Boy Ranchers on Roaring River; Or, Diamond X and the Chinese Smugglers

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Boy Ranchers on Roaring River; Or, Diamond X and the Chinese Smugglers Page 16

by Frank V. Webster



  Bud stood listening, with bated breath, to the conversation on theother side of the closed door. He heard the words "to-morrow night"and "all set" repeated several times. With his ears strained he leanedforward until his shoulder was almost touching the door. If they wouldonly talk just a little bit louder----

  Suddenly Bud lost his balance. He had been so tense that he had notrealized how precarious his position was, the smallest noise being sureto alarm the occupants of the room. Now his foot slipped, and, with acrash, he went headlong against the door!

  There was a quick scraping of chairs within, and voices raised inexcited outcry. Bud recoiled from the fall as fast as he might, and,springing down the hall, he made for the front door. By this time theplotters had emerged from the room and had seen Bud in his wild sprintfor safety.

  "Grab him!" someone shouted. "Get him, Jack! He's been listening!Jump on his neck!"

  "Jump on him yourself! What's the matter, are you tied to the floor?"

  "Never mind those wise-cracks!" came Delton's voice. "Out that doorquick, and nab him!"

  Bud had reached the porch, and looked desperately about him. Wherewere the horses? A sudden neigh answered his thought, and he dashedaround to the side of the house. The ponies were tethered to a railnot one hundred yards away. Luckily Bud's horse was among them.

  "All you've got, bronc! We're holding our own, anyway. Gee!" Areport sounded behind him and he heard the whine of a bullet. "Theymean business, all right! On your way, pony!"

  The feet of his mount scarcely seemed to touch the ground, so fast didhe travel. On and on they flew, keeping their distance and evengaining.

  "Stick to it, old boy!" Bud exhorted his bronco. "We're as good asthey are, any day! Can't last forever! Wow!" Another bullet sangthrough the air. "That was a close one. If I had a gun you wouldn'tbe so free with your lead. All I've got to depend on is what's underme. But you'll do, old boy, you'll do! Step on it!"

  Across the open prairie flew the chase, Bud in the lead about fivehundred yards. His pony was tiring now, the breath was coming in shortgasps. Bud consoled himself with the thought that his followers'mounts were probably in worse case.

  "Just a little more, bronc!" he coaxed. "Soon be home!At-a-baby--yo-yo-yo!" He kept in cadence with his pony's gallop, andit seemed to him that she responded with a further burst of speed. Helooked back again. Certainly he was increasing the distance betweenhimself and his pursuers! They appeared a greater distance from himthan when they had started. Now the country they were passing throughassumed a familiar aspect, but Bud was too excited to notice it untilhe reached the water hole.

  "Luck!" he exulted. "I headed in the right direction. Don't thinkI'll be followed much beyond this. Let's see--" He turned in hissaddle. To his surprise there was no one in sight.

  "Made it! Bronc, old boy, I offer you my sincere thanks! No, don'tslow down just yet. A little more--" He kept up his fast pace untilhe was well beyond the water hole, then, with a final look behind him,he pulled down to a walk.

  "Guess we're O.K. now. What a chase! Say, bronc, it's too bad wedidn't have a movie camera somewhere around. Hero being chased by thevillains. Bang--bang--another Indian bit the dust! Anyway, I'm gladwe're out of _that_ mess. What was the idea of the whole thing, anyhow?

  "Don't see what they wanted with me. And 'to-morrow night'! Evidentlythey figure on some sort of dirty work. Now that they know I've heardpart of their plans they may not pull anything."

  Off in the distance Bud could now see the buildings of Shooting Star.As he rode up, the Kid was nailing a board to the lower part of theranch house, and had his back to Bud. He turned swiftly as he heardthe hoof-beats of Bud's horse.

  "Come in--come in!" he called. "Have a good trip? How are all thebabies--and Aunt Sarah? You must be plumb worn out, ridin' all the wayfrom Arken-saw on a hot day like this."

  "Quit your kidding," Bud answered with a smile. "When I tell you whatdid happen you'll think I have a good right to be worn out. First,though, is there any chuck left?"

  "What--they didn't even feed you? Well now, I thought you'd had achicken dinner. Sure, Bud, come on in, an' we'll get Mex on the job."

  The best they could do in the culinary line on short notice was beans,but Bud filled up mightily on them. When the edge had been taken offhis hunger he asked the Kid:

  "Where's the rest of the bunch?"

