The Doctor & the Curves

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The Doctor & the Curves Page 2

by J J Loraine

  The shock of being turned down, though, after having such a strong initial reaction to him, scares me more than I can think.

  I step onto the escalator that leads to the baggage claim carousels. I carefully scan the room.

  My eyes land on the tall, gorgeous stranger at the end of the room. He stands out like the beam from a lighthouse. I immediately feel more at ease in his presence. He doesn’t feel like other guys.

  He’s my beacon; my saviour in this dark and stormy world.

  I see him looking up at me and I quiver in his gaze. Even from far away, the pull of his steely blue eyes lifts me off my feet.

  I float to him, like a sailor to a siren, lost in a lustful trance.

  This is my chance. He is my one-and-only, I just know it. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before... could I really be in love?



  I don’t actually have any check-in luggage. The only thing that’s keeping me waiting around the carrousel in the baggage claim area of this airport is the curvy girl descending on the escalator like an angel from heaven.

  And, boy, is she curvy.

  My mouth nearly waters as I study her voluptuous figure. I can only assume that her fertile shape had been hidden away in the dim lighting of the airplane when I saw her last. It’s a good thing, because I don’t know if I’d have been able to resist myself from proposing to her right then and there if I had seen what I’m seeing now.

  That old man with the medical emergency might have been in real trouble and I surely still would have ignored him for her.

  My eyes are locked on her as she wades through the crowd. She’s so sweet and pure and hot!

  She has thick thighs and a booty like nobody’s business. She’s dressed comfortably and rather conservatively, but nothing can hide that huge chest of hers.

  I lick my lips like a lion in wait as she comes closer and closer. People grab their bags and thank me for my service as they part through the exit. I try my best to acknowledge them, but I feel like I’m in a trance for this curvy girl.

  Finally, she rolls her carry-on bag within 5 feet of me and waits for her luggage to appear on the carousal. I can tell she’s looking at me from the corner of her eye. She’s clearly shy, too shy to make the first move, but that’s alright, I have no trouble introducing myself. Whatever it takes to make this curvy girl mine.

  The two people standing between us step forward and grab their bags off the luggage cart. I shuffle sideways, closer to the gorgeous mystery girl.

  She spots me making my move and her eyes tear away from her feet. When our gazes meet, I give her a warm, cordial smile.

  “You handled yourself pretty well up there,” I tell her. “It’s not easy being a bystander so close to a medical emergency. You were very calm.”

  She blushes.

  She’s so freaking cute!

  “Oh, thank you,” she smiles, in the sweetest, purest voice. “I didn’t have much of an option, really. I was sort of sandwiched between a rock and a hard place, but I did my best.”

  “All you can ever do is your best,” I assure her. “And trust me, in a situation like that, the best thing you can do is stay calm and lend some steady support. That’s what you did and it made everything that much easier.”

  I reach out my hand. “I’m Max, by the way.”

  She meets me in the middle. I wrap my large palm around her elegant little fingers. She’s so warm. I feel the hairs on my skin stand up. Comforting waves of affection gently wash through my body. My pulse quickens at her touch.

  “Emma,” she almost whispers. Her voice is like a gentle breeze on a perfect summer day.

  Our handshake lingers longer than most. I don’t want to let her go. I feel like she doesn’t want to let me go either.

  Finally, we reluctantly part.

  “You were so amazing back there,” Emma says, so sheepishly that I just want to wrap her up in my arms and protect her from the world.

  “Oh, thank you,” I chuckle. “I was just doing my job, though. Honestly, I’m used to so much worse. I used to me a medic in the Army. I wish fainting old men were my biggest problem back then, it would have meant that the world was a far gentler place.”

  I can’t take my eyes off of her. She fills me with such an intoxicating, gentle peace. All of my troubles seem so far away when I gaze upon her soft figure.

  “Well, it was still awfully noble of you. I’m sure everyone is very thankful for the way you handled the situation... I know I am.”

  “It was my pleasure,” I smile.

  We just kind of stare, playfully, at each other for a wonderful little moment, before Emma breaks the cute stalemate.

  “So, are you going to take them up on it?” she asks.

  I’m not sure what she’s talking about. “What do you mean?” I ask, amused.

  “The older couple. They said they’d host you at their restaurant. Best steak in town. Sounds like a real treat... a proper reward.”

  I nearly smack myself in the forehead, it was so obvious.

  You’re the only reward I want.

  I smile, grateful for the opening she’s provided me.

  “Well, to be honest, I wasn’t sure. I don’t much like going to restaurants alone. If I had someone to take with me, though...”

  I tease her with a short, little silent pause, before I take the dip.

  “Do you like steak? How would you like to join me?”

  “Oh, I’d love to,” she squeals, without any hesitation.

  I find her innocent excitement exhilarating.

  She quickly reels herself back in, though. She almost looks ashamed for letting her youthful joy get the best of her. Her rosy cheeks blush a darker shade and she looks down to her feet.

  I just want to take her in my arms and tell her that it’s alright. She doesn’t have to worry about herself around me. I only want to see her happy.

