Hers To Command (Cyborg Sizzle Book 8)

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Hers To Command (Cyborg Sizzle Book 8) Page 1

by Cynthia Sax

  Hers To Command

  Cynthia Sax

  Three Battered Hearts. One Perfect Love

  * * *

  Ace and Thrasher share a special bond. They’ve never acknowledged that connection and have never fully acted on it. The Humanoid Alliance kill cyborg males like them, deeming the warriors to be defective. Now that Ace and Thrasher have escaped, they don’t trust the cyborg council and their brethren to react any differently. Physical love is too risky for them to consider.

  Until they meet her.

  Carys is the Commander of a Rebel Battle Station. She has dedicated her lifespan to seeking vengeance against the Humanoid Alliance and the cyborgs who killed her daughter. On her battle station, she makes the rules, and if she wants to kiss, touch, and pleasure two mysterious warriors, she will. Nothing, not even enemy warships and a mass cyborg rebellion, can stop her.

  In the midst of a war, enemies can become lovers and loyalties can change in a moment. Can a forbidden relationship between two cautious cyborgs and one unbending human Commander survive?

  Hers To Command is Book 8 in the Cyborg Sizzle series.

  Due to the number of returning characters in this story, you’ll enjoy Hers To Command more if you’ve read the other stories first.

  This is a MMF BBW Cyborg SciFi Romance.

  Hers To Command

  Copyright 2017 Cynthia Sax

  Ebook design by Mark's Ebook Formatting

  Discover more books by Cynthia Sax at her website


  All Rights Are Reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  First edition: February 2017

  For more information contact Cynthia Sax at


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  About The Author

  Chapter One

  Carys was tired, emotionally and physically.

  She’d joined the Rebels twenty-two solar cycles ago, at the beginning of the rebellion against the Humanoid Alliance, and had worked her way up the ranks. Now she was commander of a massive battle station, responsible for thousands of beings.

  Having just worked three shifts in a row, exhaustion had caught up to her.

  Squinting at the main viewscreen, she tried to focus her eyes. The battle station was in open space. There wasn’t a planet or another vessel nearby. She dropped her gaze to her control panel. There had been a slight malfunction a few moments ago, but all of the systems were now working properly.

  The battle station was as serene as a massive vessel could be.

  Her first officer wiggled in the chair beside hers. Her protégé was eager to take the helm. She was young, aggressive, relished a challenge, and was hungry for a ship of her own.

  The human female would have to wait. The battle station belonged to Carys. She’d earned it, would keep it.

  “Do you detect any activity, First?” Carys knew the female’s name, knew which small planet her officer had originated from, knew she had lost her mother, father, two sisters and two brothers in a Humanoid Alliance attack.

  But she never used her first officer’s name. Carys had made that mistake once, solar cycles ago, when she was a warship captain.

  Beings died in war. That was the unfortunate reality. Her officers were constantly changing, the dead being replaced with the living.

  During an attack, she’d referred to her weapons officer by his predecessor’s name. The correction and the delay it had caused, slight yet significant, had resulted in a crew member’s death.

  From that moment onward, she referred to beings by their position, by their function. That policy appeared cold and impersonal to outsiders. Carys didn’t care. She was interested in ending a war, not winning a popularity contest.

  “There’s no unusual activity, Commander,” her first officer reported.

  “Then you have the bridge, First.” Carys stood.

  Her first officer jumped to her feet.

  Carys suppressed her smile. Her exhaustion made one being happy.

  She glanced around her one more time, assuring all was calm, and exited the bridge.

  Beings snapped to attention as she marched along the corridors. Male, female, undefined gender, human, Palavian, Tau Cetian, Dracheon, others, watched her, their leader. If the beings were competent and added value, she didn’t care what else they were. They were welcome on her battle station.

  “Commander.” Her space traffic officer, an overly intense Ungarian male, rushed toward her, his blue-furred face damp with perspiration. “I verified that no unauthorized beings have accessed the battle station through the docking bay.”

  She continued walking, not at all reassured. He’d given her the same update five planet rotations ago and they’d ended the shift with one missing medic, a docking bay filled with dead bodies, and no suspects.

  It was strange. The space had been monitored. She’d reviewed the footage. But there hadn’t been one image of the shooter…or shooters. There hadn’t been any records of ships that hadn’t belonged there.

  Requiring guidance, she’d relayed the situation to the Rebel Assembly. Her superiors hadn’t given her any additional insights. Instead, they’d questioned her competence, chiding her for her lack of knowledge. A commander should be aware of everything that happened on her battle station.

  She wanted to blame the space traffic officer for that criticism. Judging by the corpses, the killer or killers had entered through his domain, yet he’d been oblivious of what was happening.

  But she couldn’t do that. The Assembly was right. She was the commander. The battle station was her responsibility.

  The space traffic officer trailed her, giving her an update she half listened to. Her weary mind dwelled on the attack. She didn’t like unanswered questions and it continued to bother her. There was something she was missing. She felt that truth.

