Hannah's Wishes

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Hannah's Wishes Page 4

by Agnes Alexander

  “I’m so sorry. How about your brother?”

  “Everett is happily married to a woman he met when he went to England on business. Her daddy is a lord, or a count…or some type of royalty. They live in England and have a little princess of their own.” He wondered how Everett would feel if he knew he’d graduated him from the detective business, married him off, and elevated him to royalty in England

  Verbena’s eyes lit up. “Really? Royalty?” He nodded, and she went on. “Have you visited them?”

  Hannah looked interested, but there was something in her eyes that made him wonder if she knew he was telling a tall tale. He gathered that this young lady was no fool. He answered Verbena’s question with, “I’m so busy with my own enterprises that I’ve only had time to visit them once. They have promised to come visit me in the next couple of years. Everett wants to show his wife and daughter his country.”

  “I think that’s wonderful.”

  There was a knock on the parlor door, and Minerva poked her head in. “Supper is ready, Miz Wedington.”

  “Send Tobias to get Hannah.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She scurried away.

  Jarrett couldn’t help wondering why the man was to come get Hannah. The fact was, he’d been looking forward to offering her his arm so he could escort her to supper. Jarrett’s question was answered in a matter of a moment. Tobias returned pushing a wheelchair. Jarrett was stunned as the butler pushed it up to the settee and reached down to lift Hannah into it.

  So that was her problem. She couldn’t walk. He never would have guessed.

  Verbena stood. “Shall we go into supper, Mr. MacMichael?”

  “Of course.” He stood, and since he had no alternative, he offered her his arm. They went out of the parlor leaving Tobias to push Hannah’s chair behind them.


  Hannah wondered about Mr. Jarrett MacMichael. Yes, he was as handsome as she thought he’d be now that she’d seen his face. In fact, he was the kind of man she often dreamed about and wished she could meet. Yes, he told a good story about his life, but something didn’t ring true to her. Was he trying to impress Aunt Verbena? If so, why? What could her aunt do for him? And why hadn’t he mentioned her sister? She’d kept quiet just like her Aunt Verbena had told her to, but she didn’t intend to let him get through the meal and leave this house without answering a question or two about Drina.

  Verbena moved to the head of the table and Jarrett held the chair for her. She motioned for him to take a place on her right. Tobias rolled Hannah’s chair to the side of the table on her aunt’s left.

  For a moment, no one spoke, and Hannah decided to take advantage of the situation. If her aunt didn’t like her speaking up, she might have to pay for her boldness later, but she was going to take a gamble since this might be the last chance she had to talk to Mr. MacMichael. After all, she’d done what her aunt told her to do in the parlor, which was to sit quietly and speak only when spoken to. She took a breath and in a quiet voice she said, “Mr. MacMichael, I understand you know my sister, Drina.”

  “Actually, I haven’t met her, but I know her husband, Aaron Wilcox. When he told her I was coming to Savannah, he said she insisted I visit you, because she misses you a lot.”

  She thought he started to say something else, but checked himself before it was out.

  Her aunt shot her a look that seemed to say, stop talking now. Hannah ignored it. “Did he say how she was doing?”

  “He told me they hadn’t been married long, but she was settling into ranch life well and was making friends in town and on the nearby ranches. He did say she was happy—with the exception of missing you.”

  “I miss her, too.” If he only knew how much…but she couldn’t explain. Not with Aunt Verbena glaring at her.

  He nodded. “He said you were her younger sister, and she wanted me to visit you when I arrived here. I think she was a little concerned about you.”

  Again, the frightened look crossed her face, but she said, “Oh? Why is that?” She noticed Verbena pursing her mouth, but the aunt didn’t say anything.

  “Aaron told me your sister said you hadn’t answered the letters she’d sent you, and she was afraid you’d fallen sick, or something.”

  She couldn’t help but throw a glance at her aunt. The older woman still didn’t look happy about the conversation, but Hannah said anyway, “I’ve written her, but I guess with the distance, it takes a long time for a letter to get there. As for me being sick, you can see I’m fine.”

