Sexiest Couple Alive (Knight Fashion #2)

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Sexiest Couple Alive (Knight Fashion #2) Page 7

by M. Clarke

  “That’s not the worst part?” she practically hollered.

  “He said he was going to take the guy I was dating down with me.”

  “Nate?” she said under her breath. “I mean, you’re not dating him, but you might. I mean, is that the...” She stopped speaking, and then glared at me. “Wait. You never told Nate how you felt, did you? Now this all makes sense. Olivia.” She said my name in a scolding matter. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “Isla, I hoped Troy would come to his senses. And I certainly didn’t know he was going to be our photographer. It was a good thing Nathan and I...I mean...not that he would give me another chance. Troy would have been...” I trailed off, not knowing what to say anymore.

  “You have to tell Nathan, Olivia,” she insisted.

  “I don’t think he cares. He’s still with Kelly. Seems like things are going well. I can’t just tell him how I feel and think he’s going to break up with Kelly. I don’t think I could handle that kind of rejection. Besides, Kelly posted about them on Facebook. The whole world knows they’re together. I would feel like the other woman.”

  Isla shook her head in disapproval. “Did Nathan post a picture of the two of them? I follow him, and I haven’t seen any pictures of them. But seriously, you need to tell Nathan, about everything.”

  I inhaled a deep breath, wishing I could just go hide somewhere. “I wish I could, but after the last stunt I pulled asking Nathan to help me hang a stupid painting instead of telling him how I felt, I don’t think he’s going to want to talk to me. And now he probably thinks I’m with Troy, and he probably thinks I was playing some kind of game. He probably hates me.”

  Isla consoled me by placing her hand over mine. “He doesn’t hate you.” Her soft voice didn’t do a good job convincing me. Looking at her phone still propped up on the gadget, she pressed some keys. I didn’t want to be nosy so I looked out the window.

  “We’re almost there.” She brought me back to our conversation. “That was Josh. He just arrived.”

  The road started to curve as we ascended the mountain. I had to close my eyes to avoid getting dizzy and disorientated. After about thirty minutes, we moved onto a straight road. I was so happy when we got off of the winding road. Any moment I might vomit, but I held it in as best as I could.

  “Jesus. That was harsh,” Isla said. “I’m not sure if I want to drive on that road again.” Though she looked fine, I couldn’t say the same for me.

  I patted her arm. “You did great. I couldn’t have done it. I don’t feel so good.” I pressed my head on the window, taking in the cold. It helped, but I still felt queasy. Oh, God, please don’t let me throw up in Isla’s rented car. That would be horrible. I tried to focus on something else.

  I watched the small, quaint shops as we passed by the town. There was a diner, a gas station, and a few souvenir shops. The buildings looked like log cabins, and everything seemed to be made from wood. Snow blanketed the rooftops and the ground, making the town a life sized version of a gingerbread house...sort of. It was a good thing Isla had readied her tires with snow gear.

  By the time Isla stopped the car, ten minutes had passed. Something about the snow produced a serene feeling in me. I couldn’t wait to touch it. No wonder people would drive for hours and through the crazy winding road to be there. I understood why now. But my poor stomach and my head. Please, let me make it to the cabin. Then I could lie down and let time pass. It reminded me of the time when Nate and I went to Universal Studios and I got motion sickness on the Transformers ride. Nate had taken care of me so sweetly. Thinking about him made me miss him, and my broken heart shattered even more.

  “Wow.” Isla’s eyes grew just as big as mine, taking in what looked to be a luxurious cabin.

  “I agree, Isla.” I admired the two story, beautifully designed cabin. I could imagine seeing it inside a home magazine. Two tall, tinted windows took up most of the front wall space. The view must be spectacular from the inside.

  “I guess we should get out of the car.” Isla giggled. “Josh said the front door was unlocked.” She paused and stared at me. “Are you okay, Olivia? You look pale.”

