Duchess Beware (Secrets & Scandals Book 2)

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Duchess Beware (Secrets & Scandals Book 2) Page 17

by Tiffany Green

  Megan reached out for Daniel’s hands. “I hope you don’t mind the intrusion, but I had to come.” She lowered her voice. “I have something important to discuss.”

  Silver pressed a hand to her stomach, not wanting to hear another word. What could the lady want to discuss that was so important? A hint of something foreboding whispered to her deep inside and she bowed her head. She shivered, her body suddenly chilled at the thought that something was wrong.

  At the sound of approaching footsteps on the marble, Silver looked up as Larkin announced, “The Duke of Claremont.” She found the finest looking man—with the exception of her husband—nearing the others. Then he did something rather shocking. He stopped beside Megan and wrapped his arm right around her waist as he smiled warmly down at her.

  “Claremont,” Daniel clipped with a stiff nod. Silver drew her brows. Could he be jealous? She took a deep breath, trying to tamp back the alarm pounding through her chest.

  “Huntington,” the duke returned, inclining his head, then swung his curious gaze to her.

  Silver gripped the sides of her dress when everyone turned to face her. Oh, rot! She should have left while everyone was distracted.

  “Meet Silver MacLaren Claiborne, my wife.” Daniel glanced from the duke to her, yet she could read nothing in his expression. “Silver, this is Nicholas Bradshaw, the Duke of Claremont.”

  As Silver bit her lip, wondering how she was supposed to greet the man, The Duke of Claremont’s eyes widened. “Wife, you say?” He startled her when he stepped forward and scooped up her hand. “This is, indeed, a rare pleasure,” he stated, raising her hand up to his lips.

  She cleared her throat to get it working again. “As for me, Your Grace.”

  “Pray, call me Nicholas,” he said with a dazzling smile and released her hand.

  Silver could only nod in an absurd fashion. Who would have thought that she, the ugly Scottish gosling, would get along so famously with aristocrats?

  Hearing footsteps behind her, Silver turned and found the dowager duchess and Lord Andrew arriving to greet the newcomers. Prudence, thankfully, appeared immediately after.

  Daniel turned to her aunt. “Prudence, please make the acquaintance of Nicholas and Megan Bradshaw, the Duke and Duchess of Claremont.” Then he introduced Evie.

  The shock of those words vibrated down to her toes. Silver had to choke back a gasp. Megan and Nicholas were married? She glanced at them and noticed how they smiled happily at one another. In fact, when the two gazed at each other, love shimmered in their eyes. Yes, this had to be a love match. Some of the suffocating panic receded when Silver realized Megan’s presence was not so threatening.

  But what about Daniel’s reaction to Claremont earlier? She really didn’t know how her husband still felt toward his ex-fiancé. And she wasn’t so certain she wanted to find out.

  Everyone moved into the drawing room, and Mrs. Birch arrived with a heaping tea tray. Unfortunately, after everyone had taken their seats, Daniel’s grandmother insisted Silver pour the refreshment. She had never done so before and had no idea what to do.

  Slowly, she glanced to the opposite sofa where the dowager sat perched beside the Claremonts. Torie, Evie, and Andrew sat in the chairs perpendicular while Daniel and Prudence occupied the sofa with her. Feeling her aunt’s calm presence, Silver plastered a smile on her lips and began pouring the steaming brew into cups.

  She did remarkably well, she thought. Not a drop spilled and everyone received the perfect cup of tea. Well, everyone but the dowager who received honey and mint instead of lemon and sugar.

  And, after noticing a certain grimace from the opposite sofa, she grinned into her cup. Her good mood didn’t last long, however. As Daniel expertly dodged all questions about their marriage, she could only think of getting out the room. Anger was beginning to replace some of the hurt and uncertainty, and she needed to get her husband alone to ask some questions of her own. Something was wrong, and she needed to learn what it was. Even Torie was giving her elder brother odd looks. The not knowing would surely drive Silver to distraction, so it would be better if she faced Daniel to learn if he still held feeling for Megan.

