Mission at Nuremberg

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Mission at Nuremberg Page 43

by Tim Townsend

  Leo III, Pope, 106

  Ley, Robert, 121, 133

  Liberty Runs, 76, 93

  Liebel, Willy, 112

  Likovska, Anna, 226

  Lincoln, Abraham, 55, 62

  Lindsay, Chaplain, 36

  Linz crematorium, 196

  Little Bohemia Lodge, 298

  London Agreement and Charter, 134

  Lord’s Prayer, 76

  Lord’s Supper, 261–64

  Louvre Museum (Paris), 104

  Luftwaffe, 145, 147, 203

  Luke, Gospel of, 104–5, 187–88, 296

  Luther, Martin, 4, 13, 21, 109–10, 263–64, 287

  Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS), 16–17, 27–28, 45, 58

  Lutheran Deaconess Association, 33

  Lutheranism, 27–28

  Lutheran Layman’s League, 277

  Lutheran Mission Industries, 34–37, 42–45

  Lutheran Witness, The (magazine), 300

  Lutheran Women’s League, 277

  McCabe, Charles, 55

  McCloy, John, 126–29

  Mackie, J. L., 252

  Madagascar, 192

  Maimonides, 279

  Malmedy, Belgium, 202

  Mande St. Etienne, Belgium, 202–3

  Markow, Ernst, 130

  Martin of Tours, Saint, 50–52, 306

  Mastersingers of Nuremberg (opera), 92, 112

  Matthew, Gospel of, 39–40, 51, 60, 306–7

  Mauterndorf Castle, 149

  Mauthausen concentration camp, 195–200

  construction of, 195–96

  death rate, 196, 197–98, 200

  Eleventh Division’s arrival and liberation of, 205–9

  Kaltenbrunner’s role, 194–95, 197, 198, 199, 210–11

  Wiener Graben quarry at, 198–99

  Wiesenthal at, 284–85, 286

  Maxwell Fyfe, David, 163, 231

  Medical Department Training Centers, 64

  mehillah, 279

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 142, 180, 256

  Melanchthon, Philipp, 21–22, 24

  Membury airfield, 74

  Menard State Prison, 299–305, 307–8

  Menard Time, 303

  Mengele, Josef, 199

  military chaplains, 50–61. See also specific chaplains

  after American Civil War, 56

  in American Civil War, 54–56

  in American Revolution, 52–54

  Catholic, 49, 54, 56–57, 59, 70

  in Colonial America, 52

  by denominational quota, 58

  duties, 57, 59

  first black army, 54

  first female, 54–55

  first Jewish, 54

  history of, 52–61

  Martin of Tours and origin of, 50–52

  National Defense Act and, 56

  providing religious support to enemies, 136–37

  relationship between the divine and war and, 52, 60

  requirements for, 58, 60

  role in battles, 203

  training, 60–61

  in World War I, 56–57

  in World War II, 5–6, 57–60

  Miller, Rabbi, 63

  Milwaukee Journal, 298

  Ministry of Propaganda’s Radio Division, 178–79

  “mission prayer,” 42

  Missouri State Penitentiary, 36

  Missouri Synod, 16–17, 27–28, 45, 58

  Mitchum, Robert, 42

  Mobley, Gregory, 220–21

  Mögeldorf church, 11, 117, 159–60, 184, 190–91, 235

  Moments of Comfort (radio show), 42, 46, 75, 91, 293

  “Moments of Prayer” (daily devotion), 75, 91–92

  Mondorf camp (Ashcan), 98–103, 151–52

  Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg, 98–99

  moral evil, defined, 219–21

  Mosel River, 99

  Mounier, Pierre, 154

  Mount St. Rose (St. Louis), 37–38

  Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior, 53

  Munich, Ninety-Eighth General Hospital in, 86–94

  Munich Municipal Hospital, 87–88

