Irish Nights

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by Marissa Dobson

  Irish Nights

  Marissa Dobson

  Thomas Dobson

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  Dobson Ink

  Martinsburg, West Virginia

  Dobson Ink

  Copyright ©2018, Marissa Dobson

  Editors: Natalie Owens

  ISBN: 978-1-946474-10-0

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to actual person—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Dobson Ink. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


  A life in danger. Two hearts on the line.

  Personal assistant Joslynn Ashburn had allowed the lines between work and personal life to become blurred. Not until she ends up on the run in another country does she realize the trouble she’s in.

  When Chip Olson learns the life of the woman who owns his heart is in peril, he doesn’t think—he reacts. Before he can talk himself out of it, he’s flying across the ocean to her. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for Joslynn.

  Pushed together by rash decisions and danger, the two can no longer hold back what they feel for each other. Are they willing to risk their longtime friendship to move their relationship to the next level?

  To everyone who supported us along the way.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Preview: Until Sydney

  Chapter One

  Preview: A Marine’s Second Chance

  Chapter One

  About the Author

  Also by Marissa Dobson

  Chapter One

  In Dublin, Ireland for more than a week and the only thing Joslynn Ashburn had seen was the inside of the hotel and now this dark pub. This wasn’t how the trip was supposed to turn out. It had been intended as a romantic getaway with a little work on the side, but it ended up being full of work and zero romance. The moments she had with Sal were few and far between and when she did see him, there was nothing fun about it. If anything, the experience was teetering on the edge of violent.

  A breath caught in her lungs as the pub door opened. Fearful it was Sal, she scooted further into the booth, hoping the darkness from the pub would keep her hidden. A couple walked in, locked in an embrace.

  Seeing them together made her long for what they appeared to have. But, reality had already shown her that relationships were not always what they seemed, and even though the couple appeared to be happy, there might be dark secrets hiding beneath the surface.

  “Hey there, lass.”

  Lost in her thoughts about relationships and couples, she hadn’t noticed one of the guys from the bar had moseyed up to her table. As she turned her attention to him, she caught the pungent aroma of alcohol rolling off him in waves. The scent was so strong she would have thought he’d bathed in it, but from the way he could barely stay upright, she had no doubt that he’d drunk it.

  Not wanting to cause any problems, she kept quiet and took the man in. His dark hair was shaggy, nearly reaching his ears, and his jaw was covered with a day’s growth, giving him a more unkempt appearance. Something about the way he looked at her made her heart race and her chest tighten.

  “Let me buy you a drink and get to know you.”

  “I…um….” Needing a place to hide and get out of the rain until she could figure out what to do, she didn’t want any issues. Telling this guy to get lost could bring unnecessary attention to her sitting in the dark corner, nursing a soda. Yet, allowing him to join her would lead him on.

  “Come on.” The man stepped closer and leaned down toward her. “A young lass like yourself alone in a bar—what else could you be looking for?”


  “Back off.” A deep, gruff voice cut through the thick air between them.

  “Screw you man, I was here first.”

  “Doubt that.” He slipped into the booth next to her and slipped his arm around her shoulder. “Hey babe, sorry I’m late.”

  Her eyes widened as she stared at the man sitting beside her. His appearance might have changed since the last time she’d seen him but there was no doubt that voice belonged to her brother’s best friend, Chip Olson. As the sound of her own heartbeat filled her ears, their gazes locked on one another. With every blink, she realized he was actually there in front of her, but she still couldn’t believe her eyes. How had he found her?

  “What the hell?”

  Chip turned his attention back to the other man. “Get lost. My fiancée and I have plans.”

  The man stumbled back, mumbling something Joslynn didn’t catch. As he did she turned to face Chip, whose arm stayed around her shoulders.

  “What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?” A couple of months had passed since she’d seen him and it looked as if he’d spent most of that time in the gym. For as long as she had known him he’d always been toned, yet now his muscles were more defined.

  “Your cell phone.”

  “What?” The question came out louder than she expected, causing the bartender to glance in their direction.

  “Yesterday…hell, it might have been the day before with the time difference. I don’t know.” He glanced around the dark bar as if he was looking for someone. “I stopped by your apartment and Annie was there. She told me what was happening.”

  “She told you.” Even as disbelief bubbled within her, she knew she shouldn’t be surprised. Annie and Chip were cousins and they were close. She would have confided in him without thinking anything about it. “Still that doesn’t explain why you’re here or why you hacked my cell phone to find me. How is that even possible?”

  “Friends,” he stated as if it explained everything. “Come on, let’s go somewhere else.”