  One thing was certain, though. If her husband had come to regret their marriage, it would destroy her.

  So caught up in her own thoughts, Silver was startled when everyone rose and began to leave. Perhaps this would be a good time to speak to Daniel alone, she thought, and hurried after him.

  She stopped short just outside the drawing room door when she saw Megan reach for Daniel’s arm. “Why didn’t you tell me Gabriella had foaled? I must see right away.”

  Certain he would refuse the request, she was stunned when he smiled down at the lovely little duchess and led her toward the rear of the house.

  Everyone went their separate ways, and Silver stood there next to the massive stairway feeling more alone than ever before. The monstrous clock holding sentry in one shadowy corner gobbled up the seconds in loud ticks that echoed off the walls. She wrapped her arms around her body, unable to rid the nagging suspicion that something substantial had happened. What, she didn’t know. Nor did she know how it would impact her, just knew it was there. And it wasn’t good. She had the same feeling just before her father sent her to live with her aunt and uncle.

  A chill raced through Silver, making her shiver, at the same time she thought she heard the faint sound of a lamb’s bleat come from somewhere in the distance. With a gasp, she dashed upstairs.

  The next morning, Silver hid a yawn behind her gloved hand as she entered the stables. She had stayed up until the early morning hours waiting for Daniel but fell asleep before he came to bed. And when she woke, she found herself alone. Had he even come to bed at all? The strange, unsettling foreboding from yesterday had grown, making her even more uneasy. Today she would speak to Daniel and get some answers.

  She started to yawn again when a sound caught her attention. She glanced to her right and found Nicholas grinning at her. She lowered her hand, knowing her cheeks had bloomed redder than the dowager’s prized ruby pin. Rot!

  “Your Grace,” Nicholas greeted, giving a low, formal bow. When he straightened, his eyes danced with such mischief that Silver was certain he must have played the very devil for his nanny.

  Her embarrassment evaporated with his show of humor. “Your Grace,” she said, collapsing into a deep curtsy that even the dowager would have considered faultless.

  “The others await us at the lake. I shall be your escort, if it pleases you.”

  She nodded once. “Very well.” Turning away, she noticed Garrett walking toward her, leading a horse in her direction. “Good morning, Garrett.”

  He halted before her, his eyes kind, and he inclined his head. “Good morning, Your Grace.” He moved to the side of the saddle to assist her up.

  Silver gripped her gloved hands together, realizing she would have to ride to the lake on the horse, not in a carriage. She swallowed, uncertainty creeping into her mind. She hadn’t ridden a horse since her mother died. Oh, rot! What if she couldn’t remember how to ride? She’d look utterly foolish.

  “Are you unwell, Your Grace?”

  She blinked, then glanced up to Garrett’s concerned face. Oh, how she wanted to lie and say that she felt poorly, but she knew the same situation would arise again. She also needed to speak with Daniel.

  “No, I’m well, thank you.” Drawing a full breath, she straightened her spine and stepped forward before she changed her mind. She could do this.

  After Garrett had assisted her, Silver recalled most of her father’s teachings. And as Nicholas drew up beside her and they set out for the lake, her fears about riding all but evaporated. Other fears remained, though. Fears about learning Daniel may still harbor a great affection for his ex-betrothed. Fears he might have decided he’d chosen the wrong lady. Fears he might send her away.

  Silver gripped the reins tightly in her hands and wondered if husbands were allowed to send their wives away in
such a manner. Surely if fathers could send their daughters off to live elsewhere, so could husbands. Would that happen? Would Daniel send her away? She really didn’t know.

  Daniel glanced at the lake, his hands locked behind his back. As Torie, Megan, and Evie chatted behind him, he breathed in the hint of pine in the crisp, cool air. A fish jumped up from the water, making ripples in the smooth glassy surface. Overhead, a hawk cried out to its mate as they scanned the field for a mouse or small rabbit. His thoughts turned to Silver.