  “I just need some air.” When I got out of the car, my feet submerged into the plush snow, and the icy breeze stung my nose. Reaching down, I picked up a handful of snow, felt the freezing texture, and placed some on my forehead hoping that would help. It did somewhat, but it wasn’t enough. Though every fiber in me warned me not to touch the snow again, I couldn’t help it. It stung my fingers and the coldness traveled up my arm, but I couldn’t believe I was touching snow. Mom wanted to take me before, but she never got the chance working double shifts and weekends.

  One thing I realized when heading to the trunk was that the next cabin seemed like a trek away. With that notion, I felt excluded from the real world. After Isla popped the trunk, we got our suitcases and headed for the front door trembling and freezing our asses off. Looking ahead, I saw two sets of footprints, and we were walking on top of them. Did Josh bring a friend?

  When Isla opened the door, warmth immediately wrapped around me like a heated blanket. Fire danced brightly in the fireplace, and must have been burning for some time to heat up the massive space. Above me, the beautiful, simple but elegant brass chandelier hung from a high ceiling, and the smell of pine whiffed through my nose. In the far back corner was the tallest Christmas tree I’d ever seen, decorated with gold balls and ribbons. And the leather sofas, wooden furniture, and paintings on the wall gave it a homey feel.

  When Isla placed her suitcases down by the stairs, I did the same. While I dropped on the first step, she pulled out her phone to text.

  “That’s Josh. He’s at the market. He wants me to meet him there so he can give me the key and some other important stuff.” She shrugged. “Anyway, you think you can make yourself comfortable? I’ll be back in like ten minutes.”

  “Oh.” I couldn’t understand why Josh couldn’t have stayed at the cabin and waited for us, but then I didn’t know his plan, so I just nodded. “Sure. Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No,” she answered quickly, holding out her hand. “You just stay here and I’ll be back. Ten minutes, Olivia. Okay? Besides, you don’t look so good. Why don’t you go lie on one of the beds? I’ll be back.”

  Before I could say anything more, she already had the door open, letting in cool air.

  “Lock the door after me. I’ll text you to let you know I’m on my way back.” Isla was acting strange. I had never seen her nervous like that before.

  Stepping outside, she reminded, “Lock the door.” Then she closed the door behind her.

  After I heard a click, I grabbed the two suitcases and headed upstairs. Oddly, Isla’s was really light. I headed down the hallway and entered the open room.

  Chapter 12


  Josh acted strange on the drive up to Big Bear. Or maybe it was just my imagination? A couple of times he asked me to send a text to Isla on his phone. I didn’t mind since it was one-word texts like yes and here. When we drove up the winding road¸ I thought about Olie and how she would have hated the road. Her body was sensitive to motions, the reason we wouldn’t ever go back to Universal Studios again. She vomited right after the Transformers ride. I could clearly remember that day, although I hadn’t thought about that day in years.

  “Nate, I don’t feel so good,” she moaned against my chest.

  I held her tightly as the ride jerked, tossing us front and back and left to right. “Close your eyes, babe. I’ve got you. We’re almost done,” I fibbed, trying to comfort her. We weren’t almost done. We had just begun. The minute ride or so must have seemed to be hours for her. She groaned again.

  With my arms wrapped around her shoulders and her head pressed on my chest, I led her out to the cool breeze when we exited. “Do you need to throw up?” I asked.

  When she couldn’t answer, I took her to the nearest bench. She curled up and placed her head on my lap, moaning
. “I just need a minute.”

  I felt so bad. Never having experienced motion sickness before, I didn’t know what to do but what she asked.

  “I’m going to get you some water, babe. The vending machine is right over there.” I spotted it by the restroom sign. “I’m going to move. Just put your head on the bench.” I managed to slide from under Olie without moving her too much. I inserted three dollar bills, a rip off for a water bottle, but then again, I would have paid a lot more if I knew it would help her.

  Helping her sit up, I placed the bottle to her lips. She took some sips, releasing a soft sigh, and went back to her position.

  “Thank you, Nate. I didn’t know I was going to be like this. I’m ruining our fun.” She closed her eyes.

  I caressed her hair back so I could see her face and continuously stroked her hair to help her relax. She looked so vulnerable and so sick. “It’s okay. It’s your first time. You didn’t know.”

  “But you love this place.” she whimpered.

