The Ranger and the Summer Camp Cutie

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The Ranger and the Summer Camp Cutie Page 4

by Becca Colton

  In his other hand is a bag of tools, and that makes me feel guilty. I still haven’t told him exactly what’s wrong with the car. I guess now’s a good a time as any.

  I stop walking, and Jace stops, too, giving me a curious look. “Sooo,” I say. “I’m sorry I didn’t mention it before but I kinda know what’s wrong with the car.”

  Jace arches an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

  I nod, trying to not focus on the heated look in his eyes every time his gaze travels across my body. His sister isn’t exactly my size but she had a pair of leggings and a blue and white flannel shirt that will do the trick until my own clothes are washed and dried. She even had a pair of boots for me to wear. I skipped the offered bra and panties simply because it felt weird wearing underwear that belonged to the sister of the guy who recently fucked my brains out. Several times. And every time Jace looks at me I’m reminded of the fact that I’m going commando and it takes every bit of self-control to not bend over against a tree and beg him to take me again.

  I mentally shake my head, as if that would help knock the lusty thoughts out of my brain. It doesn’t. “It’s out of gas,” I say, still working up the courage to say the rest.

  Jace smiles. “Oh. That’s all? That’s no problem. I have a gas can in my truck —”

  “It’s out of gas because someone shot bullet holes in the tank,” I blurt out.

  All of a sudden it’s quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Even the birds quit singing, as if even they are scandalized by the fact that I’d hold back such important information. And the look in Jace’s eyes. There’s a different kind of heat burning in them now. The kind that burns and incinerates.

  “I’m sorry,” I say quickly. “Please don’t be mad. I know I should’ve told you, but —”

  Jace takes me in his arms and pulls me close, kissing the top of my head. “Don’t be silly, darlin’. I’m not mad at you.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. I know this thing Jace and I have here at the summer camp can’t last forever, but I want to play pretend just a little while longer. I want to pretend he’s interested in more than a fling with the girl who bopped him in the nose at Nights of Frights.

  “I’m not mad at you,” he says again, “but I’m going to need to know who shot at you.”

  His voice grows cold when he says that last part, and I suddenly know who his anger is directed at. He’s angry at the person who shot at me. Do I want to tell him? Michael’s an ass, an ass who tried to kill me, but Jace’s tone hinted at violence, the kind of violence that might land him behind bars. But he was a Texas Ranger. He knows not to do anything dumb. And I don’t owe Michael a damn thing.

  “His name is Michael,” I say. “He’s my ex . . . but he doesn’t seem to understand that.” I gasp suddenly, taking in a sharp breath as I remember the face in the storm. I had completely forgotten about it. “And he might be around here,” I say, and I feel Jace’s muscles tense. “He’s the reason I was running last night, the reason I freaked out and ran into the lake.” I look up at Jace. “But I don’t know for sure. The storm and the lightning freaked me out. I was half asleep.”

  Jace looks down at me, and his lips find mine. After a few seconds, I’m reminded of my desire to just bend over against a tree and let Jace take me. I’m seconds away from suggesting that when he breaks the kiss.

  “We need to get back,” he says.

  A question forms on my lips but he answers before I can ask it.

  “If that scumbag is here then you’re in danger and you don’t need to be out here in the woods. I’ll get you back to camp and then look around for him.”

  “I’m sure he’s long gone,” I say.

  Jace just nods. “Maybe, but I’m going to look around anyway, and then I’m going to bring your car to camp so I can fix it.”

  I flash him a wicked grin. “And then maybe a repeat performance of last night and this morning?”

  He presses his hips against me and I can feel him growing hard in his jeans. “That answer your question?” he asks.

  “Definitely,” I purr, grinding against him. “Let’s get me back to camp so you can do what you need to do and then we can get to the good stuff.”

  He gives me another kiss hot enough to melt my panties — if I were wearing panties — and we head back to camp, walking hand in hand.

