I'm Nothing (The Family Book 2)

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I'm Nothing (The Family Book 2) Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “So, what do you suggest?” she asked.

  “We make it permanent. I want to fuck you, Zara.” He pressed his cock against her. “And with the way you’re wriggling beneath me, I think you want to be fucked.”

  “Yes, I do.” Why lie? She was only going to prolong her own needs. Zara wanted sex.

  No, she craved it, yearned for it, and she needed it. She needed him.

  Tonio was an amazing guy, and in the past week alone, he’d given her so much more. Her life was contained to the apartment building, and yet, it was everything to her.

  “I’ll fuck you, and I’ll give you everything that you’ve been craving. I’ve watched some of the videos you’ve been watching, and you’ve surprised me. Anal?”

  Her cheeks heated. “I was curious how an out hole could be used like that. It’s an out hole.”

  She was going to die of embarrassment.

  “I don’t have a problem with what you watched. I’m totally intrigued in how much you want to do with each other.”

  “Have you done anal?” she asked.

  “Yes, I have.”

  “Did it hurt?”

  “Not for me.” His hand moved from her cheek down, and he stroked a finger over her nipple, making her gasp. “What do you say, Zara? You want to live out those fantasies with me?”

  She moaned. “Yes. I want it.”

  He pulled her top down, exposing her breast, and she screamed as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. She stared down, watching him take her bud between his lips. He let her breast go, and his tongue lapped over her nipple. Tonio pulled her shirt down completely, exposing both of her tits. “I want you completely naked.”

  “Do you want to talk about your dream?” she asked, hoping he didn’t want to in that moment.

  “I want to fuck you, and have you screaming my name. I don’t need anything else.” He pulled away, grabbing her pajama shorts, and started to pull them down her body. She lifted her ass up to assist him, moaning as his fingers trailed down her body. “Fuck, baby,” he said, throwing her shorts away.

  She tugged her shirt up over her body as he left the bed.

  “You’ve never seen a cock before, have you?”

  Zara shook her head. “No sex, remember? Anything I’ve seen has been on television.”

  “You’re the only girl I know who has watched a shitload of porn.”

  Anything she was going to say stopped. He pushed down his pants, and she got to see a dick for the first time ever, and he was … impressive.

  Tonio’s cock was long, thick, and the tip was wet with his pre-cum. She may be a virgin, but she knew about sex and had craved it long enough.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked, gripping his dick.

  She couldn’t look away as he held his cock, and started to work the length up and down.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, when he moved away.

  He flicked the light on, and she got to see him clearly without anything getting in their way.

  Tonio was amazing.

  Biting her lip, she stared at him, and when her gaze traveled up his body, she noticed the scars, most of which were faded.

  She stared into his eyes. There was so much to Tonio that she would never have guessed through high school. He was a good man in his heart. He moved toward the bed, and she went to her knees, staring at him.

  Tonio cupped her cheek, stroking her before sliding his fingers into her hair, and pulling tight. “You can stop this at any time. Just say the word, and I’ll stop.”

  “I don’t want to stop. I want this, Tonio. I want you.”

  With the grip on her hair, he pulled her up tight and slammed his lips down on hers, capturing a kiss. She cupped his face, kissing him back, sucking his bottom lip into her mouth and nibbling on it.

  “Fuck, baby.” He pushed her down to the bed, following her down.

  His large body pressed her against the mattress, and she didn’t care. All she wanted was him, surrounding her and inside her. Her pussy was on fire, and she didn’t care for it to be clean or nice. Zara wanted to be fucked.

  Tonio broke the kiss first, trailing his lips down to her neck. He bit down on her pulse, making her gasp. Down he went until he came to her breasts.

  She was on fire, a burning mass of need, and only he could put it out.

  Suddenly, he pulled away. “Nah, I don’t think you want it.”

  “Fuck, Tonio. I’m here. I’m naked. I want you, please.”

  The wicked glint in his eye had her grabbing a pillow, and throwing it at him. “You’re an ass.”

  “I’m an ass you want to fuck, though.”

  “Ugh!” It didn’t matter. She still wanted him.

  Chapter Eight

  Tonio couldn’t remember a single time that he’d been comfortable with a woman. Zara, she eased the pain and the torment inside him. He chuckled, dodging the pillow she threw at him. Gripping her thighs, he spread them open, and she paused.

  “This is what you want.” Skimming the tips of his fingers up the inside of her thigh, he watched her nod. “Now, all virgins are usually the same. They want you to go slow for their first time.”

  “I just want sex, Tonio. Please, I trust you.”

  He smiled. This was the first time a woman had ever trusted him with something so precious. All of the other women had been forced to be there, and he’d been terrified. With Maria, she’d been the one in charge, and he’d done as he was ordered.

  Resting both of his hands on the inside of her thighs, he left her wanting more.

  “It’s going to hurt.”

  “At first it will hurt, and then it’s going to be amazing,” she said.

  Opening the lips of her pussy, he stared down at her cunt, seeing how wet she was. There was a thin dusting of hair covering her pussy, and when he opened her up, he saw the swollen nub of her clit. She was soaking wet, and using his thumb, he circled her sweet spot, and she shuddered.

