Ghosts of Gold Mountain
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Lee, Jake, 298 n244
Lee Chew, 251–52 n21
Lee Shao, 4–5, 237–38
Lee Wong Sang, 243
Leslie, Frank, 133–34
Lewis, Oscar, 87
Liberty Bell, 204
Lily (Chinese immigrant), 7, 13
Lim, Genny, 298 n244
Lim Lip Hong, 84, 241–43
Lincoln, Abraham, 63, 66, 79
Ling Sing, 70, 168
Lone, John, 298 n244
Look, J. S., 38–39, 52, 53, 54
Loomis, William, 179
Lord Warriston (ship), 44
Los Angeles, California, 214, 231
Low, Frederick, 173
Low, Russell N., 241
Lum, Sing, 233–34
lunar calendar and night sky, 98–100, 275 n152
Macao (Macau), 19, 27, 35, 36
Manchu people and rulers, 25, 41, 49, 108, 182
Manifest Destiny, 56
Mann, Bryon, 298 n244
Mariposa County, California, 222
maritime silk road, 18
marriage and family, 181–87, 196, 215, 241–44, 278 n170, 281 n182
Marysville, California, 26, 235–36
McDaniel, William, 72, 173–74, 238
McDougal, John, 59, 60
medical supplies of Railroad Chinese, 115–16
“Meeting of East and West” (photograph), 1–2, 5, 206–8
Memphis, Tennessee, 213
Merchants’ Magazine and Commercial Review, 217
Messenger (ship), 36
Mexicans and Mexico, 67, 169, 207
Mian Situ, 298 n244
Mill, Sam, 57
Miller, E. H., 139
Mississippi Valley and Delta, 213, 219
Montague, Samuel, 77–78, 86, 91, 139, 266 n91
Monterey, California, 110
Monument Rock, Utah, 200
moon, phases of, 98–99
Moon Festival, 24, 99
Moon Lee, 146
Mormons, 64, 143, 195, 196, 207, 241
Mother Lode, 69–79
Moy Jin Kee, 62
Moy Jin Mun, 62
Muybridge, Eadweard, 257 n50
nameless builders, 6, 245–46, 250 n6
National Intelligencer, 210
Nationality Act (1790), 39
Native Americans
Chinese interaction with, 21, 111, 143, 195–96, 233–34
Chinese replacement of, 217
murder of, 220
at Promontory, 207
racial composition of CPRR workforce and, 195
railroad effects on, 8
settlements in California, 26, 168
Naturalization Act, 219–20
Nevada. See also specific place names
challenges of reaching and getting through, 74, 75, 101, 122, 188–89, 190
Chinese settlement in, 26–27, 110, 112, 210
Hart’s photography of, 93, 192–94
landscape of, 5, 10, 11, 20
murders in, 225
Native people in, 111
racial composition of workers in, 195
Truckee on border with, 168, 188
Nevada City, California, 112, 168, 177
Nevada County, California, 168
Newcastle, California, 67, 112, 121, 165
New Orleans, Louisiana, 212, 213
New York City, 21, 138, 140, 215–16
New York Commercial Advertiser, 213
New York Evening Post, 45, 225, 266 n92
Ng Poon Chew, 212, 252 n22
Ning Yeung association, 47–48
Ningyung Benevolent Association, 229
nitroglycerine, liquid, 12, 101, 136, 197
Nobel, Alfred, 136
Northern Pacific Railroad, 214
Obama, Barack, 245
Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company, 28
Ogden, Utah, 204
Omaha, Nebraska, 1, 3, 64
opium smoking, 49, 105, 108, 113, 114, 116, 183
opium trade and smuggling, 19, 42, 116
Oregon, 26–27, 28, 114, 210, 212, 232
The Oriental, 57
Orr, Tye Kim, 213
Pacific Coast Railroad, 114–15
Pacific Mail Steamship Company (PMSC), 8, 28, 29, 250 n8, 253 n33
Pacific Railway. See also Central Pacific Railroad Company (CPRR); Railroad Chinese; Union Pacific (UP)
completion of, 1–6, 198–208
construction challenges (See under Sierra Nevada mountains)
map of, 65
transformation of America by, 7–8, 92, 209–10
visions for, 55–57, 63
Pacific Railway Act, 63
Paiutes, 92, 195
Panama Railway Company, 57–58
Paris, Texas, 212
Partridge, A. P., 223, 224
payroll records, 10, 68, 72, 82–84, 142, 173, 176
Pearl River delta. See also Hong Kong
ceramics and artifacts from, 103, 116, 200
description of, 17–19, 33–34
diet in, 19, 110, 111–12
as origin of Railroad Chinese, 10, 25
People v. Hall, 70
Peru, 35–36, 45
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 204
Pierrepont, Edwards, 221
pigs, roasted, 113, 119
Pittsfield Eagle, 90–91
Pixley, Frank, 180
Placer County, California, 69–70, 112
Placerville, California, 238–39, 240
PMSC (Pacific Mail Steamship Company), 8, 28, 29, 250 n8, 253 n33
