Mormon chapel burned down in, 116–18
Mormon temple in, 200–201, 270
sharing worship space in, 118
Bennett, Grant, 105, 112, 114, 117, 119–20, 122, 203
Bennett, Robert, 212, 220, 252
Bessemer Venture Partners, 139
Bhutto, Benazir, 312
Blietschau, Fritz, 203
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, 268, 269–70, 273
Boesky, Ivan, 144
Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 97–98, 131
Boston Globe, The, 264, 270, 277
Boston stake, leadership in, 114, 115, 119–29
Bowen, Kent, 116
Boy Scouts of America, 182
Bradley, Bill, 2
Bradshaw, Sally, 317
Brady Law, 185
Brazil, Wayne, 52
Breyer, Stephen, 92
Brigham Young University (BYU), 252–53
Mitt as student in, 88–90, 205
School of Management, 26
Bristol-Myers Squibb, 242
Brown, Scott P., 250, 326
Brownback, Sam, 301
Brownstein, Howard B., 92, 96
Bulger, James “Whitey,” 245
Bulger, William M., 245–46
Bullock, Fraser, 210, 211, 212
Bullock, Ken, 216–17
Buonopane, Angelo R., 249
Burton, Cindy, 71, 72, 88
Bush, George H. W., 2, 298, 302
Bush, George W., 91, 199–200, 212, 224, 228, 233, 235, 243, 250, 251, 287
Buster (dog), 13
Cameron, Kim, 87, 88
Canavan, Christine E., 264
capital gains taxes, 162, 243
as “creative destruction,” 144–45, 152, 162–64
maximizing return to investors, 150–53, 163
Carmichael, Stokely, 58
Carter, Jimmy, 2
Castellanos, Alex, 283, 296–97, 304–5, 313
Caussé, Marie-Blanche, 67
Cellucci, Paul, 225
Chafee, John, 186, 267
Chappaquiddick, Massachusetts, 168, 181
Checketts, Dave, 205
Churchill, Winston, 207, 221
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, see Mormonism
Cisco Systems, 137
civil rights:
for gays and lesbians, see gay rights movement
gender equality, 114–15, 116, 122–28, 186
George Romney’s views on, 6, 25–26, 27, 72–73, 94
Mitt Romney’s positions on, 231
racial discrimination in Mormon church, 26, 27, 72–73, 114, 186–87
and Republican Party, 94
riots, 73, 77
Clinton, Bill, 186, 199, 212
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 267, 325
cloning technique, 254–55
Coffman, James T., 148
Colonia Juárez, Mexico:
Mormon colony in, 44–46
Romney family descendants in, 49–50
Commonwealth PAC, 251, 252
Concord [N.H.] Monitor, 306–7
Connors, John, Jr. “Jack,” 269, 270, 273
Conservation Law Foundation, 237
Continental Congress (1774), 303
Contract with America, 185
Cox, Edward F., 91–92
Cox, Tricia Nixon, 92
Crowley, Christopher, 187
C-SPAN, 189
Cuneo, Phil, 160, 161
Dade International, 150
D’Alessandro, David, 207, 209, 211, 213, 222
Damon Corp., 153–55, 163
Darling, Michael, 91
Davenport, Peter, 57
Davies, Ann, see Romney, Ann Davies
Davies, Cindy Burton, 71, 72, 88
Davies, Edward R., 29, 71, 72, 166–67
Davies, Jim, 71, 72, 81
Davies, Lois, 29, 71
Davies, Roderick, 29, 71, 72, 86
Davis, Patrick, 306
Davis, Rick, 324
Dawson, Peter, 219
Deace, Steve, 298–99, 300
Dearth, Gregg, 21, 22
de Gaulle, Charles, 77
Del Valle, Milena, 243
Democratic Party:
and health care, 266, 271, 275, 293
in Massachusetts, 227–28, 232, 249, 250
DeMoss, Mark, 285
Des Moines Register, The, 294, 301–2
Citizens Advisory Committee on School Needs, 22
Mormons in, 43
racial problems of, 22, 73
Deutsche Bank, 135
Devine, Tad, 178–79
DiMasi, Salvatore, 242–43, 258–59, 271–74
DiVall, Linda, 179
Domino’s Pizza, 157
dot-com bubble, 161, 241–42