  “Yes, I can see that, and when I wire Aaron the details of our business here, I’ll tell him to let his wife know I’ve met you and your aunt and that both of you are well and seem to be doing fine. I’ll also tell her to be on the lookout for a letter.”

  Minerva entered the dining room carrying a tray with a large beef roast. She acted as if she didn’t know what to do with it.

  Verbena looked at Minerva then glanced at Jarrett. She asked, “Mr. MacMichael, would you mind carving the meat?”

  “I’d be honored, ma’am.”

  “Put the roast in front of Mr. MacMichael, Minerva.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She sat the platter at his place.

  Soon, the plates were served, and Hannah didn’t get a chance to ask their visitor any more questions. Her aunt monopolized the conversation and her eyes seemed to shoot daggers every time Hannah started to say something. She figured she might as well give up. She was probably going to have to stay in her room for at least a week—maybe a month—without her wheelchair for what she’d already said to the man. But it was worth it. She found out that Drina was happily married. That was what was important.

  After the dessert was served and eaten, Hannah wiped her mouth with the linen napkin. Knowing she’d not get another chance to talk to Mr. MacMichael, Hannah said, “Aunt Verbena, I’m a little tired. Would you mind if I go to my room after supper?”

  “I think that’s a good idea, Hannah. I know being here is tiring on you.” Her voice was sweet, which was something unusual. Verbena then turned to MacMichael. “Hannah tires easily and needs lots of rest.”

  Hannah knew her aunt was saying this because she wanted to impress their guest. She didn’t care. She was tired of seeing Verbena make a fool of herself flirting with this handsome younger man. The sad thing was, he seemed to be enjoying it.

  “I understand about needing rest.” Jarrett turned and smiled at Hannah. “I appreciate you coming in to have supper with me, Miss Hamilton. I hope to see you again before I return to Arizona.”

  “I hope so, too, Mr. MacMichael.” Hannah returned his smile, but said nothing else.

  “Before you retire, could I ask you another question?”

  She glanced at her aunt expecting her to butt in and tell him she’d answer his questions, but when Verbena said nothing, Hannah nodded. “Yes.”

  “Does your other sister live here in Savannah?”

  “She does. She and her husband have interest in a saloon here in town, but I’m afraid I don’t know the name of it.”

  Looking at Verbena he asked, “Would you happen to know, ma’am?”

  “Of course not.” She sounded indignant, but turned toward Hannah. “I’ll call Tobias to see you to your room.”

  Jarrett quickly moved behind Hannah’s chair. “I feel I’m the reason you’re tired, Miss Hamilton. May I have the pleasure of seeing you to your room?”

  “That’s not necessary.” Verbena stood. “Tobias is used to helping Hannah.”

  “It’s no trouble, Mrs. Wedington. I’m sure Miss Hamilton’s room is here on the first floor, so it’s no trouble at all.”

  Hannah didn’t say anything. She waited to see what he would do when he found out her room was on the second floor.

  After an awkward moment of silence, Verbena said, “Well, there wasn’t a room downstairs that would suit my niece, so she has a more suitable room on the second floor.”

  Jarrett frowned. “So you put her on the second floor?
Isn’t a lot of trouble getting her chair up and down the stairs?”

  When Verbena said nothing, Hannah muttered, “It doesn’t seem to be a lot of trouble. Tobias carries me up or down, then goes back for my chair.”

  “So, as you must understand, there’s no way I can permit you to see Hannah to her room. It wouldn’t be proper for you to go upstairs with her.” The older woman stiffened her back.

  He looked at her and surprised Hannah by saying, “From what I have observed, I’m younger and stronger than Tobias. Don’t you think I’m capable of carrying Miss Hamilton?”

  “But, it’s not seemly.” It was obvious Verbena was becoming upset.

  Jarrett ignored her, walked to Hannah’s chair and picked her up.