  How would he make her understand? Love made people weak. What happened to his parents and Garrett was proof enough. Because of love, his parents had died and Garrett was nearly destroyed by grief. He vowed long ago he wouldn’t allow that to happen to him. The day he vowed to never fall in love.

  “May I have a word with you, Daniel?”

  He turned and found Megan beside him. For reasons he could not name, the sight of her no longer affected him as it once did. He had no urge to pull her into his arms and kiss her. Unlike Silver. Just the thought of kissing his wife made his blood boil. Damn, he couldn’t stop thinking of her.

  “Daniel, may I speak with you?” Megan asked again, worry knotting her brow.

  He glanced to where Torie and Evie conversed under a tree, paying them no attention. From this distance, they would not overhear. “Of course. What would you like to discuss?”

  She smiled that dazzling smile of hers. “I must admit, I thought you’d be taking this a bit differently.”

  “Taking what?”

  “My marriage to Nicholas.” She clasped her hands together before her. “I’m sorry I accepted your offer of marriage. I never should have.”

  He paused, noticing the worry returning to her lovely eyes. “I wasn’t aware you and Nicholas even knew each other.”

  She reached up and adjusted her necklace. The scent of jasmine came to him, though he much preferred the scent of roses. Silver. He gritted his teeth, shaking his head slightly to try and dislodge all thoughts of his wife.

  Megan chuckled, gaining his full attention. “Actually, I have been in love with Nicholas for years.” Then she turned serious and glanced out to the lake. “But that’s a long story. Just know that at the time I accepted your betrothal, I believed Nicholas didn’t care for me.” With a sad smile, she turned back to him. “I am afraid that was reason for my acceptance. But when I learned he really did love me, I-I had to marry him.” She placed her hand on his arm. “You do understand, don’t you?”

  Hell, no, he didn’t understand. Love made a person weak. But if Megan chose to believe in love, he wouldn’t say anything to the contrary. Obviously, she and Nicholas held a great affection for each other. Just being around them a short time made that clear. He patted her hand. “I accept your apology and do not hold any ill feelings about our broken betrothal.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out her miniature, then handed it to her. “Congratulations on your marriage.”

  Megan accepted the tiny portrait and a smile broke free. “So, we’re still friends?”

  “Of course we are.”

  She rose up on her toes to kiss his cheek. “I am so glad to hear you say that.”

  Just as her horse topped the incline and the expansive lake came into view, Silver saw her husband with the goddess. She pulled too hard on the reins, nearly making the mare rear up. The horse side-stepped and flattened its ears, clearly annoyed. Her heart gave a painful twist. Near the lake’s edge, Daniel just inches before Megan, holding her hands. Then the beautiful duchess reached up and kissed his cheek. Pain tore through Silver’s middle, leaving her breathless. Before she had the chance to whirl the horse around and ride back to the house, Torie caught sight of her and Nicholas.

  “Silver! Come, Evie and I have been discussing something wonderful.”

  Nicholas slid from his saddle and moved to her side. She searched his features, certain he had witnessed the kiss. He merely smiled and assisted her to the ground.

  “Silver,” Torie said, her face animated with excitement, “Evie and I were discussing your debut.”

  “Debut?” Silver did not like the sound of that. She nodded her thanks to Nicholas and turned to her sister-in-law.

  Torie nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. Your debut into Society.”

  Before she could comment on that absurd idea, Megan and Daniel joined them. “A debut is a fabulous idea,” Megan said as Nicholas slid an arm around her waist.

  Silver shook her head. “I don’t think—”

  “We can host it,” Megan interrupted, turning to her husband. “Can’t we, Nicholas?”

  “Of course.” He smiled wide. “In fact, I think that is an excellent idea.”

  Fear struck Silver. “But…but I’m not ready for something like that.” She envisioned how Daniel’s peers would laugh at the bumbling buffoon he’d married. At the very least, she would need months to study how Society worked. She also needed time to practice the various dance steps. The few lessons she’d managed to take from Katrina’s instructor in trade for translating some letters had been years ago. Silver wondered if she could recall anything she had been taught. What if she did or said something wrong? What if she curtsied to a servant or spouted the wrong title or couldn’t remember any of the dance steps?