  Two massive males, taller and broader than any she’d met, entered the corridor, diverting her attention. They were clad in form-fitting black body armor, the garments decorated with daggers, guns and other weapons.

  The males were warriors. Carys’ nipples tightened and her pussy grew wet. She couldn’t remember the last time she reacted physically to any being. She’d thought that part of her lifespan was over, decimated by the war, by responsibility.

  They strode toward her, their shoulders broad, their hips narrow, the muscles on their chests, arms, and legs defined.

  Her head tilted back. The warriors had a similar look, both had closely cropped brown hair, golden skin, their features strong, stark. One black mark was slashed across each cheek, accentuating their primitive appearance.

  As they neared her, their gazes fixed on her face. One male had brown eyes, dark and intense. The other had blue eyes, sparkling with
humor, with life, belying his blank expression.

  She didn’t recognize either of them. That wasn’t surprising. They’d lost quite a few beings in the last clash with the Humanoid Alliance and she hadn’t yet met all of their replacements.

  The battle station’s ranks had also swelled since the Retrievers, the Humanoid Alliance’s bounty hunters, had revolted. Beings had less fear of being recovered once they rebelled.

  Her gaze drifted over the males. They were formidable. She was glad these two warriors were on her side of the war.

  They separated slightly as they approached, allowing her to walk between them. She passed them. Their fingertips brushed along the back of her hands, skimming over her knuckles. She shuddered, the impact felt to her toes.

  Then she realized what had happened.

  She was the commander and they had dared to touch her.

  “Warriors.” Carys turned.

  And smacked face first into the space traffic officer.

  “Sorry, Commander.” The male straightened. “I didn’t mean to hit you.” She stepped to her right. He stepped to his left, his expression earnest. “I wasn’t paying attention and--”

  “Stand still, Officer,” she barked.

  He froze.

  She shifted until he no longer blocked her view and scanned the corridor. The males were gone. They must have entered one of the chambers positioned along the narrow space.

  “Those two males who passed us—do they report to you?” She frowned at her officer.

  “No, Commander.”

  Of course he didn’t know them. Carys gritted her teeth. That would have been too easy. She turned and stalked toward her private chambers. Weariness weighed on her shoulders and affected her judgment. She had to rest before she said something she’d regret.

  Her space traffic officer followed her, chattering about the increased staffing he required. Maybe she should assign the two warriors to the docking bay. The lack of fighting there would be punishment for touching her.

  If they had touched her. She was so exhausted; she was no longer certain.

  It didn’t make sense for two subordinates to take that action. She might not know them but they would know her. She was their commander.

  Even if they didn’t recognize her, her uniform would have relayed her status. Disrespecting a superior officer was a fast route to a demotion.

  Why would they risk that?

  And what was their reward? They’d touched her hands, the most accessible part of her body. If they had extended their open palms in greeting, she would have grasped them. That would have been acceptable contact with a superior.

  Fingers had grazed over each of her hands. Their touching was synchronized. What were the odds that both of the warriors would take that risk at the same time?

  Very low.

  Fuck. She was tired, couldn’t think straight. Carys wanted to rub her hands over her face but she couldn’t. It would be seen as weakness, might worry her crew.

  Everyone always watched her, trying to read her secrets, foresee her commands.

  Carys arrived at the entrance to her private chambers. Her space traffic officer continued to talk, his chatter a stream of words she couldn’t comprehend, filling her sleep-deprived brain.

  “We’ll discuss this next shift, Officer.” She dismissed him.

  The male wandered away.

  She placed her hand on the control panel. The doors opened. She stepped over the threshold. The doors closed.

  Carys exhaled noisily, sagging against the wall. She had peace and quiet and complete privacy. Her chambers were soundproof, due to the secrecy of the information she was entrusted with, and they were secure, one of the safest spots on the battle station.

  Viewscreens covered almost every vertical surface, allowing her to survey key areas of the vessel. There was a chair and a horizontal support positioned in a corner for completing work in solitude. Containers held the few personal items she had. A large sleeping support dominated the other side of the space, a relic of the previous commander, a male with a reputation for wild sexual encounters.

  She’d never shared it with anyone. Ever. She couldn’t remember the last time she was held, touched in a romantic way.

  Her thoughts returned to the two large males.

  They were young, fit, handsome. Carys removed her boots, her uniform, folding the garment into a neat square, placing it on the horizontal support. If she wasn’t the commander, if she’d had fewer solar cycles of living, she might have invited the warriors back to her chambers.

  Both of them.

  She’d once had a healthy sex drive. Carys sat naked on the edge of the sleeping support. And she’d been careless, wild. That was how she’d ended up pregnant at eighteen solar cycles.

  “That wasn’t a mistake.” She opened a projectile-proof container, withdrew a tiny cloth square. “You weren’t a mistake. You were a gift.”

