Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance

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Boardroom Bride: A Fake Fiance Secret Pregnancy Romance Page 142

by Alexis Angel

  Scraping his teeth across his bottom lip, he looks back up at me. My eyes widen when his fingers reach up and wind around a strand of hair that’s fallen in my face.

  I somehow manage to regain a scrap of composure and swat his hand away. “That is the last thing I want to do.” Needing room to catch my breath, because this man is sucking it straight out of my lungs, I place my palms on his chest and push him back.

  But the hard planes of his body and the heat I can feel radiating under my hands catch me off guard, and my fingers involuntarily tighten into his shirt.

  Wicked intent flashes in those blue eyes. “You sure about that? From where I’m standing I’d have to disagree.”

  I scoff, shaking my head. “You’re unbelievable. Walking in here as if you own the place, invading my privacy. Then you have the nerve to suggest that I— That I—” God, I can’t even say it.

  He rakes his eyes over my face, making me burn hot, then settles his gaze on my mouth. “That you…?”

  I force myself to let go of his shirt and take a deliberate step away. “Enough, Mr. Turner. Tell me why you’re here, or get out.”

  Disappointment flashes across his face briefly before it’s replaced by that damn cocky smirk. And dear God, why does it do things to my body that it shouldn’t? I needy, yearning pull grips me low in my belly, diving further south the longer he stares at me.

  “Go to dinner with me.”

  “What?” My eyebrows knit together at the abrupt change in conversation.

  “Dinner, Avery.” Even though I’ve tried to put distance between us by reverting to using his last name, I can’t deny how much I like the sound of my name on his lips. “You know, the meal at the end of the day, sometimes shared with other people. Occasionally with wine and good conversation. Let me take you to dinner.”

  “Why?” My suspicions suddenly rise above all the other crazy things I’m feeling. “What are you after?”

  It’s clear he’s trying to manipulate me. I should have seen it immediately. He’s using his charm against me to try to make me stop the protests. To clear a path for him to do whatever he wants.

  “What makes you think I’m after anything?”

  My eyes narrow. “Men like you always have ulterior motives.”

  He flinches, and for a minute I feel bad, though I’m not sure why. Does he feel bad about the kind of man he is?

  “Just let me take you to dinner. After that, you can decide for yourself what you think about me.”

  I can’t deny I want to. I want to see what he’s up to, maybe discover a weakness. But it’s more than that. I also want to spend more time with him. And as dangerous as that is—no, as fucking stupid as that is—I find myself nodding my head.

  “Fine,” I concede.

  The smirk slips again, revealing that genuine smile for the second time. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  And just like that, he’s gone, leaving me wondering what the hell just happened.


  Avery stares at me from across the table, her mouth hanging open, her eyes full of confusion and disbelief. I almost can’t believe it either.

  I haven’t told anyone my full plan. Not even my assistant. Yet I just poured out all my secrets to a woman I hardly know. A woman who hold more power than she even realizes. Her movement has grown to epic proportions, and she could use this information against me.

  Ruining everything. All my plans to bring New York into the future by making the MTA the most forward-thinking and revolutionary mass transit system in the world could blow before they even get started.

  Why did I do it? Why did I tell her everything and hand this power over to her on a silver platter?

  Because I see something in her that I recognize in myself. Passion to do the right thing, to stand up for what you believe in and make things happen. And I believe that she will see my side of things in this situation.

  At least I hope she does. I hope she doesn’t take everything I think I see in her and prove me completely wrong.

  Avery shakes her head, the purple and platinum waves falling around her shoulder in a mesmerizing dance that makes me want to wrap myself up in her.

  “You’re serious.”

  I nod. “Dead serious.”

  “Why haven’t you told anyone? Why have you let the media tear you apart over this—let me work so hard against you—when what you’re doing is so…good?”

  I smile. She gets it. It makes me want to sweep her up in my arms and kiss her.

