Sexiest Couple Alive (Knight Fashion #2)

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Sexiest Couple Alive (Knight Fashion #2) Page 14

by M. Clarke

  “Just a warning. They’re Isla’s friends. They might be a bit flirty.” Olie gave me a sideways glance, tilting her lips to one side, a look of disapproval.

  “Great,” Isla squealed, texting as she spoke. “We will meet you there at seven. Same place.” She ignored Olie’s comment.

  Olie opened her door, allowing me to enter first. I placed the suitcases down and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “This is my humble room. Not much in here. Just the bed, desk, dresser, and the bathroom.”

  I yanked her to me and our bodies collided. “I like it.”

  She giggled. “Well, not much to like. I send a portion of my earnings to mom so she doesn’t have to work the second job, so I kind of lied to Isla about how much I could afford. I mean, we’re splitting the cost in half. I didn’t want her to want to move to a bigger place, and I also didn’t want to tell her the reason why. If Mom ever found out others knew, she would feel ashamed. Not that she has anything to be ashamed about. Mom doesn’t feel right taking money from me. But working the second shift takes a toll on her.”

  I smiled and nodded, letting her know I understood. Olie felt grateful to her mom for never allowing Olie to work while she went to school, but at the same time, I knew her mom was grateful too. Not many would go out of their way to repay their parents. Olie was one of a kind, and I was lucky to have found her. Her need to be financially independent was the reason we split up. I wouldn’t ever let history repeat itself again. I vowed to be the supportive, understanding man Olie needed me to be.

  “Your mom is lucky to have such a caring daughter,” I said, touching her nose.

  “Thank you. I try.” She dipped her hand down and then shifted her eyes to the side table next to her bed. “Remember that photo?”

  I reached over to pick up the frame. It was a picture of Olie and me at a party. I remembered the night clearly. The dress she wore and how her hair cascaded down seductively. I disliked taking pictures then. So much had changed. “Yes, I do. You gave me the exact one. It’s the same one in my bedroom.”

  Olie sat next to me on the bed. “I had it here the whole time. Even when I dated Troy, you were always with me. When I came to New York, the only thing on my mind was my career. I turned down dates for a year until Troy came along. He couldn’t take the memories of you away, but he did lessen the pain a bit until I saw his true self. I tried to move on, but my heart wouldn’t let go.” Tears filled her eyes.

  I embraced her and kissed her forehead. “Don’t think about the past, Olie. We’ve both been hurt. We’re together now. We’ll heal together. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she murmured and wiped away the tears.

  I gazed down at the photo. Two years didn’t seem that long, yet so much had changed. The photo was a reminder of the happier days. It froze the memory in place, and at the loneliest or the saddest time, it gave us hope. That was what Olie and I were doing. We were holding on, wishing, wanting, needing to get back the feeling we’d lost. We didn’t have to stare at the picture anymore. We had found it in each other again.

  “Hey, are you ready to go?” Isla asked, her voice echoing through the walls, oblivious to our serious conversation.

  “Coming,” Olie and I said at the same time.


  “Over here.” Darcy waved her hand. The music muted her voice, but I read her lips.

  As soon as they saw Nate, both of their eyes grew wider, drinking him in.

  “Well hello there, sexiest man alive.” Michelle tried to sound seductive, making me cringe.

  Nate gave her a polite smile and shook her hand. I was getting used to watching everyone gawk at Nate. On the way, even the male taxi driver couldn’t stop staring at Nate. The hostess who greeted everyone kept her eyes on him.

  After the greeting, we took our seats and ordered. And yes, even the waitress, Kathy, flirted with Nate with her smile.

  “So, what brings you back to New York,” Darcy asked all of us, meeting everyone’s gaze. She was the talkative one.

  “Olivia and I have a project. We’re modeling for a women’s line called Mona. They’re new, but supposedly growing fast.”

  Michelle’s eyes lit up. “Wow, they’re pretty huge. I’ve heard of that line. Darcy and I are going to be on the runaway soon. It’s a local show. I’m also going to be inside the women’s fashion catalog for Sassy and Darcy is also here for...what’s that magazine again?” She shifted her attention to Darcy.