Drexel Burnham Lambert, 146–49
Dreyfus, Andrew, 267–68
Dukakis, Michael S., 266, 270, 305
Duncan (basset hound), 234
Dushku, Judy, 127–28
Ebersol, Dick, 213
Eddington, Connie, 117–18
Ehrlichman, John, 93, 94
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 221
Experian, 160
Exponent II, 122–23, 126, 127, 185
Eyring, Henry, 85–86
Falwell, Jerry, 285
Farel, Suzanne, 80
Faris, Charles, 97, 98
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 152
Federal Election Commission, 280
federal tax law, 162
Fehrnstrom, Eric, 240, 249, 294, 307–8, 310
Ferguson, Christine, 265
Fey, Grace K., 245
Findlater, Jeanne, 74
Finneran, Thomas, 231, 241
Firestone, 142
First Armenian Church, Belmont, Massachusetts, 118
Flaherty, Peter, 254
Fletcher, Mandy, 297, 317–18
Fonnesbeck, Sydney, 215
Forbes, Steve, 199
Fox News, 301
Foy, Douglas I., 237–38, 248
anti-Americanism in, 65
auto accident in, 80–83, 84, 86
Communists in, 65
Mitt as Mormon missionary in, 64–69, 77–78, 79–86, 87
Mormon population in, 64, 79, 84
social unrest (1960s) in, 77–78, 84
World War II in, 64–65
Free Speech Movement, 56
Gable, Clark, 12
Gabrieli, Christopher, 235
Garbo, Greta, 12
Gardner, Kem, 112, 204, 206, 252, 253
Garff, Robert, 204–5, 206, 209, 210, 212, 213, 215, 217
Gartner Group, 156
Gaskell Romney v. United States of Mexico, 49
Gay, Melissa, 158–59
Gay, Robert, 134–35, 158–59, 206–7
gay rights movement, 114
and AIDS, 182, 183, 231
and Boy Scouts of America, 182
civil unions in Vermont, 230
domestic-partner benefits, 230
“Don’t ask, don’t tell,” 182, 257
Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, 257–58
and gubernatorial race (2002), 230–31, 234
Log Cabin Republicans, 181–83, 230–31, 258
and presidential race (2008), 256–58, 293
and same-sex marriage, 182, 230–31, 256–57
Gillette, David, 119, 128
Gilmore, Brian R., 279
Gingrich, Newt, 292
Ginsberg, Benjamin, 251
Gittell, Ross, 163
Giuliani, Rudy, 5, 284, 292, 294, 297–98, 311–12
Goldman Sachs, 152
Goldwater, Barry M., 25, 55
Gordon, Lou, 73–74
Gore, Al, 2
Goshko, Mark, 182
Graham, Rev. Franklin, 285
Great Depression, 13, 48–49
Great Universal Stores, 160
Greenspan, Alan, 144, 145
Gregg, Judd, 309
Gross, Doug, 281–82, 288, 290–91, 295
Gruber, Jonathan, 266
GST Steel, 149
Guetschow, Joan, 211, 218–19
Hales, Robert, 210
Handbag Holdings, 149
Hansen, Byron, 75, 81
Harlow, Jean, 12
Harmon, Chuck, 74
Harris, David, 53–54, 55–57, 58–60, 70
Harvard Club, New York City, 328
Harvard University:
Business/Law joint degree program in, 91–93, 96–97
Business School case method, 134
Harvard Law School Forum, 96
Lincoln’s Inn Society, 96
Hayes, Dane, 125
Hayes, Peggie, 124–25
Healey, Kerry, 225, 227, 231, 235, 243, 259
Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of, 265
health care law, 261–80
Blue Cross–Partners alliance, 269–70, 273
and Clinton, 267
costs of, 264, 265, 273, 274, 278
and DiMasi-Travaglini standoff, 271–74
effectiveness of, 277–78
and employer provisions, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274–75, 278
individual mandatory coverage, 266–67, 268, 272–73, 278
and Kennedy, 168, 191, 264–65, 270–71, 272, 276–77, 279
in Massachusetts, 260, 262, 267, 268, 269–71, 274, 277–78, 279, 325, 327
and Medicaid, 265, 268, 269, 270–71
and Obama, 262, 269, 277, 327
and Romney, 262, 264–67, 273, 274–77, 279
