Chasing Xander

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Chasing Xander Page 23

by Lexi Lawton

  He sat up, bringing his chest flush to hers, his gaze intense, unflinching. “See, that’s where you’re wrong, Ky. You’ve already decided to give it to me, and I’ve decided I’m going to take it.”

  “Took you long enough.”

  He laughed and gave the side of her ass a firm, playful smack. “You and your smart mouth are gonna kill me, I swear.”

  Smiling, she laid her head on his chest, letting her heart calm to a more manageable speed. “I should go back to my room and change into some dry pants.” She climbed off his lap, and her legs shook, causing her to sway. “Whoa.”

  Xander stood and steadied her. “Easy there.”

  “I’m okay.” She hadn’t expected her legs to be so weak and wobbly.

  He walked her to the door, snaked his arm around her waist, and turned her toward him for a kiss. “Hurry back.”

  She opened the door. “If I come back here, you’re not going to pretend you don’t know me, are you?”

  “Kylie, I swear to God…” His tone was light and full of amused disbelief.

  He reached for her, but she moved out of the way, squealing with delight. She rushed out, his rich laugh chasing her as she let herself into her room. As soon as the door closed, she leaned against it and blew out a breath. Her cell phone rang. Who the heck was calling so late? She darted across the room to grab it. “Hello?” she answered, breathless.

  “I have been calling you for two days. I’m worried sick. Are you okay?” Celeste’s tone was frantic. “Why haven’t you been answering my calls or texts?”

  “Calm down, Celeste. I’m okay.” She headed into the bathroom. Putting the phone on speaker, she set it on the sink, and then removed her pants and did her business. “I just needed some time to myself.”

  Kylie washed her hands, then ran a brush through her hair and fixed her ponytail.

  She looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were hazy. She returned to the room and dug through her bag for a pair of panties.

  “How was the funeral?” Celeste asked.

  “It was really nice. So many people showed up to pay their respects.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you. I really wanted to be.” She sighed.

  “It’s okay. Xander’s been great.” She smiled. “Hey, how was your exam?”

  “Okay, I think.”

  She tossed the phone on the bed and stepped into her panties. “I have to meet with Nammy Joyce’s lawyer tomorrow morning, but we should be back this weekend.” There was a knock on the door. “Hey, hold on a second.” Leaving her phone on the bed, she went to the door and looked through the peephole.

  “My God, girl, you’re taking entirely too long,” Xander said as soon as she opened the door. He’d changed into a pair of silk pajama pants, still shirtless, feet bare. That was a damn good look for him.

  She took a calming breath, hoping to prevent her heart from taking off again. “I’ve literally been over here less than three minutes.”

  “Exactly. It’s been forever.” He stepped inside, kicked the door closed, grabbed her by the waist, and lifted her. Yelping with surprise, she wrapped her legs around him, welcoming the feel of him again. He spun her around and pinned her against the door, his hands on her ass, holding her in place. “I warned you, once I started, I wouldn’t be able to stop,” he said, his mouth seeking hers.

  She ran her fingers through his hair, the soft locks tickling her palms. “I don’t recall complaining,” she said in between kisses.

  He pulled back and let his gaze rake over her, a sinful smile showcasing his dimples. “These kitten panties are hot as hell.”

  “Um, we can hear you!” Celeste’s voice carried from across the room.

  “Oh shit.” Kylie put her head on his shoulder and laughed. “I forgot she was on speakerphone.”

  “That’s my boy, Xander!” Finn shouted and laughed.

  “What’s going on there? Are you walking around in your underwear in front of him? Are you two together?” Celeste fired the questions rapidly. “Kylie! Answer me!”

  Xander released her, and she slid down the length of his body until her feet touched the floor. Licking his lips, he headed toward her bed and bounced on it. “Finn, you fucker. What’s up?”

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Finn said.

  “Yeah, what’s going on over there?” Celeste asked. “You’d best not be corrupting my best friend. Remember what I told you.”