  "Town, most of 'em. Billee Dobb is at the back fixin' his saddle.Nort and Dick went on into town again after a load of grub came, to seeif they could pick up that sheep-man Hawkins told us about, and to grabme off a pony. Where were you, Bud?"

  "Therein lies a tale," answered Bud, "and I don't mean maybe. Listen,Kid, and try to control your well-known faculties for humor 'til I getthis off my chest."

  In as few sentences as possible, Bud related to Yellin' Kid the eventsof the morning. Contrary to his expectations, his story was taken asit was told, seriously.

  "Delton, hey? Didn't see my missin' bronc around, I suppose?"

  "No, I didn't, Kid. Saw enough besides that. Well, what's the dope?What do you think about it all?"

  "I think you were pretty lucky, for one thing," declared the Kid."Another thing I think is that the plan they set for to-morrownight--whatever it is, will be carried out."

  "What makes you think that?"

  "Didn't you say you heard someone talk about 'even if Jake doesn't knowabout the Shooting Star'?"

  "Yes--I did hear that."

  "Well, that means they're going to take a chance on going through withtheir plan, because they can't get word to the other side that thisplace has changed hands. An' they won't stop because they caught youlistenin'."

  "Say, you might be right at that, Kid. That's going some, though, topush things like that, when they know their plan has been overheard.Of course I didn't actually hear it all, but I heard enough to know ithas something to do with this ranch. And the time is to-morrow night."

  "That will hurry up the deputy's idea, won't it? If things breakright, we might have a chance to collect that reward."

  "Let's not think about that now. What we have to do is to get hold ofthe rest and tell them what happened, and ask Mr. Hawkins if this willchange his plan. He's in town, isn't he?"

  "Should be. Dick'll know--he rode in with him."

  "Say, Kid, before I forget it--I heard something that didn't sound sogood about that Mexican cook of ours. Delton let slip the hint that hewas one of his men--didn't exactly say that, but he led me to believehe was."

  "Did, hey? Well, I've been kind of suspicious of that Greaser eversince we found him here alone, when the rest had beat it. Don't seemreasonable that one man would stay at a ranch that has been cleanedout, unless he had some business there. Delton's idea may have been tolet him stay and spy on us. Think we ought to kick him out?"

  "That means we've got to find another cook. No, I think it will be allright to let him stay if we watch him carefully. He sure is one peachof a cook--I'll say that for him--and I don't think he'd deliberatelytry to poison us."

  "Oh, I'm not afraid of that. Of course we could make him taste eachdish he cooks for us, like they do in stories, but he'd sure suspectsomething then. I believe in keeping a secret to yourself."

  "You mean not letting him know we suspect him?"

  "Yep! That's it. We can watch him if he doesn't know he's bein'watched, but as soon as he knows we got something on him, we'rethrough."

  "You're right about that, Kid. Say, where did you say the others were?"

  "In town. Ought to be back soon, though. Billee Dobb is around someplace in back. Want to see him?"

  "No, I'll wait till Nort and Dick get here and spill it all at once.Let's go out."

  The two arose and walked toward the yard. As they passed through thedoor the Kid looked sharply about him, but the Mexican cook was nowherein sight. His lesson had been lea
rned when the Kid had caught himlistening before.

  They hadn't long to wait before they heard the approach of two riders.Dick and Nort had returned.

  "Something happened," Nort exclaimed after he had dismounted.

  "How do you know?" Bud asked with wide-open eyes.

  "I mean to us. Why, did something happen to you, too?"

  "I'll tell you about it in a minute. Let's hear your story first."

  "Not much of a story," Dick said. "We saw Delton."

  "You did! Where?"

  "You remember that water hole the Kid found the Chinaman at?"

  "Yes--go ahead!"

  "Well, Nort and I decided to take another look at it on our second tripback from town, so we rode over. It isn't so far from here. And as wereached it--only about an hour ago--we saw a group of men talking. Werode up easy, but they heard us and beat it. We saw one of them,though. It was Delton."

  "And do you know what he was doing there?" Bud asked with a quizzicalsmile.


  "Chasing me! I found the water hole, too, and something else and thisDelton dragged me for miles and locked me in a room. Then I got outand his gang followed me to the water hole, where I lost them."

  "Hey, take it easy! Start from the beginning. Let's hear it, Bud."

  Nort and Dick listened eagerly as Bud once again told the tale of hiscapture.


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