  “Nah,” I said, as if it was no big deal. But I’d told her how much I loved going there, and it was the first place I wanted to take her when she told me she’d never been. I couldn’t believe she’d never been to Universal Studios, especially living in Los Angeles, so I wanted to be the one to take her. She didn’t have a father growing up, and her mother was definitely not into parks.

  “I can’t ever go on these rides with you.” Olie sounded really upset. “I can’t share something you love with you.”

  “I don’t love it that much,” I stressed. “Besides, I love you more. There’s nothing that would take priority over you, Olie. Don’t be silly.”

  Olie squeezed my leg. “I feel a bit better. Give me like five more minutes, and then I should be able to walk on my own.”

  “Take your time, Olie. The park isn’t that big, and we’ve got all day. We don’t have to go on rides. We can watch the shows and eat junk food. Eating junk food is the best part.

  “Okay.” Her voice sounded cheerful somewhat.

  I couldn’t believe I was staying at Josh’s parents’ cabin. It sure helped to have money to own such a luxurious place. Josh told me he had to go to the grocery store that we passed on our way to his gorgeous cabin. I’d asked if he wanted me to go with him, but he said he had to take care of other errands and for me to make myself comfortable. He suggested I take the first room.

  Entering the bedroom, I placed my duffle bag against the wall by the closet, took out what I needed, and decided to take a shower. The heater was on, but there was nothing like being under hot water streaming down your body during the cold weather. The bathroom was bigger than my apartment bedroom.

  I glanced around the caramel granite as I stepped on the white marble with a tan line crossing in an intricate design across the shower wall. The bathtub looked like a Jacuzzi, and the shower was big enough to fit five people. I wondered if he’d handed me the master bedroom or if all the rooms had a bathroom that big.

  After I took a shower, I sat on the edge of the bathtub to scroll through messages with a towel wrapped around the lower half of my body. I hadn’t had a chance to wipe myself down. The phone rang insistently while I was in the shower. Thinking it was an emergency, I got out and grabbed my phone on the counter. A missed call from Josh. I was just about to call him back when the text came. A part of me freaked out. Why would he feel the need to call me unless it was an emergency?

  Josh: I’m still out. I might be an hour. If you’re hungry, there’s food in the fridge.

  Me: Don’t worry. Hurry your ass up.

  Josh: My ass is freezing. It’s so freakin’ cold.

  Me: You need a woman to warm you up.

  I laughed at the comment I texted.

  Josh: So do you.

  Me: No thanks. They don’t warm me up. They burn me.

  I put the phone down and was just about to take off the towel to dry myself when a body came crashing through the door, straight to the toilet. What the fuck! Where the hell did she come from? Was she one of Josh’s girls he said he might invite to stay over the weekend? Wait! Then it all sank in. Those brown eyes, long blonde hair, and that body I knew so well.

  “Olie,” I mumbled under my breath as I watched her heave into the porcelain god.

  I didn’t expect her to answer me, but I heard my name echo inside the toilet. Something shiny caught my eyes, and I realized it was the bracelet I had given her.

  “Oh, God, Nate?” She spat and planted her ass on the floor and prepared herself for more to come.

  “Olie, are you okay?” Her appearance baffled me so much I thought I was seeing an apparition of her. But I knew I wasn’t when I heard that dreadful sound again. Not too long before, I’d been thinking about how she was easily prone to motion sickness. “What are you doing here?” What a stupid question. “Are you okay? Do you need my help?” Those questions were even worse. I was a nervous wreck. I didn’t know what to say or do. The Nathan that loved Olie would have wrapped his arms around her and comforted her, but my body wouldn’t move. I couldn’t recognize the new Nathan. He struggled inside, but more from the shock of seeing her.

  Taking some toilet paper, she wiped her mouth, planted her hand on the counter, and stood up. White as a ghost, she said weakly, “I’m so much better. I guess I needed that.” Then, slowly, her eyes grew wider, darker, lustfully taking every inch of me in. I had forgotten I’d only had a towel wrapped below the waist and water still dripped down my body from my wet hair.

