Hayden (A Next Generation Carter Brother Novel Book 4)

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Hayden (A Next Generation Carter Brother Novel Book 4) Page 23

by Lisa Helen Gray

  I slump down into the deck chair, pouting. “What I’m saying is confidential, Uncle Maverick. I can’t let you jeopardize what’s happening because you can’t keep it to yourself. People’s lives are at stake.”

  He sits up straighter at the seriousness in my voice. I don’t have time to mess around. This is my last chance to talk to Beau before we get back.

  “What’s going on, Hayden?” Beau asks, also leaning forward in his seat, his forearms resting on his thighs.

  I arch my eyebrow at Uncle Maverick, waiting for him to agree not to repeat anything. “I won’t tell anyone anything. I can call it even with your dad for getting Mark arrested. If you’re at risk, though, I will intervene.”

  I don’t know how Beau is going to react, and until this very moment, I hadn’t even thought about it, nor remembered that Rob is his friend.

  I inhale, preparing myself for the worst but hoping for the best as I launch into everything I know and assume about the gang and break-ins.

  When I’m finished, he’s pale, sagging back into his chair.

  “And this plan… you’ll be safe at all times?” Maverick asks, concerned.

  I nod, forcing a smile. “I might be my father’s daughter, but I’m not stupid enough to put myself in danger, and neither is he, despite all the situations he’s found himself in. He raised me right. So, once I’ve played my part, I’m done. It will be up to Beau and whoever is clean to deal with.”

  Beau slides to the edge of his chair, clasping his hands together. “This is serious, Hayden. Those allegations, whether true or false—”

  “Hey, she wouldn’t have made them unless she was sure,” Maverick interrupts, his jaw clenching.

  “It might not turn out to be one of them. But my gut is rarely wrong, and evidence is evidence. With it being done this way, no one is directly accused or are tipped off so they can cover their tracks. And your boss could fire you over such a serious allegation.”

  “I’ve worked with Rob since I started full time. He’s dedicated to his job. I can’t see him being involved.”

  “But would you bet your life on it? Faith’s life?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  His jaw hardens. “No. No, I wouldn’t.”

  “So you need to go along with this. It’s the only way it will work,” I tell him, my lips pulling down into a frown.

  He gives me a short nod. “It can’t be next weekend though. Come in the following Monday after we have our monthly meeting. That way, we are all there. Then set up the meeting for Friday the same week at nine. I know Walker is working the night shift then, so he’ll have no other choice but to bring Colin and Rob in. It’s also my night off, so they might ask me to come in. I’ll make the excuse that I’m out for a meal with family. You can use the excuse that she wanted to meet near a crowded place. We have bars and clubs on that street. Liam is a genius for thinking of the double ploy.”

  “I planned it,” I grit out. “And that’s fine. I’ll let Liam know.” I stand up, brushing off my Ninja pyjamas. “I don’t need to tell you to keep this to yourself and act normal.”

  He runs a hand across his face, still dazed by the news. “No.”

  “Oh, and I told Faith I came here because Clayton needed help with his…” I whistle, my gaze travelling to his crotch.



  Our four days away have come to an end. We had said goodbye to everyone after getting off at the coach station, thanking Beau and Faith for a great time away.

  Before leaving for our trip to the Butterfly Village, we stopped off at Nightingale Care Home to go visit his father, who, luckily, is still doing okay.

  I hadn’t realised how eager Clayton was to see his dad. He had hidden the worry and stress easily from me; either that, or I had taken his mind off it. The minute we stepped into his father’s room, his shoulders sagged with relief and a wide smile spread across his face, even though the worry was still there.

  Yet, even with the reassurance his dad was okay, he left quiet and withdrawn. And he’s been this way ever since I left him and his father to spend some quality time together. I can’t help but worry that I was mistaken about his father’s intentions when it came to me and Clayton.

