Taming Revy

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Taming Revy Page 7

by Phoenix Williams

  Five days of spending nights in Trevor’s bed, a mountain of pillows between us.

  Five days of observing the Pack.

  Five days to build up my courage.

  Punching in the only number I knew by heart, I waited for an answer.

  “Privet, Revy.”

  The Russian greeting did nothing to ease my discomfort.


  “Have you made your decision?”

  Looking out over Woodson’s Landing, I shivered. Not from the slight chill of the wind that kicked up the scent of the lilacs but I was shaking from the coolness in his voice.

  “Yeah,” I whispered. Remembering Tank’s words, I shook my head. Chin up, chest out, I cleared my throat. “Yes, I have made my decision. I will not be returning to Russia.”

  “I will miss you, Revy. Is that what you want?”

  Breathing deeply, I exhaled slowly.

  “Have you forgotten how much you love me already, Revy?”

  I continued to breathe, allowing the manipulation to roll off my back.

  “Do you believe that…Trevor will care for you the way I have?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Okay, Revy.”

  I barely kept from snorting. I knew Sasha. I fucking knew him. When his pretty soft-spoken words didn’t work, his ugly actions would.

  “You can come at me with everything you got, Sasha. I’ll be fucking waiting for you with my mate.”

  “Oh Revy, I wouldn’t dare to persuade you away from your mate. If this is your decision, I will just have to take it.”

  “So…I’m free?”

  Sasha’s laughter blasted through the speaker.

  “You’ve never been my prisoner. You could have left any time you wanted. Look, I have to go. Good luck with your mate.”

  I stared at my phone in shock. That was easy. Too fucking easy.

  Scrolling through my contacts, I found who I was looking for and pressed dial.


  “Tank, meet me at Woodson’s Landing. Bring the truck. We need to pick up some packages.”

  “What kind of packages?” he asked suspiciously.

  I could understand. He and Trevor thought they were the only ones outside of Adara that I knew in America.

  They were wrong.

  I hadn’t spent the last thirteen years lying around with my thumb up my ass. No, I had friends in low places.

  “About fifty pistols, three assault rifles, and I got a hook up on a rocket launcher.” I pulled the phone away from my ear. Tank was screaming and cursing so loud my eardrum was throbbing. A slow grin split my face as the lilacs swayed in the breeze. “Hurry up and don’t tell Trevor.”



  “It’s crowded as fuck in here.”

  I glanced at my sister as we took a seat at a table in the back. Her eyes were glowing green as her gaze darted around the room, hand tight on the hilt of her katana. Feeling the edginess wafting off her, I placed my fingertips on my holster.

  “Easy, Dragon Queen,” I mumbled. “You don’t want to scare your adoring fans.”

  “Fuck you, Amarok,” she grumbled. “They are here to see you just as much as me.”

  Before I could respond, Tank placed several shots, a bottle of vodka, and a bottle of sake on the table.

  He nodded towards the bar. “Your man sent it over.”

  My eyes locked with Trevor’s. My heart sped up. My wolf quieted. The rest of the world faded away.

  What the fuck?

  I searched inward and was shocked to my core. Wolf was laser-focused on Trevor. For once, confusion, disgust, and hatred weren’t flowing between us. No, an emotion strangely close to admiration was consuming her.

  I could have spent the rest of the night trapped in his gaze, but a motherfucker with a death wish sat right in front of me, blocking my view.

  “Ladies,” the man greeted. “Before you bite my head off, I come in peace.”

  In less than five seconds I took in everything about the man. From his sparkling hazel eyes and chiseled jaw to his broad shoulders and muscular chest, nothing escaped me. But it was the growl in his throat that kept my attention.


  I breathed in deeply but couldn’t place his scent. Wolf was too busy pouting over not seeing the object of her affection to help me out.

  “Cool it,” Adara ordered the man and the growl stopped immediately.


  “What are you?” I asked.

  “Rude,” he laughed, pushing his hair out of his eyes. His dark brown hair was cut low on the sides and longer on top. “You’re not supposed to ask that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Don’t know,” he shrugged. “That’s just what I was told.”

  “Do you do whatever people tell you?” Adara asked.

  “Nah,” he said, running a hand down his sun-kissed skin. “That’s the problem.”

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Trevor move towards the stage.

  “I need to talk to the Green Dragon Queen.”

  Without saying a word, Adara stood from her seat and walked towards the door. The man stood to follow.

  Grabbing his wrist as he passed me, I tilted my head to look him in the eyes.

  “What’s your name?”

  A smirk crossed his face.




  Easing back in my chair, I watched Savage through the window as he talked to Adara. I wasn’t worried about my sister, she could handle herself.

  The soulful twang of a guitar pulled my attention away from my sister and brought it to the stage. My eyes widened as I saw Trevor sitting on a stool, a mic in front of him and a guitar between his strong hands.

  “I’m Trevor Farrell…” The crowd exploded in applause and cheers, causing the young Alpha to blush. “I don’t normally do this but…tonight just felt right.”