  “Umm, Nate.” She looked down at her shoes, and then back up, meeting my eyes briefly, and then glanced away shyly. “Did you just take a shower?” She paused, still looking at me incredulously. “What are you doing here? I mean...I don’t mind you being here. I’m assuming you came with Josh? But I don’t think Josh...Wait. What’s going on?”

  The heat in the bathroom went up ten degrees. The I-want-you look on Olie’s face took me off guard. I didn’t blame her, of course. My body was toned, and I was half naked. Though she’d seen me in sessions, I guessed it was different when we had our guards down. My mind raced with joy and naughty thoughts. Missing her so much and seeing her there, out of all the places, I wanted to rip off her clothes, drop my towel, and make mad love to her. But I held it in.

  “I have no idea. Why don’t you tell me? What are you doing here?” My tone might have come off accusatory. I didn’t mean for it to. I was just as surprised as her.

  She rinsed her mouth and shut off the water to look at me just as I finished speaking. “Are you saying this is my fault? I didn’t know you were going to be here,” she stammered.

  “So, then you wouldn’t have come had you known I would be here?” I didn’t know why I asked, only that her words felt like a stab in the heart. And the image of Troy on her...the way he pressed on top of her, his hand on her body. I wanted to erase it from my mind so I fought it off with anger.

  “No, that’s not what I’m trying to say.” Olie took a small hand towel and ran it under the hot water. After she squeezed it, she placed it on her face.

  Fury boiled inside me, and I raised my voice. “What are you trying to say, Olie? ‘Cause you sure as hell didn’t ask me to go to your house to help you hang up a painting you could have done easily yourself. You made it sound so urgent. Did you want me to come over so you could tell me about Troy? I saw him at your place the day you asked me to come over. That’s right; I know. We bumped into each other that day. I didn’t know it was him until we were formally introduced. So, what the hell is going on?”

  She stopped dabbing the towel and glanced around. “Oh, this is just great,” she huffed and walked out of the restroom. “Don’t worry. I’m leaving right now.” She picked up her suitcase.

  Olie ignored me. She was running away from something. Something wasn’t right. I could feel it in my gut. Nothing added up. No more games. I needed closure. “Put it down,” I growled.

  She wouldn’t. Damn, she was too stubborn for her own good.

; “I should leave before Kelly sees me here. Is she in another room? Or did she go out? This is so screwed up.” Her eyes dampened with tears.

  I blocked the door before she could leave. “What the hell does this have to do with Kelly? She isn’t here. And why can’t you answer my simple question?”

  Olie blinked and her expression changed from rage to dumbfounded. “Oh.”

  “Oh?” I repeated her word, sounding annoyed. “Is that all you’ve got to say? Where’s Troy? Did you come up with him?”

  Olie stared at me blankly. Either she didn’t process my question or she was playing games with me. She was really pissing me off.

  My jaw tightened, and my brows arched in annoyance. “Damn it, Olie, just answer my question.” The thought of Troy being there with her didn’t cross my mind until she brought up Kelly, and that sickened me. My shoulders tensed, and my blood pressure shot up.

  “No,” she said softly. “I came with Isla. She went to meet...I think...What’s going on?”

  I shrugged and scowled. “I don’t know. You tell me, since you seem to know all the answers.”

  My words put a frown on her face. Her tears threatened to fall through a fierce glare. “What’s wrong with you, and what do you mean by all that?” Her harsh tone meant I’d hurt her.

  When I took a step to her, she dodged to the left and leaned against the wall. Dropping her suitcase, she wiped her tears before they had a chance to fall. I stood in front of her so she couldn’t move. With my index finger, I lifted her chin to force her to look at me, but she wouldn’t meet my gaze.

  “We are not going anywhere,” I said calmly, yet sternly so she knew I was serious. “I don’t care if we stand here all night. I want answers, Olie, even if I don’t like what I hear. So tell me, why did you ask me to come that day?”

  “I told you, Nate. Just let it go,” she answered without making eye contact.

  I didn’t mean to, but I slammed my fist on the wall beside her head, making her flinch. Made me feel like shit. I never wanted her to be scared like that. “Damn it, Olie. Just tell me the truth. If you don’t, I’ll walk away right now, and I’ll never speak to you again.”


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