  His silence in the car has only made it worse. There’s a chance he’s sitting right there, running through ways to end this. Whatever ‘this’ is. And if his father had disapproved, I have no doubt in my mind that he will do whatever it takes to make him happy.

  Because how can you say no to a dying a man?

  You can’t.

  And I wouldn’t want him to. If roles were reversed… well, maybe not reversed. I’ve never really listened to my dad, but if it was my mum, I’d do exactly the same.

  I want to voice my concern, but I don’t want to come across as one of those girls that clung, and yet the girly part inside of me that I try to stow away, can’t help but cling to him. I want him in a way I’ve never wanted anything else. Yet the rebellious side of me wants to say, ‘fuck it, we don’t need a man’.

  I’m at war with myself.

  Taking a deep breath, I decide to be straight with him. I can’t be anyone but myself right now, and I never shy away from anything.

  “Clayton, if you’d like to cancel this trip, I’m good with it.”

  He takes his eyes off the road for a second, his brows pulling together. “Why would you think I’d want that?”

  “You don’t seem overly joyed right now. In fact, you don’t seem yourself at all.”

  His fingers tighten around the steering wheel. “I’m sorry.”

  “Is it your dad? Because I spoke to Amelia and she said he’s doing okay, that there hasn’t been a change in his health.”

  “I know. That isn’t it. He seems to really like it there.”

  “So why are you being quiet? I’m not gonna lie, it’s making me feel uncomfortable.”

  He blows out a breath. “That wasn’t my intention. I’m sorry.” He gives me another quick glance before continuing. “When you left the room, he pulled me up on how we were together. He guessed right away.”

  “He doesn’t approve,” I surmise.

  “The opposite in fact,” he explains, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. “He thinks you’ll be good for me.”

  I grin, relaxing somewhat. “Because I rock, right?”

  He lets out a chuckle. “Yeah, that. Apparently, I’m uptight.”

  “Right about now I’d normally agree with you. You can be uptight. But, Clayton, you’ve been under a lot of pressure.”

  “I was young when my mum died, still at school. When she died, all I wanted to do was make her proud. I still do. So I made sure I passed all my exams, helped Dad as much as I could, since he was struggling after we lost her, and helped my sister with her school work. I dedicated my life to achieving my goals. I’ve never really had time to pause, time to unwind. Even when I took that year to travel, I was never relaxed. I didn’t do what other lads were doing at my age. The only time I felt that kind of freedom was when I was racing. Being out on the track, it was only the road in front of me, everything else washed away.”

  “I can understand that. What I don’t understand is your distance. Do you feel differently about me now that I’m potentially available to you? I know most men stop finding someone attractive when there’s no longer secrecy or the chase.”

  He lets out a chuckle. “Only an idiot would find you unattractive.”

  I grit my teeth at him avoiding my question once again. It doesn’t feel like he’s being straight with me.

  “Clayton,” I bite out.

  “Hayden,” he breathes out, mocking me.

  “Pull the car over,” I snap, sitting straighter in my chair. I want answers, and if he won’t give them to me, I’m walking. I won’t spend the next two days with someone who doesn’t seem to want me around.

  We’re out in the middle of nowhere, twenty minutes from Butterfly Village. I’m not actually sure what th
e town is called, I just know the name it’s famously known for. It has one of the best butterfly gardens in England.

  “I’m not pulling over.”

  “Pull the damn car over, right now, and tell me what the fuck is going on with you and why you’re acting so bloody weird.”

  “Okay, okay,” he yells, checking his mirror before pulling into the layby and driving onto a small dirt road until we’re just out of sight.

  “Now explain,” I order, folding my arms across my chest.

  He drops his head back on the headrest. “You’re going to think it’s ridiculous.”

  “Try me,” I tell him, unclipping my belt so I can sit and face him.

  “After getting to know your family, I’m really going to sound like a pussy.”