  Chapter 10


  As it turned out, I didn’t take care of what I needed to do before getting to “the good stuff”. Instead, we skipped right to rockin’ each other’s world again, and then I took care of the things that needed doing. I wasn’t upset at all about the change in plans.

  Another change was Adri’s car. The gas tank was beyond repair and we’d have to order a new one, and that couldn’t be done at the summer camp. I can still remember that gorgeous smile on her face when I said she’d have to stay at my place in Austin while her car was worked on.

  “You’re going to spoil me,” Adri says as I set her plate in front of her on the little coffee table in front of the couch. She licks her lips as she looks at the steak and carrots and mashed potatoes on her plate and I have to fight the urge to take her right there. We’ve been here for a week, both of us helping Jenna and the others get the camp ready for opening weekend, and it’s finally arrived. That means we head out in the morning. Back home and into the great unknown. We haven’t actually talked about what happens after her car is repaired. It’s a talk we need to have soon. Probably right now.

  I sit on the couch next to Adri and she looks at me curiously, glancing for a moment at my plate still sitting in the kitchen. “I like spoiling you, Adri. These last few days have been the happiest in my life, and I’d like to spoil you for as long as you’ll let me.” I run my hand nervously through my hair. This was a lot easier when I imagined doing it in my head. “What I’m trying to say as that I lo—”

  Someone picks that particular moment to pound violently on the door. Adri is staring at me, her eyes wide, her mouth hanging open. I don’t know if that’s good or bad but I do know the person at the door better have a damn good reason for interrupting.

  I snatch the door open. “What?”

  Jenna grimaces. “I’m sorry, Jace. I don’t mean to keep doing this to you, but one of the camping groups came back and one of the boys is missing.”

  “Hold on just a second,” I say as I grab my boots and pull them on. I look over at Adri, who’s still sitting on the couch with a look of shock on her face. “You stay right there and enjoy that steak. We’ll finish that conversation just as soon as I get back.”

  She nods, not saying a word. I’m starting to think I might’ve broken her. I walk over to her and look her in the eye. “You okay?” She nods again. I smile and kiss her, enjoying the little moan she gives in response.

  And then I’m out the door with Jenna, headed for the woods.


  There are ten of us walking through the woods, sweeping our flashlights along the ground, looking for the missing camper, Davie. Finally, there’s a response to his name being called. We all gradually make our way to the spot where his voice came from. Jenna is carrying a first aid kit, her face a mask of worry. We’re all prepared for something bad, so it’s a surprise to see Davie simply sitting on the ground, looking perfectly okay. It’s also a surprise to see an adult laying on the ground next to him, barely conscious.

  Jenna kneels down and looks intently at Davie. “You okay?”

  He nods and points at the man on the ground. “He wouldn’t wake up so I thought I’d stay with him to make sure no wild animals hurt him.”

  Jenna smiles and ruffles his hair. “That was very brave of you.” She looks up at me, anxiety in her eyes. Was Davie watching a dead man?

  We all breathe a sigh of relief when the man groans, slowly lifting himself into a sitting position.

  “Finn,” one of the others says. “What happened, man?”

  Finn, our resident chainsaw maniac, rubs a growing bruise on his temple. “D
on’t know, man. I was doing my thing when some guy grabbed me and shoved my face into a tree.”

  I scan the area. The chainsaw is on the ground a few feet away, but that’s all I see. “Where’s your mask, Finn?”

  Finn looks around. “Huh. Guess the guy took it. Weird reason to mug a person. You can buy one like that almost anywhere.”

  I hear Jenna call out to me as I take off running through the woods. I can think of one good reason for somebody to steal a mask. To blend in. To catch someone off guard. And I know exactly who it is and who he wants to catch off guard. I put my old life behind me, locked my gun in a wooden box to keep as a reminder of what was, but I’ll pick it up again to save the woman I love. And I won’t hesitate to pull the trigger.

  Chapter 11


  For at least ten minutes after Jace leaves I just sit on the couch, staring at the closed door.

