Tainted Deception

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Tainted Deception Page 13

by Aleya Michelle

  Chase shakes his head, but I see a little smile form.

  “Why did you guys come here?” he questions me, and I react defensively.

  “Don’t blame Lilly, blame it on me. I’m an adult and I wanted to get drunk, so shut up and dance with me, Mr. Hudson.”

  “Ivy, I didn’t come here to dance.” He’s as relentless as usual.

  “Take a chill pill ‘Huds,’” I say, giving him a new nickname.

  “You didn’t just call me ‘Huds,’” Chase replies looking totally unimpressed.

  “Why yes I did, Huddy Huds,”I say and instantly feel childish. Judging from the widening of his eyes and the frown on his face, he looks pissed.

  I can’t help but laugh. I like pushing his buttons and pissing him off.

  “Last drink, Ivy, then we are leaving,” he orders me in his usual bossy tone.

  “No way, I’m not ready to go home. Why don’t yooooouuuu relax and drink with me?” I plead with him urging him to chill and have fun with me.

  “Ivy, that’s not something I trust myself doing.” He sounds hesitant.

  “Okay fine, no drinks, but please dance with me.” I entwine my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his hair. We are in such close proximity, and he smells divine, so I lean in and kiss his lips. Damn, he tastes so good. He follows my lead and kisses me back. I’m sure he is doing it in part to show every man in here that I am his.

  He’s swaying to the music and taking me with him. Ah, finally the man relaxes. Wow, he can move. I’m flush against his hard body as we mirror each other’s moves. We’re dancing and still kissing not ready to break our connection.

  Eventually, I feel breathless so I pull my face from his. I look into his baby blues and smile widely, he follows suit smiling and looking tranquil.

  After three dances together, I decide not to push my luck so we leave the dance floor.

  “Hey Chase,” Lilly says to him as we sit at the table.

  “Hi Lilly, where is Talon tonight?” he asks her and I see her roll her eyes.

  “He’s your friend, you should know,” she states looking unimpressed.

  “Did something happen there?” Chase asks me unaware of the situation.

  “Yeah, he is a jerk,” I answer and make a mental note to talk to him about Talon tomorrow.

  “Can we go now, Ivy? You look fucking sexy in those heels and I want you naked with only those on. I’m feeling ambitious right now and want to break our previous record,” Chase murmurs in my ear. I feel my core dampen at the vision of him naked and on top of me.

  He is insatiable. I don’t think we have missed a chance to have sex since we’ve been together. Not that I am complaining, I am just as horny as he is.

  “Yep, let’s go. I am in the mood to break some records Mrrrrrr Hudson,” I proclaim, as his hand grazes along the bare flesh of my arm.

  “Lilly, we’re leaving,” I announce. Her eyes meet mine, and she is giving me an all-knowing smile. Giving her a wink, I embrace her tightly.

  “You little slut, ditching me for sex,” she whispers in my ear and I crack up laughing. “Trust me, if I had the option I’d be jumping on that bandwagon, too,” Lilly adds squeezing me tightly.

  “See ya, hussy. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” I toss over my shoulder as I walk away.

  We say bye to Suzie and her new male friend and wave to Cam who is getting his groove on with a handsome guy on the dance floor.


  Derek, Chase’s driver, is waiting outside of Slammers and greets me when I enter the car. “Good evening, Miss Maisen,” he says professionally.

  “Derek, dude it’s good to seeeee you,” I reply moving to the front of the limo to pat his back. Obviously taking him by surprise, I see him smirk.

  “Drink this water, Ivy. You’ll pay tomorrow if you don’t,” Chase demands as he hands me a bottle of water from the car. This man thinks of everything. “Take us back to Ivy’s place, Derek,” Chase tells him before raising the privacy screen.

  I take a large sip of the ice-cold water. It’s so refreshing, especially when a drop of water drips down my neck and down into my cleavage. Chase must have been watching me drink because in a flash his mouth is lapping up the water. His hand squeezes my breast as his tongue travels from my cleavage, over my collarbone and along my neck. I grab his hair, running my nails over his scalp.