  With a deep breath, he closed his eyes, and his fingers moved over the strings. The first notes of Calvin Richardson’s Can’t Let Go played loud and clear, Trevor’s silky voice a perfect match.

  I could feel several pairs of eyes on me as I stared open mouthed at Trevor Farrell.

  “Like my legs, I can’t walk ‘round without you. Like my heart, the rhythm’s bound to change without you.”

  My hands shook as I twisted them in my lap. Trevor opened his eyes and pinned them on me. I could barely breathe from the emotions suffocating me.

  “I heard that it never really rains in Arizona.”

  I felt Adara take the seat next to me. Savage wisely did not block my view of my Trevor. If he did, I would have ripped his fucking heart out of his chest.

  “There’s no use fighting it, Revy,” she muttered. “Wait, are you crying?”

  “No,” I answered, blinking back tears. “My eyeballs are sweating, nosey bitch.”

  “I’m so in love, in love! Guess I’m going to Arizona.”

  I bit back sobs as something inside me just…broke. Trevor had mine and my wolf’s full attention. And for the first time, tinglings of something close to love flowed between me and Wolf.

  Mine, she growled.

  “When I think about you, girl. Holding on, I can’t let go of you.”

  Handing over the guitar to Tank, Trevor strode towards me.

  My mate.



  Trevor squatted down in front of me. “Beautiful Psychopath,” he murmured. He swiped a wayward tear from my cheek before licking the wetness off his thumb. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Speechless, I placed my hand in his and stood from my seat.

  “Tank,” he called out, pulling me towards the door. “You’re in charge.”


  We stepped out into the cool late September air with catcalls and whistles following us. My legs pushed to keep up with Trevor’s long strides
. He led me through a maze of old buildings and alleyways until we stood in front of a moonlit forest.

  Woodland creatures scurried as we entered the woods. He stopped abruptly, pushing me against a tree. The moon cast silver streaks across his handsome face, his body pressed against mine.

  “Tell me.”

  Oh, I knew exactly what he wanted. An answer. No maybes, no ifs, no buts. Just one word.


  The word had barely left my mouth when his lips crashed into mine. This was not the sweet sipping of each other that we had done over the past few weeks. No, this was fire and passion and explosions. Crushed between his hard body and the tree, I had never felt safer.

  My hands tangled in his locs, pulling him closer to me before biting his lip. A satisfied growl vibrated in his throat. His hands eased my shirt up and over my head. My boots, jeans, bra, and panties soon followed.

  Easing back, he shook his head, so many fucking emotions swirling in his eyes.

  “Damn, Revy.” Like a bitch in heat, all I could do was whimper in response. “I’d do terrible things to anyone who tried to take you from me.”

  “Now who’s the psychopath?”

  A small smile lifted his lips as he canted his head to the right. Running a finger down my arm, he intertwined our fingers.

  “We match.” I opened my mouth, and he placed a finger against my lips. “Shh, listen.”

  Soft growling and snarling echoed through the forest.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered.

  “Our animals are talking.”

  Through my tears, I pulled him closer to me. If he had brought me out here to tease me, he had another thing coming.

  “Easy, Rev,” he said against my lips. “I got you.”

  Trevor dropped to his knees.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Well, in a few minutes I’m going to be so deep inside of you that you’ll wonder how you ever survived without me there.”


  He placed my right leg over his shoulder. “Eyes on me, Rev.” Like a trained Doberman, I obeyed. “Because right now, I’m going to worship the fuck out of you.”

  Screams tore from my throat as I felt the first flicks of his tongue.

  And, then there was ecstasy.



  “Is the blindfold really necessary?” I asked frustratedly


  A thought popped into my head, and I felt my temperature rise.

  “Mmmm. Are we getting kinky?”

  “You suck at surprises, Rev,” Trevor chuckled as he led my blind ass through the house.

  I actually hated surprises. In my line of work, they meant death. The only reason I wasn’t snatching off the thick fabric covering my eyes was Trevor. I could feel the happiness flowing through him as if it were my own. Adara called it the mating bond. Whatever it was, it was making me high as fuck. Higher than when I Changed.

  After we spent the night in the woods, he had been locked away, working on something. He sent me to my sister’s, banishing me from the house until he was ready. I didn’t mind. I had spent that time going through old pictures and watching animes with my sister.

  “You ready, Rev?”

  The words whispered in my ear had me moaning. Jesus Christ! One night with the man and I was already a mess. I had fucked plenty of people over the years but Trevor Farrell, my Maker, my mate, was the one and only person I had ever made love to.

  If I was honest with myself, he had been making love to me since I arrived. Trevor chipped away at the concrete surrounding my heart and wiggled his way inside a crack. He had taken root, and I didn’t even realize it until I stopped fighting everything.

  I was used to only caring about myself. Now, everything he thought, said and believed mattered. And, that shit was scary.

  “I’m ready.”

  I heard him open a door and the scent of fresh paint and sawdust hit me. Fingertips against the small of my back, Trev led me into the room and removed my blindfold.

  My jaw hit the floor.


