Hannah's Wishes

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Hannah's Wishes Page 14

by Agnes Alexander

  Jarrett sat back, picked up his bourbon glass, took a swallow and looked at his notes. He was surprised he’d been able to piece all this information together from the news stories and the court records he’d found. One thing still bothered him. Why hadn’t Verbena stepped in and helped the family when their troubles first began? Her interference only started showing up when Hannah was about three years old, and lasted until she took the child to live with her when Hannah turned four. It didn’t make a lot of sense to him. There had to be an explanation, and he wasn’t going to give up until he found out what it was.

  A knock on the door stopped him. He was surprised to see Minerva Johnson standing there. She looked frightened, and when she didn’t speak, he said, “Mrs. Johnson, please come in.”

  She stepped into the room, but was still silent.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” Jarrett looked at her.

  Finally, she said, “Tobias made me come.”

  “Come and sit down and tell me why Tobias sent you.”

  Minerva sat on the chair he indicated. “I ain’t never been in a hotel room before.”

  Jarrett smiled, hoping to help her relax. He knew better than to hurry her. She was nervous enough. “Would you like something to drink? Water maybe?”

  “No, sir. I’m fine.” She looked around the room. “I was afraid somebody would try to stop me from coming up here, but they didn’t pay no attention to me. I guess they thought I was a maid or something.”

  “How did you know which room to come to?”

  “Tobias told me.”

  “I see.”

  She started to get up. “If you’ll tell me where that water is, I might get me a drink after all.”

  “Sit still, Minerva. I’ll get it for you.” He moved to the table where a pitcher and a glass sat. He filled it and handed it to her.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  He sat in the chair facing her. “Do you feel like telling me why you’re here now?”

  “There’s something going on and me and Tobias don’t know what to do about it. He said you’d know.”

  “Why didn’t Tobias come to see me?”

  “Mrs. Wedington done got him working in her flower garden. I needed a few supplies, so Tobias said I had to come tell you.”

  “What is it you need to tell me?”

  “Mr. Reginald Phillips come to see Miz Wedington yesterday. I served them tea and some cookies.” Minerva took a deep breath. “I know I ain’t ’pose to, but I listened to some of their talk.”

  “Did they say something I need to know about?”

  “Me and Tobias thought you ought’a know. I heard Miz Wedington tell Mr. Phillips she was gonna make Miss Hannah marry somebody named Calvin.”

  Shocked and suddenly furious at the thought of Hannah marrying some other man, Jarrett blurted, “You’re kidding.”

  “No, sir, I’s not.” Now that Minerva had started talking, she didn’t seem able to stop. “She even told him the man was soft in the head and wouldn’t fight marrying Miss Hannah. Mr. Phillips said that would be all right since no normal man would ever marry a crippled girl.”

  Jarrett bit his lip to keep from cursing. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He didn’t say anything, and Minerva went on, “They’s settled on a plan for her to marry the man Miz Wedington’s done gone and picked out, even if Miss Hannah don’t want to marry him.”

  “I don’t think her aunt has to pick out a man for Hannah. She’s a beautiful girl. I’m sure a lot of fellows would like to marry her.” Jarrett was actually grinding his teeth he was so angry.

  “That’s probably true, but if’n Miz Wedington has her way ’bout it, she’ll be the one picking out the husband, not Miss Hannah. Me and Tobias don’t want that sweet girl to be forced to marry some old addled boy, and we want you to help us keep Miz Wedington from making her do it.”

  Jarrett’s voice had a determined ring in it when he said, “Mrs. Wedington is not going to make Hannah get married if she doesn’t want to. I’ll see to that.”

  Minerva’s black face broke into a big grin. “We knowed you’d help her. You’re a good man, Mr. MacMichael. We knowed that all the time. Thank you, sir. Thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Minerva. I like Miss Hannah, too.”

  “We knows you do.”

  “What did you say the man’s name was that Mrs. Wedington wanted Hannah to marry?”