  “Sorry to interrupt, sir, but we are at Miss Maisen’s apartment,” Derek announces catching us by surprise. I burst into hysterical laughter, feeling like a couple of teenagers busted in the backseat of our parents’ car.

  “Thank you, Derek,” Chase tells him as we exit the limo and walk into the foyer.

  Chase grabs my hand and squeezes it. The elevator arrives quickly and as soon as we enter, Chase has me pinned against the wall in two seconds flat. Jesus. I have a leg wrapped around his waist as he grinds against me. He kisses me hard and passionately, his tongue hungry and assaulting—it feels incredible.

  The elevator beeps announcing we are on my floor. Chase pulls my other leg up to wrap around his waist, then walks us to my apartment. We barely make it inside my apartment when he places my feet on the floor and eagerly drops his pants before pulling mine down, too.

  Pushing me vigorously against the wall his cock enters my already soaked core. My legs are wrapped around him tightly as he pushes in deeper.

  “Chase!” I scream in unadulterated pleasure.

  “You are mine, Ivy. I will not share what belongs to me, not even for a dance. Do you understand me, Miss Maisen?” Chase asks as he thrusts deep inside me causing me to scream out again.

  “I am not an object that you can own. I don’t belong to anyone. Do you understand, Mr. Hudson?” I manage to retort between his heated thrusts. I am definitely sobering up.

  “Why must you be so stubborn and unwilling to commit to me?” he whispers then thrusts again nice and deep.

  “Trust me, I am committed to you, but I don’t belong to anyone,” I reply feeling antagonized and yet extremely turned on at the same time as he takes my breast into his mouth, playfully sucking.

  “I want to be exclusive with you. I don’t want any other man in my life. Trust me, one crazed, obsessive man is enough for me to handle,” I say to him smirking to break the tension with a little light humour as I sharply dig my nails into his back—I’m sure it will leave a mark tomorrow.

  “You are mine, Ivy, end of story. Mine!” Chase announces and then brings me to a bone-melting orgasm.

  He wasn’t joking about breaking our record.

  Honestly, this whole “mine” talk freaks the hell out of me. Will he always be like this? It is flattering or obsessive.

  If I have to watch rich floozies throwing themselves at him everywhere we go, why shouldn’t he see that other men want me, too?

  Tonight was a learning experience for both of us.

  My cell rings and I roll my eyes when I see it’s my mother. “Great,” I mumble to myself. I know better than to miss a call from her. She’ll then call my home number, followed by Lilly, then my work, and anyone else who might know where I am. Persistent is one word to describe her, and it’s better than the others I have in my mind.

  “Hello, Mother,” I answer putting on my fake, happy voice.

  “Oh, Ivy, I’m glad I caught you. Your father and I have a dinner in two weeks that we need you to attend. It’s black tie of course, on the twentieth so please mark your calendar,” she orders me curtly before I manage another word.

  “I will have to get back to you, Mother. I’ll have to check my calendar. I can’t just drop my plans for one of your dinners. There will be plenty more if I can’t make it.” I’m sick and tired of her ordering me around. Would it kill her to ask if I could make it instead of just ordering me to attend?

  “No Ivy, this is extremely important. You have to attend. It’s the Hudson Industries annual charity event, and everyone who is anyone in the corporate world will be there,” she responds sternly
to my nonchalant reply.

  When I realize this is the soiree that Chase was telling me about, I smile humorously to myself. I really don’t want to divulge information to my mother about my intimate and personal life, so I just answer with, “Sure, I will be there.” With the guest of honor to be exact, but you will find that out soon enough.

  “Thank you, dear. Your father and I were just talking about you still painting and working at the museum. I was hoping that you would have grown out of that by now and found yourself a real career. You are a very intelligent woman and you’re wasting your life walking around a dusty museum and playing with paint.”