  Xander laughed. “Relax, Celeste. I promised you I’d take care of her, and I am. I wouldn’t dream of letting anything happen to her.” He caught her gaze and winked.

  There went her heart, completely melted into a puddle. When had he made that promise to Celeste? Kylie returned to her bag to find a pair of shorts to put on, but before she could, Xander shoved the bag off the bed and shook his head. She put her hands on her hips and gave him a “what the hell” look.

  His gaze darkened as his eyes narrowed. “We’re going to have to call you guys back,” he said, ending the call and putting her phone on the bedside table. Then, he crooked his finger. She never once considered denying him.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Xander shifted in his chair and grabbed a magazine from the stand. Kylie had been in with her grandmother’s lawyer for almost two hours now. How long was that will? Unable to focus, he tossed the magazine back on the stand and walked up to the secretary’s desk. “I’m here with Kylie Quinn.”

  “Yes, she’s still in a meeting with Mr. Stanton.”

  “I know.” He smiled. “When she comes out, could you please let her know I’m at the car?”

  “Sure thing, sir.”

  He stepped out into the fall air. The sun was shining bright, but the breeze made it cooler than it actually was. Having grown up in New York, he was used to the radical changes in weather and temperatures, but living in Florida the past few years had spoiled him. He couldn’t wait to get back to the consistently warm weather. Pulling the collar of his jacket up around his neck, he walked toward his car, planning to call his dad while waiting for Kylie. He needed to explain why he was going to be late arriving tonight, and that he was bringing someone with him. If she even agreed to go. He still hadn’t asked her.

  He’d barely gotten his cell phone out of his pocket when Kylie came out of the building. She practically ran toward him, her face pinched with fear and anger. He took a few steps toward her and noticed she was trembling.

  “What’s wrong?” He rubbed his hands up and down her arms in an attempt to stop her shivering.

  She shook her head and blew out a heavy breath. “I don’t know. Mr. Stanton was talking about stocks and bonds and investment portfolios. Something about a trust and equity on the house.” She covered her face with her hands, falling silent. A few moments later, she looked up. “I didn’t understand any of it other than the part where he told me my grandmother had left me everything. Every dime she had is now mine.”

  His eyes widened. “Whoa. Okay, so, did you ask him any questions about all of it?”

  “I tried, but my father kept interrupting. He’s drunk again. Big surprise.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Wait, your father didn’t get anything?”


  “Then why was he at the reading of the will?”

  She shrugged. “Knowing Nammy Joyce, she probably wanted him there so I wouldn’t have to be the one to tell him. She was always doing stuff like that to try to protect me.” A faint smile pulled at her lips but disappeared just as quickly. “When I left, he was in there screaming at Mr. Stanton about contesting the will and suing for what’s rightfully his.”

  He wrapped his arms around Kylie and hugged her. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.” He nuzzled his face into her neck, savoring the sweet smell of her perfume.

  She sighed with contentment and hugged him back. “I have no idea what to do.” Releasing him, she smoothed her hands over her hair and then crossed her arms. “My father i
sn’t going to give up. He’s going to throw a tantrum until he gets his way. He’s like a damn child.”

  “How much money are you talking about?” He furrowed his brows, disgust thick on his tongue. He hated being asked that question, but asking it of someone else was worse.

  “Total? A little over six hundred thousand.”

  “Wow. Okay.”

  “Maybe I should just sign it all over to my father. Maybe then he’ll go away and leave me alone. I never cared about the money anyway. I’ll keep the house, all the pictures, and everything that was important to Nammy Joyce.”

  He took hold of her shoulders and turned her so she was facing him. “Think about that for a minute. That’s a lot of money to hand over to someone. Besides, do you really think that’s what your grandmother would want you to do? She left that money to you for a reason. If she wanted your father to have it, she would’ve left it to him.”

  She sighed and hung her head. “I know. You’re right. It’s…”


  “All of the money is tied up in investments and all that stuff Mr. Stanton was talking about. I have no idea what to do with it.”

  Xander put his finger under her chin and tilted her head up. He bent his knees so he was eye level with her. “Take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay.”


