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Battlelines Page 5

by S. K. Gregory

  “How? There is no way you could have found this place by yourself.”

  “You underestimate me? Well, in this case you are correct.”

  He reached behind the guards and dragged Asteria forward, throwing her to the ground. She lay there, blood leaking from her mouth, nose and eyes.

  “You made her tell you, knowing there was a blood oath on her?” I cried.

  “No, she came to me. Asteria understands how things work.”

  Asteria whimpered. It was shocking that she was still alive. She must be in tremendous pain.

  “Why?” I asked her.

  Through the pain, she managed to glare at me, spitting blood at me.

  “Our physicians have been sustaining her life, but I suggest your break the blood oath if you don’t want her to die.”

  Despite her treachery, I could not let my little sister die. Reaching out, I took her hand and chanted the spell to break the oath.

  Within moments, her body relaxed and she closed her eyes. The bleeding stopped.

  I got to my feet. I did not stand a chance against my father, but I would do what I could to protect the other side from him.

  He stared at me, a smile playing on his lips. “Do you believe that you can take me?”

  “No, but I will try,” I said, raising my chin.

  “Do not be stupid, boy.” He leaned in close and lowered his voice. “You know that I will not fight you. I will make you watch while I kill your sister instead.”

  “She betrayed me,” I said.

  “And yet you saved her from the blood oath curse. Step aside. Now!”

  With no other choice, I shuffled to the side to let him pass. Dying here would help no one.

  “Time to explore our new world.”

  Chapter 13

  I stared at Thorn as we headed back to the boat. Travis had taken over driving duties, while the previous driver lay unconscious on the floor.

  Thorn was hunched at the back of the truck, hands over his ears. That’s why he fainted. It wasn’t his injury, it was the beacon.

  Was he like me? A half Fae? I guess it was possible, although my father was supposed to be the only Fae on this side, before they all escaped. Oh God, what if he’s like my half brother?

  Lydia was glaring at him. They all saw what he did. He couldn’t hide what he was, but she should be grateful. We were alive because of him.

  He’s saved me twice. Not that I’m counting.

  If he was like me, I needed to know. The thought of no longer being alone in the world, the only one of my kind, would be a relief. I would wait until we were alone to ask him.

  When we reached the dock, the boat was still there, although the soldiers didn’t seem too pleased at the long wait. The General started barking orders the moment the truck stopped, his head injury forgotten.

  Rat came hurtling toward me when I got out of the truck.

  “Nova! You’re okay,” he cried. I gave him a hug, then he ran off to hug Enzo and Lydia too.

  Alwyn walked slowly toward us. He had a book in his hand and he looked surprised to see us.

  “Thought you were all dead,” he said.

  “We almost were. I’ll tell you later.” He moved to help the others get onboard.

  Everyone re-boarded the boat, but Thorn lingered on the dock.

  “Come on,” I said.

  “You want me to be trapped on a boat with another beacon? I’ll take my chances with the Fae.”

  He turned away.

  “I’m guessing you aren’t too fond of the Fae either. We have a plan to stop them.”

  He looked back and raised an eyebrow, looking sceptical. “I don’t think there are enough beacons in the world.”

  “That’s not the plan. I’m going to kill the Queen.”

  Thorn laughed harshly. “I’m sorry, but seriously? You’re the best hope mankind has?”

  I glared at him, raised my hand and produced a flame from my palm. It only appeared for a few seconds before snuffing out.

  “I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve.”

  “Oh. You’re one of them.”

  “One of who?”

  “The legendary fire bringers. Super rare with our kind. The Queen is one too.” He didn’t seem that surprised to find out I was Fae? Did he already know?

  “Yeah, I guess she’s my aunt.”

  Thorn seemed to turn paler if that was possible. “Why would you want to kill your own kin?”

  “She’s not my kin. And I’m not a full Fae either.”

  “What are you?”

  “I’m half human. Like you?” I took a guess.

  “There’s no human blood in me. Just one of the unfortunate Fae’s who looks mostly human. Needless to say, I’m not popular with my kind. Which is why I ran away.”

  Full Fae. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. “So you don’t want the Queen dead?”

  “Are you kidding? It was that bitch’s crusade which led to us all being locked away. I want her dead, believe me.”

  “So come with us.”

  “I’ll be dead by the end of the day being exposed to that beacon.” He hesitated.

  Mom came up behind us. She lifted a pair of blue headphones. “I was developing these for Nova. They are noise cancelling. Might help.”

  Thorn took them and placed them on his head. After a few seconds, he gave us a thumbs up. He pulled them off. “It’s not great, but it helps. Guess I could hitch a ride with you guys. If the worst happens, I can always hurl myself overboard.” He grinned to show that it was a joke.

  He joined us on board, choosing a spot as far away from the beacon as he could get.

  I left him alone for a while. He didn’t seem to like company and I was still smarting over his comment about me. As if I didn’t have enough doubts of my own.

  Roxy came up from below. “Well that was…interesting. I can’t believe that guy is a Fae. That’s crazy. He looks so normal. Are we in danger? Maybe we should throw him overboard just to be sure.”