  Munich Putsch of 1923, 141–42, 145, 256

  National Defense Act of 1916, 56

  Native Americans, genocide of, 218

  Nazi Party (Nazis), 105–6, 111–13. See also Hitler, Adolf

  Frank in, 191–93, 228–30

  Fritzsche in, 178–79

  Goering in, 145–51

  Gottgläubig, 166–67, 265

  Hess in, 141–42

  Kaltenbrunner in, 193–95, 197, 210–11

  in Nuremberg, 105–6, 111–13

  Ribbentrop in, 168–69

  Sauckel in, 171–74

  Schirach in, 180–81

  Speer in, 118, 175–76, 198

  “near-beer,” 16

  Neave, Airey, 232

  Nebuchadnezzar, King, 106

  Neurath, Constantin von, 169, 245, 291

  Newbury Race Course, 74, 76, 78

  Newsweek, 242

  New World Commercial Co., 14

  New York Times, 130–31, 288

  Niemoeller, Martin, 167

  Ninety-Fourth Infantry Division, 201

  Ninety-Eighth General Hospital, 62–72

  chapel, 68–69, 75, 83–84

  at Fort Jackson, 6–7, 62–68

  in Hermitage, England, 63, 68–72, 74–86

  in Munich, 86–94

  Ninety-Eighth General Hospital Orchestra, 69–70, 80

  Ninotchka (movie), 146

  Norenberc, 108

  Normandy landings, 5, 75, 201

  Norton, Herman, 55–56

  Nuremberg, 9, 105–13

  British bombing of, 113–14

  history of, 108–11

  Nazi movement in, 105–6, 111–13

  origins of, 107–8

  postwar life, 114–17

  war crimes community, 160–64

  Nuremberg City Hall, 108–9

  Nuremberg Laws, 113, 123

  Nuremberg Opera House, 162

  Nuremberg prison, 115, 118–20. See also specific prisoners

  chapel services, 121–22, 158–59, 169–70, 181–82

  Christmas service, 186–90

  gallows. See gallows, at Nuremberg prison

  history of, 120

  layout of, 119–20, 121

  organization of prisoners, 120, 121–22

  prisoner responsibilities, 122–23

  suicides at, 1, 3, 120–21, 265–67

  Nuremberg Rallies, 111–12

  Nuremberg trials, 7, 154–58, 225–33

  adjournment, 233, 240

  basic structure, 134–35

  Christmas break, 183–84

  Doenitz at, 101, 166, 243, 245

  final statements, 226–33

  Frank at, 101, 228–30

  Fritzsche at, 7–8, 133, 177, 223, 227, 232, 242–43, 244

  Gerecke’s prayer, 157

  Goering at, 101, 133, 155, 222–23, 226–27, 241–44, 246

  Hess at, 140, 142, 155, 227–28, 244

  Jackson’s opening statement, 156–57

  Jodl at, 133, 155–56, 246

  Kaltenbrunner at, 194–95, 198, 199, 209–11, 217–18

  Keitel at, 3–4, 133, 230–32, 244, 245–47

  opening of, 154–57

  Raeder at, 243, 245, 246

  Ribbentrop at, 101, 227, 228, 242, 244

  Sauckel at, 155–56, 230

  Schacht at, 133, 242–43

  Schirach at, 223, 245

  selection of site, 115

  Speer at, 223, 244–45

  Streicher at, 101, 157

  U.S. case, 157–58

  verdicts, 240–45

  war crimes planning, 125–36

  Nussbaum, Samuel, 22

  Obersalzberg, 148–49

  O’Connor, Sixtus “Richard,” 137–40

  application to Chaplain Corps, 140

  background of, 137–39

  death of, 296–97

  in Eleventh Ar
mored Division, 200–204, 208–9

  forgiveness, idea of, 287, 288

  at Mauthausen, 208–9

  at Nuremberg prison, 103, 158, 159, 186, 190, 209, 225, 251, 252, 258–59, 270

  arrival, 140

  executions, 271–76

  family and family visits to defendants, 234, 236, 278

  Frank and, 190, 193, 233, 274–75, 278

  Papen and, 223

  World Series, 4, 259, 266

  postwar life of, 295–96

  at St. Bonaventure, 137–39, 295

