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  “I’m doing this with you, you can’t do it alone,” she demands. “This is what I signed on for Carter, and you’re not taking any part of it away from me. We’ll deal with this together, like we’ve planned all along. I’m not letting you do it alone,” she repeats.

  I look at my wife and see that there’s no way I’ll be able to fight her on this. Mikael may have walked away, but I see Elizabeth’s resolve and know there’s no way I’ll win.

  Reluctantly, I turn and walk back to our bedroom. I know Elizabeth will follow me but I can’t ask her to come.

  When I get to our room, I head straight for my closet. In the back is the safe where I keep all my important documents. The dreaded DNA test is in there as well, hidden behind a bunch of papers that no one would have ever thought to look at. I take the sealed envelope out of the safe and walk back into the bedroom. Elizabeth is sitting on the bed waiting for me, so I take a seat next to her.

  It feels like this envelope is burning a hole through my hands. My hands are shaking so badly. I really don’t want to do this. Elizabeth grabs my hands to steady them. She grabs my face and turns it so I’m looking into her eyes instead of down at the dreaded document in my hands.

  “No matter what, we’re in this together. It’s going to be okay,” she tries to reassure me.

  It’s at this moment I realize that my feelings toward my wife are no longer of a marriage of convenience. I have real feelings for this woman by my side. I’ve somehow fallen for this woman who has only been in our lives for a short while but has shown us more love than the woman who actually mothered my children.

  The envelope drops to the floor, momentarily forgotten, as I slowly raise my hands to Elizabeth’s face. She looks over at me with reverence and I’m compelled to make this woman understand how I feel for her.

  I lean in and slowly meet her lips with mine. The shock I feel when our lips touch reaches deep down to my soul. I feel Elizabeth react to my kiss and lick my tongue across her lips. Her taste is one I want to savor forever. She opens up to me and suddenly, I have a need to devour her.

  Elizabeth’s arms wrap around my shoulders. Right now, I need my wife. I need to be reassured that my entire life isn’t about to fall apart. I know I have to slow this down. I don’t want to rush through making love to feeling my wife for the first time. This needs to mean more, I need to show her she means everything.

  I stand and lean over Elizabeth. The look on her face and the swell of her lips has me reaching for my shirt and unbuttoning it. When she sees my intentions, she stands in front of me and grabs my hands. She takes over unbuttoning my shirt and at that moment I realize it’s not only me that needs her, but she needs me too.

  I reach down to the hem of her top and lift it over her head as she tries to slide my shirt off my shoulders. After we lose our tops, I reach down and lift her into my arms. I walk over to the side of the bed and gently lay her on top of it. I want to take my time loving my wife and need to show her how much she’s come to mean to me.

  “Carter,” she whispers.

  “Elizabeth, my beautiful wife,” I reply.

  There are no more words to be said right now. I have a need to feel and taste her, so I slowly lay myself next to her body and kiss her again.

  I make my way across her lips then begin to drag my tongue down her neck. She moans beneath me, feeling exactly hard I am for her. I slowly trail kisses down to her breasts which are encased in a soft pink bra. I see her hard nipples trying to poke through the soft lace and reach down and gently nip at one through her bra. She moans again and it’s making it harder for me to take my time.

  I reach behind her back and unclasp her bra. I watch as she sits up and removes it from her perfect breasts. My mouth waters at the thought of having those perfect pert nipples in my mouth and hands. I know she sees how I’m feeling for her at the moment and grabs my head and eases it down to her breasts.

  I take one of her nipples into my mouth and gently suck. God, she tastes amazing. With my other hand, I start to knead and rub at her other breast. I can’t leave one unattended while I feast at the other. She’s moaning and writhing underneath me and suddenly I realize I can make her come just by sucking on her nipples alone. This makes my cock so hard, I know if I don’t slow myself down, this won’t last as long as I’d like it to.

