Corralling Callie

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Corralling Callie Page 11

by Smarts, Amelia

  “That’s a good question, baby.” He wrapped his hand around her thigh and gently pulled her leg to him, revealing her sex to his view. She already glistened with desire. He slid his hand to her womanhood and dipped a finger between her folds. He tickled her nub, causing her to gasp and open her legs wider to him. He gave her clit one final flick before removing his hand from her center.

  “The rewards will be similar to that,” he told her. He patted her bottom firmly. “Let’s get started. First, I know you lied about your whipping skills the day that we met, so that’s five swats.”

  “But Jude, you already punished—”

  He brought his hand down. Smack. “Doesn’t matter. I make up the rules of this game.” He landed four more moderate swats on the low curve of her bottom, just barely hard enough to leave a sting for him to caress out of her cheeks.

  She let out a noise that sounded somewhere between a growl and a moan and grasped his trouser leg with her fist.

  “Next question. Did you really study under the tutelage of Florence Nightingale? Keep in mind when you answer that I am aware she lives across the ocean, and if you lie during this game my belt comes off.”

  Callie wriggled over his lap, which Jude thought looked quite adorable but which caused his cock a fair bit of discomfort as her belly rubbed against him. “Not exactly,” she admitted. “I did learn some nursing from someone who read her book, and I—”

  “Bad girl,” he interrupted in a growl, and smacked her thighs lightly, twice on each side, then landed a good hard smack on her bottom.

  “Ooooh, that stings!” She reached back and rubbed her bottom furiously.

  “Tsk tsk, move that hand, young lady. Your naughty bottom is all mine tonight. You’re not allowed to touch what’s mine without permission.”

  He watched her body shudder with embarrassment and arousal. When she removed her hand, he landed a swat where she’d touched and grabbed hold. “Mine,” he repeated in a low voice. She moaned and arched her back.

  Rubbing the spot he’d just spanked, he said, “Time for a little reward.” His fingers traveled to between her legs. “Mmm. You’re soaked, darlin’. Someone is enjoying her spanking.” He rolled his finger around her pleasure nub and gave it a pinch, then brushed back and forth over it. “This is for the truth about Jesse James teaching you how to shoot,” he explained. His voice was thick with desire, as was his manhood.

  She let out little whimpers and gasps and pressed into his hand, searching for her release.

  “This is mine too,” he growled, cupping her sex possessively. “I decide when you get pleasure. I decide when you get punished.”

  “Oh, Jude, I ache. Please keep rubbing,” she begged in a whimper.

  “No, I think that’s enough pleasure for now. Next question,” he stated, his hand remaining still on her womanhood. “Do you really know how to fix all the parts on a stagecoach?”

  She crossed and uncrossed her ankles in the air, nervous and jittery with sexual energy. “Sam let me help him and his boy fix up a broken-down buggy. I reckon lots of the parts are the same as on a coach, so maybe I know how to fix about half of them.”

  Jude grinned. “Then I reckon that’s two spanks, two pleasure rubs, and one that’s a little of both.” He brought his hand back and smacked her quivering, naked bottom, then grinned even more as she lifted her bottom to meet his hand for the next swat. “Good girl,” he murmured, and gave her a sound spank. He dragged his fingers through her wetness and rubbed her clit until she writhed in his hand. “Now for the half-pleasure, half-punishment,” he rumbled. “Open your legs wide for me, baby.”

  She didn’t hesitate. She was dripping wet, her whole body trembling with desire. Jude patted her sex a couple times, then drew his hand away and landed it in a hard smack directly on her mound and sensitive clit. She screamed, pleasure and pain melding into one shattering release.

  “That’s it,” he said huskily. He wrapped a hand around her hip and held her steady while lightly stroking her sex with his other hand until she settled.

  She hung over his lap, breathing hard while he caressed her from her shoulders to her freshly spanked bottom.

  “How’d you end up liking that game?”

  “I liked it a lot,” she said softly.

  “Good girl. You deserve more pleasure for telling the truth about that.” He lifted her into his arms and settled her on the bed. She watched him as he stripped. When he loosened his belt and let his trousers drop, the evidence of his arousal displayed prominently, its head wet with a trickle of his seed.

  * * *

  Callie stared at his cock with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. She’d never seen a man’s member before, although she knew the particulars of sex. “Are you going to shove that into me now?”

  He laughed and climbed over her, straddling her hips with his knees. “I’d like to think of it as a polite entrance, but actually your description is probably more apt on this occasion.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he bent to kiss her. His kiss traveled from her lips to her jaw down her neck to her breast. He swirled around her nipple with his tongue. With his knee, he spread her legs, allowing him access to her drenched channel. Callie felt her womb constrict and her desire grow as he arranged her for his pleasure.

  “Remind me whose this is,” he growled in her ear as he penetrated her entrance with the tip of his cock.

  “Yours,” she moaned.

  “Mm hmm, that’s right.” He pressed in a little farther, and Callie felt a wave of panic. He was too big, she felt too full.

  “It hurts,” she whimpered, pressing her bottom into the bed in an attempt to free herself from the beginning of his impalement. She squeezed her eyes shut.

  He held her hips in his hands firmly to prevent her from detaching herself but stopped moving forward. “I hear it hurts women the first time, honey. Not much I can do about that, but the pain won’t last.”

  She opened her eyes and stared into his, which regarded her with intense lust but also a glimmer of kindness she knew and trusted. “Promise?” she whispered.

  He reached up and stroked a stray lock of hair away from her forehead with a slow finger. “I promise. I imagine it’s kinda like that spanking I just gave you. Hurts some but then the pleasure makes it worth it in the end.”