  “Ah…” She wasn’t even sure why she tried to argue. What was she going to say? Instead, she grabbed her bag and followed him as he rose from the booth. Guilt coursed through her as realization dawned on her. If Chip’s here, Jack knows.

  Being deployed, her brother could be in a dangerous territory and the last thing she wanted was to be the reason his head wasn’t in the action. If he got hurt because of her, she’d never be able to forgive herself. Stay safe Jack.

  After Chip stepped off the plane, the only thing he wanted was a stiff drink but the moment he walked into the bar and found Joslynn sitting there, the need for alcohol disappeared. All he could think about was getting her out of there to somewhere safe. The way the guy watched them, even after Chip had told him she was his fiancée, unnerved him. The darkened atmosphere made it harder for him to see everything and played havoc with his already deteriorated vision. They needed to make their exit before the alcohol could give the other man any stupid ideas.

  Leading her out of the bar, he made sure to keep his arm on her. He wanted to say that it was all part of playing his role as fiancé. Though, if he was honest wit
h himself, he didn’t want to let go of her. The concern and anger that rushed through him when he heard of her situation had drove him to the brink as he made his way across the ocean to her.

  Outside the rain had begun to fall again, making him wish he’d brought a jacket with him. Without one, he used it as an excuse to keep her close. Drawing her tight against his body, he guided her down the sidewalk in the direction he’d come from only minutes before.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I got a hotel room. It’s just up the street.”

  “Hotel room.” She stumbled as she looked up at him.

  “It’s a place we can talk. Then you can…” He wasn’t sure what he was going to say. Go back to that asshole? No, that wasn’t an option.

  “Can what?” she pushed.

  “Anything you want, Jos. Anything.” Except go back to him.

  Between the rain and the late hour, the roads were clear. Still, he scanned the area looking for any threats. Even as a civilian, he wasn’t able to stop. His training had kept him alive while overseas and now, even with his injuries, he was still in warrior mode. They took me out of the fight, but they can’t take the fight out of me.

  That thought had gotten him through months of rehab and had somehow became his motto to live by. He wasn’t giving up and he wasn’t about to allow Jos to give up, either. Even in the dim light of the bar he could see she was cracked from what had happened, but he wasn’t going to allow it to break her. He’d do what he could to pull her through it, just like she had done for him. She didn’t know how much her messages to him after his accident had meant to him, but it was time to show her. She had been his rock and now he’d return the favor.

  Chapter Two

  Sitting in the hotel room, Joslynn still couldn’t believe Chip was with her. The one person—besides her brother—she’d wished was by her side was now actually there. It still felt like a dream, one she didn’t want to wake up from. Even though he hated flying, he’d gotten on a plane and flew across the world to find her. That was the kind of man she wanted to make her life with. Not a man like Sal, who only cared about appearances and money. There was so much more to life than money and status. Those were the things she wanted in her life.

  “Drink?” Chip stood next to the in-room bar, his hand already untwisting one of the little liquor bottles.

  “I’m fine.” She dropped her bag onto the floor and sank down onto the arm chair. “Want to tell me why you’re here yet?”

  “I already told you, Annie told me what was happening.”

  “Yeah, you told me that.” She glanced around the large hotel room. “That doesn’t explain why you flew half way around the world.”

  “I’d fly to the end of the universe for you.” Without bothering with a glass, he tipped the small liquor bottle back, chugging half of it. “You don’t believe I’d do nothing, do you?”

  She wasn’t sure how to answer his question, so she threw a question of her own at him. “What did Annie tell you? I mean…”

  “That the asshole was harassing you. That your boss forced his jerk of a son on you if you wanted to keep your job.” Sitting the bottle on the bar top, he stalked toward her. “Fuck, Jos, what were you thinking? Jack would kill the guy if he knew.”

  “If…” That one word gave her hope that Jack didn’t know what was currently happening.

  “You thought I’ve spoken to him.” He let out a sigh and squatted down in front of her. “Even if I had spoken to him, what would I have told him? That you were in Ireland with this asshole, and in trouble? How do you think that would have gone? Without him able to do anything to help, it would have only distracted him.”

  She reached out and closed the distance between them by placing her hand over his. “Thank you.”

  “I have to say I was surprised to find you in that bar instead of his hotel room. So why don’t you tell me what else has happened?”

  As she leaned back in the chair, her hand slid off his. Yet, she barely noticed the loss of touch. Rather, her thoughts were filled with what had brought her to Dublin. Accompany Sal on this trip and perform whatever duties he needs. With a satisfactory report from him, we’ll discuss the promotion when you return.

