Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance

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Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance Page 134

by Alexis Angel

  Well then. That was new. Just when you think you’ve seen it all.

  A new set of passengers board the train, and the process starts all over again. Me checking to make sure there’s no danger.

  The girl with the dark waves looks over at me, her eyes narrowing as she tries to get a better glimpse of me in the shadows. Her gaze trails over my arms, my chest, my abs, and she smiles. I can see the desire written all over her. Seeing that couple on the bike got her just as worked up as I am.

  A slow smile lifts the corner of my lips. Maybe she’s game for a little fun?

  I don’t know, though. She looks like a good girl. Someone that wouldn’t be down with a quick fuck with a stranger.

  I lean forward, testing. “Where you headed?”

  She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. “Depends.”

  I smile. Oh yeah. She’s game.

  “Want to grab a drink?”

  A twinge of hesitation flashes across her face for a second. Can’t blame her. She doesn’t know me. For all she knows, I could be a crazed killer. Part of that might be right, but only because that’s what I was trained for.

  I lean back, resting my arms on the back of the seats with an easy grin, trying to put her at ease.

  She opens her mouth, looking curious but uncertain, but just as she’s about to say something, the train slows, and there’s a moment of shuffling as the few passengers on the train stand to get off.

  The first one off is bike sex dude, followed by an older woman and a young guy in a hoodie, his face barely visible.

  Suddenly, I’m on high alert. Something feels off. A shift in the air. I stand, watching. Waiting.

  Hoodie boy darts back into the train so fast anyone else would have been thrown off guard. He pulls a knife and holds it out toward the dark beauty I had my eye on, yelling for her to give him her purse.

  I react on pure instinct and adrenaline.


  I can’t stop the scream of terror from ripping from my throat as this kid shoves a knife in my face.

  I’m furious at myself for being such an idiot, not paying attention, but I’m too terrified to do anything but scramble as far away as I can.

  What was I thinking not being aware of my surroundings?

  I know exactly what it was—I was too busy checking out the sexy guy sitting across from me in the shadows. Even in the dim light, I could tell he was one of the hottest guys I’ve ever laid eyes on. Huge, broad shoulders, insane biceps, and piercing eyes that were looking at me in a way that ought to be illegal.

  The tension in the air between us was nearly tangible, thanks to the couple on the bike that had me trying to remember just how long it had been since I’d done something wild and reckless like that. Short answer? Never.

  And that little distraction was all it took. I’m about to be mugged on the subway.

  It’s like everything happens at once.

  The guy sitting across from me jumps into action, a blur as he pounces on the kid, one arm locking around his neck while the other grips his wrist, doing something I can barely keep track of that makes the knife clatter to the floor.

  Then he’s collapsing to the floor. In fifteen seconds, the whole thing is over.

  My hands fly to my mouth, unable to stop the shaking that suddenly takes over my body. Someone must have pulled the alarm because the doors to the train remain open and we don’t move.

  “Are you okay?” Shortly clipped light brown hair and hazel eyes float in my line of vision, and I can’t seem to breathe.

  “You’re going to be all right,” that low voice continues, rubbing my back in soothing circles as he instructs me to lean forward and take slow, deep breaths.

  I don’t know how long I sit there, but all through the commotion of cops coming on board, I hear that same calming voice giving me comforting words as he relays what happened. His hand never stops caressing me.

  I feel crazy because I’m totally terrified by what just happened, but his touch is also sending jolts of electricity flying up and down my spine, radiating in slow pulses lower and lower.

  And suddenly I’m finding it hard to breathe for entirely different reasons. Yeah, that settles it. I’ve lost it. Gone off the deep end. Because instead of being worked up about almost getting shanked, I’m feeling a rush of attraction for the guy who saved me.

  I look up at him, and our eyes lock.

  “You okay?” he asks again.

  I nod, biting my lip.

  Lust flares in his eyes, and I know mine show the same thing. This guy. He’s got a killer body, a deep tan, and a clean shaven, sharply defined jawline. And that smile. He flashes it again now, and there’s a hint of danger in there. Danger I might want to experience a little.

  Yep. Definitely nuts. Because danger is typically what I stay far away from. But something about him also screams safety, and I don’t object when he pulls me to my feet and wraps an arm around my waist to lead me from the train.

  In my shock, I must have missed everything that went on with the cops because it seems like we’re through here.

  We surface from underground, and the bright lights and loud noises of the late-night city take me off guard. I lean into this guy—who I don’t even know!—as if he’s my new protector.

  “You want to get something to eat?” he murmurs in my ear, sending another shiver through me.

  “Yeah, that sounds great,” I hear myself saying.

  Next thing I know, we’re seated in a corner booth of some cafe, coffee and cheesecake on the table between us.

  “Thank you,” I say, probably for the hundredth time.

  He chuckles. “It’s not every day I get to save a lovely lady like yourself.”

  My eyes trail over his corded arms again. This guy is freaking ripped. Like he’s some kind of human weapon. I realize I want to know more about my rescuer.

  “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Zander,” he says with a grin.

  “Madison. So you don’t often make daring rescues on the 6 Train?” I tease.