  “God, that’s amazing.”

  “That’s just my thumb, baby. I can make it better.”


  He smirked. Leaning down, he spread her legs wide by using his arms to keep them open. Sliding his tongue across her clit, he heard her cry out his name.

  “Fuck, that is so good, Tonio,” she said.

  Tonio loved hearing his name coming from her lips, and he wanted to hear it again.

  “Oh God, so good,” she said, whimpering.

  “We’re only just getting started.” He sucked the whole of her clit inside his mouth, and at the same time moved his arms up to cup her breasts. He pinched her nipples and teased her in time with his sucks.

  Changing from his mouth to his fingers, he moved up her body, sucking on her tits before, taking her mouth.

  “Taste how sweet you are,” he said.

  She moaned. “Please, why did you stop?”

  He chuckled against her skin, moving back down to flick, suck, and tease her clit.

  “Tonio, oh, Tonio.”

  With his free hand, he gripped his dick, teasing up and down the length. He wanted inside her. Never had he felt this burning need to claim a woman for his own, and with Zara, he could make her his.

  She called to him in ways that he never thought possible.

  “Come for me, Zara. Let me taste that sweet cum.”

  “Yes, yes, I want to.”

  “Give it to me, and then I’ll slam my cock inside you, and show you everything that the porn movies couldn’t give you.”

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “A real cock.”

  Flicking his tongue across her clit, he held onto the lips of her pussy, keeping her open for him. He didn’t want to penetrate her pussy until he’d made her come. When he finally took her, she’d be soaking wet and begging for more.

  As he sucked her clit, she cried out once again, and he knew without a doubt that he’d never get bored of hearing her come. She sounded so fucking sexy when he was teasing her clit. Everyth
ing faded into the background, the memories of the past, and the fear of what would happen when others found out. All of it ceased to matter to him as he focused on making Zara come.

  “That feels so good. Please, don’t stop.” She gasped, moaning as he flicked his tongue from side to side, giving her everything she needed. “Oh yes, Tonio, oh my, I’m going to come.”

  Her body started to grew taut, and her cream spilled from her pussy as her orgasm washed over her. Tonio didn’t let up. He drew her orgasm out so that she’d never forget how good it was to have him between her spread thighs.

  Only when he was satisfied that she couldn’t take anymore did he let up. Reaching into the top drawer beside his bed, he grabbed a condom, tearing it open, and sliding the latex down his shaft.

  He moved between her legs and stared into her eyes. “Are you sure?”


  “It’s going to hurt. Do you want me to go slow?”

  “Tonio, just do it. It’s going to hurt either way, so please, let me feel you inside me.”

  Gripping his cock, he pressed the tip to her entrance, and keeping his gaze on her eyes, he tensed up, slamming every single inch of his cock within her.

  She screamed, sinking her sharp nails into the flesh of his arms.

  He gritted his teeth, fighting against that pain. What he was doing would be worse.

  “It hurts,” she said, whimpering.

  “I know, baby. I know it hurts.” Leaning down, he took possession of her lips, staying perfectly still within her as she grew accustomed to the length of his dick. “I’m here.” He whispered the words against her lips, moving his hands up to take hers, locking their fingers together. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  He stared into her blue eyes seeing the sheen of tears glistening. “Don’t hate me.”

  “I couldn’t hate you, Tonio. I wanted this, and I wouldn’t have been able to stand the pain if you’d gone slow.”

  Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he kissed her until she stopped being tense beneath him. He loved her passionately, needing her so damn much. This kind of need had never occurred to him with Maria. She’s been an ache, a desire, but nothing more. He’d not missed her when she was married. If anything, he’d been hurt more by Maria than anyone else. She hadn’t wanted him.

  Zara started to wiggle beneath him, moving on his cock.

  “I couldn’t hurt you, Zara.”

  She smiled. “I couldn’t hate you.” Her fingers tightened around him, squeezing. “Make love to me, Tonio.”

  Never had he been asked to do something so precious. Claiming her lips, he slowly eased out of her, watching her eyes as he began to make love to her. He felt every single contraction of her pussy as she squeezed to keep him inside.

  With only the tip of his dick inside, he eased up, and started to shallowly thrust into her pussy, watching her gasp.

  “I’ll make love to you this first time, and I’ll give you everything, Zara. I only ask one thing.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “No one else. You’ll be mine, and you’ll not look at another man, not now, not ever.”

  “There’s no one else I want, Tonio. Just you.”

  He gave her every single inch of his cock, thrusting to the hilt inside her. She pushed her pelvis against him, and he made love to her, loving every single inch of her body.

  “That feels so good,” she said.

  “I can make it feel better.”

  Releasing one of her hands, he reached between them, sliding his fingers across her swollen clit. She gasped, arching up, and he kissed the neck, licking across the flesh of her pulse, and moaning as he did.

  She was amazing, and so responsive.

  Glancing down at his dick, he watched the lips of her pussy spread as he thrust inside. He loved watching her take his cock, and each little flutter within her when he touched her clit, just made him even crazier with need.

  The sounds coming from her drove him closer to his orgasm.