  “This is what my father does. He deals with stocks and bonds and finances. He’s a personal financial advisor. He can help you with all of this.”

  Hope brightened her eyes. “Really?”

  He nodded. Things couldn’t have worked out more perfectly if he’d planned them. “There’s something I didn’t get a chance to tell you.”

  “What?” Her voice wavered, and she took a step back.

  “My father is having a surprise birthday party for my mom tomorrow. I’m supposed to be on a plane later this afternoon to go home.”

  “Xander!” She balled her hands into fists. “How could you not tell me that?” She walked away from him, mumbling, and then she spun back around to face him, pointing. “You not only missed classes, you’ve pissed off your frat president, and you were going to miss your mom’s birthday?” Her eyes blazed with fury.

  “I have no intention of missing her birthday. That’s what I’m trying to say.” He took a cautious step toward her, and when she didn’t retreat, he closed the distance between them. “I want you to go with me. We’re not that far from New York right now. We’ll drive to my parents’ house, I’ll introduce you to my family, you can talk with my dad, and I’ll be there for the party.” It was a win-win for both of them.

  “Wait.” She held up her hand. “You want to take me to New York to meet your parents?”


  “You know how crazy that sounds, right?”

  “No, it’s not—” From over Kylie’s shoulder, he saw her father barreling out the door. The man looked downright pissed off. And drunk. What a perfect combination.

  “Get your ass back here, Kylie!” Her father stumbled but regained his footing. “You backstabbing, money-hungry bitch!”

  “Dad!” She turned and faced her father. “Stop yelling at me, and stop calling me names.”

  “It’s your damn fault. Why wouldn’t I yell at you?” He got in Kylie’s face and pointed at her. “I know you convinced that old bat to leave you all her money. I’m her fucking son! I deserve everything she had.”

  “You don’t deserve a goddamned thing!”

  Xander stepped in front of Kylie, not trusting the man not to cross the line. “All right, calm down, Mr. Quinn.”

  “Stay the fuck out of this. It’s none of your damn business.” Mr. Quinn’s breath stunk of cheap liquor and toothpaste.

  Xander scrunched up his face in disgust. No wonder she hated this man so much. “It’s my business when you’re attacking your daughter like this.”

  “Tell the little whore to give me what’s mine, and she’ll never have to see me again.” He laughed and then glared at her. “It’s not like you need it anyway. Your boyfriend here is loaded. Ain’t you, boy?” He turned back to Xander. “That fancy, expensive car you drive around in. How much you worth?”

  “Dad!” Kylie’s entire body was tense, and her hands were clenched into such tight fists, her knuckles were white. “I’m not giving you anything. If you want the money, you’re going to have to sue me.” As if losing her grandmother wasn’t bad enough, she had to deal with this ass.

  “You bitch!” he snarled. “You should’ve been in that car with your mother when she died.”

  Without thinking, Xander hauled off and punched him in the jaw. Kylie’s father dropped to the ground with a thud, screaming profanities.

  “Xander!” She cupped her hands over her mouth.

  Shaking the pain from his hand, he glared down at the other man. Rage poured through him. He wanted to be sorry for his outburst, but when Kylie’s father wished her dead, that was going too far.

  “You cock-sucker!” Mr. Quinn got to his feet and rushed at Xander, knocking him to the ground. Kylie’s father landed several hard punches to Xander’s ribs before he managed to get another jab to the man’s face.

  “Stop!” she screamed.

  Shoving her father away, Xander got to his feet, wincing in pain. He clutched his ribs and leaned against his car. Christ, the man could hit. Even with all the roughhousing he had done with his brothers, he wasn’t prepared for an actual fight. He attempted to suck in a deep breath but was stabbed with a sharp pain. He winced again and doubled over. Kylie’s dad was on his knees, his hand covering his nose. Blood seeped through his fingers. Before Xander could do anything else, two police cruisers pulled into the parking lot, lights flashing. Fuck.