  Another rumbling laugh that makes my girly bits tingle just a bit more. If that’s even possible. Zander here seems to have no trouble igniting my body.

  “No. I actually just got to town this week. Trying to figure out where to next.”

  My eyebrows lift. “So you’re a drifter?”

  He shakes his head. “Just got out of the military. Not sure where I want to settle.”

  How about right in between my legs?

  I press my lips together to keep the words in, but I can’t fight the laughter that bubbles up at the thought. I don’t even know who I am tonight.

  He quirks a brow, but I just shake my head and dive back into the cheesecake.

  There isn’t a minute of our time in the diner that passes where we are at a loss for words. I feel oddly comfortable with this strange man.

  So when Zander asks to walk me home, I find myself agreeing, even though I have no idea who he really is. All I know is that he saved me earlier, so he can’t be that bad.

  And maybe it’s the adrenaline still pumping through my veins, but as we approach my apartment, I know I’m not myself. Because when he turns to face me when I stop and say, “This is me,” I step right up to him.

  Not even waiting for him to make a move. Taking control for once. Because my life flashed before my eyes tonight, and all I want at this moment is to feel more alive than I’ve felt in a long time.

  So I wrap my hands around Zander’s neck and press my body to his—and oh God, he’s just as hard as he looks. Everywhere. And I pull his sexy mouth down to mine.




  Madison takes me totally off guard when she starts kissing me. But I sure as hell am not going to complain.

  My arms go around her waist, pulling her petite little frame against me even harder, and I kiss her back.

  She moans, and my cock that has been hard pretty much all night st
rains against the seam of my jeans.

  Fuck, I want to take her upstairs right now. But I can’t tell what’s going through her head. I wanted to take her to get something to eat to make sure she was okay. I didn’t feel right sending her off after what happened on the train. And I certainly didn’t want her to walk home alone.

  But right now? I don’t know where her head is at. She might just be reacting to what happened. Having some strange response to a traumatic situation.

  And much as my cock might like to take advantage of it, I’m not that guy.

  “Come upstairs,” she pleads, her voice throaty and oh-so-tempting.

  I groan. “Madison, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  She pulls back slightly, her eyes clouded with hurt.


  “I just mean, I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret tomorrow.” I grind my teeth, the words an effort to get out as she presses those pert tits up against my chest. I can feel her nipples through the thin fabric of her dress. And because I can’t resist, I drag my hands up her sides and brush my thumbs over the hard tips.

  A gasp falls from her lips, her eyes closing to lusty slits. “I promise I won’t regret it.”

  When she presses her hips against mine, I know she can feel how much I want her. And I shouldn’t glance down. But I do. And as soon as my gaze lands on the sight of my hands on her tits, her grinding against my cock, all my good sense disappears.

  She kisses me again, this time more urgently. As if she wasn’t already before. “Come upstairs.”

  This time it’s more of a command, and fuck me. If that isn’t the sexiest turn on—this innocent looking woman demanding I follow her into her apartment.

  I’m done.

  Scraping my teeth over her jaw to her ear, I whisper, “Lead the way.”

  We make it into Madison’s elevator, and I push her up against the wall, my hands gripping her waist as I crush my mouth to hers again. I run my hands over her hips, over her firm ass, palming the flesh there before trailing my fingers to the top of her thighs, just under the hem of her insanely short dress.

  Her heart hammers so hard I can feel it against my own chest. I dip my tongue into her mouth, so sweet from the dessert, and stroke her with my tongue. Aggressively. Urgently. All sense of being cautious, looking out for her has vanished.

  She wants me as much as I want her right now, and in this moment neither of us can get enough.

  I slip my hands under her skirt and almost lose my fucking mind to feel bare flesh beneath my palms. Running my finger under the scrap of lace between her cheeks, I lightly tease her ass, pressing lightly at the tight entrance.

  She bucks against me, her eyes flying open wide. “Oh, God.”

  I watch her closely as I continue to play, slipping my hand toward her pussy, soaking my fingers with her juices because she is so damn wet, then trailing them back, seeing how she’ll respond.

  She watches me with those huge dark eyes, almost black with desire, biting that lip as I press the tip of my finger into her tight channel.

  Madison starts to shake her head, but I bring my other hand to her chest and pinch her nipple, causing her to cry out, and I push my finger in further.

  “Ah! Oh God. Yes,” she pants, her head falling back.

  I smile, loving that she’s letting go with me, that she likes what I’m doing to her.

  I don’t know what made me do it. Why I went there first with a woman I don’t even know. A woman who’s had a traumatic night, at that. Who I shouldn’t even be planning to fuck in the first place.

  But something told me she’d like it, this little innocent woman that I feel a strange need to protect. It doesn’t even make sense. But I want her to trust me. Seems like she does.

  Just then, the elevator dings, and she jumps in my arms, suddenly aware that we’re in an elevator and could be caught at any moment.

  “Come on,” I growl, drawing my hand back out of her dress and giving her a little swat on her perfect ass. “Let’s take this inside.”


  I can’t believe I’m doing this. But even though Zander said he didn’t want me to regret it in the morning, I know I won’t. There’s no way.