  “It’s for a new shampoo line called Natural. All organic stuff.” She snorted, tossing her hair. I get free shampoo and conditioner. How about Nathan? I’m sure he has lots of jobs lined up with his new title.” She seemed most interested in him.

  Nathan had his lips on his straw so I spoke for him. “He’s modeling for his own line of cologne, and it’s going to be in Men’s Fitness first, and then the others.”

  “No way.” Darcy’s tone rose over the music. That’s so freakin’ exciting. What’s the name of the cologne?”

  Nathan lifted his head after long gulp of water. “It’s top secret.” He flashed a grin and set his glass down toward the middle of the table.

  “Top secret?” Darcy giggled as if he’d told a joke and lightly rubbed Nate’s hand still on the glass.

  I flinched. She could look all she wanted, but no touching.

  “So, what’s the name?” She asked again, glaring playfully.

  Nate let out a soft chuckle. “I’m being serious. Even I don’t know.”

  “Oh.” Her tone dipped low. “Will you be doing a commercial shoot for that?”

  “Yup.” He nodded.

  “Did they pick the girl yet?” Michelle batted her eyelashes.

  “I don’t know. They don’t tell me anything. I just show up. Maybe I can get Olivia that role?” He glanced my way with that sexy, fuckable smile.

  Isla clapped her hands, changing the subject. “So, what’s new? Any gossip to share? I feel like I’ve been sheltered in Los Angeles.”

  “Well, did you hear about Troy?” Darcy beamed with elation to spill the latest news.

  My face burned. Nate’s shoulder’s tensed. I didn’t want to hear whatever she had to say.

  “Oh, wait.” Darcy gazed at me and slumped back. “Sorry. It’s about you, but it’s not bad. I mean, it’s bad what he did to you, but...oh crap.” She leaned forward, folding her arms.

  “It’s okay.” I inhaled a deep breath. “Everyone that follows the fashion industry knows.”

  Michelle nudged Darcy with her elbow. “I think you should hear this, Olivia. It’s good news. A few models have told me that Troy had been replaced with another photographer on different shoots. They expected Troy, but someone else was there instead. It seemed as though everyone is canceling their contracts with him, as they should.”

  “Oh.” It was all I could say.

  “And other women are coming out with accusations. That he threatened them, too. He’s being sued left and right for millions of dollars. Not sure if they’re all true, but I’m sure most of them are. And I’m not sure if you read the news. He confessed the nude photos of you that leaked out were faked and Photoshopped with your head. He’s one crazy fucker. Who would actually use another model’s nude body and place your head for whatever the reason?”

  I shrugged, glad to know she had no idea it was really me. Matthew came through with his brilliant idea. Nate reached for my hand under the table and traced the infinity sign on the palm of my hand. It took the horrible thoughts away, reeling me in to the man I loved, the only man who mattered.

  “I’ll be right back. Men’s room.” Nate stood up. “And then I’m going to check to see why it’s taking so darn long to get our dinner.”

  “Okay.” I muttered.

  Darcy and Michelle’s eyes followed Nate. I was pretty sure they were staring at his fine, tight ass, and I knew the table full of women beside us did too from their giggles and heads turning in Nate’s direction. My claws came out, and I had no idea
why. It had been a long week. Perhaps my emotions were all over the place. I gulped down cold water and tried to cool my unnerving mood.

  Isla had been quiet the whole time, but when her eyes grew in shock, I froze and flicked my gaze to her line of sight. I searched for Troy, but saw no sign of him anywhere.

  “What the hell. Who invited her?” Isla glared at Darcy and Michelle.

  “Who?” Darcy’s eyes darted around the room.

  “What do you mean? I only invited the three of you,” Michelle stated with conviction. “Oh shit. Here she comes.”

  “Who are you talking about?” I asked, catching Isla’s eyes.

  She swallowed, her eyes apologizing. “I’m sorry,” she mouthed.

  “Sorry for wh—”

  “Hello, ladies.”

  A familiar voice vibrated painfully through my ears, and I knew why Isla apologized. Shit! I couldn’t hide, and I certainly couldn’t plunge under the table, but I could duck my head. Hopefully it would work. Keeping my eyes rooted to the utensils in front of me, I leaned to one side, allowing my hair to cover my face.