  “It’s complicated.” I go on to explain all the crazy details, the bureaucratic bullshit that I have to deal with, the danger of letting someone who doesn’t need to oversee something of this magnitude in on the plans.

  By the time I’m done, she’s looking at me with something that borders on awe. I have to admit, the feeling that gives me in my chest is unexpected. I like it. A lot.

  “I didn’t expect this at all,” she says wryly. “I have to admit, when you said you wanted to take me to dinner, I thought you were just trying to manipulate me. Get me to give up my campaign against you.”

  I nod, trying not to let her words sting too much. She couldn’t have known. And everyone thinks the worst of me. They see me as a ruthless, manipulative shark taking advantage of others. That’s the last thing I am. Which is why when she continues, her words make me feel like I could take on the world with her at my side offering her support.

  “That’s not what it was at all.” Avery smiles. “I mean, you do want me to give it up. But you only wanted me to see the truth behind what you’re doing.”

  “That’s not all of it, Avery,” I admit. “My motivations weren’t entirely pure.”

  She tilts her head. “What do you mean?”

  My forehead wrinkles as I scratch the back of my neck, suddenly feeling a lot less sure of myself than usual. That’s a new one.

  “I just wanted to spend time with you.” What the hell? Might as well just put it out there.

  “Why?” She blinks quickly, swallowing hard.

  “Because you’re sexy as hell, for one thing.” I grin when she catches her bottom lip between her teeth. “And I also think you’re pretty fucking amazing. All the work you’ve done to fight me on this? Knowing you wouldn’t be getting anything in return? Just doing it because you care. That’s special. It’s passion. And I want a little more of a woman who feels so strongly about something that she goes to the lengths you do.”

  It seems I’ve rendered her speechless, so I go for light, giving her an over-exaggerated leer. “And did I mention because you’re sexy as hell?”

  She laughs. “I think you did.”

  The air between us thickens, awareness winding around and through me. I know she feels it, too, because her chocolate eyes go even darker, her tongue darting out to moisten her lips.

  Yep. Time to get out of here.

  As if we’re both thinking the same thing, we stand and move toward each other. “Your place or mine?” I say, grabbing her hand and lifting it to my mouth.

  She laughs again and shakes her head. “You’re outrageous, you know that?”

  “You may have mentioned it.”

  “Completely full of yourself.”

  I nod, grinning. “Basically.”

  “Does anyone ever tell you no?”

  “Not often,” I admit, then twirl a strand of her hair around my finger. “But you did. Up until about ten minutes ago. You going to tell me no again?”

  I tell myself it’s okay if she does. If she isn’t feeling this pull toward me like I feel toward her.

  But the intense relief that hits me takes me by surprise when she says, “Not tonight.”

  Avery gives me a smile that’s full of intention and lust, and my cock hardens instantly.

  “So, what’ll it be?” I murmur. “Your place or mine?”

  “Considering we’re just around the corner, mine.”

  Fuck yeah.

  I pull her to me, right there in the middle of th
e restaurant, and frame her face with my hands. Then I kiss her senseless.

  Her hands roam up my chest, fisting in my shirt like they did this morning, and she kisses me back, everything I suspected about this woman spot on.

  All that wild, fiery passion comes out, unleashed in a single kiss that singes me from head to toe.

  Holy hell. How can a single kiss make me feel like everything I’ve ever been missing but didn’t know I was missing is now standing right here in front of me?

  She must feel it too because when she pulls away, she’s unsteady, clinging to me, unsteady as she stares into my eyes like she’s seeing me for the first time.

  “Let’s go,” she says. “Now.”

  I smile and wind my fingers through hers as I steer her out of the restaurant. It looks like I may have met my match.


  If I’d been asked last week what I thought of Finn Turner, it would have been a one-hundred-eighty-degree difference from what I think now.