and Romney’s image, 261–62, 267, 275, 276–77, 278–79
signing of, 275–77
and Stemberg, 263–64, 274
subsidies for working poor, 268
uninsured, 265, 269
Healy, George P. A., Webster Replying to Hayne, 276
Heritage Foundation, 267, 269
Hewitt, Hugh, 152
Hill, Napoleon, Think and Grow Rich, 67–68
Hinckley, Gordon B., 200, 209, 210
Holding, Earl, 214
Holland, Jeffrey R., 252
Holson Burnes, 138–39
Hot Seat (TV), 73–74
Huckabee, Mike, and presidential race (2008), 294, 295, 298–99, 301, 302, 304–6, 307–8, 310–11, 329
Huntsman, Jon, Jr., 205–6
Huntsman, Jon, Sr., 209, 210
Hurricane Katrina, 243
Hutchins, Ken, 119
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 204, 208–9, 212, 214–15, 221
Iowa, presidential campaign (2008) in, 281, 282, 286–87, 290–91, 298–306, 307–8, 313, 316, 317
Iowa State Fair, 329–30
Jackson, Michael, 118
Jefferson, Thomas, 286
Jefferson Airplane, 59
Jeghelian, Janet, 172–73
Jesus of Nazareth, 68, 69, 115, 303, 304
John and Abigail Adams Scholarships, 280
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance, 212
Johnson, David R., 208, 214–16
Johnson, Glen, 314–15
Johnson, Lyndon B., 72, 73, 74
Jones, Bob III, 302
Jones, Bradley H., Jr., 279
Jones, Dan, 225
Jones, Edwin, 27, 89
Joseph, Fred, 148
junk bonds, 144, 147, 148
Kaufman, Ron, 314
Keenan, Ann Hartman, 183
Kennedy, Brian, 299, 306
Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,” 327
debates with Mitt Romney, 190–93, 271
and health care, 168, 191, 264–65, 270–71, 272, 276–77, 279
and Mormon temple in Belmont, 201, 270
as natural campaigner, 188–89, 191–92
personal image of, 168, 181
and religion, 186–88, 191, 195, 201
and Senate race (1994), 167–71, 173–83, 185–95, 224, 226, 229, 234–35, 270, 293
and social issues, 168, 181, 185, 186, 256
Kennedy, Joan, 168
Kennedy, John F., 23, 25, 187, 286, 302
Kennedy, Joseph P. II, 186
Kennedy, Michael, 176
Kennedy, Patrick, 168
Kennedy, Robert F., 78
Kennedy, Victoria Reggie, 168, 177, 191
Keough, Bruce, 289–90, 309–10, 313
Kerik, Bernard, 311
Kerry, John F., 250, 251
Kesey, Ken, 56
Key Airlines, 138
Kiley, Tom, 177
Kimball, Ranch C., 242
Kimball, Tony, 114, 119, 123, 244–45
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 77, 312
Knighton, Keith, 128
Kriss, Eric A., 238
KTVX Salt Lake City, 209
LaFontaine, David, 258
Lakian, John, 171, 174–75, 176, 186, 192
Land, Richard, 285–86, 302, 325
Layton, Alan, 214
Leavitt, Michael, 204, 205–6, 210, 211, 214, 277
Leedy, Richard, 62
Lees, Brian P., 249
Leno, Jay, 307, 315
leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 141–50, 199
and “creative destruction,” 144–45, 162–64
and junk bonds, 144, 147, 148
negotiated, vs. hostile takeovers, 145
Life, 18, 71
Lifelike, 155–56
Limbaugh, Rush, 298
Lincoln, Abraham, 37
Lischko, Amy, 266
Log Cabin Republicans, 181–83, 230–31, 258
Luberoff, David, 244
Macdonald, Alan G., 272
Malone, Joseph D., 170, 180
Manning, Charles, 171, 176, 179, 181, 222
Mardian, Robert, Jr., 55
Marie, Father Albert, 82
Marquess, Mark, 53, 54
Marriott, J. W. “Bill,” Jr., 330–31
Marriott, J. Willard, 15
Marriott International, 213, 330
Marshall, Margaret H., 257
Marsh, Robert, 171, 180
Martin, Ralph C. II, 248
accountability in, 246
Big Dig in Boston, 232, 243–45
budget issues in, 232, 237–40, 263
The Real Romney Page 47