  “Hello, Kelly,” Michelle greeted, sounding a bit nervous.

  “What are you doing here?” Darcy chimed in. “I mean, are you meeting a friend or a date for dinner?”

  “I’m having dinner with a friend.” She paused. “Oh, Isla, I didn’t see you there. Did you lose some weight?” Kelly sounded sincere with a hint of wickedness.

  “Haha, funny. I was going to ask you the same thing. Right, Olivia?” Isla poked my rib, forcing attention on me.

  Isla! I wanted to avoid Kelly as long as I could. I’d hoped she would just greet her friends and leave. As for Isla, she wanted to rub that I was there in Kelly’s face. Nathan would be coming back anytime soon, and if Kelly was still there, she would run into him. It seemed as good a time as any to show my face.

  “Huh, what?” I peered up and flashed a quick glance to Kelly. “Oh, hi.”

  Kelly froze. Her body stiffened, and her eyes went cold and blank. If she was fuming mad, she wouldn’t show it. “Oh. You’re here.” Then she glared at Darcy and Michelle. They were her friends. I bet she felt betrayed.

  Kelly cleared her throat, her lips taut. “I see where your loyalty lies. And why does trouble have to follow me back to my home?” She rolled her eyes.

  Again, I was losing it. I didn’t know where the energy came from, but I was sick of being nice. “You know what?” I huffed. “Loyalty has nothing to do with this. What’s wrong with Darcy and Michelle having dinner with me? Just because you and I aren’t friends, doesn’t mean they can’t be mine. What are we, in high school? So why don’t you just stuff your mouth and go back to your pathetic date?”

  “Excuse me?”

  My cheeks turned even hotter, and my body shook with anger. “Yes, excuse yourself and be gone.” I waved her off like she was a fly. “You heard me. Nathan is on his way back from the restroom, so unless you want to see him, I suggest you go back to the table you came from.”

  Kelly threw daggered eyes at me. “Now I understand why Troy dumped you. You have a very bad temper. You should learn how to control it.”

  My hand almost flew to her face, and I wasn’t the violent type.

  “Troy didn’t dump her. Olivia dumped him,” Isla defended. “Get your facts straight.”

  Kelly continued to glare at me. “You probably begged Troy to post those fake nude pictures of you for some attention. And what perfect timing. Just before the vote for Sexiest Couple Alive.”

  “For your information...” My heart pounded faster. “You know what, never mind. It’s none of your business.”

  Kelly scowled once again and left, leaving the three ladies gawking at me in surprise with their jaws dropped.

  I shrugged, blowing air. “What? I’m having a bad day.”

  “Bad day? Oh my God, Olivia. I never knew you could be a bitch. This was awesome. And to think, as your roommate I thought I knew everything about you.”

  “Well, I’m starving and tired. Josh said it isn’t a good combination, and I agree.” My shoulders eased and so did my fingers on my glass.

  “And you’ve been through a lot of shit with Troy,” Isla said, sympathetically.

  Michelle and Darcy’s eyes widening told me Nate was back, but Nate never arrived at the table. Turning my head to see who they were looking at, I cringed. Nate and Kelly stood dead still in the middle of the restaurant.

  Chapter 24


  My heart twisted out of guilt. Kelly and I almost bumped into each other. She peered up just in time to stop herself before we collided. Her repulsed expression had been replaced by shock.

  “Nathan,” she murmured, running her fingers through her hair, trying to distract herself from me standing in front of her.

  “Hi. How are you?” Stupid question.

  She smiled faintly. “Fine.” She paused, stealing a glance at a table to her right, and then back to me. Her date? “I saw Olivia,” she continued. “I was right.”

  I wanted to say something, something to ease my guilt and her hurt, but I wasn’t sure if she was, or if she had said those words out of spite. Kelly turned out to be not what I had expected. But I needed to be polite.

  Ignoring her comment, I said, “Are you meeting someone for dinner or take out?”

  She furrowed her brow. “I have a date.” She sounded confident and gloating at the same time, but I didn’t give a shit.

  “That’s great. I hope he makes you happy.” What the fuck did I say that for?

  “Oh, he does.” She smiled genuinely.