  Elizabeth reaches down between us and starts to rub me through my pants. I’m not going to be able to take much more so I grab her hands and hold them over her head. I make my way back up her beautiful body and latch myself on to her mouth.

  Her kisses are hungry, and I know she doesn’t want to wait much longer.

  I stand from the bed and reach for the button of my pants. They are way too constricting and must go. She seems to have the same thought as she stands next to me and removes her pants at the same time.

  Just seeing her there, completely naked realizing she wasn’t wearing any panties underneath makes me wonder if that’s how she is all the time. If not, I might request it of her, to give me easier access in the future.

  She looks down as my pants fall to the floor. The look on her face is priceless as she realizes that I too, have gone commando.

  Slowly, she climbs back on the bed and reaches for me. Who am I to deny her what she wants? I want it just as much as she does.

  I climb onto the bed and hover over my beautiful wife. I can’t believe how lucky I am that this woman wants me as much as I want her. As long as it’s taken us to get to this point it seems like so much wasted time right now. This, I know, is where I was always meant to be.

  “Elizabeth,” I whisper as my cock hits the wet spot between her legs. He wants in just as much as I do. It’s taking so much out of me to hold back and not just dive into the beautiful woman lying beneath me.

  “Yes, Carter,” she answers. She knows my question without me asking. She angles her hips upward, positioning my cock exactly where it wants to be.

  I need to know that she is wanting and needing me as much as I do her. She knew just by me saying her name, I was asking permission to enter her.

  Slowly, my cock finds entrance into her sweet heat and I groan in pleasure. I have to start out slow or this will be over much faster than I desire. I need to savor the feeling of this woman. The feel of her body wrapped around mine is something I want to treasure for the rest of my life. There’s no need to rush our first time together. I’ve waited so long for this, I don’t feel like it’ll last long.

  “This is it, us, forever,” I say as I look into her eyes, sinking deeper inside her sweet body.

  “Yes,” she whispers back and starts to move with me.

  We move slowly with each other. The way we move together feels as if we’ve done this all our lives. Our movements, our rhythm is in perfect sync with one another. I wrap my arm around her head and slowly kiss her. The rhythm of our mouths is in sync with our bodies. I feel so much right now that I never want it to end. We are both trying to hold back and savor this moment, together, but by looking into her eyes, I see she is as close as I am to letting go.

  I feel Elizabeth reach down between us, and wrap her hand around the base of my cock. I know what she’s doing. She’s gently squeezing the base of my shaft to try and prevent me from coming too soon. This woman already knows my body and it’s only our first time together.

  Slowly, I pull out of her, needing more from this moment. I need to taste her; I need her essence on my lips. I need to savor her taste, to hold on to more.

  She starts to protest, but when she feels me kissing down her body, she realizes my intentions. She writhes beneath me, her anticipation building. When I reach the apex of her thighs, her scent intoxicates me. Although I wanted to slow this down, I dive right in and shove my tongue in her pussy. I don’t have the patience I thought I’d have with her. This first time, it’s everything to me.

  Her taste, it’s like nothing I’ve ever tasted before. I begin to feast on her. I move my way up to her clit while taking two fingers and g
ently pumping into her. I can feel her climax building and know that I need to be inside of her the first time she comes. In the future, I’ll make sure to make her come multiple times on my tongue before I do, but right now, this first time, it needs to be together while I’m buried balls deep inside of her.

  She protests when I stop but emits a deep moan when I shove my cock back into her swollen pussy. I’ve never felt anything so amazing. I can’t take this slowly anymore, the way her pussy is gripping me, I know I’m not going to last much longer. I begin to pound into her harder, deeper, chasing that climax we are both so desperate for.

  As I pump in and out of her, she matches her rhythm with mine. She needs to get there as much as I do. I reach between us and pinch her clit between my fingers while I drive into her. She’s almost there, I can feel her grip and know I’m going to go over the edge with her.