  She was startled. Though she was concerned about what her aunt would do, she couldn’t help but be a little excited since, for the first time in her life, she was in a handsome man’s arms. This was going to give her something to dream about—but what were the strange feelings that almost overwhelmed her when she felt him pull her against his hard chest? There was also the smell of spice, and a manly, musky odor, and maybe the remnants of cigarette or cigar smoke.

  He headed toward the stairs saying to Aunt Verbena, “Tell Tobias to bring the chair.” Glancing down at Hannah he added, “Now, direct me to your room.”

  Hannah had no choice. “It’s the last door on the right.”

  When they were halfway up the steps, he whispered in her ear, “Are you going to be in trouble because I insisted on bringing you to your room?”

  Surprised that he was that intuitive, she whispered back, “I might.”

  “I’ll see if I can smooth it over with your aunt.” He turned down the hall toward her room. “I’ll be coming back, because Mrs. Wilcox is convinced you’re not happy living with your aunt. Don’t say anything to her, but that’s why I’m here. I need to find out what’s going on.”

  Hannah’s heart began to pound. “Tell Drina to please not worry about me. I’m doing all right.”

  “She and her husband don’t want you to just be ‘doing all right’, they want you to be happy.”

  There was the sound of footsteps behind them. “I think Aunt Verbena is coming.”

  “Then, don’t say anything to her, and we’ll talk later.”

  She was sure he gave her a little squeeze.


  Jarrett could hardly believe his eyes when he carried Hannah into her room. Compared to the opulence of the rest of the house, this room looked barer than any servant’s quarters he’d ever seen. “Are you sure we’re in the right room?”

  “Of course, this is the right place.” She laughed a little. “You can put me down over there on the chair by the window. Tobias will get me in my wheelchair when he brings it up.”

  He put her in the chair she indicated and turned to look around the room. He was beginning to understand why Wilcox had told him to be sure Hannah was being taken care of. He didn’t have a chance to ask her why the discrepancy in the furnishings between these and those downstairs, because Verbena came trotting in.

  “Mr. MacMichael, I can’t permit you to be in my niece’s bedroom. You must leave immediately.”

  He tried to look shocked. “I’m so sorry if I offended you, Mrs. Wedington. I knew Tobias was busy and I truly thought I was helping you by bringing Miss Hamilton to her room. I guess I’m just the type of man who sees something that needs doing and I take it upon myself to do it. That’s one thing that has made me successful over the years.”

  She seemed to relax a little. “I guess I can understand that. But would you kindly come downstairs now?”

  “Of course, I will.” He turned to Hannah. “I bid you good night, Miss Hamilton. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  “I enjoyed meeting you, too, and please tell my sister’s husband that I’m doing fine and am looking forward to hearing from her.”

  “I certainly will.” He knew he had to get Verbena Wedington back on his side and keep her from taking her irritation out on Hannah. Offering his arm to her, he said, “Now that your niece will soon be settled, may I escort you downstairs? Maybe we could have an after dinner drink and discuss something I think would be prudent to both of us.”

  She looked a little surprised, but smiled and accepted his arm.

  He didn’t want to act as if he was ignoring Hannah, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t let the aunt think he was appalled at the furnishings in the small bedroom or think he had an interest in Hannah’s wellbeing. Though the room was clean and probably had everything one needed to survive, it was not the kind of room the niece of a wealthy woman should be living in. Wilcox was right. This needed investigating.

  Verbena spoke and broke into his thoughts as they stepped into the hall. “May I ask you something?”


  “Would you like a special after dinner drink?”

  “Of course, I would. That sounds great.”

  “I’m sure you don’t do a lot of drinking, but my dear Hector would often have a spot of brandy after a good meal. Maybe you would like that?” She smiled at him with the question in her eyes.

  He thought he’d managed to get back on her good side. Just to cement the idea, he reached over and patted her hand. “My dear, you’ve just said the magic words. You’re right, I don’t drink a lot, but a nip or so at a time like this seems to be called for, and I’m delighted you suggested it.”

  He would have sworn she giggled.


