Debut Cozy Mystery Box Set 2

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Debut Cozy Mystery Box Set 2 Page 38

by Dianne Harman

  “Brigid, you can’t live the rest of your life thinking like that,” Linc said, putting his arm around her. Even as he spoke he could only imagine how difficult it must be for her. He had a feeling it would be something she’d struggle with for a long time.

  “Linc’s right, Brigid. None of this is yer’ fault. She woulda’ found a way sooner or later,” Deputy Davis said. They watched as the squad car pulled away, Lucy’s murderer shackled in the back seat, the first part of her long journey to justice.

  “You did it,” grinned Linc. “You caught Lucy’s killer.”

  Brigid smiled for the first time, “Well, I may have had a little help.” She bumped his hip with hers and he laughed.

  “Yeah, Jett’s the real hero. Aren’t you Jett?” he asked as he reached down and scratched the dog’s head.

  An hour later, one of Corey’s deputies arrived at the house with the search warrant signed by Judge Landau and handed it to Corey. “This will make it legal for me to search the house,” Corey said. “Mind showin’ me her room?”

  “Not at all.” Brigid led the men into the house and down the hall to the guest bedroom.

  The bed was made and everything looked as neat as when Rachele had arrived, except for the laptop on the bed.

  “Looks like she forgot her laptop. We must have distracted her,” Linc said with a trace of irony.

  Deputy Davis carefully walked around the room, looking in every corner before opening the closet. On the top shelf he spotted a bottle and a rag. “What’s this?” Corey said, sniffing it carefully. “Looks and smells like chloroform.” He took a plastic evidence bag from his pocket and carefully placed the bottle and rag in it. “Something else’s up here,” he said, reaching farther back on the shelf. He pulled down a little spray bottle, unscrewed the lid, and sniffed it. “Smells like pepper spray, and it sure looks homemade.” He put it in a separate plastic bag as evidence. “That her computer?” he asked.

  “Yes, that’s her laptop,” Brigid said with a sigh. “She’s such a good writer. I wonder if her book is on there?”

  “Dunno, but I gotta’ take it as evidence. If her book’s on there, I assume her lawyer’s gonna’ ask that it be returned to her.” He shrugged, “But who knows? She may not be of sound enough mind to even request it.” Corey exhaled deeply. “Anyway, that’s down the road. No need to worry about that right now.”

  An hour or so later, Linc and Brigid walked outside with Deputy Davis as he prepared to get into his squad car and leave. He turned to Linc and Brigid. “Can’t thank ya’ both enough for all yer’ help. Rich’ll be glad to know that at least one part of this nightmare is over. If ya’ don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if ya’ both could come down to the station tomorrow and gimme’ a statement. Don’t worry about it tonight. Ya’ both look just as tired as I feel. Let’s meet up after we’ve had a bit of shut-eye, okay?”

  Brigid and Linc both agreed as he turned around, got in his car, and left.

  “Linc, thank you so much,” Brigid said after Corey was gone. “If it wasn’t for you, Jett and I could be dead. I shudder to think what that woman may have been capable of doing in order to cover her tracks.”

  “I don’t think so, Brigid,” Linc said. “You have much better instincts than you give yourself credit for. You knew something was wrong, and you were right.” He pulled her close to him and hugged her. Brigid allowed herself to sink into his arms, feeling his warmth through his shirt. “By the way, I’ve decided I should spend the night. I don’t think you should be alone after something like this.”

  Brigid felt herself tense. “Umm, Linc, I think it’s too soon. I’ll be fine. Jett’s here with me.”

  Linc pulled back from her and laughed, “Brigid, it’s not what you’re thinking. I’ll change the sheets and stay in the guest bedroom. Believe me, I’m not planning on doing anything else. I trust that will make you feel better.”

  “Much,” she said as she relaxed. They continued to gaze into each other’s eyes, barely able to see in the darkness. Slowly she stood on her tiptoes as Linc lowered his mouth to hers. Beneath the rising moon they shared a sweet yet intimate kiss.


  Several months later, the day found Rich Jennings wiping down one of the counters in the kitchen at the B & B. He felt good working at the B & B, knowing that he was following in his family's footsteps. He was glad Henri had decided to sell the B & B to him. After Lucy’s murder, Rich’s heart just wasn’t in law enforcement anymore. Getting up every day and putting on the uniform felt like a burden. All the fun and excitement had gone out of it.

  Instead, he found a great deal of satisfaction, and yes, happiness, in keeping the B & B open and operating. He’d made a few changes and was planning to start doing more online marketing. Business had seemed to pick up, and he was proud of what he’d been able to accomplish in a rather short period of time.

  Although Henri had done a good job running the B & B for a while after his wife’s death, it didn’t mean he wanted to keep doing it. When he mentioned to Rich he wanted to sell it, and Rich indicated he was interested in buying the B & B, it was a relief to him. He gave Rich a good deal on it, but he’d kept enough money so he could return to France. He’d lived in the United States long enough, and he wanted to go home, home to France, so he’d been eager to sell to Rich. Joelle Dubois quickly followed, leaving her escape artist kitty with her neighbor.