  “Seriously, Mother, how many times do we have to have this conversation? I don’t want to be a doctor or a lawyer, I want to paint and I love working at the art museum. Life isn’t all about money. I get by and I am happy. Why can’t you just support me and stop trying to change me?” I plead trying to make her see through my eyes.

  “I just want you to have a beautiful home, the best clothes, and not to have to watch what you spend. Why can’t you stop sending our checks to charities and spend the money on yourself?”

  “I am content and the happiest I have been in a long time, so you don’t need to worry about me, Mother,” I say harshly to her. I’ve had to put up with this crap for the last twenty-five years.

  “Okay dear, I must be going, I have a game of tennis in ten minutes, hugs,” she announces and hangs up. I don’t believe a word she says. And ‘hugs’? She is the least affection person I know.

  She honestly didn’t even listen to a word I said. Why does that not surprise me?

  Even when I was a young girl, my mother was never maternal. She was never warm-hearted and constantly tried her hardest to change me.

  I was always too pasty and pale in her eyes. I needed to tan in the sun and keep up with the fashion models. I wasn’t olive skinned like her or my father—I had the porcelain skin like Cynthia, my grandmother.

  Thank God for that…

  Cynthia was my godsend. I often wondered if Mother was adopted. Her and Gran were like oil and water. Much like her and I are. It wasn’t until I had third-degree sunburns that she realized I was never going to tan.

  Much to Mother’s dismay, I was a free spirit who couldn’t be caged. Not being able to control me or make me a mini version of her drove her to drink wine in excess and suffer from headaches. She enrolled me in different extracurricular classes and I would last a couple of lessons and walk out. I wasn’t a bad girl in any sense, just a free thinker who needed freedom of choice.

  My father was more accepting of me. He loves me for me. Mother never showed me an ounce of feeling liked, let alone loved.

  If it wasn’t for my dad and Cynthia as, she insists I call her in public, I would have hitchhiked around the world to escape her.

  I reached my limit with her a few years ago and finally snapped at her and all of her negativity. We didn’t speak for three months.

  It was a bad few months, then to top it off the last straw was catching Leon who I thought I would marry with the other woman.

  That was one of the worst days of my life.

  It was totally unexpected. I thought our relationship was going fine. Fifteen months isn’t a casual fling. He’d even bought me a bracelet for our anniversary. Nothing dramatic had changed in our relationship.

  I look back now and can see there were a lot of late nights at the office and work dinners. I guess I should have seen it coming. I was boring and quite plain, unlike his work colleagues or the other women who frequented high society events. We had many differences of opinion, but I thought he really loved me.

  To fuck a woman I knew in our bed was the ultimate low blow.

  Darkness consumed me when I kicked him out of our apartment. I buried myself in it, was isolated, and wallowed in my self-imposed exile. No one to care about me or save me.

  I’m not sure exactly what snapped me out of it. I look back now and I still remember just how deep I was buried in the darkness, almost six feet under so to speak. I nearly took my own life, but something or rather someone stopped me. I believe my sister was watching over me. I can’t explain it.

  Lilly, of course, was supportive, but I did a good job of hiding just how beaten down and depressed I was feeling. I honestly felt like there was no hope left for me.

  My mother called me twice, and she hardly noticed my dreary tone. I was good at faking a smile and a laugh, and she was either naive or just didn’t care. Unless it’s about money or reputation, her and Father usually show no interest.

  I found inner strength, and I promised myself I’d never return to the endless darkness.

  I checked myself into a two-week program at Mount Sinai and no one was the wiser. I told work a family member had died and it was an emergency, and they were supportive.

  I still ask myself how I got to that dark place. I had friends, I used to love a good party, but when I started saying no to invites, they all stopped asking.

  I guess they thought I had met someone new or just wasn’t interested. I had never felt more alone than I did in those few months. I was spiraling deeper and deeper into my depression. I felt like I didn’t mean anything to anyone.

  I have accepted throughout my life that I am different. I don’t want to be another follower, just another sheep. I want to be irreplaceable. After finding my light in the darkness, I am now force to be reckoned with.