  at Siena College, 139–40, 295, 296

  Office of Military Government, United States (OMGUS), 113, 115–17, 160

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 81

  Office of War Information (OWI), 131–32

  101st Airborne Infantry Division, 68, 202

  122nd Ohio Volunteers, 55

  “On the Jews and Their Lies” (Luther), 109–10

  Operation Eagle, 147

  Operation Sea Lion, 147

  Order of the Friars Minor, 139

  Ostfriedhof Cemetery (Munich), 288–89

  Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (St. Louis), 13

  Overy, Richard, 127, 132

  Owens, O. E., 69, 78

  Owens, Win, 69

  Palace of Justice (Nuremberg). See Nuremberg prison

  Papen, Franz von, 222–23, 242–43

  Paracodin, 151

  Patton, George, 2, 86, 202, 209, 210

  Paul of Yugoslavia, Prince, 151

  Pearl Harbor, 44, 57–58, 61

  Peleus, SS, 166

  Pell, Herbert, 124–25

  Pequot Wars, 52

  Persian Empire, 106

  Pfluecker, Ludwig, 266–67

  Pius XII, Pope, 49

  Poland, 123, 139, 191–92

  Polk, James, 54

  Popeye the Sailor Man, 309

  Pour le Mérite, 150–51

  Prince Regent’s Theatre (Munich), 92

  Prinz Wilhelm Regiment No. 112, 144

  prison. See Nuremberg prison

  “prison psychosis,” 96

  Prohibition, 14, 15

  Psalm 23, 76, 306

  Psalm 32, 279

  rabbis, 63–64, 80, 84, 92

  Raeder, Erich

  background of, 167

  in German Imperial Navy, 167–68

  at Nuremberg prison, 167, 168, 189–90, 234

  Nuremberg trial verdict, 243, 245, 246

  Raeder, Erika, 234

  Raeder, Johann Friedrich, 272

  Ramsbury airfield, 74

  Randolph, Ross, 301, 302, 307

  Reagan, Ronald, 67

  Red Cross, 79, 281

  Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), 147

  Religion-Philosophical Society of St. Charles, 54–55

  Religious Census of 1916, 58

  repentance, 285–86

  Revolutionary War, American, 52–54

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von

  background of, 168

  in Nazi Party, 148, 168–69

  in Nuremberg prison, 189–90

  death by hanging, 9, 10, 271–72, 273

  Gerecke and, 9, 10, 168, 169, 235, 253–54, 271–72

  Nuremberg trial, 101, 227, 228

  Nuremberg trial verdict, 242, 244

  Ribbentrop-Henkell, Annelies, 235

  Richard, King, 107

  Richthofen, Manfred von (“Red Baron”), 145

  Rickey, Branch, 259

  Riefenstahl, Leni, 112

  Rintfleisch pogroms, 109, 110

  Robert Koch Hospital (St. Louis), 33, 37, 40

  Rolfingsmeyer, Loretta, 35

  Romans, ancient, 50–52, 106–7

  Rommel, Erwin, 200–201

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 49, 85, 123–24, 126–27, 129, 178

  Roschke, E. L., 292

  Rosen, David, 279–80

  Rosenberg, Alfred

  death by hanging, 273–74

  Gerecke and, 166–67, 259, 273–74

  Rosenberg, Irene, 239

  Rosh Hashanah, 92

  Roska, Charles, 266–67

  Rothe, O., 45

  Röttingen, Rintfleisch pogroms, 109, 110

  Russian slave labor, in World War II, 172–74

  Saarinen, Eero, 32

  Sabaria, Hungary, 50

  Saint, The (yearbook), 29, 30, 31

  St. Agnes Cemetery (Menands, New York), 297

  St. Andrew’s Night, 163

  St. Bonaventure College, 137–39, 295

  St. Francis of Assisi Church (New York City), 296

  St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church (Chester, Illinois), 297–99, 306–7, 309–12