  “I got a call from Mr. Stanton that there’s a problem here,” Sheriff Rick said. Another uniformed cop stepped out of the second cruiser, his hand poised near his weapon.

  “Sheriff Rick,” Kylie said, relief lacing her words. “I saw the whole thing.”

  “That man assaulted me!” Mr. Quinn pointed at Xander. “I was talking to my daughter, and he walked up and punched me.”

  “Is that true?” Sheriff Rick looked at Xander.

  He kept his mouth shut, refusing to say anything that would get him into more trouble. He knew he was going to be arrested. There was no way around that, but he wouldn’t make things worse for himself, not when he’d been the one to throw the first punch.

  “Have you been drinking again, Bill?”

  Kylie’s father grunted, spit blood, and then got to his feet. “Don’t matter. I was assaulted. Arrest him.”

  “Okay, settle down.” Sheriff Rick raised his hands, and then he turned his attention to Kylie. “What happened?”

  Xander’s stomach knotted. Either Kylie would tell the truth, or she’d lie for him. If she told the truth, he’d be in serious legal trouble. If she lied, he’d feel even guiltier than he already did. Either way, he was seriously fucked.

  “We—me and my dad—were meeting with Mr. Stanton for the reading of Nammy Joyce’s will. Dad got angry because I inherited everything. He followed me outside and started yelling at me, calling me names, and then—”

  “You lying whore!” Bill lunged at Kylie.

  “Touch her and I’ll kill you.” Xander threw his body in the way before her father could hit her. Bill elbowed Xander in the gut, and all the breath rushed from his body. He planted his fist on the side of Bill’s neck, causing his head to snap back. Bill groaned and stumbled, but didn’t fall.

  “Enough!” Sheriff Rick grabbed Bill’s arm and pulled him away from Xander.

  Before Xander could do or say anything else, the other officer had his arms secured behind his back, and hard metal handcuffs clicked around his wrist. The pinch of the cuffs was intense, and he gritted his teeth against the pain. “Take my car, Ky. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  Sheriff Rick was busy handcuffing Bill, who was twisting and thrashing. “I didn’t fuckin’ do anything! I’m innocent
. Let me go!”

  “Sheriff Rick, please.” Kylie touched Rick’s arm, her eyes filling with tears. “Let Xander go. He was only protecting me. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I’m sorry, Kylie, but I have to take both of them down to the station,” Sheriff Rick said as he guided Bill into the back of the cruiser. Xander was put in the second car. Rick and the other officer stood outside talking to Kylie, but Xander couldn’t hear what they said.

  His body ached, every breath sharp as a razor blade. He wouldn’t be surprised if he had bruised ribs. But the physical pain was nothing compared to the thoughts racing through his mind. What the fuck was he going to do? How was he going to get himself out of this one? Shit, he didn’t even know if Kylie was pissed at him or not.


  “I’m entitled to a phone call,” Xander said as soon as Sheriff Rick escorted him into the police station.

  “Sit.” Rick nodded at a metal chair. “You’ll get a phone call as soon as we have a little chat.”

  “Oh no.” Xander shook his head. “I’m not talking to anyone until after I get my phone call.”

  Rick sat in a chair opposite him, elbows on his knees. “Look, Xander, Kylie told me what happened. Now, I’m sure it’s no secret to you that her father spends a lot of time here. He’s accusing you of assault, and I don’t for one second believe he didn’t have it coming, but as an officer of the law, there are certain procedures I have to follow. If I don’t do everything by the book, this could go real bad for you. But if you cooperate, I can make this all go away. You get what I’m saying?”

  He didn’t have a clue, but he wasn’t about to refuse the help. Xander nodded.

  “Good.” Sheriff Rick stood. “Let’s get you booked, and then you can make your call.” He took hold of Xander’s elbow.

  Ten minutes later, Xander stood at a pay phone. There was no way in hell he could call his parents. Finn wouldn’t be any help. He glanced at the clock on the wall. Ryder would be on a plane headed for New York right now, so he was out of the question. That only left one person. With a heavy sigh, he dialed the phone.


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