  She unwrapped the pair of tiny boots from the protective fabric, lifted the footwear closer to her face, inhaled deeply. Pimmy’s baby scent lingered on the leather. “I wanted you.”

  Her daughter’s brown curls had bounced against her round cheeks as she ran after Carys that last planet rotation, half a lifetime ago. “Mommy. Mommy. I go with you.” She’d reached out her chubby arms.

  Carys, angry with Pimmy’s father, hadn’t taken her. If she had, Pimmy might still be alive. Her daughter wouldn’t have died in the Humanoid Alliance attack, killed by emotionless cyborgs. Carys’ lips flattened. Machines had coldly executed her baby.

  “There won’t be a planet rotation that passes that I won’t think of you.” Carys vowed. “You will always have a piece of my heart.”

  She bowed her head, resting it against the tiny pair of boots. The toes were slightly scuffed, the leather rough against her chin. Her rambunctious daughter would kick empty containers, enjoying the ringing sound that action made.

  Pimmy was why Carys fought, why she had to continue fighting. She’d joined the rebellion immediately after her daughter’s death.

  “You are strong. You are intelligent. You are loved.” Carys kissed the boots, wrapped them in the cloth square, set the makeshift package back in the container and closed the lid.

  There were no images of Pimmy in the chamber. They weren’t needed. She saw her daughter every time she dreamed.

  Carys relived that last planet rotation over and over again. Her grief might be old, but it was fresh, the pain cutting into her every rest cycle.

  She curled up on the sleeping support, drew a concealing cloth over her naked body, closed her eyes, and searched the blackness for her baby’s face.

  * * *

  “We should wake her,” a male rumbled.

  “Slow your processors, ass,” a different male with an even deeper voice replied. “Our female needs this rest cycle. Look at her.”

  “I can’t look away.” A calloused finger caressed her cheek and Carys murmured, pressing her face against the warmth, the contact heating her all over. “She has silver in her hair. None of the other females had silver in their hair.”

  She must be dreaming. Carys smiled ruefully, part of her wishing she wasn’t. Only fantasy males would be enchanted with gray hair.

  And no beings could enter her chambers uninvited. She had the sole authority to open the doors. She’d have to settle for an imaginary rendezvous with her warriors.

  The concealing cloth lifted. Cool air swept over her, tightening her nipples.

  “She has markings on her breasts, stomach, upper thighs.”

  Yes, this was a dream. The male sounded as though he admired her stretch marks.

  “And her curves are lush, enough for two warriors.”

  They liked larger females. She glowed, feeling beautiful. This was the best sexual fantasy she’d ever had.

  “We shouldn’t uncover her without her permission.” Skin slapped against skin. The concealing cloth lowered once more. “Human females are accustomed to privacy.”

  Carys opened her eyes and gazed up at the brown-eyed warrior from the corridor, not surprised they were the males her mind had fabricated. “You have my permission.”

  “Frag yes.” The blue-eyed male didn’t hesitate, pulling the concealing cloth off her body. “You’re stunning, my female.”

  “Our female,” the brown-eyed male corrected.

  They gazed at her with a pussy-clenching lust, their expressions reinforcing their words. Her fantasy warriors did believe she was stunning.

  Carys shamelessly allowed them to survey her naked body. Two young, fit males were looking at her. That turned her on.

  They remained clad in their tight body armor. Her brain must have been too exhausted to envision them nude. She did have the energy to imagine long, thick ridges in that body armor.

  They were big all over. Carys skimmed her tongue over her bottom lip. She liked that.

  The blue-eyed male groaned. “I need you, our female.” He captured her face between his big palms and covered her mouth with his.

  She gasped. He pushed his tongue inside her. Flesh slid over flesh. A peculiar bubbling sensation spread over her, the fizzing and popping exciting her.

  She clutched his body armor-clad shoulders, holding onto him. He tasted like metal, male, and desire.

  “My turn, Thrasher.” The brown-eyed male turned her face toward him and claimed her lips. His fingers framed her jaw, his clasp on her light, yet sure.

  When the blue-eyed male, the male her brain had bizarrely named Thrasher, had kissed her, it had been breath-catchingly savage. He had surged forward, his rhythm sporadic and wild.

  His friend was more methodical, more restrained, leisurely exploring her mouth, learning the shape, the feel of her, what she liked, and what she didn’t. The taste of him was the same, as was the bubbling, the fizzing intensifying.

  Thrasher plundered other areas of her. He dragged his lips down her neck, across her collarbone. Carys arched her back, needing his hot mouth on her curves.

  Her dream male didn’t hesitate, mouthing over her right breast, cupping her left with one of his hands. As his friend ravished her lips, sucking on her tongue, he tugged on her skin and released, tugged and released.

  She had two young males adoring her. They were fully clothed, not expecting or needing their own sexual fulfillment. The focus was on her, her body, her pleasure.


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