  I smack his arm. “I fucking loathe that saying. Pussies are a lot stronger. Not only does a baby the size of a melon come out of it, but it tends to take a good ‘beating’. Dicks, on the other hand, only need the slightest tap and you act like you just took a round of bullets.”

  He forces out a laugh. “You got me there.” He watches me for a moment, before continuing. “I like you, Hayden, more than just the great sex.”

  “Well, duh, I keep telling you I’m awesome. But I’m sensing another but.”

  “But Dad’s words keep playing in my head. What if things progress between us, and down the line, things change? I change. His words held merit today, Hayden. When I’m with you, I do feel different; I do feel free and relaxed. You make my world pause. You make me see a whole new life. Your entire being is filled with life. You live it to the fullest and have no regrets.

  “How am I supposed to know it’s not a faze, that what draws me to you now won’t disappear?”

  “That’s a lot of ‘what ifs’,” I tell him gently, ignoring the flutter in my stomach over his description of me.

  His expression turns sombre. “I told you when we were at the cabins that I didn’t want to see you hurt, and I meant it.”

  “Clayton, you can’t live your life like that. Billions of people start a relationship not knowing if it’s going to last or if it will end. But that’s the joy of living life. We make our own choices, lead our own paths, and you need to start living yours. You shouldn’t be asking yourself if you’ll hurt me, or if your dad will disapprove, or if people will talk at work. You should be asking yourself if it’s what you really want.” I watch him for a moment, unblinking. “And I hate to break it to you, but it could be me that hurts you.”

  He smirks, unclipping his belt and pushing his chair back, making room. “Come here,” he orders, tapping is thigh. I climb over the parking brake and straddle his thighs. “It sounds like you want a relationship with me.”

  It’s my turn to smirk as I place my hands on either side of his neck. “Don’t tell me this is the part where you ask me to be your girlfriend, because I warn you now, I’ll tease you mercilessly.”

  Laughing, he shakes his head, his fingers digging into my hips. “Why don’t we see how things go before I pass you a note with a ‘tick yes or no to be my girlfriend’?”

  “Very grown up of you,” I tease, running my nose along his before kissing the corner of his mouth.

  “At work, we need to keep it professional and quiet for a little while.”

  I bite my bottom lip, leaning back. That’s a lot to ask. “I’m never professional, so it might raise a few questions if I start now.”

  “How about you do you, and I’ll do me?” he offers, kissing the tip of my nose.

  “How about I just do you,” I offer, my voice low, raspy.

  “Here?” he asks, his pupils dilating.

  I scan our surroundings, considering it for a moment, but then I’m reminded of the mess I’d have to sit in until we reached the Travelodge, and change my mind.

  “Let’s hurry up to the Travelodge. I’d rather we had a bed.”

  He presses his lips against mine. “Since we’ve only managed to have sex twice in a bed, that sounds like a good idea.”

  “Let’s go then.”

  *** *** ***

  Clayton pushes open the door to our room, throwing the key and luggage inside the room.

  I squeal with laughter as he lifts me up off my feet, bringing his lips to mine.

  The door slams shut, the lock clicking into place as he continues into the room.

  I massage my tongue against his as he deepens the kiss. With a groan, he drops me to the bed, causing me to bounce a little.

  He follows, bending over me as he grabs the back of my neck, lifting my head towards him as he takes control of the kiss.

  I moan into his mouth whilst reaching for the bottom of my hoody, gripping that and my shirt at the same time.

  He sits up, helping me lift it over my head before reaching for his own jacket. I watch with rapt attention as he slides it off his shoulders, before unbuttoning his shirt, teasing me with glimpses of his abs. I squirm beneath him, my chest rising and falling as he shuffles back off the bed, keeping his heated gaze solely on me.

  My tongue runs across the seam of my lip, my gaze drawn to his crotch as he unzips his jeans, before slowly pushing them down and pulling them off, dropping them on the end of the bed.

  “Kiss me,” I plead.

  His pupils dilate, irises darkening as he kneels on the bed, bending over me, before thrusting his tongue into my mouth.