  I learned by working with my psychologist that it was okay to be different, and if I wanted to express myself by changing my hair color, getting tattoos, and especially through my painting, then it was what I was destined to do. I am positive my painting saved me from escaping reality with substance abuse. I could have easily turned to drugs or alcohol to forget the world, but I found my artwork was the only treatment I needed.

  What a godsend my art is…

  I’m working on a few new client profiles when an idea for a new song hits me. They always hit me at the strangest times. I jot down a few notes, which actually turns into a song.

  Don’t go changing

  You’re so perfect

  So goddamn amazing

  I’ve become an addict

  I’m a little messed up

  I don’t want to pretend anymore

  Just need a tune up

  You are my highest score

  I finally know who I am

  I’ve found myself within you

  You are my everything

  You are my everything

  Deliriously in love

  No longer consumed by doom

  You have filled the emptiness

  You have brightened the room

  I’ll take you to my castle

  Just like in a fairy tale

  Kiss me in the dark

  My heart intensifies

  Your touch causes sparks

  You are the ultimate prize

  Taking it slow with Chase has been the hardest thing to do, ever! I have broken all of my rules. Now that we are exclusive, I feel my heart fluttering, butterflies in my stomach, and my breath hitch; I know I’m head over heels in love with this man.

  Every time I see him, my heart skips a beat, my palms sweat, and his touch gives me goosebumps like those that I’ve never known before. He makes my breath hitch just from being in the same room with him.

  The thought of not having him in my life is like a knife to my soul. I’ve had one in my heart before¸ but this time it feels like he is my soul mate that I can’t bear to live without. Already, he is my eternal essence for living.

  It’s such a scary feeling not knowing what the future holds. Right now just holding Chase in my arms with his lips on mine is a hundred times better than being without him.

  He is unlike any other person I’ve ever met. I feel as though my soul was split in half before I was born and I’ve found it again with him—he is my missing half. He has seen me at my worst but only talks about me at my best. He is the key to my lock, and I am the lock to
his key; we fit each other perfectly.


  It’s midweek but we can’t bear to be apart so I drive to Chase’s apartment after work. I park in one of his many reserved garage spots. He ordered Chinese food and told me that he ‘wants me naked the minute I walk inside.’ As long as he is naked too, I’m happy with that.

  I am wearing a pale blue spaghetti strap sundress so it’s a pretty easy request. One swift move and it will be gone. My core is throbbing just thinking about my insatiable god and his hands on my naked flesh.

  The elevator delivers me to the penthouse. I must admit this apartment is perfect. Very over the top, but Chase works hard so he deserves it.

  “Good evening, vixen,” he greets me as the elevator doors open. He’s still in his unbuttoned dress shirt and pants. Fuck that is such a delicious sight.

  “Good evening yourself, Mr. Hudson. How was your day?”

  “Much better now that you’re here.” He scoops me up in his firm grasp and kisses me affectionately. The kiss soon becomes hungry as our passion and need for each other increases. It’s never enough though; we never have our fill of each other.

  I kiss him back lustfully as his hands ride up my already short dress and finds my bare flesh. “Damn woman, this dress should be outlawed.” Chase squeezes my ass tightly before his fingers slide under my lace thong. With a swift tug, he removes my thong.

  “Vixen, I want to be inside of you for so long that you become sore and tender. I want you to think of me all night and tomorrow,” he growls. “Every time you move, I want you to be reminded of me fucking you. Reminded of how good it feels to have me taking you. Reminded how badly you crave my cock. I don’t ever want to leave your thoughts. Only then will you know how completely you have invaded my every fucking thought, vixen.”

  Fuck, this man knows how to turn me on. I lift my arms up and wrap them around his neck, scraping my nails through his hair.

  Chase bends down, grabs me by the hips, and throws me over his shoulder like some conquering warrior. He carries me over to his monstrous dining table and places me gently on my feet.


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