  “Of course you are ready,” Evie said.

  Silver chewed on her bottom lip and glanced at Daniel. He said nothing. His face was a blank mask. She had no idea what he thought about this debut plan of Torie’s. Did talk of parties bore him? Or was there something else going on? She thought of him with Megan a few minutes ago and her heart gave a sharp bounce.

  “I’ll make out the guest list, if you don’t mind.”

  She turned to Megan and forced a smile. “No, I don’t mind.” Then a thought occurred to her. “Will there be a lot of people there?”

  “Not many. Two, three hundred, perhaps.”

  “That’s not many?” she choked out and gripped the sides of her dress.

  “Everyone will be curious,” Nicholas said.

  “Why is that?”

  He smiled. “They will want to meet the new Duchess of Huntington.”

  The light dawned, and her stomach sank. People would be there to find out why Daniel had married her. Her family held no title or great wealth, they were unknown and uninfluential. Even she knew powerful families and wealthy peers married into the families of one another. So when Society found no obvious reasons for the marriage, they would likely scrutinize her.

  Silver glanced in Daniel’s direction, watching him study the lake. Her uneasiness grew. Why didn’t he say something? Was he just as troubled with this debut idea as she? Or was it something darker, deeper. Did he regret their marriage?

  God help her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Silver lowered her book and listened to the quietness around her, wishing Megan, Nicholas, and Evie would have stayed a few more days. It surprised her to realize how much she cared for her new friends. In a short time, they had already come to mean a great deal to her.

  Then her thoughts turned to her husband, and she frowned. He had been acting so odd lately. During the last few days, Daniel had been with Nicholas or cooped up in his study working. Running six enormous estates, a shocking number, that—in addition to other business affairs—took much of his time. But why the devil hadn’t he been coming to her at night?

  The door opened, interrupting her musings. Craning her head around the side of the wing-back chair that had been turned to the window to catch the midday light, she watched the dowager and Andrew enter the library. Silver halted from calling out when she heard the dowager’s frosty statement.

  “I have finally discovered why Daniel married her.”

  Every muscle in Silver’s body tightened. She strained to hear Andrew’s reply. “Please, Gran, leave it alone,” he said softly. “Nothing can be done now. Daniel has made his decision.”

  She shifted slightly in the chair for a better look, her ears straining to catch ev
ery word. As much as she didn’t want to hear any of this conversation, she couldn’t stop herself from learning how each member of Daniel’s family felt about her. She also wanted to find some way to win the dowager over. That might be an impossible feat, but she was determined to give it her best effort.

  The dowager shook her head. “Daniel never should have gone to Scotland, much less stay in that godforsaken country for so long. I daresay, Andrew, all this unpleasantness could have been avoided. I am certain something happened between the two of them, if you understand my meaning, and Daniel wedded the girl out of obligation.”

  Silver bit her lip to keep from gasping. Something akin to panic welled up within her, for she realized maybe Daniel’s reasons for marriage might have been different from her own. That…that he’d married her to appease his guilt.

  “I find that hard to believe, Gran.”

  The dowager crossed her arms. “Then tell me why Daniel would have married that girl with such haste and without a proper courtship or betrothal? I think the excuse of her about to marry someone else was utter tripe.”

  Silver held her breath, praying Andrew would come up with something logical to say. Anything at all. She wanted nothing above being accepted into Daniel’s family and would do anything to keep that dream alive. For too long, she’d lived with people who cared nothing for her, who thought of her as a burden, who ridiculed and demeaned her. Silver thought all that had changed the day she married Daniel. She had been certain he’d come to care for her and wanted her to be a part of his family. But hearing the dowager’s words, she wasn’t so certain anymore.


  “I have also come to the conclusion,” the dowager said, “that Daniel was punishing himself.”


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