  As we make our way into my apartment in a bit of a frenzy, our hands everywhere at once, roaming and clutching at each other in an effort to get our clothes off, I can’t help but wonder if it was fate that brought us together on the 6 Train the other morning. Maybe I’m a bit of a hippie, but that kind of thing totally jives with me.

  It’s like we were meant to clash over this just so we could cum together. I see a lot of myself in him, that same intense passion, and I want more.

  A lot more. Right now.

  I just know that it’s going to be explosive.

  Finn kicks the door shut, then pushes me back against it, his mouth taking mine like he’s possessed. His tongue plunges in, twining with mine in hot, needy strokes that drive me wild.

  I fist my hands in his hair as he leaves a hot path of kisses down my neck. I kick my shoes off, moaning as his lips latch over my breast through the fabric of my dress. My hands shove his open shirt off his wide shoulders and down to the floor. I already took care of the buttons on the elevator up. I scratch my fingers across his back as he winds his hands around to my back and unzips my dress, shoving it down to the floor too. I step out and kick it away, standing there before him completely naked.

  He reaches between my legs, then jerks back when his fingers meet hot, slick flesh. His eyes blaze with lust as he looks down then back up at me, his eyebrows flying up. “Going commando, are we, Ms. Samuels?”

  I look down, feigning surprise. “Well, how do you think that happened?”

  That slow, cocky smirk takes over, and I bite my lip at the needy pull it makes me feel deep in my pussy.

  “Not complaining,” he murmurs, then he turns me around abruptly, pushing my chest against the door.

  He grabs both my arms and lifts them above my head where I press them against the solid door to steady myself. His breath is warm and teasing as he leans in close behind me. “So sexy, Avery. You want to know the first thing I thought when I saw you standing in front of me on that train?”

  I moan as he runs his hands back down my arms and over my shoulders to my sides, then around to my stomach before he lifts them and grabs my tits, squeezing hard.

  “What?” I pant, unable to think past the feeling of his fingers expertly twisting my nipples. It’s like there’s a direct connection from them to my clit, each pinch drawing an echoing throb below.

  “That I wanted to take all that wild energy, that smart mouth, that sassy attitude, and turn you into a needy mess. I wanted you to come apart in my arms. I wanted to know if you would drive me just as crazy, be just as passionate and free if I had you naked, my cock between your legs.” He grinds against my ass for emphasis.

  “Finn,” I breathe. “Touch me.”

  He chuckles. “Like this?”

  Keeping one hand on my tit, he runs the other back down my stomach until it’s hovering just above my mound. I groan in frustration when he stops just shy of paradise.

  “You’re going to make me crazy if you don’t touch me,” I say over my shoulder, bucking against him.

  He uses his flattened palm to pull me back against his thick cock. I can feel it throbbing and straining against his pants, and all I want is for him to put it inside me.

  My head falls back against his shoulder, and I drop my hands back to wrap around his head, pulling his mouth against my neck. He nips at the sensitive skin, sending a shiver across my skin.

  “You like that?” he asks.

  “Yes.” My voice is low, needy.

  “How about this?” Finn slides his hand down, finally trailing his fingers through my wetness. “Fuck, Avery. Your pussy is so wet.”

  I smile and tilt my head, giving him a saucy look. “All the better to fuck me with.”

  “Why, Little Red Riding Hood, such a dirty mouth,” he chuckles.

  “All the better to suck you with,” I whisper, barely able to get the words out when he slides his fingers inside me, making me a shaking, needy mess, just like he wanted.

  “Be careful what you say. I just might hold you to it,” Finn says, continuing to fuck me with his fingers while he teases my clit with his thumbs. “I do believe my girl here likes it dirty.”

  “So dirty.” Without warning, my body seizes, an orgasm coming out of nowhere. I clench and pulse around his fingers, crying out his name.

  “Fuck, Avery. You are so damn hot.”

  I sink back against him, my body shaking with the aftershocks, but still so needy. I’m nowhere near being done. I spin around, pulling at his zipper, yanking his pants to the floor.

