Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance

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Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance Page 137

by Alexis Angel

  “Dominic?” I don’t even recognize my voice, the breathy, needy sound that rips from my chest as he pulls me backstage and whirls me around, pushing my back up against a wall in the dark shadows behind the curtains.

  “I said what the fuck are you doing?” His voice is hard. Nearly as hard as the icy expression in his blue eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. I nearly do.

  Until they drop from my face to take in my body, my tits that are inches from his chest.

  “Oh god,” I whisper, my hands coming up instinctively to cover them.

  That gorgeous face twists in a sneer. “Now you’re going to cover yourself? Jesus, Poppy, how long have you been taking your clothes off for money.”

  So much anger.

  I squeeze my eyes shut.

  So much shame. So much hurt. He still has the ability to draw up those emotions in me.

  “Come on. I’m getting you out of here.” Dominic grabs my arm and pulls me toward the dressing room. His voice is strained when he says, “Put your clothes on.”

  I know he expects me to do what he says. Just like I always did. But I’m not that girl he used to know. Not anymore.

  I shake my head. “This is my job, Dom. I can’t just leave. I need the money.” Desperately.

  He smiles, but it’s full of rage and violence. “Why didn’t you tell me? You know I’d give you money if you needed it. Instead, you’re doing this? You’re fucking—” He rakes a hand through his dark hair, breaking off as if he can’t even say it.

  I tilt my chin up, staring at him in defiance. “Stripping? Yes. Obviously.”

  He practically growls, pushing me into the dressing room and slamming the door shut behind him. “Get. Dressed.”

  And despite thinking I’m not that girl anymore, the one who always gave into him, I realize I still am. I grab my clothes from a hanger and fumble to put them on, my hands shaking the whole time. I’m intensely aware of his eyes on me as I slip on my jeans and simple white t-shirt. No bra thanks to him yanking me off the stage so quickly.

  I slide my feet into my Converse sneakers, and then he’s back at my side, yanking me back out of the dressing room and out the backstage door into an alley.

  I don’t say anything as he pulls me along, his fury radiating off him in waves. I want to say something, but I can barely think past the fact that I haven’t seen him in three years. And now he’s right here. So close. The heat from his strong body warming me up in the chill of the late night air.

  I stay silent all the way until we reach the stairwell leading to the 6 Train platform. “Where are we going?”

  He looks at me for the first time since we left the club. His eyes are clouded, conflicted. Still blazing with anger, but now hot with something else. Something I haven’t seen there but once before. Not since the night he left the home we shared with my mother and his father.

  He looks away and pulls me through the turnstile, dragging me onto the train and sitting me in the seat beside him as the doors to the train slide closed.

  The train lurches forward, and I ask him again. “Where are we going?”


  One word. But it fills me with a sense of ease that I haven’t felt in three years. I know he means his home. The one place where I know I’ll feel safe.


  The look of relief on Poppy’s face tells me everything I need to know. Not only is she stripping now, but she’s obviously got other shit going on in her life.

  Well, now that I’ve found her, I sure as hell won’t let her get away again. I should never have let her in the first place, but it was the only way I knew I could keep her safe. From me.

  I watch her, wanting to ask what happened in the last three years to get to this point. But also not wanting to ruin the sudden shift in mood, not wanting to change whatever it is that has her leaning against me as the train flies through the dark tunnels of the city.

  Hooking my arm around her neck, I pull her closer, leaning down and pressing a hard kiss to her head’s sweet scent.

  She turns to me, tilting her face up, and the swell of her tit brushes my chest. I’m acutely aware of the fact that she has no bra on. And now that the image of her taut nipples is burned into my brain, I’m suddenly not able to think about anything else.


  This is exactly why I left in the first place. She’s fucking irresistible. I’ve wanted her for years. And I always knew it was wrong. I couldn’t live with her another day without acting on the impulses that drove me mad.