  St. John Lutheran School (Chester, Illinois), 309–10

  St. John’s Academy and College, 26–30

  St. John’s Lutheran cemetery (Chester, Illinois), 301–2

  St. Louis, Gerecke family in, 5–6, 13–47, 291–92

  St. Louis Cardinals, 4, 259, 266

  St. Louis City Workhouse, 37–38, 39

  St. Louis Lutheran City Mission, 20, 31–47, 66, 73, 306

  St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 225

  St. Louis University, 16

  St. Louis World’s Fair (1904), 14–15

  St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (St. Louis), 45

  St. Sebald’s Church (Nuremberg), 108

  Samaria, HMS, 201

  Saratoga Race Course, 295

  Satan, 220–21

  Saturday Evening Post, 298

  Sauckel, Elisabeth, 171, 174, 235

  Sauckel, Fritz

  background of, 171

  in Nazi Party, 171–74

  in Nuremberg prison

  death by hanging, 275

  Gerecke and, 170–71, 174–75, 188, 253–54, 275

  Nuremberg trial, 155–56, 230

  “Sauckel action,” 172–73

  Saunders, David, 303

  scapegoating of the Jews, 109–12

  Schacht, Cordula, 236–37

  Schacht, Hjalmar

  in Nuremberg prison, 169–70, 189–90, 236–37

  Nuremberg trial, 133

  Nuremberg trial verdict, 242–43

  Schacht, Konstanze, 237

  Schirach, Baldur von

  background of, 179–80

  capture of wife, 184–85

  in Nazi Party, 180–81

  in Nuremberg prison, 168, 234–35, 277

  Gerecke and, 11, 176, 179, 181–82, 223–25

  translation of letter to Alma, 223–25, 343–44n

  Nuremberg trial, 223

  Nuremberg trial verdict, 245

  Schirach, Henriette von, 11–12, 184–85, 190, 234–35

  Schirach, Richard, 234

  Schneider, William, 22

  Schwab, Friedrich, 22

  Sebald (Sebaldus of Nuremberg), Saint, 107–8, 112

  Second Great Awakening, 55–56

  Second Reich, 106, 111

  Segar, Elzie, 309

  Seidel, Alfred, 233

  786th Airborne Engineers, 74

  Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 230, 244, 254, 258, 275, 277

  Sicherheitsdienst (SD), 193, 231

  Siegfried Line, 203

  Siemers, George, 22

  Siemers, Ludwig, 22

  Siena College, 139–40, 295, 296

  Sinclair, Frank, 298

  Sinclair, Merle, 298

  6850th Internal Security Detachment, 137. See also Nuremberg prison

  Sixtus IV, Pope, 139

  Smith, Henry, 71–72

  sola scriptura, 27

  Soldiers of God (Spellman), 49

  Solomon, 63–64

  Song of Bernadette, The (Werfel), 193

  Soubirous, Bernadette, 193

  Southeast Missouri State, 26

  Speer, Albert

  background of, 175, 185–86

  in Nazi Party, 118, 175–76, 198

  at Nuremberg prison, 185–86, 233, 252–53, 258, 272, 277

  Gerecke and, 175, 176, 181–82

Nuremberg trial, 223, 232

  Nuremberg trial verdict, 244–45

  Spellman, Francis, 49

  Stack, Robert, 149–50

  Stalin, Joseph, 124, 126–27

  Starnes, Robert, 267

  Steinmetz, David, 263

  Steyr crematorium, 196

  Stifel, Otto, 13, 14

  Stimson, Henry, 126, 127, 129, 132

  Stone, Samuel, 52

  Streicher, Adele, 275

  Streicher, Julius

  Der Stürmer and, 101, 105, 157

  at Nuremberg prison, 186, 235

  death by hanging, 274–75

  Nuremberg trial, 101, 157

  Streit, Christian, 53

  Student’s Mission Society, 29

  Sturmabteilung (SA) Brownshirts, 112, 145

  Sullivan, Daniel, 226

  Sullivan, James P.

  army background of, 64–65

  building of Ninety-Eighth, 64

  end of war and, 85, 86

  Gerecke and, 66, 70, 75, 81–84, 87, 96–97, 104, 105

  German POW labor and, 81, 88

  hospital move to Hermitage, England, 67–68

  hospital move to Munich, 86–91, 93

  recreation for patients and staff, 69–70, 76, 79, 84–85, 93

  typhoid epidemic and, 88–89

  Sunday, Billy, 24–25

  Taylor, Telford, 126, 135, 154–55, 156, 160, 162, 232, 240

  Telegraphen Union, 178

  Ten Commandments, 11

  teshuva, 279–80

  Thanksgiving, 44, 67, 80, 157

  That These Words of Christ, “This Is My Body,” etc., Still Stand Firm Against the Fanatics (Luther), 263–64

  Third Reich, 105–6, 111, 195

  Thirty-Sixth Infantry Division, 149

  This Is the Life (film), 300–301

  “This too shall pass,” 62–64

  Tilles, Stanley, 256–58, 270, 275

  Times (magazine), 130

  Tolstoy, Leo, 304

  Torah, 248–49

  Tours, France, 50–52

  translatio imperii, 105–7

  transubstantiation, 262–64

  Treblinka extermination camp, 211–12

  Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal. See Nuremberg trials

  Triumph of the Will (film), 112

  Truman, Harry, 129–30

  Turner, Henry M., 54

  Tusa, Ann and John, 163, 230, 245

  Twelfth United States Army Group, 136

  Twenty-Eighth General Hospital, 64

  Twenty-Sixth Alabama Regiment, 55–56

  typewriters, for chaplains, 57

  typhoid epidemic, 88–89

  U-852 (German submarine), 166

  Unaltered Augsburg Confession, 21–22, 24, 264

  Union Brewery (St. Louis), 13, 14

  United Nations War Crimes Commission, 124, 129, 133–34

  University of Bonn, 139

  University of Krakow, 191

  University of Munich, 139, 141

  USO shows, 80

  usury, 109–10

  VE Day (March 7, 1945), 85–86

  Verdun, France, 86–87


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