  I sighed, glancing toward Olie’s table. She must be wondering what took so long. A few seconds passed, and Olie turned around. Not anymore. She spotted Kelly and me. I wasn’t worried Olie would get mad; I wanted our uncomfortable conversation to end.

  “I’m glad you’re doing great. I should get back to my table.” I gave her a quick smile and passed her and a few other customers by the bar.

  “So, did I miss anything?” I eased into my chair and draped my arm over Olie’s shoulder.

  I was pretty good at reading Olie most of the time, but I wasn’t sure if she was mad, irritated, or hurt. Everyone else kept their eyes focused elsewhere.

  “You missed my rampage,” Olie answered finally after a few seconds passed.

  “What happened?” My voice rose in concern.

  “Kelly happened,” Isla spat out.

  Confusion filled my mind. Was Olie mad at me for talking to Kelly? Surely, that couldn’t have been the reason for her sullen expression, like she had come out from a heated discussion.

  “Where’s our food?” Olie whined.

  I understood her frustration. “I spoke to the waitress. She apologizes for the delay. It’s coming.”

  Michelle scanned the room. “It’s really packed tonight. More than usual.”

  I tugged Olie closer to me, kissed her on the cheek, and spoke to her so only she could hear. “You can tell me what happened when we get back. One layer of my clothes as a payment for each thing you share.”

  Her lips spread into a wide grin. I knew flirting with her would break the frown. The tension in her shoulders eased, and she was my Olie again.

  “Finally.” Olie’s eyes gleamed.

  The waitress held a large tray with our meals. Tucked under her arm, Knight Fashion Magazine—the Sexiest Man Alive edition. I assumed she wanted it signed.

  Olie kissed my mouth, again and again. Gripping my tie, she tugged me out of the bedroom. The navy suit and purple tie designed with flowers was a gift from the cologne company, my attire for the cologne ad.

  “You have to go now?” Olie whined, running her hands all over me, giggling.

  Olie was so playful, as usual. I took a step away from her. “Olie. If you don’t stop, I’m going to strip off my clothes and take you right here. I’m going to make you scream so loud everyone in this apartment and in the shops down the street is going to hear you.” I cocked
an eyebrow, daring her.

  When I last checked the time, she had to get ready for her shoot, too. Though the makeup artist would do Olie’s makeup, and she didn’t need to do much, she needed to get to the other side of New York on time. And with the morning traffic, she needed to get going soon.

  She crossed her arms and frowned, her hair cascading over part of her face. With disheveled hair and one eye holding mine rapt, she was a seductress. Olie’s lips curled slowly, wickedly. For a moment I really thought she was going to take my challenge.

  The floor squeaked behind me. I turned to see Isla looking apologetic.

  “Hi,” she greeted with a hint of nervousness in her tone, which was unlike her personality. “I don’t want to see the both of you naked in the living room, so Nathan get the hell out of here.” She laughed. “Olivia, get your ass ready. We need to go, now.”

  “Okay.” She snickered.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” I gave her a quick kiss and left.

  Tall buildings surrounded me, shrinking me inside the taxi. Bumper to bumper, the cars crawled from one street to the next. People in business suits and casual wear sprinted to their destinations. Honking sounds filled the air, and the rush of traffic alone pumped adrenaline through my body. New York was just like Los Angeles, but worse. What should have only taken me fifteen minutes took me forty-five, the reason I left early.

  After I paid the taxi driver, I pushed the glass double door to enter a tall building that towered to the sky. The warm air whizzed by, making me shiver from the drastic temperature change. Outside, my nose stung and icy cold wind chilled through me. I unbuttoned my coat and exhaled a long staggering breath. The weather reminded me why I didn’t like New York during the winter.

  I smiled at a few ladies who glanced my way as I passed them to get to the elevator. They stared at me, as their eyes roamed, especially to my chest and face. Ignoring them, I slipped in to the elevator just as it opened.

  The sixteenth floor opened to an amazing view of Manhattan, but the cloudy sky covered parts of the view. A young lady sat behind a desk. Behind her, large, bold letters read “Allen’s Photography” in silver. When she peered up, she smiled and headed toward me. She wore a black dress, forming to her petite frame.


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