A Mate to Match

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A Mate to Match Page 6

by Jeanette Lynn

  I wonder if she even knows she's doing it.

  I have a lot of explaining to do with her or she's gonna be pissed, I thought intuitively.

  "You know, you sure are taking this all in stride... most people would be freaking out by now," I told her, pride obvious in my voice.

  "I already did my freaking out, so I'm covered on that front. Plus, I got to know William before I noticed he had hooves, so I had a chance to see that he's just like anyone else... just a little... different. It's weird. I feel like there's this inner voice in me, that keeps telling me 'all is as it should be', you know? It's kind of nice... I've never felt that kind of reassurance or confidence before," she said wonderingly and I had to wonder- what kind of inner voice?

  Is it part of her turning or something?

  We reached the cabin and I walked up the steps jauntily, my woman snuggled in my arms.

  "There are some things I have to tell you, sugar, but first let's eat, okay? And, uh, darlin', don't take this the wrong way, but... maybe you should take a shower first, huh?" I suggested, setting her down, gesturing to her mud caked body.

  She laughed and pointed at me.

  I noticed that I too was caked with mud from stem to sternum.

  "Maybe you should take one too, cowboy." She smiled playfully and ran to the bathroom, her bottom playing peek a boo as the flannel popped up with every step she took, showing an enticing glimpse of her sweet ass.

  I growled and stormed after her, tearing my clothes off as I went.

  All I could think was, ‘Mine’ as I stalked after her.


  After a very long shower that involved water aerobics, a naughty washcloth and a soaped up stud muffin, we exited the shower together and entered the living room to get dressed.

  I froze as I spotted an older woman sitting on the couch in the living room.

  I gripped my towel tighter around my waist and waited for her to announce herself.

  "Mama? What are you doing here?" Alfred asked, bewildered, from behind me.

  'Mama', apparently, didn't look very happy.

  "Alfred," she clipped, glancing at him, then looking down her nose at me.

  She seemed to find me lacking somehow and looked away dismissively, like she was excusing a servant.

  "I've come to talk some sense into you and get rid of your little problem," she said, waving her hand at me.

  "Obviously, she's served her purpose and now you're on the right track. So, I have some dates set up for you for next week. Finish up with her and send her on her way. We have things to discuss, you know, plans to make," she went on.

  "Wow, what a bitch," I breathed.

  It took me a minute to realize I'd said that out loud.

  I slapped my hand over my mouth, aghast at what I'd just said about Alfred's mother.

  "Oh, darlin', don't be too upset about that," Alfred assured me, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly, "I think you had it about right."

  "Well, I never!" Alfred's mother exclaimed.

  "Alfred, are you going to just let your... your... her! Talk to me like that?!" she demanded, glaring at me hatefully.

  He started to slide in front of me protectively, placing me behind his back.

  "Yep," he said simply.

  That's my man!

  Eloquent, I mused.

  Mama Lupenstein sputtered and gasped in disbelief at her son.

  "You better do something, Alfred Frankfurt Lupenstein! Teach your whore a lesson! Do something this instant!" she screamed, her face an unnatural shade.

  Wow... just wow... apparently I was wrong all along... he's not nuts... his mother is.

  "Okay," he said and walked to the door, keeping me at his side.

  He opened the door wide and then stood back.

  "Mother, get out. Now," he demanded, his voice low and fierce.

  "You can't kick me out! I meant her, not me! Alfred, be reasonable," she cried out, running towards him and pulling at his arm frantically.

  "I am, Mother, and when you can come into my home and respect my mate, then you can come back. Until then, I don't even want to know you, good bye, Mother," he growled at her and she left, dropping the pleading act and glaring openly at me again.

  "He's too good for you! You'll never make him happy! He'll never..." And whatever she was going to say was halted by the slam of the door in her face as Alfred shut it on her and her tirade.

  "She's insane," I breathed against his chest.

  I could hear his Mother's sudden enraged scream from outside.

  He chuckled and kissed me lightly.