  I rounded on her. “Oh really? The guy who saved all of our lives? Tell me Roxy, will you thrown me overboard too, because of what I am? Because surprise! I’m half Fae.”

  Roxy’s mouth opened and closed in shock.

  “Nothing to say? Good. Just stay away from me.”

  I stormed off, leaving her alone.

  Chapter 14

  I do my best to stay away from Roxy for a while. All this time I wanted to find her; I should have known she would just be like everyone else.

  I found Thorn sitting on the edge of the boat. “Can I join you?”

  He didn’t respond and then I remembered his headphones. I tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to the spot beside him. He shrugged in reply and I sat down.

  “I’m guessing I’m not too popular here,” he said, pushing one of the headphones back so he could hear my reply.

  “We’re in the same boat. Literally.”

  That actually got a smile from him. “Its something I’m used to by now.”

  “So what happened to you?”

  He sighed. “I followed my father into battle, fighting for the Queen. I didn’t want to, I was young, didn’t have a choice. She went to war against your father, I’m assuming?”

  I nodded.

  “He was smart though. He found a way to get rid of all the Fae at once.”

  “What was it like?” I asked softly. “Being trapped like that?” I couldn’t imagine something so horrible.

  “Most of the Fae were conscious, but my mother taught me a trick which allowed me to sleep, I guess. It saved my sanity at least.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, unable to look him in the eye. My family destroyed his life, I wouldn’t blame him if he hated me.

  “It was necessary. I actually believe he did the right thing, but I will not go back underground, no matter what. I will help you take down the Queen, if I can. But if it comes to a choice, I would rather that you kill me than put me back.”

  Surprised at his wo
rds, I reached out to take his hand. He flinched but didn’t pull away. “I won’t let that happen. I’ll find another way. I promise.”

  “Why? Why are you trying to help me when I’m the enemy?”

  “Because I don’t belong in either world, and I know what it is like to be an outsider.”

  “The plan is still crazy. I don’t like your odds.”

  “I don’t like them either. But we have time to plan.”



  Many Years Ago…

  “The Queen is mad. This is not our war,” I snapped, turning on my father.

  He struck me across the face for my insolence. “She is our Queen and we follow her orders.”

  “She wants us to go up against King Oberon. He is the most powerful Fae in existence, you know that. If she loses, he will punish us all.”

  “Oberon is a fossil, he deserves to fall.”

  He continued his climb up the hill, and I had to follow. We were headed to the front lines, Queen Asteria had called for reinforcements. Before we were drafted, we were living as farmers amongst the humans. Dad wore a glamor to hide his appearance, I didn’t have to. As long as I wore my hair long to hide my ears, I could pass as one of them. Something my brothers and father despised about me. Like I was somehow tainted because I resembled the humans. It wasn’t my fault. I had my mother’s looks and my father’s pale complexion.

  Despite Asteria’s hatred of humans, I never had a problem with them. Sure, they didn’t have magic like we did, but we weren’t that different. They tilled the earth like we did, looked after their families. They didn’t deserve to be slaughtered because she couldn’t learn to share.

  My brothers had stopped communicating weeks ago. They were probably dead. At least they died for something they believed in. As much as I hated them, I didn’t want to watch any Fae fall in this war.

  I hope I don’t join them.

  Chapter 15

  “Truce?” Roxy said, as she found me in my bunk. I was trying to take a nap before dinner, but I couldn’t shut my mind off.

  I suppose I should get this over with. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I sat up.

  “Well? Let’s hear it. You’re done being friends with me. It’s not me, it’s you.”

  “I’m not a tenth grader breaking up with you. You can’t just expect to drop a bombshell on me like that and not give me a minute to catch up,” she said.

  “Right, sorry. Well you’ve had time now. What’s the verdict?”

  She took a seat on the chair opposite my bunk, crossing her legs.

  “I have questions.”

  I sighed. “Shoot.”

  “Did you always know you were Fae? Did your mother know? Do you have powers? Did your mother get it on with a Fae?”

  I rubbed at my temples. I should have expected this.

  “No. Yes. Yes and no.”

  Even Roxy looked confused as she tried to match the answer to the question.

  “Long story short? I was created in a lab. My father was Fae, my mother a surrogate. I was given to Mom to raise and I can…melt things.”

  Roxy sat back in her chair, looking stunned. “Damn. I can’t believe you didn’t know.”

  “So I’m a liar now?” I snapped.

  “What? No! That’s not…”

  “You think I wouldn’t have told you if I knew? I was kidnapped and experimented on and I don’t need the third degree from you of all people.”

  Roxy stood up, shaking her head. “I’ll leave you to calm down for a while.”

  A few minutes after she left, there was a knock on the door. “Go away, Roxy!” I yelled.

  “It’s Enzo,” came the reply.

  I groaned in frustration and got up to answer the door. “What do you want?”

  “I wanted to see if you were okay after your little adventure?”

  “You mean almost being killed? Again? I’m good.” I returned to my bunk and sat down.

  “Look, I know we haven’t talked much since everything, but I would like it if we could try and move past it,” he said, lingering in the doorway. He wore an olive green t shirt over jeans. I guess his fatigues were in the wash or something.