  “It’s a date, then,” I confirm.



  Am I dreaming?

  I can hardly believe that I’ve actually just been asked out by this hunky doctor.

  I subtly reach down to my side and pinch the hip that’s turned away from Max. I jump a little at the pain.

  I feel a big smile wash across my flushing face. It’s real.

  I didn’t know what I was expecting. I knew I wasn’t crazy, though. I definitely felt something special between us when our eyes met on the plane, but I’ve been burned so many times before that my insecurities almost overcame my instincts.

  I’m glad I didn’t give up on my search for him. I could have sulked out of the plane, content in my daydreams about the beautiful doctor. Instead, I took control of my fate and rushed to find him. That’s the kind of attitude I need. I’m done with college and out in the real world now. I thought it was going to be so lonely, moving to a new city, looking for my first real job, but Max has already made it seem so wonderful. All the scariness of adulthood now just seems like one big adventure because of him. He makes me feel so safe and welcomed.

  I spot my bag on the carousal and step towards it. It’s big and full and I struggle a bit pulling it off, but then I feel Max’s towering presence reach over me and my bag becomes as light as a feather.

  “Let me,” he insists.

  I don’t want to be a burden, but I can’t help but be convinced by his charm.

  He starts to walk off towards the exit with my bag and I instinctively start following him.

  “What about your bag?” I ask, when I catch up to him.

  I see that he only has a briefcase. It’s small enough that I’m sure that he had carried it on the plane with him.

  “Oh, I didn’t have any check-ins...” he slyly admits. “Honestly, I was just waiting for you... I needed a date to my steak house celebration; figured you deserved it just as much as I do.”

  He’s so freaking sweet.

  I giggle like a schoolgirl and softly bump into his hulking shoulder. I can feel
his hard, chiselled muscles from underneath his crisp, buttoned-up shirt. A shockwave of arousal bursts up from the scene of impact. I quiver and bite my lip as I imagine being wrapped up in what’s underneath.

  “How flattering,” I sheepishly whisper. “I’m honored.”

  “The honors all mine,” he insists. “How are you getting home, by the way? Do you live here? Do you need a ride? I have my car waiting in the parking lot... I just realized that there’s so much we don’t know about each other.”

  I giggle at his exuberance. He’s clearly quite some years older than me but he’s still so full of bubbling energy and focused wonder. His stubble is spotted with lights spots of grey – so is his hair -- he’s got that salt and pepper look going on that’s just scorching hot. His body is lean and in-shape, though, and he carries himself like a man half his age.

  He’s just perfect.

  “I know, it’s weird, huh?” I admit. “I... I already feel like I’ve known you for so long.”

  He smiles down at me and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

  We walk out of the airport and into a clear spring day. I rub up against his arm. His touch is intoxicating.

  I just want to be with him forever and always.



  We get to my car and I throw Emma’s bag in the back and then open up the passenger door for her.

  “What a gentleman,” she says, in her sweet, little candy voice, as she climbs up into my Range Rover.

  “That’s what you get when you’re with me,” I smile.

  When she’s all the way in, I gently close the door and step around the hood. I can feel her loving eyes following me. It makes me feel like the luckiest man in the world.

  For the first time in my life, I feel like I’ve found the right one for me.

  I hop into the driver’s seat and we head out.

  “So, you’re new in town, then?” I confirm, as I pull onto the highway.

  “Yeah, I’ve actually never been here before. This whole adventure is really out of character for me. I’m usually so much more reserved, but there’s nothing for me back home. I didn’t have the best college experience, either. I did well enough in school, though, that I’m fairly confident I can find a good job out here... or at least I was fairly confident. The closer I get to the actual search, the more nervous I get. I feel like I may have overestimated my abilities.”

  I chuckle. She’s so sweet and unsure of herself. She shouldn’t be. She has so much potential. I’ve only just met her and it’s already so clear to me.

  “I’m sure you’ll be just fine. You’re just overthinking it, as most people do,” I assure her.

  “Yeah, that sounds like me,” she sheepishly admits. “This whole escapade is definitely an outlier... I just have a little bit of inheritance money left and I didn’t want to spend another cold winter alone...”

  I feel a sadness in her voice that I just want to stomp out with pure, unconditional love.

  “Well, don’t you worry. Not only are our winters here mild, at worst, but if they get bad, I’ll be here to warm you up.” I make that promise to her with an absolute intention to follow through. I never want her to feel sad or alone again.

  “Aw, you’re so sweet,” she whispers.

  We don’t speak for a little while. The rumbling white noise of my car rushing down the highway fills the electric air between us.

  “Thank you, by the way,” Emma eventually says. “Thank you for your help. I already feel so much more at ease. I was getting so nervous... and then that old man had his emergency on the plane. I was starting to feel overwhelmed.”

  “How do you feel now?” I ask, genuinely concerned for her with all my heart.

  “Happy,” she sighs. She slinks comfortably down into her seat.

  I keep my eyes on the road, but I can feel her gaze on me. It’s so filled with love and grace.

