Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance

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Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance Page 40

by Alexis Angel

  “Don’t treat me as if I’m a fucking dumb bimbo. You know what I’m talking about.” I’m so angry I feel like punching someone, maybe even punching one or both of them.

  How could they betray me like this? I mean, I fucking trusted them.

  “It’s a possible minor side effect,” Eric admits. “We’ve got our people on it right now—and obviously as soon as we realized it might be happening, we pulled the line.”

  “Minor side effect? You call getting women all horny and lusting after you a minor side effect? You’ve got be fucking kidding me,” I scream at them and look around. I need to throw something. I need to grab something and rip it to shreds.

  Fuck. I need to do something—anything—to let off steam right now.

  I glare at the two of them. They haven’t shifted at all in their body language, but guilt is written all over their fucking faces.

  My face is burning with shame.

  So Ryan was fucking right. I’ve been brainwashed. I can’t fucking believe it.

  “Look, babe,” starts Eric, but when I glare at him, he stops.

  “Don’t fucking babe me!” I yell. “You should’ve told me. How long have you known? I mean, like, Christ, guys! How could you?”

  Anger turns to shame, to frustration, to fury, to resentment and a hundred other fucking emotions I can’t all work out right now.

  “Calm down, Kara,” Chase chimes in and takes a step toward me. “We’ve only known for a few days. We’ve been looking for the right time to tell you, but—”

  “Oh, and that makes it alright does it? You fucking took advantage of me.” My voice is getting more and more high pitched as I’m bordering on hysteria. I know I need to get a fucking grip, but I just can’t get my head around what’s been going on.

  Maybe I would’ve taken the news better if anyone other than Ryan had delivered it. If Chase and Eric would’ve just come clean with me, I wouldn’t feel so stupid and betrayed right now.

  Fucking Ryan. He must have been fucking foaming at the mouth to come and spill the beans on what he knew.

  “Kara,” Eric clears his throat. “We did try and tell you. Several fucking times, in fact.”

  I glower at him, hands on my hips. “You never told me about any fucking side effect―minor or otherwise. Never,” I stop. I bite my bottom lip.

  Finally, I’ve had enough, and the rage is boiling over. I march past them and head for the lounge. I grab the cushions and throw them with all the power I can muster at their fucking attractive heads.

  From there, I march to the little kitchenette. I randomly open drawers and cupboards. Cutlery, pots and pans all bite the dust. The clanging and banging they make as they land on the tiled floor a reflection of my inner fucking turmoil.

  Just as I reach for a bunch of plates, strong hands grab me from behind, and another set holds my hands so I can’t throw the porcelain.

  Tears of anger are rolling down my cheek. I feel Chase pick me up, and I start kicking. With any luck, I might even get him in his sexy, traitorous balls.

  “Kara,” he says and carries me away from the zone of destruction. “Listen to us. We know it was wrong to keep you in the dark, but you need to fucking listen for a sec.”

  His arms around my body produce an instant fucking response. Wet. I’m getting fucking wet for him, even now!

  Calculating little shit.

  “Put me down,” I hiss and spit.

  “Only if you promise to listen.”

  I squirm and make things only worse. My body moving against his tight grip sends ripples of pleasure through me. I can’t fucking stay angry if I’m getting horny.

  “And if I don’t?”

  “I’ll have to restrain you until you do.”

  Fucking bastard has me exactly where he fucking wants me.

  “Okay,” I mumble and stop struggling.

  “I can’t hear you,” says Eric.

  “Okay,” I reply loud and clear. “I’ll listen.”

  “Look.” Eric is now standing in front of me, and I try to move away from both of them. Knowing the side effect makes me feel as if I’m even hornier than I ever have been.

  “It’s been fucking crazy, with the pageant and training you, and success of the product,” Chase says.

  I fold my arms in front of me and try to slow my breathing.

  “We didn’t want to rattle you before the contest,” Eric adds.