  “I’m not the one who needs to do that.”

  “I know. I’m still trying to get my head around it, if I’m honest. But I know you aren’t like them.”

  I closed my eyes. Like them. Still a divide. I hated it. “Is that it?”

  “The General wants me to take over your training from now on.”

  “Let me guess, no one else wants to work with me?”

  “No, not really. They’re worried about the new guy too. That you are making alliances.”

  “Thorn saved all our lives. You need to stop looking at the world like its black and white.”

  He scratched the back of his head. “Isn’t it though? If something tries to kill you, you kill it first.”

  “Thorn hasn’t done anything to you or anyone else. Tell your soldier friends to stay away from him,” I snapped.

  “We’re not going to touch him. I’m just saying you don’t know a lot about him.”

  “There you go sounding jealous again. What do you care? Maybe you’re right, maybe he’ll kill me in my sleep, wouldn’t that solve all your problems?”

  Enzo’s jaw tensed. “You really need to stop pushing everyone away. We’re in this together.”

  “I’m not pushing anyone away, everyone does a good enough job of leaving themselves. You want to train me fine, but there is no need for us to talk until then. Go.”

  Enzo stormed out of the room. I resisted the urge to melt something, even though I could feel the heat building in my hands.

  Humans suck.

  And now Roxy might be joining the ranks of everyone who hates me. I should have known it would come to this.

  I’m on my own.



  Many Years Ago…

  Pacing my tiny cell, I felt like screaming. How could I be so stupid? I subjected this world to the Fae. It did not matter that Asteria was the one to give up the location, I discovered this world, I failed to get the doorway closed.

  Father wasted no time in establishing his hold. A castle was built for him and a cell for me. It was spelled against my power, meaning I was here until Father decided to kill me or let me go.

  He will never let me go. Father did not do forgiveness.

  I also knew that he was almost out of sons. My brothers died in the war, leaving my younger brother, Rook as the next potential ruler. As Fae, we had a long lifespan. The only way Rook would become King was if Father died or was killed in battle. He visited me a few times at my cell and I saw how he held himself, the slight limp he tried to hide. The war took its toll on him. If he started another war there was a good chance he wouldn’t survive.

  If I could convince him to let me out, I would have a better chance of protecting this world.

  I admit that I contemplated murdering him myself more than once. As terrible as it sounded, I would be saving a lot of people in the long run.

  My day consisted of staring at the walls and trying to work off the pent-up energy I felt. Hard to do with no space to move.

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs above. I was already served breakfast, who can this be?

  When she stepped into view, I sighed heavily. I knew she would show up sooner or later.

  “Asteria, come to torture me?” I asked.

  “Tempting. How are you?” she asked.

  “I am in a cage. If you have come to gloat, I am not interested.”

  She moved up to the bars, peering in at me. She wore her hair back, a silver tiara rested on her head. The perfect princess.

  “I bring news. Rook was injured, the physicians do not think he will make it through the night.”

  “What happened to him?” I asked. He was an idiot as a child, but he was still my brother.

  “It seems these primitive folks are not as weak as I thou
ght. They fought back, caught poor Rook off guard.”

  Wiping a hand across my face, I wondered how many had been killed on the other side. I’m sure Rook’s injury was a fluke.

  “Looks like the crown will fall to me,” Asteria said.

  So that’s why she is here. “Your only chance at the crown will be to marry first. Even then, your husband will hold all the power.”

  “I will not share what is rightfully mine,” she snarled.

  “He would release me before letting you take his place.”

  “Maybe he will not have a choice. If he is dead, there would be no one to oppose me.”

  My little sister – the would be murderer. Would she actually go through with it? Not the little girl from years ago, but the woman who stood before me now – I would bet on it. She had hardened, become cold.

  “Where did you go? How could you have changed so much?” I asked sadly.

  Her face softened for a moment. “Why do you think? How could you choose them over me? I loved you, but you turned your back on me. I can never forgive you for that.”

  “They needed me.”

  “I needed you.”

  “I knew you would be okay. You always are.”

  “Well I’m offering you another chance. One you should not ignore. Pledge your fealty to me as Queen and I will let you live.”

  I laughed. “You’re delusional. You will never be Queen.”

  “We shall see.”

  Chapter 16

  Training began at 6am under Enzo’s new regime. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I still had a lot to learn. Anything to help me bring that bitch down.

  I noticed Roxy watching as we squared off against each other. What was she thinking? Probably how come I never noticed my best friend wasn’t human?

  Enzo threw a punch my way and I only just dodged it in time. I needed to focus or I was going to get hit. But I couldn’t turn off my feelings. All my worst fears have come into being and I almost found myself regretting going after Roxy.

  No, that’s not true. I would never leave her to die.

  Enzo struck again, catching me in the shoulder. Grunting, I raised my fists and threw a right hook at his head. He dodged it, bouncing on the balls of his feet. It reminded me of our late-night training sessions on the road. Things seemed a lot simpler back then, when no one knew what I was. If it wasn’t for Lydia and her jealousy that might still be the case.


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