  What I’m trying to say as that I lo—

  Love, right? That’s what he was about to say, right? I’ve racked my brain, trying to think of any other word that could fit there, and I always come back to the obvious one. I can feel the slow smile spread across my face and I feel like an idiot, just sitting there with a goofy grin as I stare at the door. I finally manage to pull my eyes away, turning my gaze to the dinner Jace prepared for me. The goofy grin is still there. I’ve been trying for the last couple of days to work up the courage to say it, and Jace beat me to it. I pick up the knife and fork and cut into the perfectly cooked steak. Jace loves me. It’s a thought that makes me want to get up and dance around the living room, but I restrain myself. Just barely.

  I take a bite of the steak and moan. It’s delicious, just like the man who cooked it.

  Someone knocks softly at the door, so soft I barely hear it. Probably one of the kids wondering where Jenna is.

  I cram another bite of steak into my mouth and head for the door, taking a quick peek through the peephole. I relax when I see who it is, opening the door wide. The creepy chainsaw maniac — Finn — is standing there. He’s still wearing his creepy mask but the chainsaw is missing.

  “Hi, Finn.” I point toward the woods. “The others went that way. One of the kids got hurt.”

  He just looks at me for a minute, and I start to get creepy vibes about the guy again. Finally, he speaks, and it feels like someone dropped an ice cube down the back of my shirt.

  “I’m not here for the others,” a familiar voice says. “I’m here for you.”

  I don’t hesitate. Just like a few days ago, I throw a punch, my fist connecting with Michael’s mask-covered nose. He cusses as I try to shove past him, but he barely moves. I turn to run toward the bathroom to hide but he grabs my hair and jerks me back toward him.

  “I missed you, too, sweetie,” Michael says. And then a cloth is over my mouth and nose. I try to scream and catch a sharp chemical smell, immediately feeling light-headed. I want to struggle but my arms feel like their weighted down. Everything feels heavy and the world is moving in slow motion. I try to flinch away as Michael’s slimy lips brush across my cheek and then the world fades to black.


  I wake up slow. At first, it’s simply being aware that I’m awake, and then I hear sound — some weird pop music boy band, just one of Michael’s many faults. I try to open my eyes and have to fight a moment of panic when they don’t listen to me. I try again, using way more effort than I should have to for such a simple thing. When they do finally open, the world is a blurry smear. I blink a few times and the world slowly comes into focus, the world being the inside of Michael’s truck. I feel his hand pat my knee a couple of times.

  “Well, hey there, sleepyhead. I was starting to wonder when you’d wake up.”

  I look out the windshield and see a world of darkness. That’s good. It’s still night. Maybe I haven’t been out that long. My eyes fall on the digital clock on the radio and I cringe. It’s been almost two hours. Fuck.

  Michael notices and laughs. “Yep, that camp of freaks is nothing but a memory in the rearview mirror now.” He winks at me. “Like that classic song says, bye, bye, bye.”

  I groan. I honestly don’t know what I ever saw in him. Maybe I thought he’d actually grow up.

  “You need to take me back, Michael, or you’ll be in big trouble.”

  He laughs again, even louder. “Big trouble? With who? That big guy you’ve been hanging all over the last couple of days?” He sneers at me. “You know he was just using you for easy pussy?” He shrugs before I can respond. “Doesn’t matter. He’s probably moved on to a new piece of ass by now.” He glares at me, his lips curling in a sneer again. “And don’t worry. You’ll be getting punished for cheating on me. Don’t think you won’t.”

  “You’ll be the one getting punished,” I snap. “In prison. He’s not just some guy; he’s a Texas Ranger.”

  “He’s a baseball player?”

  I roll my eyes. “You’re an idiot.”

  “Watch your mouth, ’Dri.”

  “You’re an idiot,” I shout at him.

  I see that familiar flash of anger and brace myself as he pulls his arm back, and then he drops it, looking into the rearview mirror. “What the hell.”

  I look toward the passenger side-view mirror to see what he’s looking at. A pair of headlights is visible in the dark, and they’re getting bigger so fast that it’s clear whoever is driving is going pretty fast.

