Life After Falling

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Life After Falling Page 10

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “That’s impossible. Just like you can’t be too compatible.”

  “Aren’t they the same thing?”

  “Kind of.”


  I left the popcorn alone at the sound of my mother’s voice. I glanced up and saw my parents standing in the aisle beside us. “Hi guys.” I turned slightly toward Leo. “These are my parents.”

  Dad smiled. “I didn’t know you were coming tonight.”

  “Last minute decision.”

  “And who is your friend?” Mom stepped into our row.

  “Leo Thomlin. Nice to meet you.” He stood and held out his hand.

  She accepted his handshake. “Nice to meet you too.”

  “Leo is the one who’s been helping me with the tape.”

  “Oh, the one you definitely weren’t going to the store to see?” Mom raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, right.”

  I felt blood rushing to my face.

  “Maureen, let’s leave the kids. We’ll sit a few rows away as to not embarrass you, honey.” Dad winked.

  “Because I’m not embarrassed already?” I hadn’t had the nerve to look at Leo yet.

  Mom shrugged. “If you don’t want us showing up on your dates you should tell us when you are going on them.”

  “It’s not a date.”

  “Oh, I see. Yes, enjoy your movie with your ‘friend.’” Mom used air quotes before Dad dragged her away.

  Leo sat back down.

  I turned to him. “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t apologize.” He grinned.

  “I’m not used to running into them.”

  He grinned even bigger.

  “Why are you smiling?”

  “Because you weren’t kidding about telling your mom about me.”

  “I did warn you that you couldn’t kill me.”

  “Yeah, but you talked about me enough that she assumed you were into me.”

  I noticed my parents a few rows ahead of us. At least they hadn’t sat next to us. “I need the candy.”

  “Nope.” He held the M&M’s away from me. “We’re doing this your way. Only popcorn.”

  “I need candy.” Sweets were a definite comfort food for me, and I needed the comfort.

  He put his arm behind me. “Why are you so upset?”

  I thought about it. “I don’t know.”

  “You’re not embarrassed to be seen out with me, are you?”

  “Of course not. Are you kidding?” Embarrassed was the opposite of what I felt.

  “I’m trying to understand your reaction.”

  “My mom isn’t going to drop this. She’s going to pester me about what’s going on with us.”

  “So?” He took another handful of popcorn.

  “So, it gets old.”

  “Let her have her fun. She’s probably excited to see you out. I’m sure she was upset about you breaking off the engagement. Most moms like planning a daughter’s wedding, and she’s probably worried about you.”

  “She doesn’t need to be.”

  “She doesn’t, and if seeing you out with a guy makes her feel better about your mental health, then let her have that.”

  “Do you always have to sound so wise?” I glanced at the theater message reminding you to turn off your phone. I double checked mine even though I knew it was on silent.

  “Not always.”

  The lights dimmed, and the first preview started. I opened up both packages of candy. Leo moved his arm back so he could eat a bit of each candy.

  I tried to focus on the movie, but I was distracted by my mom glancing back a few times.

  Leo noticed too, and his solution was to put his arm around me again.

  “You’re trying to mislead her,” I whispered.

  “I made her smile.”

  “Make yourself smile.” I lightly pushed his arm.

  “I am smiling.” He used his free hand to grab some more candy.

  I turned back to the movie and gave my own smile. Eventually I relaxed enough to enjoy the movie I knew by heart. I was glad it wasn’t something new, or I would have been hopelessly lost.

  At the end of the movie Leo insisted we wait for my parents to catch up with us before walking out into the lobby even though I assured him they wouldn’t expect it.

  “Hey, enjoy your millionth viewing of that movie?” Dad asked.

  “So she wasn’t kidding? She actually is a fan.” Leo nodded as though he was impressed.

  “Oh, a big one. She even dressed up as a storm trooper one Halloween.” Dad beamed. For one reason or another having a Star Wars loving daughter was a bragging right to him.

  “Because Nile and Clay were doing it. I wanted to be like them.”

  Leo smiled. “That’s cute.”

  Or pathetic depending on how you looked at it. I’d always wanted to be as cool as my brother and his friends, but it never quite happened.

  “What are you two doing now? We’re heading over to the diner. Want to join us?” Mom asked.

  “We’d love to,” Leo answered before I could.

  “Great.” Mom grinned.

  I said nothing. How could I possibly say no now?

  We all walked outside, but I grabbed Leo’s arm to hold him back. “What was that?”

  “What? We need to eat.”

  “With my parents?”

  “What do you care? Remember making other people happy isn’t a bad thing.”

  “Fine.” When he put it that way I sounded horrible arguing.

  We took a slow walk over to the diner a little ways down the road. I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to make too big a deal out of eating with my parents, even though it definitely wasn’t my ideal way to end the evening.

  Dad asked for a table for four, and we were led to a booth in the diner I’d eaten at more times than I could count. I’d gone as a kid, but most of my memories came from high school outings with my friends.