  “All right, Jude,” she said in a moan. Her heart fluttered wildly. She felt afraid, curious, and even more aroused after his reassurance.

  He kissed her neck. “Take a deep breath and relax, honey.”

  She drew in a breath, and as she released it, she forced her taut muscles to loosen. That’s when he speared her, plunging into her with the full length of his cock. She screamed from the sharp pain and tears sprang to her eyes. She felt desperate to get away from the offending member that, even as the pain subsided, still stretched the walls of her center to an uncomfortable width. She wriggled her hips, but Jude held fast to them and remained fully engorged inside of her.

  “Stop moving. Relax and breathe,” she heard Jude say, and she became aware that she was holding her breath. She let it out. She continued to breathe deeply, staring into Jude’s eyes. His cock still felt uncomfortably big inside of her, but she realized she was experiencing a new kind of discomfort. She desperately needed his cock to stroke and caress her channel. Her muscles constricted with need.

  His jaw clenched. He looked uncomfortable too, and he spoke through gritted teeth. “You feel so warm, so tight. I need to move, darlin’.”

  She nodded at him and then felt the first blissful stroke. She moaned as his length glided through her passage, sparking to life every nerve of her body.

  “God, you feel good,” he said, and sped up his thrusts.

  “You feel good too.” She no longer shied away from his movements but rose to meet him each time he rocked toward her.

  Her pleasure built until she crested again, moaning out her release as she dug her fingers into his back. He came just after, groaning
along with her moan, and released his seed deep inside of her.

  They lay panting and entangled in each other’s arms. She sighed contentedly and played with the sparse dark hair on his chest, while he languidly ran his fingers through her hair and down her back.

  When she found her voice, she asked, “Can we live in Sacramento, Jude? I love it here.”


  She giggled. “That was easy. I must remember to always ask you for things right after lovemaking.”

  He smiled. “I was actually going to suggest it. I’ve saved enough to buy a house and some land. I want to get into ranching.”

  “No more driving?”

  He shook his head. “It’s not a good job for a married man. I wouldn’t mind doing it maybe once a year or so for some extra tin, though.”

  “Can I come with you? I can be the guard and sit with you up front. After all, I was taught to shoot by Jesse James,” she said playfully.

  Jude ran a hand down her arm, marveling at how soft her skin felt. “You just reminded me of another lie I need to spank you for.”

  She frowned and lifted her head to look at him. “What?”

  “You claimed at the start of the journey that you’d be no trouble whatsoever and I’d hardly know you were there. I do believe you made your presence quite well known every minute of every day for the entire trip.”

  Her frown turned into a smile. “I’m real sorry about that, Jude.”

  He cuddled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “You are not,” he whispered, and kissed her cheek. “And that’s another lie.”

  She sighed with contentment in his arms, knowing she was safe, loved, and exactly where she belonged. She fell into a peaceful sleep.

  * * *

  One year later

  Jude downed his whiskey and set the tumbler on the bar of Sacramento’s busiest saloon. “I’ll be back in about two months. I’m mighty obliged to you, offering to check from time to time into how my foreman’s doing at the ranch.”

  Albert took a much more gentlemanly sip of his liquor and swirled the remainder around in his glass. “It’s my pleasure. I hope your journey east and back goes by fast for you.”

  Jude stood from the stool and donned his Stetson. “It’ll fly by in a jiffy. Traveling the line for two months a year is just right. It takes financial pressure off running the ranch and gives me and Callie more time to sit back and enjoy it.”

  Albert nodded his understanding. “Say hi to my catalog bride for me and give her a good smack for lying in her letters about knowing how to ride. I saw her trying to mount a sweet ol’ mare yesterday. I’m not sure which of them was more confused about what she was aiming to do.”

  Jude chuckled. “I’ll give her your regards. And give my best to Sara, along with a big kiss for garnering your affection. I don’t believe things could have worked out more perfectly for any of us.”

  “Have to agree with you there,” Albert said with a grin.

  Jude shook his friend’s hand and exited the saloon. His stagecoach waited for him in the street, along with four ticketed passengers. He walked to them and made his introductions, then said, “I reckon I should give you a quick rundown of our journey, but I’m waiting for one more person to join us.”

  “I’m here,” a voice behind him said. He turned and grinned at Callie as she strutted to his side. She wore a faded blue dress, sturdy new boots, and a revolver at her hip.

  Jude snaked his arm around her waist and introduced her to the passengers. “This here is my guard. She gets the box seat because she’s a darn good shot and will keep us all safe on our journey.”

  Callie smiled and said hello to everyone. When the last of the horses was checked and the groom bade them farewell, Jude, Callie, and the passengers climbed into their respective seats on the coach.

  Jude cracked his whip and urged the horses into a smart walk, then looked over at his wife, hardly believing it was the same girl who’d joined him in the box seat all those months ago. She looked calmer, happier, and a fair bit cleaner than the first time he laid eyes on her.

  Still, the girl he first fell in love with wasn’t far beneath the surface. She turned her mischievous green eyes to him. “This trip, I promise I won’t be as much trouble to you.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Not sure how impressive a promise that is. If we make it to the first stop without any shenanigans, you will have improved over last time.”

  Callie patted her new satchel that she’d placed between them on the seat. “There won’t be any need to stop for gingerroot this time. I found some beforehand and packed it.”

  Jude nodded in appreciation. “Well now, that’s right smart thinking, darlin’.” He steered his horses around a bend and peered into the distance. He felt a surge of gratitude for the direction his life had taken. The road stretched ahead of them as far as he could see, with no end in sight, and he couldn’t have felt happier about the journey they were on together.

  The End

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