  I look over at Michael. “It’s him. You’re fucked.”

  “Shut up,” he snarls, pressing the gas pedal down as far as it’ll go, his eyes never leaving the rearview mirror.

  I glance back at the side-view mirror and feel an excited tingle in my chest. Jace is coming for me. My own personal white knight. I don’t know what kind of engine Jace has under the hood but it’s obviously enough to take on Michael’s precious Charger. The headlights are close enough now for me to see the vague outline of the front of Jace’s truck, and I realize he’s still speeding up. All of a sudden I know what he has planned. I glance out the corner of my eye toward Michael. He’s not wearing his seat belt. He once bragged that the first thing he always did when he got a vehicle was disconnect the seat belt alarm.

  Counting the seconds, I watch the side-view mirror carefully. If I act too soon I’ll warn Michael, and I don’t want to do that.

  Jace’s truck is now maybe a car length behind us, and Michael’s car is already giving it all it’s got. The man really should stop being so stupid and just pull over. Instead he turns even paler than he already is and I look at the mirror just in time to see Jace’s truck jump forward, closing the distance within seconds. I barely have time to click the seatbelt in place before Jace’s truck hits the Charger. Jace has a big black 3/4-ton truck so it’s basically like his truck swats us off the road like an insect.

  We crash into a small tree on the side of the road. Michael smacks his head on the steering wheel while my seatbelt catches and locks, forcing me to gasp as I press against the restraint before slamming back into the chair.

  Michael’s head is bleeding but, surprisingly, he’s still conscious, shaking his head and groaning. I release the seatbelt, toss open the passenger door, and hop out of the car, stumbling across the uneven ground as I make my way to Jace.

  The driver’s door opens and I see a tall shadow climb out. He walks to the front of the truck, standing in the headlight beams, and I suck in a sharp breath and hold it, suddenly forgetting how to breathe.

  Jace is wearing the boots and jeans that I’ve grown used to seeing him in, but now he’s wearing a white button-up western shirt with pearl snap buttons. A light gray cowboy hat sits on tops of his head and a holster is clipped to his belt. The gun in that holster is shiny and black, deadly-looking.

  I rush up to him and he wraps me in his big arms, pulling me close against him. “You okay,” he asks.

  I nod, unable to help the big smile on my face. “Perfect now.”

  The driver door of Michael’s car opens and Mich
ael practically falls out. I fight to hold back a giggle but I can’t help myself. It stops being funny when he raises his gun, though.

  “Think it’s funny, ’Dri?” He sneers and spits blood on the ground. “I think it’s fucking hilarious. I always said if I couldn’t have you then nobody could.” He aims the gun at me and a gunshot echoes through the air.

  I gasp, waiting for the pain, and then I see the growing spot of red over Michael’s shoulder. His arm drops to his side, the gun falling to the ground.

  Jace is holding his gun, and it’s aimed right at Michael. He drew it so fast I never even saw it happen. He sighs and holsters his gun. “Guess I need to call this in.”

  “Not just yet,” I say, standing on my tiptoes. He’s still too tall. Luckily, he leans down to me and I press my lips to his, teasing him with my tongue. His lips part and I deepen the kiss. He moans, his hands grabbing my ass, lifting me off the ground and pulling me against him. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull back to look at him, that goofy grin back on my face. “I love you, too.”


  We wait on the side of the road until some of Jace’s Ranger friends show up, taking Michael into custody.

  “This your idea of retirement, Big J?” one of the men, a guy with sandy blond hair, asks as he puts Michael in the back of their truck.

  Jace laughs. “Retirement isn’t going exactly as planned,” he says. Then he looks down at me and holds me tighter. “And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

  The men laugh and smile. The one with curly red hair and the big bushy beard glances at me, a twinkle in his eye. “Never took you for the type to settle down.”

  Jace shrugs. “Neither did I.” He gives me a quick kiss on the top of my head. “Guess it’s just a matter of finding the right one.”

  The guy with blond hair laughs. “Look who went and got all romantic on us, Blaze.”


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