  "She heard that. Good hearing, remember?" He smiled against my lips and I turned beet red.

  "Mmm, I wonder how far down that blush goes? Does it reach these beauties?" he inquired huskily, rubbing slow circles around my nipples through the towel, causing me to whimper and push up against his hands for more.

  "I want to play some more, but I think I should feed you first. What do you say, darlin'?" He grinned.

  "Sounds great." I smiled at him and we went to the kitchen, towels and all, to hunt down some grub.

  I studied him closely.

  He didn't seem fazed or surprised at all by his mother's tirade...

  I hope she's not always like this.

  "You don't seem surprised or as upset about all that," I said, gesturing towards the door.

  "Mama can be... difficult when she doesn't get her way," he sighed.

  I raised my eyebrow at the understatement of the year.

  He laughed at my expression and pulled me in for a hug, snuggling me close.

  "She signed me up for that dating site and I didn't protest when I probably should have. But, darlin'," He looked at me sincerely, "If I hadn't, then I wouldn't have met you."

  I let out a contented sigh and he smiled, kissing my forehead.

  "Everything happens for a reason. Turns out, though, she had no desire for me to actually find a mate through those dates. Even though that's what she’d told me. She thought it would show me I should mate with someone of the Parakind. Preferably, in her mind, someone of her choosing. She's plum crazy if she thinks I would have ever entertained the idea of dating a cow towing female of her choosing," he admitted, shaking his head in disbelief.


  Him feeding me turned into me feeding him since 'I'm the better cook'.

  ...or so he says... could just be an excuse to get out of the cooking.

  I made barbeque chicken, corn and apple pie to eat from what little ingredients he had in the kitchen.

  It took a little while to get everything made, but it was worth it.

  We ate on the couch, watching Hockey and talking together companionably about the game.

  He dripped some of his barbeque sauce onto his chest and I leaned forward, licking it off.

  "Mmm yummy," I murmured and licked at his nipples a little, biting at them when he moaned.

  He set his plate aside, then pulled me up and into his lap, pulling at my towel until it opened up a little, leaving a gap of my flesh exposed.

  I tugged at his hair, pulling his lips down to mine and moaning as we shared a steamy, panty melting kiss.

  Good thing I wasn't wearing any, huh?

  I bit at his lips, slicking my tongue across his, sucking his tongue into my mouth when his went to meet mine.

  He moaned and thrust up at me, dry humping me through the towel.

  "Now, sugar. Come on and sit on me. Show me how you like it, darlin'," he said huskily into my ear.

  Emboldened by his entreaty, I stood up and let my towel drop, smiling at him coquettishly.

  A sound caught my attention and I looked up to see a man standing at the back door, his thick glasses fogging up as he stared at me through the back door's window.

  His hand was raised as if he was about to knock.

  "Oh, shit! Oh, my god," I shrieked and ducked down behind the couch.

  Alfred popped up and his eyes followed the direction my horror stric
ken face was staring.

  He frowned, knotted his towel tightly at his waist and went to the door, yanking it open and glaring at the man at the back door.

  "You staring at my mate, Greniv?" Alfred demanded.

  "Nope," Greniv replied, lying through his perfect white teeth.

  "What do you want?" Alfred asked a little calmer this time.

  I got up from my hiding place once I had my towel fixed and sidled up behind Alfred, pressing my face against his back, seeking his warmth and comfort.

  "Nice to see you too, Alfie," Greniv chuckled.

  "I scared your, uh, little lady and I wanted to apologize," he replied sheepishly, holding out a potted plant as a peace offering.

  Alfred took it and sniffed at it a moment, then eyed Greniv.

  "This aint a courting gift or anything, right? And it didn't actually come off of you, right?" he asked, waving his hand around at Greniv to emphasize his point.

  "What? No! 'No', to the first and a big fat 'no', to the second. Geesh, Alf, get a grip, man, I don't steal other chap's ladies. You know me." He chuckled uneasily, running his hands through his thick, black locks nervously as he tried to look past Alfred to wave at me.