  One quick glance around told me nothing that changed. It had the same blue carpeting and wooden blinds that had always been there, as well as the random geometric designs etched onto the walls.

  I slid into one side of the window booth, and Leo sat down next to me. My parents settled in across from us.

  “So, Leo. You work at the record store?” Mom jumped right in with her questioning.

  “I do.”

  “That’s great. Do you have a specific interest in music?”

  “I enjoy it, but no. I needed a job, and it fit my needs.” He kept complete eye contact as he spoke.

  “Great.” Mom unwrapped her silverware and put her napkin on her lap. “Are you from around here originally?”

  “I grew up in Roslyn. I moved out here to be closer to my brother.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful. Staying close to family is important.” Mom shot me a look that said it all. She wanted me to try harder with my brother.

  “My parents are out in California, so we don’t get to see them as much as we’d like, but I see my brother all the time now.”

  Mom smiled. “We hadn’t seen much of Cassidy lately, but we’re excited she’s moved back home.”

  Now that was a change. And moved back? She was acknowledging I was home to stay for a while.

  “I can imagine. I’ve heard she wasn’t back to visit a lot.”

  “She was busy working, so we understood.” Dad rested a hand on the table. He’d always encouraged me to have a strong work ethic.

  The conversation stopped when the waitress took our order, and thankfully the food came even faster than normal. Dinner moved along more amicably than I expected. I got embarrassed a few times, but Leo was great at carrying the conversation, so I found I actually enjoyed myself. I wasn’t about to tell my parents that though. I wasn’t planning to make joint dinners with them a habit—with or without Leo. I wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed or impressed at how he’d worked my parents. They’d never seemed so enamored with someone before.

  I held my tongue as we walked back to my
apartment, but when we got there, I had to say something. “That was interesting.”

  “You have nice parents.”

  “Are we still on for tomorrow night?” I spit out the question. I wanted to spend more time with Leo, but I didn’t know if he was getting bored of my company.

  “Why wouldn’t we be?”

  “I don’t know. Just checking.”

  “I’m looking forward to our evening.” He smiled as we stood in front of the stairs to my apartment.

  I waited. Was this the moment when he kissed me? Did I want him to? I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but I didn’t want to say goodnight yet. “Want me to drive you home?”


  “But it’s—”

  “Late. Dark. Yup. And I’m a big boy. I’ll even text you when I get home.”

  I laughed. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “Good and sleep well.” He touched my arm gently before walking around to get his bike.

  “Good night.”

  “Night, Cassidy.” He stood there with his bike waiting.

  “You can go.”

  “Not until I see you go inside.”


  “Because it’s the way it is.”

  I walked up the steps with a smile on my face. Normally that kind of thing would have bothered me, but I liked it coming from Leo. He wasn’t doing it because he was sexist, he was doing it because he cared, and there was nothing better than that.

  I’d barely closed the door when my phone rang. I picked up when I saw it was my mother. It wouldn’t pay to make her wait. “Hello.”

  “He’s adorable,” she gushed.

  “He’s just a friend.”

  “That doesn’t make him less adorable.”

  “He is cute.” I didn’t usually talk about men with my mother, but I wasn’t going to deny how attractive Leo was.

  “Cute?” She laughed dryly. “He’s more than cute.”

  “You’re the one who called him adorable.”

  “That’s me. What do you really think?”

  “Mom. I just broke up with Steve.” I heard water running, she was probably washing something in the sink.

  “You wanted to break up with him months ago.”


  “It’s true. I could tell you wanted out, but I didn’t want to push you. You had to make your own decision.”

  “Steve’s gay.”

  The line went silent. “Yeah… not sure why it took me so long to figure that one out.”

  “You didn’t want to accept it. That’s different from not figuring it out.”

  “Maybe,” I conceded.

  “It doesn’t reflect on you. He’s a nice man. He made you happy. You felt something. You did nothing wrong.”

  “I know I didn’t.” I paced the kitchen.

  “You think you did. You can’t fool me honey.”

  “I hate that I lied to myself for so long. That’s different.”

  “I like this Leo.” She thankfully moved the subject away from Steve.

  “He’s a nice new friend.”

  “I’m sure.”

  My phone buzzed with a text. I knew it was Leo, so I pushed to get off the phone. “I’ll call you soon.”

  “Love you. Nice to have you home.”

  “Since I’m not technically in your home.”

  “This distance is a good one.”

  “Good night, Mom.” I ended the call and glanced to see the text.

  Alive and home.

  Glad to know. Thanks for another interesting evening.

  Hopefully the third evening is even more fun.

  I am sure it will be.


  Goodnight. I put aside my phone. My life had changed so much in such a short period of time, but it was for the best. Sometimes change could be a good thing.


  “My throat hurts,” I whined as we watched the second encore of the evening. The concert had been fun, and as expected we weren’t the oldest people there. Thanks to knowing almost all of the songs by heart I sang along a little bit too often, and my throat was now paying for it.

  “Want more water?” Leo held out a bottle of water.

  “Thanks.” I took a long sip, ignoring the fact that it was his bottle, and we were sharing germs.