  But here I am taking her back to my apartment on the Upper East Side. And she’s no longer that young girl she used to be. She’s all woman, lush curves and carnal need. I see it in her eyes as she stares up at me. There is no mistaking that look.

  There is no way this won’t end badly. And I feel powerless to stop it.

  But I’m damn well going to try.

  “Dom,” she says softly, reaching up to brush my hair off my forehead. “I’ve missed you.”

  A stab to my heart. So fucking sweet. This girl is going to be my demise.

  Her fingers trail down my face, tracing over my jaw, her eyes hungry as she takes me in. It would be so easy to forget for just a moment why this is wrong. Why it can’t work. To dip my head down and taste those full, pouty lips. To slip my hand under her shirt and tease those nipples that are hard pebbles beneath the thin white fabric.

  “I missed you too, baby,” I grit out, unable to take my eyes from her face. I swallow as she turns more to face me, so close, her mouth mere inches from mine.

  Poppy takes my face in her hands and reaches up, dropping a feather-light kiss on my cheek. I feel my jaw tick with the insane amount of restraint it takes to remain still as she watches me with those big baby blues.

  Her hands drop to my chest, her fingers gripping my shirt as if she’s afraid I’ll disappear again. What she doesn’t realize is that I suddenly feel powerless against her. That after a lifetime of fighting it, seeing her tonight, having her here next to me, I don’t know if I’m able to fight the need that draws me to her. I always held onto control by a thin thread, and it feels like it’s about to snap with her soft, warm hands on my body.

  If not for the fact we’re on a public train, I don’t know that I could keep it together, keep from devouring her. And I’m stupid enough to be taking her back to my apartment.

  My eyes sear into hers, and her breathing becomes more labored, her chest heaving against mine, torturing me. Her eyes are dark with lust. It’s a fucking good thing she never looked at me like this when we were younger. I would have ruined her.

  I lift my hand to her porcelain face, brushing my thumb over her lips then winding my fingers into her blonde waves. “You have no idea what’s going through my mind right now. I shouldn’t take you home with me.”

  Poppy’s mouth parts on a gasp as she studies my face. “Tell me.”

  I take her hand from my chest and press it against my raging hard-on, showing her exactly what I’m thinking, what she does to me. “You may regret agreeing to come with me.”

  She shakes her head, licking her lips and crushing my last bit of resolve to do the right thing. Her hand tightens around my stiff cock, and I groan.

  But her words completely do me in.

  “Regret is the last thing I’m going to feel. I’ve wanted this as long as I can remember.”


  I want him so badly I can barely stand it. I’ve always wanted him. From the time our parents married when we were teenagers up until this very moment, part of me has dreamed of the day Dom would be more than just a fantasy.

  I wasn’t sure it would ever come. But as my hand strokes up and down his hard length straining against his jeans, I know that day is today. I can’t even believe I’m having this effect on him. He is so hard. So big. It terrifies me and thrills me all at once.

  His eyes go a little wild. “You want this?” he grits out.

  I nod, my eyes dropping to his mouth. “So mu

  “Fuck, Poppy.” His eyes dart around the train as if he’s looking to see if anyone is watching.

  I don’t even care if anyone is. That’s how desperate I am to have more of him. Right the fuck now.

  I scrape my fingers down over his cock and smile in satisfaction when I feel it twitch beneath my hand. “You want it, too?”

  His laugh is sharp with a touch of bitterness. “You have no idea, do you?” His eyes cloud over again.


  “This. This right here. I’ve wanted this from the moment I first saw you.”

  I feel like a cartoon character whose eyes bug from their head. “Come on, Dom. Be serious.”

  An intensity grips him, and he takes my jaw in his hand. “I’ve never been more serious in my life. I tried to stay away from you, Poppy. I knew it was wrong. That’s why I left. I couldn’t resist you anymore, and I knew if I stuck around I would mess everything up.”

  A million questions fly through my head. All the shame I felt all those years for feeling this attraction to him—and he felt it too? All the hurt he caused me when he left—he did it with good intentions. I don’t know what to think. How to process it.