  “I know it’s hard to believe, but we only had your best interest at heart, babe. I mean, we think you’re fucking awesome and deserve all the success you can get,” Chase says.

  “We were wrong not to tell you right away, and we’re sorry. Of course, there were a couple of times we tried to tell you, but…”

  Eric and Chase share a look.

  “You kind of launched yourself at us every time we tried,” Chase finishes.

  I have to admit they both have those kind of puppy dog eyes, the ones where the puppy looks at you knowing he’s done something wrong but desperate to reassure you he didn’t mean it and will be better next time.

  I feel something stir deep in my memory. Yes, maybe there had been times when they had tried to talk to me…and I have been pretty much throwing myself at them every chance I can get…but whose fault is that?

  Brainwashed by billionaire cum. I shake my head. I should have fucking known those shakes tasted too good to be true.

  “Okay,” I grumble and am not quite sure what to do or say now. “It’s just I’ve been so horny for both of you.”

  “If you want us to go, we’ll go,” Chase says quietly, and I feel both their eyes on me.

  I bite my bottom lip. Now I feel like bawling my fucking eyes out.

  “I don’t fucking know,” I wail. “What if I’ve only been attracted to the two of you because of the fucking shakes?”

  There, I said it. I’d spoken out loud what occurred to me before.

  “Only one way to find out,” Eric says, crossing his arms over his chest.

  I stare them both down with tears in my eyes. I’ve never been so fucking happy with two men in my life. Actually, I’ve never been so fucking happy ever.

  Maybe I shouldn’t count my chickens before they hatch, or whatever the fucking saying is. Instead of jumping to conclusions and throwing away everything I’ve just earned in the last few months, I need to make an informed decision and not simply throw in the towel on a whim.

  “Okay,” I turn to both of them. “I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay. I’ll go off the protein shakes, and see if I feel…different about the two of you. And I’ll keep competing. I just…I want so fucking badly for this to be real. Not just cum-flavored brainwashing…I need to know that what we have is real.”

  I recall the first time I saw them. I was instantly attracted to them, and hey, back then I hadn’t been on any fucking shake. Maybe there was a glimmer of hope after all.

  Eric and Chase approach me, but they leave it up to me to close the gap.

  I open my arms and embrace them both.

  “From here on out, Kara…whatever happens, we’re going to take care of you,” Eric reassures me.

  “Protein shakes or no,” Chase adds, “you’re still our girl.”

  I still like the sound of that—their girl.

  I just hope it lasts.

  I really, really hope it lasts.


  Sometimes, I don’t think people can fucking recognize a good thing when they’ve got it, even when it’s currently right there in their fucking hands.

  Men do it all too fuckin’ often, if you ask me. They think once they’ve got a woman, she’s theirs forever, no matter what they do.

  It’s flawed fucking thinking in my book—and I’m not just saying that because the woman currently cooing, sighing and moaning beneath my strong, practiced fingers is easily the sexiest woman in the goddamn universe.

  “You’re amazing at this,” Kara sighs as I rub her shoulder blades beneath my thumbs.

��I just don’t understand how you end up with so many fucking knots in these pretty little muscles of yours,” I chuckle, shaking my head.

  “Does that mean I’m a knotty girl?” Kara asks, giggling.

  I grab her throat and dip my lips down to growl in her ear. “It does. And naughty girls get punished.”

  I pinch one of her plump, pretty nipples between my fingers and twist it just enough to make her hiss in pleasure before rubbing the last of the knots out of her shoulder.

  “There,” I say, kissing her back with the satisfaction of a job well done. “I think we’ve finally worked out all those kinks.”

  “Have we?” Kara says, licking her lips and pulling me towards her. “I think I still have a few more kinks I could work out with you.”

  Eric walks in at exactly the right moment. Kinky bastard’s dick probably gets hard on instinct, alerts him that Kara’s thinking about chains and whips all the way from the other room.

  “I’m game,” he says. Of fucking course he is. “But first—how are you feeling, Kara?”