  It was a beautiful night for a concert at the beach. Although we were sitting far from the water, you could still feel and smell the salty air. The music was fun, and the company was perfect. Although we’d only been hanging out for a few days, I felt like I’d known Leo much longer. It had felt completely natural to pick him up at work before the show.

  A chilly breeze picked up, and I zipped up my sweatshirt all the way. Leo put his arm around me. I didn’t look at him. I was afraid if I did he’d remove his arm, and I wanted him to leave it exactly where it was.

  When the band officially left the stage for the last time, Leo turned to me. “Ready?”

  “Ready.” The crowd waiting to get out of the arena was only going to get worse the longer we waited.

  We wove through people as we made our way to the exit.

  “That was fun. Thanks for taking me.”

  “Thanks for coming.” I linked my arm with his.

  “Anytime you have extra concert tickets I’ll help out.”

  “Thanks for the generosity.” I bumped my shoulder into his side.

  “Of course.”

  We reached my car, and he waited by the driver’s side. As soon as I unlocked it he swooped around me and opened my door. He closed the door and went around.

  “What was that for?”

  “I feel bad you always have to drive.”

  “I don’t mind.” I didn’t. I liked driving because it meant we could stay on my schedule, and I’d get where I needed to go. I was a bit of a control freak.

  He smiled and started fiddling with the radio.

  We waited in the long line to exit the parking lot. It was the most annoying part of going to a show at a large venue. It took forever to leave the place.

  “What was your very first concert?” He watched me out of the corner of his eye.

  “Red Hot Chili Peppers.”


  “My dad took my brother and me.” It had been at Forest Hills in Queens. I’d spent days picking out the right shirt to wear only to spill soda on it ten minutes into our drive to the stadium.

  “It’s better than my first concert.”

  “What was yours?”

  “I can’t tell you.”

  “I told you mine.”

  “Mine’s embarrassing.”

  “Can’t be that bad?” I watched him.


  “No way!”

  “Yes.” He looked away. “I had a huge crush on this girl, and she had tickets.”

  “You have a weakness. You can’t say no to free concert tickets.” Internally I added ‘when they come from girls’.

  “I guess some things never change.”

  The line of cars moved slightly. “This is going to take a while.”

  “There go my plans for the evening.”

  “I’m sure they were great ones.”

  He smiled. “As great as yours.”

  “What time do you go to bed usually?” It was eleven. Not too late.

  “Now that’s a new question.”

  “What time?”

  “Whenever I’m ready to face it.”

  “Not a good sleeper?” I understood what that was like.

  “You can say that. What about you?”

  “Usually around ten thirty.”

  “Ok good. I wouldn’t want to keep you out past your bedtime.” He grinned.

  “Well, on work nights. On weekends I’m up later.”

  “Oh. Important information to know.”

  I laughed. “Glad it’s out in the open.”

  The traffic finally opened up, and we turned onto the parkway. I rolled the windows down so we could
enjoy the feel of the wind. Normally I’d have asked my passenger first, but I couldn’t imagine Leo minding it. He seemed relaxed, with his head resting on the seat.

  A few loose pieces of my hair blew around my face. “I love the feel of the wind like this. It makes me feel alive.”

  He smiled. “It is invigorating.”

  “I totally understand why dogs stick their heads out the window.”

  “Comparing yourself to a dog?”

  “Not exactly.” Leave it to Leo to turn it around like that.

  “Are you a dog or cat person?”

  “Dog, but I have a cat.”

  “Dare I ask?”

  “My ex gave him to me, and I refused to leave him behind.”

  “Makes logical sense.” He put his hand out beside him palm up.

  “Fluffy hates me, so it’s even.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t hate you. Cats are weird.”

  “Weird isn’t the word I’d use.”

  “I like cats.”

  “Really?” Had I finally found something we didn’t have in common?

  “Why does that surprise you?”

  “You don’t seem like the cat type.”

  “I am. I love dogs too. I am an equal opportunity pet person, I suppose.”

  “What about birds?”

  “Never had one, but they’re cool.”


  “Like hamsters?”

  “Yeah.” Or mice or whatever else people get to run around in the wheels.

  “Ok, not as much.”

  I turned off at the exit closest to his house. I slowed down so I wouldn’t get a ticket and to make the night last longer. I wasn’t ready to say goodnight and go back to my empty apartment.

  I pulled into his driveway.

  He turned to look at me. “Do you want to come in?”

  His question surprised me. “Now?”

  “I’ll take that as a no.” He opened his door.

  I made a split second decision. “Yes.”

  “Yeah?” He leaned in.


  “Ok, want to pull around to the side then?” He gestured toward the garage.

  “Sure.” I tried to calm my racing heart. Being invited in didn’t actually mean anything. We were both bored. For all I knew he’d put on a movie. Of course that was the last thing on my mind.

  I got out and met him around the front of the car.

  “It’s a mess. I wasn’t planning on having company.”

  “I don’t mind a mess.” I followed him up the steep steps on the side of the garage.


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