  So instead of addressing it, I say, “Why now?”

  “You’ve haunted me for years. Even tonight when I was sitting in that booth before you came onstage—” his eyes harden for a moment, “—you were who I was thinking about. And when I saw you? The idea of you up there and all those fuckers seeing you made me crazy. Not when, as wrong as it is, I can’t think of you as anything but mine.”

  I gasp at his admission.

  His eyes go darker. “I snapped. And when I saw you, your gorgeous, incredible body, I knew I couldn’t fight it anymore. So you need to know now. If you come home with me, I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to make up for all those years of wanting you. I’m going to put you exactly where you belong. On my cock. And I’m going to make you cum so hard that you forget anyone who ever came before me.”

  Wild, crazy sparks take off all over my body, every nerve in my body screaming for him to do what he just said. His words alone have me so wet that I can barely stand it, my pussy clenching around the emptiness that begs to be filled with him.

  I squeeze his cock again, desperate to have him inside me. “Please,” I beg on a pant.

  “You better be sure, Poppy. Be sure you want this.”

  I stare at him for a moment, hardly believing this is real, afraid that I’m going to wake up and discover it’s not.

  “Yes,” I breathe. “I want this. I want you. All of it. Everything you’ll give me.”

  I don’t know if he realized just what I mean by that. That I really will take anything and everything he’s willing to give me. All of him is what truly I want. His body, his mind, his soul, his heart.

  I know it’s impossible, so I’ll take what I can get. “Please, Dominic.”

  He doesn’t answer with words.

  Instead, he grabs my hips and lifts me up, spinning me around until I’m straddling his lap, his hard cock wedging against my throbbing pussy. Then his hands dive back into my hair, gripping the back of my head and yanking me forward.

  He drags his teeth along my jaw until he reaches my lips. He nips at them lightly, teasingly. Then all restraint is gone as he crushes me against him, devouring my mouth. Doing exactly what he said—erasing everything that ever came before him. I’m not sure I’ll ever be the same.


  Longest fucking train ride of my life. When we finally make it back above ground, I tuck Poppy into my side and tear up the sidewalk, covering the distance to my apartment as if my life depends on it.

  And it feels like it does.

  As if I’m going to come unhinged if I don’t get her upstairs and naked Right. This. Second.

  When I get her inside, I haul her up against me, ready to explode.

  It’s a desperate clash of arms and mouths and tongues and teeth, the pent-up need I’ve fought for so long taking over me like I’m a man possessed. And that’s exactly what I am. I’m completely possessed by this woman writhing in my arms as we struggle to free ourselves of the clothes that are keeping us apart.

  Her shirt is gone in an instant, and I dispose of her jeans almost as quickly. She toes off her shoes, and she’s left standing before me in nothing but that scrap of lace, just like she was less than an hour ago.

  “Never again, Poppy,” I bite out. “You will never take your clothes off for any man but me.”

  I don’t even know what that means for us, but I know damn well that’s how I feel.

  She doesn’t argue, just tugs at the hem of my shirt, as desperate as I am to remove the barriers. I yank it off, then dig my fingers into her hips, pulling her against me until her firm tits are crushed against my chest. Fucking finally.

  I run my hands down to her ass, then hoist her up. Her legs wrap around my waist, her hips grinding against my cock. I head toward the bedroom as I lose myself in the feeling of her hot mouth on mine and the taste of her luscious lips.

  I set her down on my bed, her blonde hair floating out around her like a halo. She looks like an angel spread before me, and I want to plunder and ravage and take.

  But I also want this moment to be everything I ever dreamed it would be. I want to take my time with her, not rush, savoring every single touch and taste.

  “Gorgeous,” I murmur as I run my eyes over her perfect body.

  Poppy squirms on the bed, needy and desperate.

  “You want me, don’t you, baby?”

  “Yes,” she breathes, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more perfect word.