  Dark wooden cases were built into the walls that were painted a dark blue. A funky chandelier hung from the ceiling. Dark wood floors glistened, and a large island made of the same wood as the cases and the floor was smack dab in the middle of the room.

  I knew big mouth Tank had helped him with this because all the guns we picked up were there. Even the rocket launcher. Each of the cases had several long-range firearms in them. At the bottom of the cases were glass drawers that held handguns. This was my dream armory.

  “You listened to me,” I whispered, my fingers trailing over the blue felt top covering the island. On top of the felt was a giant crossbow. I had always wanted one.

  “Of course I did.”

  My heart thundered in my chest as I took in all of the weapons.

  “I only mentioned it once,” I mumbled, opening the drawers.


  “Hmm,” I mumbled, glancing at him over my shoulder.

  “I remember everything you say,” he said, leaning up against the doorjamb, hands in his pockets. “Your words mean something to me.”

  And…my ovaries exploded.

  I never had this before. Someone who looked at me and saw past the façade. Someone who listened and remembered everything I had ever told them. Someone who made me feel something outside of lust and hatred.

  “You make me not want to kill things,” I sighed.

  A bright smile lit up his face as he sauntered towards me.

  “That’s the best compliment you ever gave me.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in the crook of his neck. He smelled like cologne, wolf, and love. Love? Yeah, that felt right. Trev hugged me closer to him. He smelled like love and felt like home.

  And, because he had obliterated the last of my doubts, I gave him a gift I had never given before. I said two words that I never willingly and genuinely gave to anyone else.

  “Thank you.”

  Kissing the top of my head, Trevor sighed heavily. And, because he understood me better than anyone else in the entire world, he replied, “I love you too.”



  I watched as my woman sucked down every drop of her strawberry milkshake. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Every fucking thing she did was a turn on.

  “Cool it, Farrell.”

  It was hard…literally. I hadn’t had her in five days, fourteen hours, and twenty-three minutes for one reason: she was fertile. Really fucking fertile. I could fucking smell it, practically taste in the air around her. Everything in me was screaming for me to drag her back to our house, slide between her thighs, and put a million babies in her.

  And my Beautiful Psychopath was oblivious.

  “Can I get y’all anything else?”

  I glanced up at the owner of Stokes’ Sweets, Darryl. He was a big chocolate man with an even bigger heart. And, a talent for coming up with some of the best damn sweets in the Midwest.

  “Nah, we’re good.” I waited until we were alone before returning my attention back to my woman. “Why are we here, Rev? We have enough cupcakes and cookies at the house to last us for the next year.”

  She caressed her leather holster, a telltale sign that something wasn’t right. A million possibilities crossed my mind, but nothing could prepare me for what she was about to say.

  “Your Pack is trying to pull a coup.” I stared at her for a few moments before bursting into laughter. “What the fuck is so funny?”

  “Baby, we’re the Farrell Pack. All we know how to do is pull coups and hate everything.” Reaching under the silver table, I placed her long leg in my lap and massaged her calf. “Is that what you wanted to talk about?”

  “You’re not taking this seriously. This is your Pack.”

  “If they want it, they can fucking have it.”

  “How can you say that? There’s no Farrell
Pack without a Farrell!”

  She tried to remove her leg, but I held tighter. I had to calm her down before she lost her shit. Even now, her eyes were blazing ice blue and the air was heavy with dominance and the scent of fur.

  “Easy, Rev,” I warned.

  “Fuck easy, Trev,” she growled back. “Do you know how fucking lucky you are? I would kill for family ties. I would kill for a family! All I have is Adara and the plot of land she lives on. Your people are fucked up. I get that but guess what? They are your fucking people! How can you turn your back on your Pack?”

  “Because I love them!” Swallowing hard, I cleared my throat. “I love them, Rev. I’m medium dominance at best. I can’t hold this Pack long. Everyone knows it. I’m not cut out for Alpha. And, this fucking curse! It’s driving my wolf insane and me right along with him. I don’t want this. I just want you. I just want you to be happy.”

  I watched as Revy slowly deflated, and her eyes turned back to that pretty brown color I loved so much.

  “If it makes you happy, Rev, I’ll stay. I’ll fight. I’m a Farrell. I can kill almost anything.”

  “The last Farrell dying for a Pack he can’t hold,” she muttered with a shake of her head. “I can’t let you die for a Pack you don’t want.” Reaching across the table, she gripped my hand. “It’s okay. We’ll figure it out.”

  An idea I had been keeping at the back of my mind for months pushed its way forward.

  “I don’t have to be.”


  “I don’t have to be the last Farrell.”

  Revy rolled her eyes. “What? You got a secret half-brother somewhere?”

  “Could be true. My pops was a wanderer but no. I have something better.”

  “What?” she asked, suspicion lacing the word.



  Walking through Philipot Grove always brought the young woman joy. Especially when she was alone with her thoughts. Her teacher was always hovering, trying to get the young woman to master her powers. But the young woman was a loner at heart and needed her own time. There was only one person she felt comfortable spending all of her time with and that person was gone.


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