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  I head downstairs and head straight for the workout room. Maggie’s moans are a bit louder now and they don’t sound like moans you’d hear from someone who is working out or getting a massage.

  What the fuck is going on in there?

  I try to open the door but find it to be locked. Why the fuck would this door be locked while Maggie is in there with her trainer? I don’t understand what is going on right now, though the picture is starting to come to me. Maybe it’s denial, but there’s no way, that what my imagination is putting together, could be the reason that those noises are coming from behind this locked door.

  I grab the keys from my pocket and quickly find the one to this door. I finally get the door open and stop dead in my tracks. My eyes show me that what I imagined, is actually worse than I thought, but even still, my brain isn’t processing what’s happening right before my eyes. Have I been blind this whole fucking time?

  Maggie isn’t working out, and she sure as fuck isn’t getting a massage, nope, nothing of the sort.

  Maggie is splayed across the weight bench with both Marco and Ivan drilling into her. This is the same woman who told me that due to her postpartum, she couldn’t find herself ever being sexually active with me or anyone else again.

  Yet, here she is, stark naked getting drilled by not one, but two men at the same time.

  Both men are steadily pumping in and out of her. One fucking her cunt and the other fucking her ass, a place she never once let me go. And they are rocking into her so hard, it’s like they are trying to break her.

  And Maggie, she looks like she’s in a state of fucking euphoria. I’ve never seen her look that way when I was making love to her or even when we went beyond that and I was fucking her. She looks like she’s lost in a state of bliss that she doesn’t want to come back from. She’s looking straight into the mirror but I’m sure she’s not seeing what’s in the reflection. If she did, she’d see me standing here with my hands fisted and my heart shattering.

  “What the fuck?” I suddenly hear myself screaming.

  They don’t seem to hear me, at least not at first.

  I scream again, “What the fuck are you doing?”

  All three startle, and finally acknowledging my presence.

  Marco and Ivan both look up with horror in their eyes and quickly pull their dicks out of Maggie. They scramble to pull their clothes back on and rush right by me and out of the room. They say nothing in their haste and soon after, I hear the front door slamming behind them as they make their quick exit.

  I look over to Maggie and watch as she slowly gets dressed. She doesn’t even seem phased that I just caught her fucking both of her trainers in our house. She actually has a look that expresses that me being here is an inconvenience to her.

  “What are you doing home?” she snidely asks as she finishes getting dressed.

  “Excuse me?” I ask. That’s the first thing she has to say after I just caught her fucking the help?




  AFTER MAGGIE FINISHES DRESSING, she walks past me and out of the workout room.

  I go to grab her wrist but quickly snatch my hand back. I don’t want to touch her after what I just witnessed.

  “Maggie,” I manage to call to her retreating form. My heart is shattered, I’m not sure what I want to say to her.

  “What, Carter?” she replies as she whips around to face me. She puts her hands on her hips and continues, “Why are you even here? Why are you disrupting my day and disturbing my workout? What’s so important that you had to break into my space and ruin my daily routine? Why do you even have a key to that door? I thought you built that room for me, so if it were mine, why would you need a key to it?”

  Is this woman for real? She’s pissed at me? That’s what she calls a workout? And she’s questioning why I would have a key to a door in my own fucking house?

  “Workout? How is you being fucked by two men, that I fucking employ need I add, a workout, Maggie?” I yell. I can’t believe the gall of this woman. Calling what she was participating in a fucking workout!

  “Oh, Carter, please,” she starts. “That, what you just saw in there, was nothing. That was a light workout compared to most days,” she chuckles as she shakes her head in disbelief.

  “This isn’t a fucking joke, Maggie!” I’m yelling louder now. I can’t believe what is coming out of her mouth.

  “How did you think I was getting back into shape, Carter?” she asks with humor lacing her voice. “Marco has been fucking me into shape for years, way before you and I even met. Didn’t you see what a god-like figure that man has? Just damn. I knew the moment I saw him, I needed him to fuck me. And I wasn’t wrong. He knew just how to work my body. He’s been working me out like this for years. Unfortunately, it was starting to feel a little too routine for me and I needed something different, plus, I didn’t feel like it was working as well anymore. So, I first suggested to Marco that we part ways and I find a new coach. He wasn’t happy about my decision so I decided I had to give him a little bit of a chance after how long we’ve been together and he came up with the perfect solution. He had a friend he was fucking, well, not just fucking, he also liked to share women with him. So, he had me meet his friend Ivan. Ivan was a god himself with all those muscles and that amazing physique, so I let Ivan fuck me to see if he was what I needed to get this to work. I wasn’t completely satisfied, although Ivan definitely knew what he was doing, so Marco suggested I try to fuck them both at the same time. Not being one to just say no, I decided if they were up to it, I’d try fucking both of them right then and there, and see if it worked better for me. And Oh. My. Lord, I never felt that good in all my life. So, instead of finding a new workout buddy and firing Marco like I originally intended, we decided to add Ivan to the mix. I never realized how much I would love being fucked for hours by two extremely hot men. The workouts we’ve had, have been amazing. Look at this body. All I need now is that plastic surgery you promised me, so I can get rid of this fucking scar and extra skin your devil spawn caused me.”