  “Amazing, now that I’ve had a total rub-down,” she says with the most gorgeous fucking smile. “Or…an almost total one…”

  Kara bites her lower lip and not-so-subtly points between her legs as she spreads them. I start to drop to my knees in an instant—because Kara is a fucking goddess, and when it comes to worshiping at her altar, I’m always game.

  But before I can bury my face in that tight, hot snatch of hers and get myself drunk on Kara’s juices, Eric grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me away.

  I nearly fucking bite his arm off like a fucking animal for it, but I fight back the beast for the time being—he’s probably got something important to say.

  “You’re still pretty horny, Kara—excuse the observation,” Eric says, standing before her and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Do you blame me?” she asks, a flirtatious glint in her eyes. “I mean…having two men like you guys at my beck and call…a girl gets certain ideas.”

  “But you’re off the protein shakes,” Eric points out. “Anything feeling different for you now?”

  Kara shrugs. “I always thought you two were insanely hot. I bet most women do. I think…I think I’m always going to want you guys. Being off Protein Plus just makes not having your dicks inside me every waking moment of the day a little more bearable…” She looks over at me and winks. “Just, not preferable, by any means.”

  I lick my lips and try to go to my knees again. Like, that’s my fucking cue, man.

  Kara wants to come? I’ll make her come so hard she can’t think straight. I don’t need a protein shake to warp her mind when my tongue has the exact same effect in a more controlled dosage.

  But fucking Eric fucking stops me again.

  “And you’re feeling ready for the pageant?” he asks.

  “Yeah, definitely,” Kara reassures him. “I’ve got it all figured out, babe—so can you please let Chase go down on me before we both die of longing?”

  Eric moves in between her legs in my place, running two fingers along the dark blonde stubble growing on her pussy lips and capturing her lips in a kiss.

  Makes me fucking hard just watching it.

  Makes me want to steal a kiss of my own.

  “You haven’t gotten a wax since we got here, have you?” Eric asks with an evil glint in his eyes.

  “Wha—oh. I guess not, no,” Kara admits, trying to grind her clit against his fingers before he pulls them away.

  “We need you smooth for the pageant, babe,” Eric tells her.

  I know what that means.

  I’ve already gone and retrieved the proper equipment from the bathroom by the time Kara reaches the apex of her argument.

  “You guys are not shaving me,” she says, crossing her arms over her tits and pouting.

  “You either need a full bush or a clean shave,” Eric informs her. “So unless you’re planning on growing a complete lower beard in the next few hours...”

  “But…ugh, isn’t it like, weird?”

  It’s still fucking cute, her thinking that she can bend us to her will. The only one getting bent in this relationship is her—over the table, the couch, the edge of the bed. Wherever we can fucking get her, really.

  “I’m into it,” I say with a shrug. I’ve already got a lather going in the shaving bowl and everything—pretty much any activity that puts me in proximity of Kara’s sweet little cunt is fine by me.

  “So am I,” Eric agrees.

  “Ugh, fine,” Kara relents. She giggles as Eric picks her up over his shoulder and carries her off to the bathroom.

  When he sets her back down, he has her bent over the bathroom sink.

  Seeing her like that, all bent over, back arched—her firm, curvy ass stuck up in the air and her pussy free for the taking—makes me even fucking harder than ever.

  This girl, man. This gorgeous fucking woman. From this angle, you can really see the effect training has had on Kara since we met her.

  When she first came into Power Plus, she was a skinny little thing. She could’ve turned sideways and disappeared. But now, she’s got gorgeous, shapely arms—tight, thick thighs that can lift impressive amounts of weight with a gap between them wide enough that my big, thick cock can easily fill it.

  Her tits are perkier than ever, her waist has even more of an hourglass effect, and her whole body has this healthy fucking glow to it.

  I feel like we’ve genuinely helped Kara make herself into a woman she can be proud of. A woman who feels good, looks insanely fucking fine, and can eat whatever she wants without worry.

  “You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?” I ask, lathering up the shaving brush and painting her gorgeous little pussy with the foam.