  It had been a long time since he’d had sex, and he wasn’t going to last. He wanted her to come before he found any kind of release.

  Teasing her clit, he gave a few shallow thrusts watching her gasp, and try to take more of his cock by thrusting her pelvis up to meet him.

  “Please, Tonio, I can’t stand much more. I need you. Please.”

  “I’ve got you, Zara. Give me your cum. Come all over my dick, baby. I want to feel you.”

  Using two fingers he stroked her clit, watching the pleasure wash over her. He found it fascinating to finally see a woman totally into him, and into what they were doing. He’d never known it before.

  “That’s it, give me your cum.”

  He drove into her harder, and she cried out his name, begging for more.

  “Scream my name. Beg for it, come on.”

  Her pussy started to squeeze him like a fucking fist, and her body grew all tight.

  “Yes, Tonio,” she said. Her orgasm took his breath away to witness. She gave everything to him, and he took it, driving into her pussy, and at the same time wishing there was no condom between them to enjoy it.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re so beautiful, and you’re so mine. No man is going to have you.” He’d never had a woman be all of his before, and he was going to cherish Zara.

  Finally, he caved to his body’s demand, and pounded inside her slamming to the hilt. It didn’t take long for him to groan, spilling his seed inside the waiting condom. He held onto her throughout it.

  Zara was his salvation, the love he truly believed he’d never have, and he wasn’t going to fuck this one up.


  She was no longer a virgin.

  Tonio had claimed her, and even though there had been some pain, it hadn’t been awful. Zara had enjoyed it, and she wanted to do it again. No, what was having her hold back a little panic attack was the sudden onset of her feelings for Tonio. They were two different kinds of people, and yet she didn’t want to imagine her world without him. He was an amazing guy, and yes, he was tortured and scared at times, but she liked him. Tonio was kind, sweet, caring, and at times a bit of an ass. He liked to complain sometimes about her cooking, like if she overcooked his steak, or if she’d not made enough sauce.

  It was silly stuff really.

  He didn’t judge her because she didn’t want to go and see her mother. Again, something silly, but when it came to her mother, she felt betrayed.

  Tonio wrapped his arms around her, and she forgot about her mother. Stroking her fingers through his hair, she stared down at his head, which was nestled between her breasts.

  “Did I hurt you too much?” he asked.

  “No. Yes, I mean, in the beginning it hurt, but you more than made up for it in the end.”

  “That’s just the start, baby. I didn’t want to hurt you too much, but now we have that pesky cherry out of the way, I can show you a real good time.”

  She laughed.

  For the longest time she’d been calling it her pesky cherry. The words sounded wrong when she heard it coming from him.

  “What do we do now?” she asked. “Post cherry popping, and coitus.”

  “Coitus?” This time, he laughed. “I need to pull out of you, and it could be sore.”

  “Okay, shall we do it slow, sir?”

  “It’s a good job you know your place.”

  This was one of the things she loved about him. Together, it was the most natural thing in the world, and even though it should probably be awkward, it wasn’t. This was what she loved about being with him.

  He eased out of her, and she couldn’t help but wince.

  He’d been right. It was hurting a little. Not overly much, but enough for her to notice.

  “Shit, there’s a little blood. Stay here, and I’ll grab a cloth.”

  Going to her elbows, she glanced down her body to see some red, which made her cheeks flame. She didn’t have time to do anything as Tonio came back with
a cloth in hand.

  “This is horrible,” she said.


  “It’s gross. Look at it, I’ve ruined the sheets.”

  “So? We’ll change them. A little blood doesn’t bother me, Zara. You gave me something precious, and don’t ever think this is going to be a problem.” He pressed the cloth between her thighs, and she bit her lip, touched by his tenderness.

  The Family, the mafia way of life didn’t know what a jewel they had with Tonio. There were moments exactly like this one where she saw the tenderness within him. His father had tried to break him down and tear that tenderness right out of him. He’d not broken though. Tonio was a strong man, and she imagined that was why his father was such a brute. She only knew so much, but she had a feeling that behind closed doors, his father had abused him in awful ways.

  Zara wanted to replace those nightmares he had with good ones, kind ones. She wanted to give him the kind of happiness that he deserved. He finished cleaning her up, and her cheeks heated at his intimate touch.

  “Your pussy is so pretty.”


  “Don’t go all embarrassed on me. You gave me something precious, and I’m going to cherish it for the rest of my life.”

  She settled back on the pillows, staring at him. “You’re a strange man, you know that, right?”

  “Baby, I’ve been brought up to kill people for a living. Of course I’m strange.”

  “What was it like growing up?” she asked, intrigued by him.

  “Tell me what it was like for you before all the shit started with your parents. It must have been okay.”

  Zara sighed. “I love my childhood. When I think back to it, I can’t help but be happy about it, about us as a family. They couldn’t have any more kids. I was a problem pregnancy, or something. Dad, he loved cooking. He’d find any reason to cook up a storm or create a barbeque. In our neighborhood, everyone was always invited for fun and food.” She smiled. “It was nice. They were always trying to make sure I got good grades, and making sure I didn’t fail in school.”

  “That’s good.”

  “What about you?” she asked.


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