  I realize, then and there, she’s fucking serious. She’s been fucking these men right here in my house, the place I thought we were making our forever home. And I’ve been the fucking fool paying them to do so. She’s denied me for over a year, and here I was thinking she too was suffering from the lack of sex she’s denied me. Man, I was a fucking fool.

  “How could you do this to me, Maggie, do this to us, our family?” I gasp as a tear escapes and falls down my face. I don’t want to cry. I’m angry and I’m hurt but I don’t want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

  “Oh, please. Do you not remember how sexual I am, Carter?” she asks. “Actually, you probably don’t really know, now that I think about it. You see, I’ve been fucking multiple men for years. I’ve never been satisfied having just one man to do my bidding. You were one of many, Carter. You were never the only man I was with. As a matter of fact, Carter, love, I was in the middle of fucking Marco in that bed you are sleeping in when our babies almost died. Do you remember that day, Carter? Do you know why I never let you in my room? Why you were never allowed to even see the nursery? It was because Marco was living in there. He never left. He stayed on as my plaything all along. You were paying him to stay away, but I would never let that happen. I needed to be fucked. All. The. Time. All times of the day. Do you know how much my fucking sex drive picked up from being pregnant? I was always so fucking horny, no matter how many times I fucked someone in a day. Some days, I’d have two or three of my friends come over to satisfy me, I was that horny.

  “Sometimes I’d grab one of the construction guys you had building the nursery and the home gym if I couldn’t get in touch with one of my regulars. Eventually, though, it got to be too much and started to hurt because of how big I was getting, so I stopped fucking some of the other guys. I never stopped fucking Marco, even after the doctor told me it was too dangerous
to have sex. Those spawn of yours tried ruining my sex life, Carter, but I refused to let them. First, it was a bit painful and difficult, but then Marco and I figured out how to make it work. So, he would take me from behind. Oh my, when I learned the pleasures of him fucking me in the ass, oh my God, Carter. No wonder you always wanted to try it. As a matter of fact, you should try it sometime. It was quite the euphoria. The day we tried to have regular sex again was the day you broke into my room and found me in pain, naked on the bed. Didn’t you ever wonder why I was completely naked? Well, I guess not since I hadn’t let you touch me or be near me in so long. Obviously we were a little careless and caused a problem. I just wanted to try to remember what it was like for Marco to fuck my pussy instead of my ass. If it weren’t for the fact that I was in so much pain, I would have let him continue. I never cared for those things you made me carry. If I had lost them, oh well, I needed to have that orgasm, that’s what was most important to me,” she finishes with a shrug.

  As if she couldn’t make things worse than they already were, she continues on, completely obliterating any love I thought I’d ever felt for her. Destroying everything I thought we ever could have had.

  “You know, the day I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t know what to do. I sat there trying to figure out who the asshole was that did this to me. There were so many to choose from. Some of them, I didn’t even remember their names. There were times I went out with Haley and Felicia and we shared multiple men that we brought home from the bar. Do you know that’s why they hated you so much? Because I was never willing to share you with them. I didn’t want them to have access to you and your bank account on the off chance that maybe you’d like one of them better and stop spending your money on me. Not that they wouldn’t share with me like I always have with them.

  “Anyway, I sat at my dining room table with Haley and Felicia and we tried to figure out what to do. Then, like a light bulb turning on, I figured it all out. See, you always wanted your family, Carter. You would constantly drone on about how you always wanted kids. And I knew right then and there, you were the only one that had the wallet to make me happy. I knew that all I had to do was play poor little me and you’d fully support any decision I made. Then I decided that if I had this baby, I’d make you pay me for it. But things weren’t working out the way I wanted them to. When that high-priced doctor you paid for did those tests and we found out there was more than one baby, I knew there was no way I was going to have them. After the appointment, I went home to Haley and Felicia, and we three talked it out. We decided that while they stayed home in our apartment you bought us, oh, yeah, they live there too, if you haven’t figured that out yet. They love spending your money as much as I do. Anyway, we figured out that I could move in here and you could buy all the things we wanted. You could continue to support me and pay for everything. The plan was to walk out of the wedding and have an abortion. But when you threw more money at me, on top of those amazing credit cards you gave us, well, I couldn’t turn that down, now could I? So, I continued having my fun while the three of us, well, four, because Marco was there too. We laughed at how far and how much you’d let me walk all over you just for three fucking brats that would do nothing but cry and shit all day.”

  I’m no longer standing at this point. Halfway through her diatribe, I fell to my knees on the floor, not believing that this woman, or any woman, could be this evil. I don’t know that I want her to continue, but at the same time, I feel I need to hear the rest of what she has to say.

  “Wait,” I somehow manage to choke out, just realizing something she said in her spew, “what do you mean you weren’t sure who the father was? Are you trying to tell me those beautiful girls up there might not be mine?”