  “His name’s Calvin Sawyer.”

  “I’ll check this fellow out.”

  She grinned again. “We thought you might not like the notion of her marrying him. That’s another reason I come. Me and Tobias thinks it’d be a good idee if you’d be the one to marry Miss Hannah.”

  Jarrett could only stare at Minerva. He was too shaken to answer her.

  “Would you do it, Mr. MacMichael? Would you marry Miss Hannah?”

  He came out of his shock. “That’s not going to happen. I’m too old for Hannah.”

  “No, you ain’t. Lots of older men marry up with young pretty women. ’Sides, Miss Hannah will be eighteen years old soon.”

  “I thought she was only about sixteen.”

  “No, sir. She’ll be eighteen soon.”

  Jarrett couldn’t help liking the fact that Hannah was a young woman and not a child, but he still couldn’t consider marrying her even if she did make his heart race when he looked at her. After all, he was thirty. That would make him twelve years older than Hannah. Though not a vast difference, he felt it wouldn’t be right to tie a beautiful young girl on the verge of womanhood to someone his age. Finally, he said, “I don’t think I’ll be marrying her, Minerva, but let me guarantee you that Miss Hannah will not marry anybody she doesn’t want to.”

  “I wish you’d think about it, but if’n you don’t want to marry her, then there’s nothing I can do about it and I guess that’s ’bout all I got to say ’cept we’s counting on you to stop Mrs. Wedington from carrying out her evil plan.” She stood. “Now, I guess I better get my supplies and get back, afore Miz Wedington wonders where I be.”

  He took Minerva’s arm. “I’ll walk downstairs with you. I don’t want anyone trying to stop you in the lobby.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  When they reached the street, Jarrett watched Minerva head toward the market. Before she was out of sight, he realized because of her news he was going to have to rearrange his day. Minerva was right about one thing. He had to stop this foolish notion of Verbena’s to marry Hannah off to some slow-thinking man. The thought of that made him not only angry, but sick as well. That wonderful young woman wasn’t going to be forced to marry anybody she didn’t want to marry. Though he wouldn’t let the thought completely form in his mind, deep down he knew if Hannah married anybody, it was going to be him.


  The next day, Reverend Cedric Calhoun’s wife was having the Bible study group meeting and had invited the women to stay afterward for the midday meal. Excited to be a part of this group, Verbena, dressed in the newest creation Hannah had made for her, slapped the reins over the back of the horse pulling her buggy and headed down the street. She was a little late, but that was the way she planned it. She wanted to make an entrance, because she was sure all the women there would be envious when they saw she was wearing such a distinctive frock. Verbena enjoyed it when her lovely clothes made her the center of attention in this special group.

  Turning the horse at the next corner, she screamed when a man darted from behind a roadside bush and took hold of the horse’s bridle. Grabbing the whip beside her, she tried to hit him, but he jerked the whip out of her hand.

  “Stop that, you damn fool woman.”

  Verbena gasped when she recognized the voice. “What are you trying to do?”

  “I have to talk to you.”

  “You have nothing to say I want to hear, Burl Hamilton.”

  “Oh, I think you’ll want to hear this.” He moved to the side of the buggy and climbed in beside

  She jerked her body around and slapped at his shoulder. “Get out of my buggy, you filthy beast. You smell horrible.”

  A deep, grotesque laugh escaped his throat and he grabbed the hand she was still trying to hit him with. “Well, my dear Verbena, you’re going to have to put up with my horrible smell for the time being.”

  “What do you want with me, you swine?”

  “Thought you’d get away with it, didn’t you?”

  She frowned. “Get away with what?”

  “You know damn good and well what I’m talking about.”

  “No, Burl. I don’t know.”

  “Don’t hand me that, you greedy bitch.” He twisted her arm. “Now, why’d you do it?”

  Perplexed, Verbena stared at him. “Do what?”

  He twisted a little harder, but didn’t say anything.