  Hannah reached down to remove her shoe and stockings. Though she wore stockings on both legs, only her left leg had a shoe. Her deformed right foot was encased in a small satin slipper that she’d sewn to keep it warm since no shoe fit the withered foot.

  There was a knock at the door. She took a deep breath. “Come in,” she said, expecting her aunt to walk in.

  Instead, Tobias rolled in her chair. “Here you go, miss.”

  Surprise crossed Hannah’s face. “I figured my aunt would keep the chair downstairs since I’d been so bold as to speak to her guest.”

  Tobias smiled. “She might have if that Mr. MacMichael hadn’t noticed it in the dining room and offered to bring it up.”

  She giggled. “He did that?”

  “He sure did, but you know Mrs. Wedington wouldn’t permit him to bring it up here. She called me and told me to bring your chair up, then she called Minerva to bring drinks to the parlor. Can you believe that? She told her to bring him brandy and her sherry. Minerva was as shocked as I was.”

  “Do you know who this man is, Tobias?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know any more than you do about him, but your aunt shore seems to like him.”

  “I know she does.”

  Tobias chuckled. “Of course, I don’t mind. It makes her easier to get along with, and that’s a good thing.”

  She laughed. “I agree.”

  “I better get back. You know how she is. She don’t want me being up here any longer than I has to be.”

  “I do know that, and I thank you for all you do, Tobias. I wish things were different, but you know you and Minerva make my living here bearable.”

  “We’s will do anything we can for you, Miss Hannah. You knows that.”

  “I do know that, Tobias and I appreciate it more than I can say.”

  He grinned at her and went out the door.

  Chapter 4

  Lydia looked at the tall, handsome man who tossed his tan Stetson in a nearby chair and took a seat in the red-and-black upholstered chair beside her desk. He’d requested a private meeting with her, but she’d at first refused. He then sent word that it was about her sisters. She’d changed her mind and had him shown to her office. After doing this, she did ask that Ramon, the big man who worked in the saloon to protect the women, to stand by in case she needed him to come to her aid.

  She didn’t normally have to take these precautions because Bradly was usually here to be at her side when som
ething unusual like this unexpected visit came up. But with Bradly out of town, she decided to obey her husband and be overly careful this time. She just hoped he was doing the same thing in New Orleans, where she felt there would be much more danger.

  After a quick introduction she said, “Would you please explain why you said your business with me concerned my sisters, Mr. MacMichael?”

  His voice was strong and direct when he said, “I’ve been hired by Aaron Wilcox to investigate what’s going on with your sister, Hannah. I appreciate you seeing me very much, Mrs. Patterson. I think talking with you will help me gain a perspective into this investigation.”

  She eyed him with interest. “I’ve heard that name, but I don’t know Aaron Wilcox personally or why he’d be interested in Hannah.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have explained my connection to Wilcox. As you probably know he’s married to your sister, Drina. She’s concerned about Hannah, and her husband hired me to check things out for her. I must say, after what I saw at Verbena Wedington’s house, I think your sister has a reason for this concern.”

  This surprised her. “You’ve met Aunt Verbena?”

  “Yes. I had supper with her and Hannah last night.”

  Lydia couldn’t help smiling. “That’s a rarity. Aunt Verbena doesn’t often let Hannah come down to supper when she entertains.”

  “I told her I was a friend of Wilcox and I specifically asked to meet Hannah.”

  “And she took your word for it?”

  “Your aunt is easily impressed. She thinks I’m a rich businessman visiting in Georgia from Arizona to invest in a big hotel that is to be built here in Savannah.”

  “That would impress her.” She gave him a hard look. “If that was just a lie you told her, who are you really?”

  “I’m going to be honest with you, Mrs. Patterson and hope I can trust you to keep it quiet. I’m a detective. I have an agency in Flagstaff with my twin brother. Wilcox contacted me and asked that I come here to investigate how his wife’s sister was getting along.” He picked up the drink she’d served him. “I hope you’ll be honest with me about how things are, Mrs. Patterson. Though I’ve only seen her once, I’m not so sure your sister has it very good at your aunt’s fine house.”


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