  I roll my hips as he hungrily tears at my joggers, pushing them down my thighs. I push them the rest of the way off, kicking them somewhere across the room.

  My body burns with need as I push him to the side, rolling on top of him, groaning at the feel of his nakedness pressed against mine.

  “My turn,” I tell him, lifting my sports bra over my head, leaving me in only my knickers. I lean down, swirling my tongue around his nipple before slowly licking my way down his body, over his abs. He groans, dropping his head back on the bed.

  I moan when I reach the ‘V’, his muscles tightening as I grip his dick, slowly running my hand over his pulsing shaft.

  A squeal passes through my lips when he grips me under the armpits, pulling me up his body before rolling us over, him on top.

  “My turn,” he rasps, licking my neck.

  I arch my back, moaning when he hits the sensitive spot on my neck.

  “You were on top last time,” I remind him, tensing my thighs around him as I roll us again. This time, the bed isn’t there to catch us.

  I cry out when we land on the floor, yet Clayton only lets out a small groan before reaching for me again, gripping the back of my neck and pulling me towards him, taking my lips in a fiery kiss.

  I grind myself on him, causing wetness to pool between my legs as I begin to pulse with need.

  He clutches the straps of my knickers, tearing them from my body.

  “Oh God,” I moan, rubbing my clit against his hardness.


  A whimper escapes me when he presses his thumb over my clit, rubbing in a circular motion.

  “Condom,” I breathe out, digging my fingers into his biceps.

  “Jeans. On the edge of the bed,” he rasps out, before proceeding to kiss down my chest. He takes my nipple into his mouth, leaving it tender when he reaches for the other.

  I lift up a little, blindly patting my way across the bed until I feel the denim under my fingers. I pull the jeans down, searching his pockets for his wallet and pulling a condom from the stash he only topped up this morning.

  Clear liquid spills from the top of his cock as I slowly roll the condom over his hardness.

  I rise to my knees as he grabs his cock, pumping it once, twice, whilst pressing his thumb harder against my clit, driving me wild.

  I moan, finding it hard to keep still as I lower myself over him, my pussy tightening around him.

  “Oh God,” I groan, placing my hands on his chest for balance.

  It feels so good to have him inside of me; tingles shoot through my stomach.

  “Fuck,” he
groans, gripping my hip with one hand, his attention on his dick sliding in and out of me as I thrust up and down.

  The carpet burns my knees as I push myself down harder, speeding up my movements, my body chasing the orgasm I know is coming.

  Clayton reaches up, kissing his way down my neck before biting the tops of my breasts. I moan through the pleasure as I arch my back, causing my chest to push out.

  He licks over the bite mark, and my entire body shudders at the sensation, goose bumps breaking out all over my body.

  I ground myself down harder, our skin slapping together in a mad frenzy.

  The tips of my fingers dig into his chest as I cry out my orgasm, electricity shooting through my veins. Clayton follows, gripping me tighter as his body tenses, shuddering through his own orgasm.

  Our sweat mingles together when I fall against his chest, both of us breathing hard.

  I blow hair out of my face, resting my chin on his chest as I look up at him. “Can’t we just spend the next two days in bed?” I moan, pressing a kiss to his pec.

  He runs a hand down my hair, smiling. “And ruin tomorrow? No chance. It’s Valentine’s Day, and I have something planned that I’m hoping you’ll enjoy.”

  I smile, kissing him once more before dropping my head on his shoulder, exhausted. “How can I say no to that?”


  The message still says the same thing, no matter how many times I read it. My stomach churns as I read it once more.

  BEAU: Another break-in happened last night. A man in his eighties was severely beaten to death. His wife was found tied to the end of her bed, forced to watch. It’s not confirmed, but they think she died of a heart attack just before the police got there. I know I had my reservations about this, but I’m in. All in.

  My phone slips out of my hand as the door to our room opens.


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