  “I think you’ve mentioned it a time or two,” Kara says back with a sweet little laugh.

  Eric starts to smooth Kara’s pubic hair away with a straight razor while I watch her, ready with more lather or a towel if he needs it.

  But the whole time, I’m just reminded over and over again how fucking lucky I am to have this girl. How lucky we both are.

  I couldn’t take her for granted if I fucking tried.

  And what really fucking gets me, I realize, is knowing that other men must have done just that. Taken this amazing fucking woman for granted. Expected her to love them unconditionally, even when they couldn’t love her back the way she fucking needs. The way she deserves.

  It pisses me off, the thought of another man mistreating my woman like that. It crosses my mind that I ought to track down every fucking one of her ex-boyfriends and make them pay for ever making her doubt herself or her body—for making her feel like she deserved any less than what she has right now.

  But Kara’s got too good of a heart to be okay with that. I know that well enough. Still, it’s a nice little fantasy—beating the shit out of anyone who’s ever hurt this gorgeous, perfect girl. Starting with that asshole Ryan and working my way from there.

  “This feels weirdly good,” Kara admits as Eric finishes up the shave job. “I like when you guys take care of me.”

  Eric does a good fucking shave. Once we rinse away the extra shaving cream, it’s obvious that her pussy is perfectly fucking smooth for the pageant later.

  But for right now…

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Eric asks me as I shoulder him out of the way and drop to my knees behind Kara’s gorgeous, hairless cunt.

  “I’m hungry, man,” I tell him. “Don’t even fucking try to stop me this time—I’ll take that razor away from you and slit your throat with it if you do.”

  “You’re assuming I won’t slit yours first,” Eric says with a laugh. “Fine. One orgasm—but then it’s my turn.”

  “Aye aye, Captain,” I say, and then I dive the fuck in.

  Once I’ve got my tongue shoved deep in Kara’s delicious cunt, I can finally show her how grateful I am for her forgiveness—and for her passion, her hard work, her beautiful body
and her crazy fucking love—in the only way I know how.

  “Oh my god,” she gasps. “I’m gonna come!”

  “Damn right you are,” I snarl into her pussy, and after that, it’s just a matter of riding the waves.


  “You’re so ready for this, I can feel it in my bones,” Eric says, laying a kiss on my cheek.

  “Which bone?” I ask, eyeing his crotch and licking my lips.

  He pinches my ass for that, but I just preen. I love my men.

  “You look fucking amazing,” Chase says. “You’re going home with a crown tonight.”

  “Baby, you’ve got this,” Eric declares, running his hand up and down my body.

  We’re standing off in a private corner, tucked away in near darkness backstage where it’s not likely that anyone would ever roam by and find us. I’m only wearing a silk robe to cover up the gorgeously toned body that I’ve worked so hard for.

  “So…” Chase grins wickedly, making me giggle. “Are you in the mood for a quickie?” He places his hands on either side of my hips and gently rocks me back and forth with him as if we are slow dancing without music.

  “Might help you keep from missing us,” Eric presses the hard bulge in his pants directly up against my ass cheeks.

  “I can feel that snake in your pants pulsing on me,” I giggle because I’m barely wearing clothing.

  “You’re meant to,” Eric quips back with a laugh and begins to playfully thrust and grunt against me.

  I graze my hands over his chest and give him a seductive glance, my mouth wide open to consume his lips but I know I need to push him away instead of pulling him closer.

  “Ugh. I can’t, guys. I want to, don’t get me wrong—but I think I need to prove to myself that I can do this without all my holes full of your cum.”

  “You sure?” Chase asks.

  “I’m sure,” I say. “Rain check? I promise to reward your patience later on.”

  “You’d better,” Eric growls against my neck.

  It’s already been several days since I stopped drinking my super cum-filled Protein Plus shakes. My goal is to prove to myself that I don’t need the momentum or boost from the fucking things. Not that I don’t love it, because like…I totally still do.


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