  “Please, Burl. I don’t know what you mean.” Pain shot through her arm and a tear slid down her cheek. What did this crazy fool want with her? Had he somehow found out that she planned for Hannah to get married? But how? Nobody knew except Hilda and now, Reginald. If Burl had found out, why did he care anyway? He didn’t even own up to the fact that Hannah was his child.

  He twisted again and she let out another little scream. “You better make it right and you better do it today.” His voice left no doubt that he expected her to do whatever it was he needed.

  “Tell me what you want me to do, Burl and I’ll do it. I’ll do it today, if that’s what you want.”

  “If’n you don’t, I’ll pull out them papers and head straight to the sheriff.”

  She gasped. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, yes I would. Now, don’t tarry. Go take care of it.” He twisted her arm one more time then jumped out of the buggy without another word.

  “Wait, Burl. What am I supposed to do?”

  He didn’t hear her because he’d disappeared behind the hedge surrounding the house on the corner.

  Chapter 13

  “Why in the world would Aunt Verbena do this?” Lydia’s face showed complete confusion as she looked at the notes Jarrett handed her about the arrests. “I’ve always thought she hated my pa.”

  “Maybe she does.”

  She frowned. “Then why would she pay all these bail bills for him?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out. I don’t think it’s because of the goodness of her heart.”

  Lydia sneered. “There’s no way she’d do that. Aunt Verbena always has a reason for doing what she does, but it’s not because of her goodness.”

  “And you didn’t know anything about it?”

  “No, Jarrett. I had no idea, and just like you, I’m completely confused by it.”

  Jarrett believed her. “Do you think Hannah would know anything about it?”

  “No.” Her voice was sharp. “I’m sure she doesn’t know a thing, and I don’t think you should upset her by asking.”

  Jarrett nodded, but didn’t comment. He wasn’t sure whether he’d say anything to Hannah or not. He changed the subject. “Do you have any idea who else would know?”

  She shook her head. “Not unless it would be somebody at the courthouse where she paid the bail.”

  “The more I look into this situation, the more strange questions I find. Questions that can’t seem to be answered.”

  “Do you think this has anything to do with Hannah?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know, Lydia, but I figure anything that goes on in your aunt’s house affects Hannah one way or the other.”

  “You’re probably right about that.” She handed him the paper he’d showed her. “What are you going to do now?”

  “I need to talk with your aunt, but I know I have to be careful there. I don’t want her to catch on that I’m investigating her. I also think I should go to your father’s farm again. I gave Lulu a little money to watch him and see if he seemed to be hiding anything. I don’t know if she’ll be successful, but it’s the only way I could think of to try to find out what’s happening at the farm.”

  “From what I can tell Tobias and Minerva are devoted to Hannah. Have you asked them to watch Aunt Verbena?”

  “I haven’t had to. They’re doing it already.”

  “Good. As long as they’re there I don’t think anything will happen to my sister.”

  “From the way she acts, Verbena has never noticed how intuitive Tobias and Minerva are. She thinks of them almost as slaves though she has to pay them. She has no idea they see and hear more of what goes on in that house than she’d ever guess.”

  Lydia was quiet a moment, then she asked, “Jarrett, when you get to the bottom of all this, what’s going to happen to my sister?”

  “Don’t worry. Your sister will be fine. I’ll see to that.”

  She nodded. “I have no recourse but to trust you.”

  “You can, Lydia.”

  Before she could answer, the door burst open and a tall, handsome blond- headed man walked in. “Well, look here. I go out of town for a few days and come home to find my wife entertaining a man in my office.”

  Jarrett was glad the man was smiling when he said it.

  “Bradly, you’re home.” Lydia jumped from her chair and threw her arms around the man’s neck. “I’m so glad you’re back. I missed you so much.”

  He kissed her quickly. “I missed you, too, sweetheart. Besides entertaining men in my office, what else have you been up to in my absence?”