  Rich stepped outside to get the daily newspaper from the porch. As he looked around for the orange wrapper that protected the paper from the weather, he noticed a sheriff’s patrol car drive by. He lifted his hand and waved to Sheriff Corey Davis. Rich was glad Corey been able to take over the position from him when he’d resigned. Sheriff Davis’ reputation had continued to grow and now there was talk that he might run for a higher office.

  He wasn’t sure what career path Corey would end up choosing, although they’d talked about it the other night when he’d stopped by to visit. Corey had confided in him that moving up the ranks had crossed his mind, but there was something about staying close to the people that really called to him. Rich just hoped Corey would choose wisely. He also wondered if Corey’s English would improve if he did seek higher office.

  Rich returned to the kitchen and pulled the newspaper out of its protective wrapper. On the front page was a big picture of Rachele Peters with the title “Peters Pleads Not Guilty.” He began to skim through the article. He didn’t really like reading about the details again, but he wanted to stay up to date on the trial.

  Rachele had pled not guilty to the murder of Lucy Bertrand by reason of insanity. Whether her lawyer would be able to use her alleged lack of sanity as a means to keep her from spending the rest of her life behind bars remained to be seen. Rich thought the woman definitely had a few screws loose, but not to the extent that it would let her get away with murder. After all, he thought, if someone could write as well as she did, it would be hard to prove that person was insane. There was talk she’d end up behind bars for the rest of her life. As far as he was concerned, that wasn’t long enough.

  Rachele’s writing career seemed to be up in the air as well. She’d grown in popularity as a writer, and those who followed the case were eagerly buying her books. Rich folded the paper and put it on the kitchen counter. He couldn’t allow himself to think about any of it too much. Instead, he needed to direct his attention to keeping the B & B running smoothly.

  Ouray Smith had approached Rich about the artifacts displayed in the B & B, but Rich proved to be just as stubborn as his sister in that he refused to return them to Ute Tribal Council. Ouray didn’t care, though. He was determined to keep at it. If anything, maybe his perseverance would wear the man down. Ouray knew that preserving his Ute culture was going to be a tough job.

  He was sure the reason he’d been chosen was because he had the strength and the willpower to keep going, even when it seemed like a lost cause. Ouray continued to harangue anyone he found who had Native American artifacts in thei
r possession, Ute or otherwise. If they were local, he’d visit them personally. If they weren’t, he’d call and email them relentlessly. He’d managed to get a few things returned to the tribes they had come from, but it was an uphill battle. That wouldn’t stop him, though.

  Farther away, Mike Loomis was shuffling around in state prison wearing a green jumpsuit. His days of skiing were behind him as he faced the prospect of serving the next few years in prison on drug charges. The guest at the ski lodge he’d tried to sell drugs to turned out to be an undercover narcotics officer. When they arrested Mike, he had meth and a pipe in his possession. That racked up additional charges, along with what they found when they searched his apartment. He knew he was going to be inside for a long time.

  Jordan and Missy Blair continued to minister to the needs of their parishioners. They’d recently begun to host a Free Sunday Soup at the church and were considered to be assets to the little town of Cottonwood Springs. Missy has become known as the go-to person when anyone needs some help.

  Missy happened to be attending a basketball game at the high school gym when there was a city-wide power failure during an early winter ice storm, which took everyone by surprise. She calmly organized everyone and when she’d taken care of the people at the gym, she began canvassing neighborhoods, helping those who were without heat get to the school where she’d been able to collect a supply of blankets and warm jackets. Once the power was back on, she was the last one to leave, making sure everyone was taken care of. She’s quite dedicated to the residents of Cottonwood Springs, and they return the feeling with warmth and admiration.

  Fiona Garcia’s book store continues to be a popular stop, not only for local residents but it’s also become a “go to” place for tourists to visit when they’re in Cottonwood Springs. Fiona has a vast knowledge of books and an uncanny ability to predict trends, but even more importantly, although less mentioned, is that she simply captivates people with her charming personality and astute insights into just about everything and everyone. She’s taken Brandon and Brigid’s advice and keeps a lot of what she thinks to herself, hard as it is at times. Almost everyone who visits Read It Again takes time to chat with her over a cup of coffee or tea.

  Last, but certainly not least, are Brigid Barnes and Linc Olson. Since the night they caught Rachele, they’ve become more than just friends. Shared dinners, hiking trips in the mountains, or even just grocery shopping, are things they usually do together, and Jett is usually close by. Linc’s grown a little concerned that Brigid may start a side business solving murders, since she had such good instincts with Lucy’s. They’ve talked about their relationship but prefer not to put a label on things for now. They plan to take their time and see where things lead them.

  On a recent night they were sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace enjoying the fire at Brigid’s house, with Jett lying at their feet. “Thanks for dinner tonight,” Linc said, lightly kissing her forehead. “It was delicious.”

  “Anytime,” Brigid said with a smile, as she unfolded the daily newspaper. She took one look at the front page, folded it back up, and tossed it back on the table. “What do you think will happen to Rachele’s book?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” Linc said. “It may just be collateral damage and get lost.”