  Especially because he just made me feel better than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. And we’re still fully clothed.

  I fumble with my keys at the door, unable to focus because his mouth is all over my skin. My neck, my shoulders, every patch of bare skin is at his mercy as he nips and sucks and licks, setting me on fire.

  The pulsing in my body is out of control, and I’m so ready to cum I can hardly stand it. I feel his hard length pressing against me from behind as I finally get the key shoved in the lock, and I can’t get inside fast enough.

  Grabbing his hand, I pull him in after me, slamming the door and turning to press my body back to his. I stumble back to the couch, pulling his shirt up as I do.

  Zander helps me, ripping it the rest of the way off over his head, and I break away from his demanding lips for just a moment to take in his magnificent body.

  Holy hell.

  I knew he was ripped, but this is ridiculous. It’s like he’s carved marble. Chiseled, hard and so perfect. My fingers have a mind of their own and work their way down from his shoulders to his chest, flicking over his nipples and making him groan in a way that makes me smile with satisfaction. Good. I’m having the same effect on him he’s having on me.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been so desperate to have a man. I continue my exploration, tracing the indentions of his abs, then the sharp cut of the V of his hips that point right down to where I really want to be. With a flick of my wrist, his jeans are unbuttoned, and I’m sliding his zipper down. I need to see if this man’s cock is just as magnificent as the rest of him.

  He chuckles and locks his hands around both wrists. “Hang on there, baby. Only fair that you lose some of these clothes, too.”

  I smile and turn around, watching him over my shoulder as he unzips my dress. He’s much slower than I was, teasing me, torturing me as he takes his time to reveal my back. Then he traces a finger all the way down my spine from the nape of my neck to the edge of my panties. He dips his finger in, just a fraction of an inch, and tingles race over my spine, following the trail of where his finger just was.

  God, I want this man to touch me again like he did in the elevator. Like no one has ever touched me before. I never thought that was something I’d like, but apparently I’ve been missing out.

  Or maybe I’ve just been missing out on Zander.

  He slides my dress off, letting it pool at my feet, and I step out of my heels. My dress wasn’t exactly made for wearing a bra, so I’m now naked before him except for my lace thong.

  “Fuck, Madison, you are so gorgeous,” he growls. The low rumble of it makes my pussy clench, and I feel myself get even wetter than I already am.

  My breath comes out in pants, that’s how much I want him. How desperate I am to have him.

  He turns me abruptly in his arms, bending his head to capture my nipple in his mouth. I let my head fall back as he alternates soft strokes of his tongue with intense nips with his teeth. The alternating sensations are enough to send me spiraling into even more of a frenzy.

  I return my hands to his jeans, shoving them down, boxer briefs included, and take him in my hand.

  A loud moan escapes. He is so hard. And huge. I don’t know how he’s even going to fit, that’s how big he is. But I sure as hell want to find out.

  “Zander,” I gasp. “Need you.”

  I take another step backward, the back of my knees hitting the couch, and we tumble down. His muscular body nearly crushes mine as he falls on top of me, but he catches himself, his huge biceps bulging as he hovers over me, his cock jutting toward me, ready to take me.

  “Now,” I plead.

  Zander reaches for his jeans and pulls out a condom, ripping it open and rolling it on in seconds before he positions himself at my entra

  His eyes bore into mine, asking a silent question. Giving a silent warning. Last chance to back out.

  Yeah right.

  I arch my hips toward his, welcoming him.

  And he fills me in one violent thrust. I didn’t expect anything else from this man. He’s all raw energy and fierce intention. That much was clear on the train.

  And he’s no different now as he strokes me, pounds into me, filling me so completely. More than I’ve ever been filled.

  I cry out as he slams into me over and over. I clutch his shoulders, my nails digging into his flesh.

  Zander hooks an arm under one of my knees and pulls it high, opening me wider, fucking me deeper.

  “I’m going to cum,” I pant out.

  He drops his head, taking my nipple in his mouth again and sucking hard. I feel the climax build, my pussy tightening around his thick cock.

  But when he slips that finger back behind me and slides it in, filling me and stretching me even more, I fly over the edge. Screaming. Clawing.

  Coming harder than I ever have in my life. Over and over again my pussy squeezes his cock, clamping down as wave after wave of ecstasy wracks my body.

  And when he lets go, his huge dick throbbing as jet after jet of pleasure pours out, it sends me on another shattering wave of ecstasy that threatens to destroy me for any other man ever.


  I pace back and forth across the pavement in front of Madison’s apartment, feeling like a fucking stalker. I don’t know what it is. She got under my skin.

  After I left her apartment last Saturday morning, I didn’t know what to make of the situation. It was some of the hottest sex I’ve ever had in my life, and something in me just wanted to stick around all day.

  I don’t do that.

  So I left. And she seemed okay with that, not revealing anything as she stood in the doorway in a silky white robe and kissed me goodbye.

  But all week she’s the only thing I’ve been able to think of. How is that even possible? I’ve spent my entire adult life without making attachments. It’s never been an option. My life was too dangerous, and I couldn’t afford distractions.


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