  “It’s been a disaster from the start.” She shook her head and looked back up to meet his gaze. “You know what? I’ll have that drink. Anything strong.”

  “Coming right up.” He rose from his seat in front of her and headed back to the bar.

  “I never thought things would turn out like this. I mean I wasn’t sure about this trip or spending the time alone here with Sal. Without his dad to keep him in check, he’s a different person.” She’d recognized the signs before but until this trip she hadn’t realized how bad things were between them. Nor had she realized how dangerous things had become. Not just to her, but Sal was also a threat to himself and those around him, especially women.

  “This trip was supposed to be my key to the promotion. Instead, it left me without a job and a ticket home.” She accepted the glass he held out to her and before continuing, she took a sip. The burn of the alcohol as it slid down her throat warmed her and gave her the courage she needed to tell him what had happened.

  “Sal’s an asshole, there’s no denying that, but I never expected him to go this far. What he was asking…” Her checks heated with embarrassment at the thought of telling him about the straw that broke the camel’s back and sent her running from Sal’s hotel room. “Even though I knew it would cost me my job, I couldn’t go through with it. But I never thought he’d tell me to find my own way home. He has the plane tickets.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ve got us booked on a flight out in two days. Do you have your passport?”

  “It’s in my purse.” She nodded. “I’ll pay you back. I swear.”

  “Jos.” Leaning from his seat, he took her hand in his. “It’s not the money and that’s not why I came here. You should have called me.”

  “I couldn’t. I thought you’d tell Jack. Plus, what was I going to say?”

  “Damn it, Jos.” His hand tightened over hers, squeezing it tightly. “You know me better than that. You know I’d be there for you.”

  “I couldn’t risk it getting back to Jack. Not when I had other options. I was waiting for Annie to get back to me. I just needed to find the money to get a ticket home. Once I got there, I’d be able to pay them back. I have the money in my checking account. I just never wanted to deal with credit cards and my bank card was stolen before I left Pittsburgh. All I’m left with is the cash I have on me. It shouldn’t have been a problem; everything was supposed to go on the business card, but…”

  “That jackass has it, which leaves you at his mercy.” Chip’s voice held a deepness to it that hadn’t been there before. He was angry and it was seeping into his tone.

  “Can’t really blame him.” She shrugged. “It’s his father’s company.”

  “Don’t stand up for that asshole.” He rose again, his hand still holding hers, and pulled her up to stand with him. “Did you really think Jack or I would stand by and let you marry that imbecile?”

  “You?” Her eyebrow rose in question as she wondered if she was reading more into what he was saying than she should be.

  “You’re too smart to act as if you haven’t known.” He pulled her tight against the front of his body as his hand slid along her ribcage.

  Air escaped from between her teeth as pain blossomed within her stomach. The slightest brush of his hand against the fresh bruises along her side made her woozy.

  “What the hell?” He stepped back, his fingers gripping the edge of her sweater and pulling it up before she could stop him.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Nothing!” he roared, his gaze on the bruise that ran from the middle of her ribcage down the length of her side until it disappeared below the waistband of her jeans. “He did this to you.”

  “Chip.” She reached up to cup his cheek. Her fingers brushed along t
he stumble.

  “She told me he threatened you. That he wanted you to do something you weren’t comfortable with. But she didn’t tell me he put his hands on you.”

  She could see the fires of rage burning within his eyes. “Annie didn’t know. I didn’t want her to worry.”

  “Never again.” His fingertips brushed along the edges of the bruises. “In the morning, I’ll go to the hotel and get your suitcase. After that you will have no further contact with him.”

  “No.” As his gaze shoot up to hers, her chest tightened.


  “Just forget the suitcase. Nothing that’s there is important.” She slipped her hand out from his and brought it to his chest. “You said I should have known I could have counted on you. Well, just as I knew that, I also was aware what you’d want to do to him. Don’t…please, Chip. It’s not worth it.”

  “You’re worth it.” He placed his hand over hers. “No man should ever lay a hand on a woman.”

  “I just want to forget it all. To go home.” She turned her hand around, so she could intertwine their fingers. “You can’t be there for me if you get yourself locked up in Ireland. Please, Chip.”

  “Fuck!” He stepped back from her. “I’m going to grab some food. Stay here.”


  He held up his hand, cutting her off. “I need some air and we both need to eat. You have my word, I’m not going to hunt him down tonight.”

  Knowing that was the best she was going to get from him, she let it drop. Chip and Jack had always been hot headed. Both of them had strong principals and would stand up for what they believed was right. Maybe that was why they’d both joined the military.


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