Portuguese settlers in China, 18–19, 35
Promontory Branch, 189
Promontory Summit, Utah
celebration at, 1–2, 7, 92, 199–208
celebrations in other cities, 203–4
Chinese workers following event at, 212, 218–19
Chinese workers sent away from, 199–200, 284 n199
CPRR united with UP at, 11, 144, 189, 199–200, 201
harsh climate at, 189
Hung Wah at, 4–6
regional rail projects following, 7, 11
prostitution, 42–43, 46–47, 170, 175, 176–81, 244, 255 n42
Qing dynasty/empire, 25, 27, 35
Qingming (festival), 99
racism and discrimination. See also anti-Chinese sentiment and violence; wage inequalities
in California, 59–63, 69–71
citizenship and, 39, 219–20
CPRR and, 67, 73, 104
economic recession, and increasing, 230
following railway construction, 11
indentured servitude speculations and, 31
voyage to U.S. and, 33
Railroad Chinese. See also Chinese workers
coining of term, 7, 13
completion of railway and, 199–208, 284 n199
dangers for (See danger and hardship faced by Chinese workers)
descendants of, 240–45, 297–98 n244
early work in U.S., 58
as free laborers, 45–46, 138, 144
historical materials documenting, 9–10, 147–48, 250 n8
home in China (See Guangdong province of China; Pearl River delta; Siyi counties of China)
interaction with other ethnic groups, 195–98
life in America following Railway completion, 209–20, 237–44
marginalization and lost history of, 6–8, 147, 207, 239, 245
recognition of, 5–6, 85, 121–24, 190–91, 201, 203, 205–6, 245
work for CPRR (See Central Pacific Railroad Company (CPRR))
Railroad Record, 230
Red Turban Rebellion, 25
Reminiscences (Huie Kin), 21, 75, 188
Reno, Nevada, 167, 188
retaining walls, 91, 95–96, 106–7, 163
Robert Browne (ship), 35–36
Rock Springs, Wyoming, 23
Russell, Andrew J., 1–2, 5, 201, 206–8
Sacramento, California
celebration of railway completion in, 203–4
cemetery in, 228, 292–93 n228
Chinese presence in, 57, 62, 112
Chinese railroad workers hired in, 58
July 4th celebration in, 121–22
river access from San Francisco to, 26, 54
Sisson, Wallace Company in, 114
start of railroad in, 1, 3–4, 11, 28, 64, 67, 165
Sacramento Daily Union, 58, 64, 152, 216, 221, 292 n228
Sacramento Reporter, 228
Sacramento River, 26, 66, 75, 110, 221
Sacramento River delta, 17, 110, 240, 241
salted fish, 108
Salt Lake City, Utah, 167, 189, 196
San Fernando Tunnel, 214
San Francisco, California. See also Chinatown, San Francisco
arrival of Chinese in, 11, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40–44, 261 n68
celebration of railway completion in, 203–4
Chinese newcomers, observation of, 48–54
Chinese population in, 45, 183
formation of, 165
Irish immigrants and, 196
July 4th celebration in, 122
money held for workers in, 184
prostitutes in, 170, 177, 178, 180
return trip from, 32
Sisson, Wallace Company in, 114
spiritual practices of Chinese in, 117
Transcontinental and access to, 7
San Francisco Bay, 17, 25, 26, 54, 110, 255 n41
San Francisco Daily Times, 201
San Joaquin River and Valley, 26, 214
San Luis Obispo, California, 114
Santa Cruz Mountains, 91–92, 159, 234
Savage, Charles J., 206, 207–8
Scientific American, 210
Second Opium War (1856–1860), 21–22
Secret Town, California, 166
See, Lisa, 298 n244
Seward, William, 53, 258 n52
Shady Run Station, 166
“Shaft House over Summit Tunnel” (photograph), 131–32
Shasta Republican, 221
Shoshones, 92, 195
Sierra Nevada mountains. See also High Sierra
Cape Horn, 78, 86–91
climate and wildlife in, 76, 78–79, 101–2, 106–7
construction challenges and, 64, 66–67, 73–74, 76–77, 101–2, 124–28, 135–37
CPRR route through, 3, 5, 10, 75, 77–80, 87
Donner Summit in, 64, 93, 96
foothills of, 4, 10, 11, 68, 75–77, 80, 101
silent spikes, 6, 8, 245–46, 250 n6
silver, 184
Silvis, John B., 208
Sing Kum, 179
Sing Wah, 69
Sinophobia, 46, 211, 232. See also anti-Chinese sentiment and violence
Sin Wo, 170
Sisson, Wallace Company, 114, 150, 173, 270 n114
Six Companies, 42, 44, 46–48, 110, 177, 178, 183