  Then we’re sinking to the floor together, so impatient we can’t even make it past the entryway.

  Finn leans back, grabbing my hips and settling me over him. I grit my teeth at the feel of his hot, hard cock pressing against my pussy. My hips jerk, rubbing myself against him, feeling my juices coat him with slickness.

  He groans. “Driving me wild. Need you.”

  Grabbing my face, he hauls me down against him, threading his fingers through my hair and kissing me with even more urgency. “Condom,” he grits out, reaching for his discarded pants.

  He comes up with one and hands it to me, his hands going back to my tits, kneading and squeezing them as I go back to grinding against his cock.

  I rip it open, then lift my hips, taking his thick shaft in my hands between us. I wrap my fist around it and pump him a couple times, loving the way he groans, so vocal, giving himself over to the pleasure we’re sharing just as much as I am.

  After I roll the condom on, I rub him back and forth over my entrance. “So big,” I murmur, excited to have the magnificent, massive cock inside me.

  “All the better to fuck you with.” Finn smirks as he throws my words back at me.

  I bite my lip, drawing out the moment as his hands trail down from my tits to my ass, his hands gripping my hips tightly. Then he takes control, slamming me down on his cock with such force that I scream his name.

  I sit on him, breathless, our eyes locked together as firmly as our bodies, taking him in for a moment before I begin to move.

  I tilt my hips and grind my clit against him. Finn lifts me up and slams me down again. So hard. So good. We fuck each other with abandon, letting our bodies rule. As we give each other everything, biting and clawing and fucking like we can’t get enough, I feel my orgasm building. Stronger than the last one that took me over from out of nowhere.

  “I’m about to cum,” I say.

  Finn reaches down and flicks my clit with his thumb, and I careen right over the edge, clamping down on his cock as I cum. So hard.

  A strangled moan escapes his lips as he swells up inside me, throbbing as he releases his own pleasure in hot jets.

  Collapsing on his chest, my hair splayed out everywhere, I try to catch my breath. My heart thunders against his while he traces his fingers up and down my spine.

  Finally, I push back up and look at him, biting my lip. “Now what?”

  He arches his brow. “Ready to go again so soon?”

  That’s not what I mean, but I’m surprised to find that I am. I feel like I could do this forever and it still wouldn’t be enough.

  He smirks as if he knows what I’m thinking. “Yeah, me too.”

  I grin back. “Good thing. I don’t think you realized just what you were getting into tonight. I’m insatiable,” I wink teasingly.

  “I think I knew exactly what I was getting. And it’s even better than I expected.”

  He pulls me back down to kiss me, slowly this time. It’s even better than I expected too. And when we finally make it to the bed and do it all over again, it’s even better than before. And even better the next time. And the next. And the next.

  Tatum & Evan


  “Oh my god, Tatum, do you see that?”

  “What?” I turn in my seat, trying to see what my best friend Ana is gawking at.

  “That’s Finn Turner sitting over there. He is so hot. I’d totally do him.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m sure you would, Ana.” It’s no secret that Ana loves sex. I’m just not sure I can get down with how casually she treats it. She says that’s because I don’t know what I’m missing.

  But she’s not wrong about Finn Turner. He’s super hot…and currently lip-locked with a blonde with killer purple streaks. I finger my own pink in my nearly black hair. Maybe I should try purple next time.

  “You zoned out again, Tatum,” she gripes.

  “Sorry. Sorry. Go ahead. I’m listening.” Though I’d rather not be. I take a bite of my cheesecake and try to focus on her talking about her new professor who she also said she would totally do.

  I love her, but I swear she has a one-track mind. I smile and nod at all the appropriate times, downing bite after bite of dessert to keep from having to respond with what I think she should do about trying to seduce him. A terrible idea. Obviously. But there’s no point in telling Ana that because she’s going to do what she wants regardless.


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