  “You’d be surprised.” She poked his belly and turned. “I want to introduce you to Jarrett MacMichael. He’s here to investigate Aunt Verbena. Jarrett, this is my husband, Bradly Patterson.”

  Jarrett stood and offered his hand.

  Bradly took it. “Why in the world are you investigating Lydia’s aunt?”

  “Have a seat, darling and we’ll tell you all about it.” Lydia guided him to the chair beside hers.

  “Maybe I should go.” Jarrett was still standing.

  “Wait until we explain things to Bradly.” She turned back to her husband. “Would you like a drink, honey?”

  “Yes. I’ve had a long day.”

  “I’ll pour you one, and then we’ll get started.” She filled a crystal glass and handed it to him. “Jarrett, tell Bradly how Drina’s husband hired you to come here to check on Hannah.”

  Though Jarrett wasn’t too sure he should tell Bradly Patterson all about his visit to Savannah, Lydia had left him no alternative. He launched into his story.

  When he finished, Bradly asked, “Is there any way I can help you with this?”

  “I’m not sure, but maybe you can. Let me think about it.” He stood. “Now I think it’s time for me to get out of here. I’m sure you and your wife have things to talk about and you don’t need anyone here to interfere.”

  “It was good to meet you, Jarrett. We’ll talk again.”

  Jarrett nodded and left the office. Maybe Bradly was right. There was a possibility he could help. After all, a man who worked in a saloon was privy to all types of information that a man on the street wasn’t.


  Tobias opened the front door and Verbena walked in. Surprise showed on his face. “Miz Wedington, you’re back early.”

  She only nodded and walked past him. “Go take care of the horse and buggy, Tobias.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  On still-trembling legs, Verbena made it to her room and closed the door. Throwing her purse and her hat on the bed, she collapsed in the stuffed chair beside the window and tried to make her hands stop shaking.

  Why in the world did Burl accost her the way he did? Right out in the open street where anybody could’ve seen them together. The last thing she ever wanted was to have people see her with this disreputable man. It would be the ruination of her if her friends thought she had anything to do with a man like Burl Hamilton, even if he was Hannah’s father. He should know better than to come to her the way he did. The man must be going crazy.

  What did he
want anyway? It was as if she’d done something or failed to do something for him. But what could it be? She was caring for Hannah as she was supposed to do. She was paying his monthly tax bills. She was…

  Oh, good heavens! She sat straight up. I haven’t been to the court house in two months to pay those taxes. So much has happened that I forgot all about them. No wonder he was so irate. They must have threatened to foreclose on the farm. How could I have been so forgetful? Still, the fool could’ve come to me at night. Not in broad daylight where anyone could see us together.

  Sitting up, she moved to her dressing table and began straightening her mussed hair. She stood, replaced her hat and picked up her purse. Leaving her room she went into the kitchen as her butler came in the back door.

  “Tobias, get my horse and buggy ready. I need to go out for a while.”

  “But I just put them away.” He looked totally confused.

  “I pay you to work for me, not to question me when I ask you to do something. I expect you do what I tell you when I tell you to do it, not to argue with me. Now, get my horse and buggy ready. I need it.”

  Still looking confused, he shook his head, turned and went out the way he came in.

  Verbena turned to Minerva. “Honestly, sometimes I wonder if your man has all his senses.”

  Minerva nodded at the woman and without answering, turned to the stove.


  Jarrett decided he’d go to the bank and check on the money he’d promised to transfer there. It was a good excuse to see if he could get more information out of Reginald Phillips about the Wedington estate. As he came down the street, he was surprised to see Reginald walking Verbena to her buggy. He wondered why she was here, but he guessed she had some business that had to do with her money. He slowed down until she pulled away. He wasn’t in the mood for trying to be the perfect gentleman with her today. That would come later.

  He reined his horse up to the hitching post at the corner and climbed out of the saddle.

  Reginald looked at him. “Mr. MacMichael, how good to see you.”


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