  “Carter,” she yells as she comes all over my dick. The feel of her coming makes me unload inside of her. I knew I wasn’t going to last long and the feel of her pussy squeezing and milking my dick is like heaven on earth.

  “Elizabeth,” I groan as my cock just keeps exploding over and over. I don’t remember coming so hard or so quickly, ever before in my life.

  The aftershocks of our orgasms begin to steady, and I lie there on top of my wife not wanting to move. My cock hasn’t gotten the message yet that he’s spent, and wants more, but I know I don’t have it in me at the moment. I need to get up and clean myself and her up, so we can get back to what we came into this bedroom for.

  “Carter,” she starts, “you’re crushing me.” She’s giggling as she says this, and my cock wants more attention from her body when she begins to shake while she laughs.

  Slowly, I pull out of her and look down into her loving eyes. I see something there I’ve never seen before and I wonder to myself if it was just something I was overlooking.

  “Elizabeth…” I say but get lost in the emotions and can’t finish my sentence.

  Slowly, I climb off the bed and head to the bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her covering herself up with the blanket.

  “Don’t,” I say as I look back at her. “I want to see you, I just need to clean the both of us up.”

  She seems to understand what I am trying to convey and lays there waiting.

  I walk into the bathroom and grab a cloth from the basin on the sink. I wash myself up with some warm water then toss it into the laundry bin. I grab another cloth and wet it and walk back into the bedroom to clean up my wife.

  When I walk back in, she’s still laying there looking beautiful and freshly fucked. My cock tries to jump to attention again, but then I see the envelope that started this all on the floor by the bed. My heart starts to beat a rapid rhythm and I feel like I’m ruining this moment between us.

  “Come here, Carter,” Elizabeth says as she follows my gaze to the offending papers. “Let’s do this together.” She reaches down and grabs the envelope from the floor.

  I make my way to the bed and clean my wife up like I originally intended and then grab the envelope out of her hands.

  “No matter what, we’re in this together,” she whispers as I pull the paper with my fate on it out and read the results.




  IT’S BEEN six weeks since our lives were turned upside down. I thought I’d had everything I wanted and needed but then a boulder was dropped at our feet. Our world, as we knew it was beginning to change.

  Elizabeth and I have found our way together and haven’t left each other’s sides and our girls are happier than ever.

  Today, however, so much can change. Today, we will face that beast that birthed them and the man who claims to be their biological father.

  To me, it doesn’t matter what the DNA results say, those girls are mine and always will be. I will fight to the death for them and now I know, so will my wife.

  We walk hand in hand into the courthouse knowing a lot of things can change today. We don’t know what the judge will do, but we know that we can’t lose our girls.

  When we walk into the courtroom, Maggie and Andrew are already there. When I look to Andrew’s left, I see a little boy who can’t be older than two sitting there. Looking at him, I swear if I didn’t know better, you’d think he and my sweet Sofia were twins. Isabella and Felicia have always looked like twins with Sofia as their younger sister. She was always so much smaller than the other girls and this little boy could easily pass as her twin.

  In a way, this tears at my heartstrings just a little more.

  Elizabeth gasps as she looks up and sees the situation in front of us. I know she just deduced the same thing I did when she looks at the innocent little boy sitting there. Her eyes go wide, and she looks from the boy to me a few times before she puts her head on my shoulder and begins to cry.

  She’s been crying a lot lately, but usually she does it in private. I haven’t seen her cry in front of anyone before, and I wonder if she thinks that the worst will happen today instead of us settling this custody issue once and for all.

  “I’m sorry,” she says as she wipes her eyes and looks up at me. My heart is breaking seeing the pain in her eyes, but I can’t let that show. I have been the strong one for my family for years; I can’t let that cunt that is sitting across from us break me again. The last time I saw her I swore I’d never let her have any power over my feelings ever again.

