taylor narrowed her eyes but kept her tone even.

  “You taught it to speak? Impressive.”

  The Rugby captain tensed and bit her lip hard to keep from instigating something.

  The weasel snickered as the human glared, but then looked away once the Tiger leveled a stare on her that would have cowed most.

  They weren’t left alone for long before Jarden burst back into the room.

  “The Sabres are in the city. Avis and General Godwin themselves have taken over the search for you.”

  Tarak was to his feet in seconds, grabbing bags, and Bella looked as if she would bolt away right there.

  “Get your stuff. They are in the town square and if we try to leave now their sentry at the gate will make us, but, if we gather with the crowd, we can leave in numbers with everyone else.”

  Taylor agreed in the thought process behind that plan, but she wasn’t thrilled to go stand in front of her pursuers.

  As they prepared to leave, she noted that even Jarden pulled on a cloak that hid his reptilian features.

  Tarak kept her tight to his side as the four of them tried to look casual as they joined the growing throng of people heading to the town square to hear what the Sabre’s had to say.

  Bella remained uncloaked, and even hummed as she scurried through the crowds.

  Soon, they arrived at the open stone plaza. Most of the people in the square had hoods up and were staying well back from the group of Sabres that were positioned on the raised announcement platform.

  This seemed like the appropriate moment to take Tarak’s hand in her own and squeeze for comfort.

  Taylor took in the beastly Sabre males, and dismissed them just as quickly. It was obvious they were not the ones in charge.

  The one running this show was barely five feet tall and had a delicate frame and face, with blue black hair that tumbled over her shoulders to her waist, a dress that covered next to nothing, and wings tucked neatly behind her arms.

  “The Crow witch, Avis.” Jarden said when he saw where Taylor’s gaze was directed. That bit of information made the teen pause.

  “If she is the one that made the original potion, just how old is she?”

  “Our kinds live for a long time Taylor; Avis is mature, but not old by our standards, and her exact age is unknown to me. It depends on the different species as well; I am old for a Croc at 552 monsoons. For a Crow like her, 200 wouldn’t be old.”

  This floored Taylor; if monsoons happened every year, then Jarden was over half a millennium old. She couldn’t wrap her mind around it, so instead she focused back on the stage.

  The crowd grew quiet as the Witch stepped forward with her hands outstretched.

  “Greeting, residents of the Walled City. As you have probably guessed, we are a small expedition party from the Lord Ransidius’ Sabre pride to the North. We do not wish to interrupt your day for long, but we come with a very lucrative deal for anyone willing to help us find a dear friend.”

  There was a murmur from the crowd, but they quieted again when she spoke. Her words were silky smooth, and yet venomous all at the same time.

  “We are looking for the Croc Monk Jarden, and his companion. Lord Ransidius has offered twenty gold pieces to anyone with legitimate information as to his whereabouts. No harm will come to either of the Animen. We simply need to make contact.”

  There was a shuffling amongst the crowd, but no one came forward.

  “Oh, come now. Croc monk, likes to drink, likes chasing the females, sarcastic to the point of being rude.”

  Taylor glanced at the monk; it seemed Avis was more familiar with the monk than he let on.

  “Very well. If any of you wish to speak with us in private, please find us at the Hallow Inn. We will be here till morning. And, if you are out there, Jarden, I cordially invite you and your new friend to the Sabre strong hold; if you come on your own, you will be both be greeted with the greatest hospitality. Of course, if you don’t wish to attend, you can assume the Lord will take the appropriate measures once he does find you. And Lord Ransidius always gets what he wants.”

  They took their leave with the rest of the crowd.

  “Split into two groups. Go out at different times and meet up at the Heesha crossroads.” Jarden muttered. Tarak took Taylor’s hand. He would not leave her
unprotected, plus he could see the annoyance she had towards the weasel and didn’t think that would end well.

  Taylor was more than happy to leave the city at the Tiger’s side.

  The city guards didn’t look twice at them, but the Sabres posted as sentries outside the gates studied the steady throng of travelers intently.

  They breathed easier once they got on the Western road and headed for the coast; the plan was to stay on this road for half of the day before switching direction to the North. At the crossroads, they would meet up with Jarden and Bella again.

  The sun had barely come over the horizon, and Taylor was already cursing the heat. The new boots and the wraps Tarak had used on her feet were working well enough to take away the pain, but she could feel that the bandages were soaked, with either blood or sweat; she wasn’t sure.

  Tall golden grass swayed gently in the wind, and giant termite mounds dotted the horizon. The road was little more than a beaten down path, but it was much easier walking than the confines of the jungle roads.

  Taylor glanced over at Tarak who was keeping an eye and ear trained behind them.

  “Anyone following us?” Tarak waited a moment before answering.

  “No, I believe we are good.”

  Taylor pushed back her hood enough she could get some air flow around her neck and her vision wasn’t so impaired.

  The Tiger did the same, letting out a satisfied growl at the little comfort.

  They walked for a while without speaking, but not feeling the need to. As some time passed, though, Taylor remembered all the questions that had popped into her head after Avis’s little speech in the city square.

  “Tarak, may I ask you something?”

  The Tiger seemed to sense where the conversation was going, because his muscles tightened for a moment, but still, he nodded his agreement.

  “Avis spoke of Jarden as if she knew him well, or at least Ransidius knew him well. What was that about?”


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