  I grab her hips and pull her to the edge of the bed, my heated gaze raking over her. “These have to go,” I say, hooking a finger in her panties and dragging them down her thighs.

  Then I part her legs, wedging myself in between them. She’s so hot I can feel her heat through the fabric of my jeans. My cock strains, begging to be freed, to plunge inside her. She’s so fucking wet I can see her juices glistening all over her perfect pink pussy.

  “I need you now, Dom.”

  I chuckle somewhat wickedly because I plan on drawing this out as long as possible.

  Bending down, I capture her tit in my mouth, drawing her hard nipple into my mouth, sucking and flicking my tongue until she writhes, her fingers tangled in my hair. I watch her face as her head tips back, her mouth dropping open with a wild moan.

  She’s making me crazy, seeing her like this. Completely surrendering to me.

  I squeeze her other tit, rolling the nipple between my thumb and forefinger, then I raise my head and capture her mouth in another kiss. Our tongues tangle and dance, our desperation making us violent and aggressive. I clamp my teeth over her full bottom lip and pull, and her hips buck up against me.

  Trailing my mouth down her neck, between the valley of her tits, and lower across her smooth stomach, I push her legs wider with my hands.

  She whimpers, knowing where I’m headed. I smile against her inner thigh. “You ready for this, baby? I’m going to make you cum so hard on my face. And when I’m done, I’m going to fill you up until you cum all over my cock.

  Her throaty moan urges me on, and I dip my head down to taste her sweet pussy. I groan at the first taste. “So good,” I murmur. How can she taste so good? And how have I gone my whole life not knowing what this sweet nectar tastes like? It’s addictive. I can’t get enough. I lick and suck her until she’s climbing higher and higher, her hands fisted in my bed covers as her head thrashes side to side. Desperate pants fall from her mouth, pleas and murmurs that beg for more.

  Needing to feel her, to be inside her in some way, I thrust two fingers deep into her channel. Her hips come up off the bed, pushing her clit up into my face. I flick it with my tongue as I stroke her inner walls, the soft velvet clenching over and over again on my fingers as her climax takes over.

  “Oh god, Dom. Yes! Oh fuck. Yes, fuck me, Dom.”

bsp; Jesus Christ, those words falling from those lips nearly have me coming in my pants. It’s so fucking hot and so fucking perfect, and when she finally comes down from the crest, aftershocks wracking her body, I rid myself of the jeans that are keeping me from her. I grab a condom, ready to slide home.

  She stops me with a hand on my wrist, and I look up at her, her beautiful face even more angelic with the bliss of an orgasm fresh across her features.

  She shakes her head, and I start to worry she’s having second thoughts.

  But then she makes my day—no my whole fucking life—when she leans forward and wraps her fingers around my cock and says, “My turn.”


  How many times have I got myself off to the fantasy of sucking Dom’s cock? I’ve lost count. But I’m about to do it now. Really and truly.

  I stare down at him as I stroke my fist up and down. I was right. He’s huge. Like mind-bogglingly, make-me-cum-with-one-look huge. My pussy clenches again. I want him inside me so badly. But first, first I want to make him feel as good as he just made me feel.

  I push against his chest until he takes a step back, and I slide to my knees in front of him.

  Dom groans, his fingers twining in my hair again, gripping my head in desperation. “Fuck, baby. You don’t have to do this.”

  I look up at him, darting my tongue out to lick the bead of precum on his thick head, my eyes wide and innocent as I stare into his face. “Oh, you don’t want me to?” I tease, squeezing the base of his shaft for emphasis.

  He bites out a laugh. “You’re going to kill me, woman.”

  I grin. “I can stop if you want.” Another flick of my tongue.

  A growl rips from his throat. “Don’t you fucking dare.”

  “That’s what I thought.” I lick him from base to tip, reveling in the sense of power that I feel that I’m able to make this man so hungry, so desperate. It’s crazy. I never would have thought that I would be the one to do this to him.


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