  Up in front of the courtroom, I see Robert standing there. He’s the attorney that originally helped me get custody of my girls and has the paperwork that will show the court that Maggie gave up her rights to my girls and has no claim to them. Hopefully, once we present these papers to the judge, we’ll be done with this whole mess and be able to move on with our lives. I want to give Elizabeth all the love and attention she deserves and my girls need to know that she’ll always be their mother and never have to question who this despicable woman sitting across from us is.

  I grab ahold of Elizabeth’s hand once again and walk up to the front.

  “Robert,” I begin, “this is my wife Elizabeth. Please give us some good news.”

  Robert reaches out his hand to shake mine then my wife’s and gives me a look that tells me I may not like what he has to say.

  “Carter, I’m sorry, but I don’t know if this is going to be as easy as we thought it would be,” Robert tells me as he reaches down and grabs the folder that was already set up on the table. “It seems we may have missed a step when we made Maggie sign these papers. We had her sign over custody to you, and we asked her to sign over her parental rights, but we never filed those papers with the court. I’m hoping that they overlooked that on her side, but I don’t think they would think they even had a case if they did. We may have a little bit of a fight on our hands, but I’m ready to fight. She hasn’t been a part of their lives since they were born and I don’t think any judge will look kindly on that. Plus, I need you and Elizabeth to sign these papers. I’ve backdated it, but don’t bring attention to that. It’s paperwork stating that Elizabeth was trying to adopt your girls as her own. If the court sees these papers were done before Maggie brought this lawsuit on, it may help us even more.”

  I want to hit something right now. I know that I can’t, but I really want to. I really can’t blame Robert for this mistake as none of us thought that Maggie would ever come back into our lives, but her showing up again is a possibility we should have thought of and done all those years ago. I’m so mad right now, but I can’t show my feelings. I have to let it go, until I can’t.

  “Robert,” I tell him, “I know this isn’t your fault. I get it. But she can’t take my girls. You have to make sure that never happens.”

  Years ago, when the fight over my girls first happened, I used to have panic attacks. I hadn’t had one in years until Maggie showed back up in our lives. I have to get this back under control because if the judge and apposing attorney see me lose it, it could be
detrimental to my case.

  “We’ve got this,” Elizabeth whispers in my ear. And just like that, my heart rate begins to slow back down to normal and I know she’ll be the one to help me maintain my cool.

  “Everyone rise,” the bailiff says as he walks into the room. “The Honorable Judge McCauliff will now hear this case.”

  “Please be seated,” the judge states as he makes a motion with his hands at the same time. “This is a preliminary custody hearing for the children, Isabella Lynn Montgomery, Sofia Marie Montgomery and Felicia Haley Montgomery. The plaintiff in the case, Mr. Andrew Anthony, has petitioned the court for custody of the children claiming he is the biological father of the girls. The petitioner’s wife, Mrs. Magdalene Anthony has stated that at the time of the original custody agreement she had with Mr. Montgomery, she was unaware of the biological father’s want to be a part of their lives and signed over custody to Mr. Montgomery believing that he would raise the girls as his own. The petitioner has requested that custody be transferred to him and his wife to raise the girls as they are biologically tied to them and not to Mr. Montgomery. While I don’t believe children should be removed from the homes they were raised in, I also believe that children should be with their biological families unless there is a reason for them not to be. At this time, I want it to be clear, I will not remove the children from the only home they’ve known. But I will hear the case and make any judgements I see as being in the best interest of all parties concerned. Mr. Montgomery, I have your counterclaim that you believe you are the biological father of the children and would like to enter into evidence a DNA test that you had taken when Mrs. Anthony left you with the children after they were born. I also have received into evidence that your wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Montgomery is petitioning the court to adopt the three girls and that you have paper where Mrs. Anthony signed away her parental rights but they were never filed with the court. I understand you would like to file those papers now and have them validated in order to go against Mrs. Anthony’s claim. Mr. Montgomery, unless there is a valid reason for this request, I will let you know right from the beginning that, that request will be denied.


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