Siyi counties of China
about, 15–21, 34
deities in, 116–17
emigration to U.S. from, 27–28, 114, 251 n21–22 (See also under Huie Kin; Hung Wah)
folk songs in, 184–87
marriage in, 182–83, 185, 281 n182
railroads in, 214–15
remittances and goods sent to, 184, 185
Wing Ning village, 21–24, 33
Siyi people, 26, 108, 146. See also under Siyi counties of China
slavery, 34–35, 47, 63, 86, 122, 209, 213. See also enslavement of women; indentured servitude
smallpox, 293 n228
snow blindness, 164
“Snow Plow. At Cisco” (photograph), 128, 129, 272 n128
snow sheds, 128–29, 134, 161–63, 224, 241
snowslides and avalanches, 12, 107, 161, 162–64, 222–26
Solorio, Michael Andrew, 242–43
Songjiu Funu (goddess), 23
Southern Pacific Railroad, 87, 214, 224, 233
South Pacific Coast rail line, 91–92
Speer, William, 17–18, 23–24, 46, 57
spirit boxes, 229
spiritual practices of Railroad Chinese, 23, 116–20
Spring Festival, 99
Stanford, Jane, 62, 92
Stanford, Leland
anti-Chinese sentiment and, 61–63
at breaking-ground ceremony, 66–67
Chinese praised by, 85–86
Curry and hiring of, 77–78
hiring of Chinese workers and, 4
home in Sacramento, 140
railway completion and, 92, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210
report on CPRR progress (1866), 123–24, 139
on unhappiness among Chinese workers, 150
vision for rail line and, 56
visiting dignitaries and, 100
Star House Gap, 81
steam engines, 55, 57, 76, 136
St. Joseph, Missouri, 212
Stockton, California, 26, 159
The Strike, 138, 147–148, 151–60, 275–76 n153
Strobridge, James
completion of railway and, 202–3, 205
death of, 238
deaths of workers in winter and, 107, 223
Hung Wah invited to reception by, 1, 2, 4–5
Hung Wah’s relationship with, 72
living conditions for, 140–41, 192–93
praise for Chinese workers, 144–45
prejudice against Chinese, initial, 3–4, 68, 261 n68
relationship with Chinese workers, 4, 249 n4
strike and, 152–53
Suez Canal, 64
Summer Triangle, 100
Summit Camp, 106, 110–11, 142, 160
Summit Tunnel
challenge of construction of, 125–28
completion and opening of, 11, 165
Crocker, E. B., and, 158
photographs of, 128, 131–33
strike and, 137, 152
train route through, 166
wages for workers at, 143–44
Summit Valley, 166
Sung Wah, 69
Sun Hing village, 29
Sun Neng village, 30
Sunset Hill Cemetery, 292–93 n228
Susanville, Nevada, 237
Taiping Rebellion, 21–22, 25
Taishan (Xinning) County, China, 15–16, 21, 31, 33, 243
tanjia, 255 n42
Taoism, 116–17
taxes on Chinese, 61–62
tea, 109, 113
“Tea Carrier” (photograph), 129–30
Tehachapi Mountains and Pass, 160, 214
telegraph lines, 260 n67
Todd, John, 7, 205, 294 n229
Tom Ying, 241
Tongzhi, Emperor, 35
Transcontinental Railroad. See Pacific Railway
Trout Creek Outrage, 231
Truckee, California
Chinese presence in, 112, 167–72
Chinese workers needed to reach, 138, 148, 149
correspondent’s impression of, 167
Hung Wah’s hypothetical visit to, 174–75
marriage in, 171, 278 n170
murder in, 231
prostitutes in, 175, 178, 181
railway lines connecting to, 212
Sisson, Wallace Company in, 114
snowslides in, 225
strike and, 151
Truckee Canyon, 124, 158
Truckee-Donner Historical Society, 163
“Truckee method” of expulsion, 169, 231
Truckee River, 188, 190
Tunnel No. 6. See Summit Tunnel
tunnels. See also Summit Tunnel
accidental explosions, 151, 152, 234
Gilliss and, 106, 123
Grizzly Hill Tunnel, 95–96
human bones found at, 224
photographs at, 128–33
railroad construction and, 59, 64, 66, 73–
74, 101, 106–8, 124–25
San Fernando Tunnel, 214
snowslides and avalanches at, 107, 164, 223
snow tunnels, 106, 226
train route through, 166
wage inequalities and, 143–44
typhoons, 20
Union Pacific (UP)
celebration of completion of Transcontinental and, 1–3
CPRR competition with, 1, 63, 74, 135–36, 156, 194, 197–98, 211
CPRR united with, 11, 144, 189, 192, 195, 196–97, 199–208
Durant taken prisoner by workers for, 205
government selection and support of, 63–64, 66
Irish workers for, 196–98