  “You’re more than welcome to stay at my place,” I offer. “A hotel’s so impersonal. Plus, who knows how long it’ll take you to find an apartment and a job. It could cost you way more than it’s worth. My place is big and empty. I’d love to have you.”



  I want to move in with him so badly.

  I don’t want him to feel burdened by me, though. I noticed that he only asked me to move in with him after I mentioned my inheritance. He must have picked up that my parents have passed away. I have no siblings or aunts and uncles. I didn’t make many friends in college because of my gnawing insecurities. I’m all alone in this world.

  All I want is to cuddle up next to Max and be with him forever. My self-doubt is just so strong, even in his wonderful presence. I don’t want him to want me to live with him for the wrong reasons. If he only asked because he feels bad for me, then I might wear on his nerves -- being so close so fast – and lose out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with him. I don’t want to take that risk, but I also can’t bear to willingly separate myself from him.

  “I don’t want to be a bother,” I whisper, almost to myself.

  “Nonsense,” he chimes back. “In fact, I insist. We can stop by your hotel quick and see if you can get a refund, if you want? Actually, what hotel did you say you were staying at?”

  “The Best Western, downtown,” I respond. I feel a great deal of relief that he’s taking such commanding control over the situation. I shouldn’t be surprised -- he’s exuding the same kind of authority as he did on the plane earlier. He’s such an alpha.

  I shift in my seat. I’m becoming aroused at his confidence. He’s so sure of everything.

  Is he sure about me?

  I just want to let him know that he can have me, if he wants. I’ll melt into his palm at his command.

  “I know someone high up in the ranks at Best Western -- an old Army buddy. I may have saved his life, once or twice. I’m sure we can get that fee waved for you.”

  “I’d appreciate that,” is all I can say.

  I want nothing more than to stay with him now.

  “I’ll call him when we get to my place. It’s not far. Maybe I’ll call that old couple too? I hadn’t realized how hungry I was. All this excitement has worked up quite the appetite in me. Maybe we can redeem our free meal for tonight, if you’re not too tired from the journey?”

  I have to admit, I am a little exhausted. So much has already happened today. Usually, I’d avoid having dinner with a new person at all costs, especially after a tiring day, but Max is different. I feel so at home in his presence that the thought of relaxing with him for an evening of good food feels like heaven on earth.

  My stomach growls at the thought. I guess I’m practically starving as well.

  “I can stay up,” I smile at him.

  “Great,” he smiles back. I swear I can see him subtly biting his lip. Is that for me or the steak? Oh God, I hope it’s for me. He’s more than welcome to eat me up.



  We get to my place and I ferry Emma and her bags up to the guest room.

  I take great pleasure at the amount of innocent wonder she exudes at the size of my home.

  Yeah, I live in a mansion. It’s not some vanity project, though. I’ve always wanted a big family, and when I bought the house, I was in a place in my life where I thought I was nearing the start of that family stage. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out.

  Well, I shouldn’t say unfortunately, because if it had worked out, I would have never met Emma.

  I’m glad life has worked out the way it has.

  I show Emma to her room and she hugs me. All of the problems of my past don’t seem so bad now. Every struggle I’ve ever encountered suddenly seems worth it, because they all led to this moment; to her.

  “There’s a shower and a bath over through that way,” I say, pointing down the hall in the guest bedroom to the lavish bathroom.

  “There’s a pretty big closet for your clothes. We can always go shopping to fill it up some more, i
f you don’t already have enough in your bag,” I chuckle. I want to spoil this girl so bad.

  “This is amazing,” gasps Emma. She’s hardly taken a full breath since she’s entered the house.

  “Better than a hotel, huh?” I tease.

  “So much better,” she says. She twirls around in front of me and looks up with longing eyes. There’s a slight naughtiness in them that stirs up the deepest of desires within me. I fight to control myself.

  Not yet, Max. Don’t you dare take advantage of this girl. You wait until she’s well and ready.

  I take a deep, steady breath.

  ... but she looks so ready now...

  The warmth of her body laps up onto mine. The distance between us is so minimal, but it feels like a vast ocean. All I have to do is take a step and I’m at the lips of my lover. It will be both the hardest and easiest step of my life.

  I shut my eyes and take it.

  I step in front of Emma. Her curves roll like soft, fertile hills on the rosy horizon of a new dawn. I can feel her hot breath on my neck. My nostrils are flared; I drink in her pheromones. She smells like lilac and comfort.

  She sighs and melts in my shadow.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whisper. My voice is so low and deep that it’s almost a growl.

  “... I am?” she asks, as pure and innocent as freshly fallen snow.

  She can barely look me in the eyes now. I don’t blame her. The intensity of our teasing intimacy nearly has me on my knees.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, both inside and out. I want you. I want to be with you. I want you to be with me, forever and always.”

  “Forever and always?” she repeats. Her voice is so sweet and gentle. It floats like a rose pedal on an easy breeze. She lulls me into her dream. Her hot breath quickens on my neck.

  “Would you have me?” I ask.

  There’s a pause. The air between us sparks and sizzles like before a storm. The hair on my skin reaches out towards her in great longing. My chest bulges and my pants tighten.


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