  No, no, no. This can’t be happening. She can’t tell me that those aren’t my babies up there. No, they’re mine, I just know they are. She has to be lying. She’s just trying to hurt me more. Well, she can stop now because I don’t know how much more I can take of this. Obviously, she doesn’t care about the pain she’s causing me and continues, yet again.

  “No, Carter, I have no doubt those girls are not yours. I’m sure they belong to someone else. You just don’t have triplets when there’s no family history, or medical intervention at play in order to get pregnant. How dumb are you?” She begins to laugh like a fucking hyena.

  This may be funny to her, but this really is no laughing matter. I thought my heart was breaking before, but now, now, I know that was nothing compared to the feelings I am experiencing. I grab at my chest thinking I’m having a heart attack, my heart hurts so much. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced this much pain in my entire life.

  She can’t take my girls away from me. They are mine, she’s wrong. I did read up on triplets when we found out. There’s a very slight chance it could happen to a family who has no history of multiples and even though it is very slight, I believe that because of my desire to have a large family, that it actually happened for us. I got my three girls because God knew that I deserved them.

  “Get out,” I tell her in a low voice. I’m sure if I don’t keep my voice steady, I’ll yell and say things that I’m not ready to say to her right now. I no longer care about her affairs. She can fuck whoever she wants.

  “Oh, no, Carter, I’m not going anywhere,” she answers with a chuckle. “You see, you promised me things if I had those three demons, and you are going to pay up. I won’t allow you to back out of it. If you even consider it, I will walk out the fucking door with those three girls and you’ll never see them again. I will take them where you’ll never find them, put them up for adoption, and make sure you never get to see them again. I don’t want them, but I’m sure someone other than you, does. I’ll be damned if you’re going to have them after everything you’ve put me through and if you don’t come through with what you promised me.”

  Oh, fuck no. What I put her through? Is she fucking delusional right now?

  “Like hell you’ll walk out of this house with my children, you vile fucking slut!” I scream so loud, I’m afraid I many have woken the babies.

  I can no longer control my temper. I manage to get back to my feet and get directly in her face. She’s pulled the last string inside me, I can’t hold back any longer.

  “You will never take my children away from me you fucking pathetic creature! How dare you talk to me this way! I’ve given you fucking everything and for what? You have no fucking feelings! You are a waste of a woman! All this beauty you try so hard to maintain is a fucking waste! You’re the ugliest thing to walk this fucking planet! Your insides are so rotten, I doubt you even have a fucking heart! How I even fucking thought I loved you is beyond me! You want your surgery, go fucking have it. Good fucking riddance, it won’t change how disgusting you are on the inside! I’ll deposit money into your bank account right fucking now and you’ll walk out of my house and never fucking return! You’ll sign away all rights to my daughters and you’ll never fucking see them again! You’ll pack your shit and get the… Fuck. Out. Of. My. House!”

  My temper is flaring to a point that I don’t even recognize myself. If I don’t move away from her, I’m afraid I’m going to strangle her. As I back away, she looks at me and chuckles.

  “That wasn’t so hard. Humph. Haley and Felicia bet me you’d fight a bit more about this. Guess they were wrong. Fine, I’ll move out as soon as I get my money and you’ll get to keep those bastards. I hope they never get sick and you need to find their real father, though. I couldn’t even begin to tell you where to look should they need any desperate medical care.”

  With that, she turns and walks into the guest room. She looks back at me and waves and then slams the door.

  I run straight up the stairs and stare into the crib at my beautiful sleeping girls. I keep them in the same crib for now, as was recommended by their pediatrician. It’s supposed to be better for them to be together, reminding them of the closeness of being in the womb.

  There’s no way the
y’re not mine. I don’t care what she says. They are mine and no one will ever hurt them again.

  I know Felicia is sick and I should just leave her be, but I can’t stay here. I pack them up nice and warm and call Mikael. I have to get out of here. The only place I know the girls will be safe is at Mikael’s house. His place is like a fucking fortress and he’d know if anyone was near his property faster than they could get to the front door.

  As I walk out the door, I turn around to take a look at the place. No, I won’t return here, even after that vile creature is gone. She’s ruined too many things in this house. It’s no longer my forever home. I can’t have her tainting my memories or my girls’ future. The house will go on the market first thing tomorrow morning.




  MIKAEL IS SITTING OUTSIDE on his steps when I pull up to his house. He either saw me on the security feed or he has been waiting for me on the front steps since my call to him. My bet would be that he’s been there since we hung up.

  He walks over to the car, goes to the back door and takes two of the girls out of their car seats. He doesn’t ask any questions, he just grabs them and walks into the house.

  I get out of the car and reach in the back seat for Sofia. She coos at me as I take her out of her seat and my heart melts just a little. This girl has me so wrapped around her finger, it isn’t even funny. That month she had to stay in the hospital longer than her sisters made our bond a little stronger than the bond I have with Felicia and Isabella.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love all my girls the same, but Sofia and I had spent more time together alone than I’ve been able to spend with each of the other two.


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