  "Hello," he said congenially.

  I looked at him.

  I mean really looked at him.

  Those intense green eyes, his height and then the plant comment Alfred made.

  It all suddenly clicked.

  "Oh, you're the naked green guy. What are you like the jolly gr..." I started to ask but was cut off.

  "Don't! Don't finish that, I don't grow green beans! I'm a Man of the Marsh, not... that," he spat out disgustedly.

  I giggled at his apparent revulsion at my comparison and reached around Alfred to shake his hand.

  "I'm Katarina, Katarina De...” I started to introduce myself only to be cut off, once again, this time by Alfred.

  "Lupenstein," he cut in proprietarily.

  "How you figure, cowboy, there's no ring on this finger," I said, wiggling my hand at him.

  I was only teasing.

  We hadn't known each other long enough to decide that yet, even if he says we're mates, but it did feel like we were irrevocably connected somehow.

  I must have totally drank the koolaid.

  I really have been too accepting of this whole situation.

  In a strange way, I have a sense of homecoming here.

  It's like this is where I should have been all along. In this strange creature feature town with Alfred.

  I felt a pull within the air coming in from the opened door and the wind around me as it whipped through my hair.

  A whisper of a connection.

  A welcome.

  Geesh, just listen to me...

  Now I'm turning into a hippy.

  Back to the present though...

  Alfred frowned and motioned for me to 'wait one moment', then left the room, leaving me alone with his friend by the back door in nothing but a towel.

  "Um, hello... so... you were going to tell me your name," I prompted, clearing my throat, smiling politely at him like I wasn't standing in front of him half naked.

  "Greniv, Greniv Marsh. But most people call me Green. Sorry I scared you earlier. I didn't know anyone else was out and about," he apologized, smiling at me.

  "Ah hah, here you go," Alfred said triumphantly, striding back into the room.

  He grabbed my hand and grinned as he slid a huge, antique, rectangular cut sapphire, surrounded by tiny diamonds, onto my ring finger.

  "Oh... wow... Oh, my... oh! Oh! Where did you get this?" I blurted, looking at him wide eyed.

  "It was my grandmother's. She said to give it to the woman who stole my heart," he said sincerely and beamed at me.

  "We haven't even known each other that long..." I trailed off, pleased at his confession, but unsure if he was so sure about it.

  "How could you possibly know so soon?" I asked, looking up at him for his answer.

  "The mate bond. We're bonded now for forever, ‘til death do us part. I can feel what you're feeling. I can sense you within me, a part of me already and I like what I sense, what I feel, it just feels... right.” He shrugged. “I just know. I don't question it, I accept it. You're it for me. Wolves only mate once, sugar," he chuckled and hugged me to him.

  As weird as it sounds, in such a small amount of time, I got what he meant, knowing I felt the same way too.

  Maybe I should be like him and just 'go with it'.

  "Well... I'll just let you two get back to things then," Greniv said, waving and heading off.

  "Nice to meet you," I called out to him as he disappeared into the woods.

  "He is such a liar!” I exclaimed to Alfred once Greniv was out of ear shot. “He totally saw the goods! I am so mortified! You're buddy saw me naked!" I moaned, putting my face in my hands.

  "No need to be so dramatic, darlin', if anyone's going to get upset, it should be me," he said, hooking a thumb at himself.

  "How do you figure?" I asked, peeking at him through my fingers.

  "Because you're mine, of course," he said succinctly, a proprietary air about him as he said it.

  Ugh! Men!

  I whacked him on the chest and walked away in search of clothes.

  "You are such an ass!" I told him laughingly as I headed for the bedroom.

  "Got your mind off it, didn't it?" he chuckled and caught the pair of socks I tossed at his face.

  "Love you too, sugar." He winked at me.


  "I have some questions for you, mister," Kat said as she plopped down on the couch, looking completely edible in a character shirt, some saying about being grumpy on it, and a pair of plaid sleep pants.

  Mmm, mmm, I thought, feeling like the cartoon character wolf that licks his chops as he sizes up his prey.