  Brigid shook her head. “I’d hate to think of a really good story in a partially completed novel being lost. She really was an excellent writer, and her stories were so original.” Her gaze drifted back to the window and the rain that had started. “I was thinking that if she’s unable to finish it, I know several authors who could work with what she’s written so far and make a bestseller out of it. That’s what I always hope will happen for every one of my clients, that their book makes it onto the bestseller list,” she said with a smile.

  “I know nothing about bestsellers. That’s your area, but let me tell you something, Lady, you’re the best,” Linc grinned as he pulled her close and wrapped a blanket around the two of them.




  ½ cup milk

  ½ cup water

  8 tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into 4 pieces

  ¼ tsp. salt

  1 cup all-purpose flour

  5 jumbo eggs, room temperature

  1 ½ cups coarsely grated Gruyere cheese (about 6 oz.)


  Position oven racks in 2 levels. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Bring milk, water, butter, and salt to a rapid boil in a heavy saucepan over high heat. Add flour all at once. Lower heat to medium low and stir briskly with a heavy whisk. The dough will come together and a light crust will form on the bottom of the pan. Keep stirring, for an additional 1 – 2 minutes to dry the dough. It should be very smooth.

  Turn the dough into a heavy-duty mixer with a paddle attachment. Let dough rest for 1 – 2 minutes, then blend in the eggs, one at a time. Make sure each egg is fully incorporated before adding the next egg and don’t be concerned if the dough separates. By the time the last egg goes in, the dough will come back together. Beat in the cheese.

  For each gougère, spoon 1 tbsp. of the dough onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving a 2” space between them. Place the backing sheets in the oven and immediately turn the oven temp down to 375 degrees. Bake for 11 minutes, then rotate the pans from front to back and top to bottom. (Ovens vary, so these are approximate times.) Continue baking until the gougères are golden, firm and puffed, approximately 9 more minutes. Serve warm or transfer to a cooling rack and serve at room temperature.

  NOTE: Traditionally gougères are served with champagne or kir when a guest came to someone’s home in France.



  3 lemons

  2 tsp. olive oil

  1 tbsp. minced garlic

  1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and chopped into 1” pieces

  ½ red onion, chopped into 1” pieces

  1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

  1 can garbanzo beans, drained

  2 tbsp. parsley, finely chopped

  Salt and pepper to taste


  Squeeze the juice of the 3 lemons into serving bowl. Add olive oil and minced garlic. Add cucumber, red onion, cherry tomatoes, and garbanzo beans. Stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with parsley. Refrigerate for one hour prior to serving.



  2 cans (16 oz. each) chocolate fudge frosting

  1 egg

  1 cup chunky peanut butter

  1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

  ¼ cup granulated sugar


  Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Set aside 1 can plus 1/3 cup frosting. In a large bowl, combine egg, peanut butter, and remaining frosting. Stir in flour until moist. Drop rounded tablespoons of the dough 2” apart on greased baking sheets. Flatten cookies with a fork dipped in sugar. Bake for 8-11 minutes or until set. Remove to wire racks. Cool completely. Spread with remaining frosting. Enjoy!



  1 whole chicken, cut into 8 pieces (I have used quarters as well)

  ½ cup + 2 tbsp. olive oil

  10 sprigs fresh thyme

  40 cloves of garlic, paper skin removed

  Salt and pepper

  Aluminum foil


  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Toss with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and brown on both sides in a wide ovenproof frying pan over high heat. Remove from heat. Add remaining olive oil, thyme, and garlic cloves. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 1 ½ hours.

  Remove chicken from oven. Let rest for 5 to 10 minutes and serve. Enjoy!



  2 cups fresh basil leaves, packed

nbsp; ½ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese (about 2 oz.)

  ½ cup extra virgin olive oil

  1/3 cup pine nuts

  3 cloves of garlic, paper cover removed and minced

  ¼ tsp. salt, or more to taste

  1/8 tsp. freshly grated black pepper, or more to taste

  Pasta of choice

  Food processor


  Prepare pasta according to package directions. Five minutes before pasta is ready, place basil and pine nuts in a food processor bowl and pulse several times. Add the garlic and cheese. Pulse several more times, then scrape down the sides of the food processor with a rubber spatula.

  With the food processor running, slowly add the olive oil in a small steady stream. Stop two to three times to scrape down the sides of the processor. Stir in salt and pepper. Toss with pasta. Serve and enjoy!


  Dianne lives in Huntington Beach, California, with her husband, Tom, a former California State Senator, and her boxer dog, Kelly. Her passions are cooking, reading, and dogs, so whenever she has a little free time, you can either find her in the kitchen, playing with Kelly in the back yard, or curled up with the latest book she’s reading.

  Her other books are available below:

  Amazon: Blue Coyote Motel

  Amazon: Coyote in Provence

  Amazon: Cornered Coyote

  Amazon: Coyote Series

  Amazon: Kelly’s Koffee Shop

  Amazon: Murder at Jade Cove

  Amazon: White Cloud Retreat

  Amazon: Marriage and Murder

  Amazon: Murder in Cottage #6

  Amazon: Murder in the Pearl District

  Amazon: Murder and Brandy Boy

  Amazon: Murder in Calico Gold


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