  "What kind of questions?" I asked, taking in the serious mien she'd adopted all of the sudden.

  A drastic change from the fun of a moment ago as we’d dressed.

  I girded my loins and sat down opposite her, putting her feet up into my lap, rubbing them soothingly.

  Maybe an impromptu foot massage will help sweeten her up for what was sure to be an ‘enlightening’ conversation.

  "Shoot," I said, aiming a pretend pistol at the couch pillow.

  She laughed and the inquisition began.

  "Tell me everything, start at the beginning. I want to know everything, so spill the beans, wolf man," she said, looking at me expectantly.

  "Everything, darlin'? You sure?" I asked, trying to stall a little.

  "You're stalling, aren't you?" she asked, startled. "I can feel it, I think. I can feel you're nervous..." she said, looking wide eyed with wonder.

  She frowned and looked at me.

  "Explain now, before I freak, Alfred," she demanded.

  Uh oh, she used the ‘mom’ tone.

  Well, here goes nothing...

  Rip it off fast like a band aid, right?

  "Okay, from the beginning. Ah hem. I was late to our date because I was watching you through the window in my truck. Erm... spying on you, so to speak. I did the whole asshole act on purpose, dirty hands and all, because I'm an ass," I said, holding up my hands in a halting motion, when I knew she wanted to cut in.

  "Which you so lovingly have pointed out to me." I winked at her. "Uhm, let's see... the snigger at your name was my inner twelve year old at work with the whole ‘wolf-cat’ pun. Chalk that off to my ass-ness too. Your date from the restaurant didn't exactly stand you up and he's not gay..." I began to explain.

  "But you said…" she started and I put my hand up again.

  "Hold on, sugar, let me explain, alright? No maiming me ‘til I'm done, yeah?"

  She was narrowing her eyes at me now, but she nodded her head as if to say, 'go right ahead'.

  "I hacked into Made to Match’s computer and stole information on your date. I went to his accounting office, where I thought he was alone and closing up for the night. Now don't
give me that look, darlin', hear me out!”

  I waited until I knew she wasn’t going to blurt anything out at me and continued.

  “Anyways, he had another coworker with him so I jumped them both, knocking them out and tying them up to each other."

  I winced as her mouth dropped open.

  "They're fine. I checked. No harm done,” I added hurriedly.

  “I couldn't let him have you, sugar, you're mine. I knew the first time I breathed in your honey suckle sweet scent and looked into your deep green eyes. Even though I didn't know what it was I was feeling at the time, you were meant to be mine. I knew it was love when you scalded me with pecan pie," I chuckled and she snorted at me, still looking a little uneasy about my tying up old Seb.

  "When I bit you I sealed our mating bond. That's you feeling my emotions and likewise for me with you. It can't be reversed and the bond will only grow stronger as the years pass. Oh, yeah, uhm... werewolves live for a long time..." I added, getting ready for more questions from Kat.

  She looked like she would burst if she didn't get to say something soon. Patience is not my darlin's strong suit.

  "How long is a long time?" she asked quickly, worrying her lip with her teeth.

  "Hundreds of years. And we never get sick either, superior immune systems. We heal fast too," I admitted.

  "So, I'm going to grow old or get sick and die and you'll still be around... I'll be old when you still look all yummy?" She waved her hand around at my body, distressed.

  "No, actually, you'll age like I do, because I, uh... sort of... might have... turned you, when I bit you." I winced, waiting for the explosion and expletives or the crying and sobbing.

  Nothing happened and I stopped wincing long enough to slit my eye open to peek at her.

  She was sitting there, stunned, blinking at me, her mouth opening and closing like a fish's.

  Might as well go for broke then, just blurt the rest out.

  "On the full moon in two weeks you'll turn for the first time. I accidentally put you into heat this morning and you might be pregnant with my pups," I said in a rush.

  She stopped fish gaping and squawked, "Turn on the full moon?! Into heat?! Pups! As in plural... as in more than one?!"


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