A Mate to Match

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A Mate to Match Page 8

by Jeanette Lynn

  The wind tunnel that was swirling around her picked her up and took off with her, Harriet still screeching and screaming in its wake.

  My wind died down as I calmed, my ears and fangs going back to normal.

  "Ppphhheeeww," whistled William, "Never gonna make her mad." He grinned, winking at me.

  "Yeah, man, you are one scary lady when you've been crossed," Greniv agreed, shaking his head at me.

  I looked over at Alfred, trying to gage his reaction to everything.

  "I can lift the banishment whenever you want... it doesn't have to be forever," I told him softly, biting my lip nervously, unsure of my reception.

  He smiled at me and rushed over, picking me up and kissing me softly on the lips.

  "I meant what I said, sugar, she did it to herself. Who knows, it might even do her some good," he chuckled, nuzzling my neck.

  "I seriously doubt it... that woman is delusional," I muttered under my breath and he broke into a fit of loud laughter.

  "Now that's my Kitty Kat!" he guffawed.

  Once his laughter died down, he headed toward the steps leading into the house, me still in his arms.

  Greniv, William and Segrid followed close behind.

  "A Death Bringer, huh? Who'd have guessed? I was always told they were myths. I didn't know they were from Parakind mating with an Elemental Witch. Makes sense, though," Alfred said thoughtfully, thinking aloud.

  "How do you figure?" I asked him.

  I knew quite a bit now thanks to Segrid, who gave me a crash course on the way over here.

  Good thing the drive took a little while or I wouldn't know half of what I do now.

  We didn't talk about how Death Bringers came about though.

  "Death Bringers are the strongest of Parakind. They used to be mediators for us centuries ago, but a great war broke out and the Death Bringers were slaughtered trying to help the innocents who were thrown into the melee. You are the first I've ever seen." Alfred grinned at me, pride in his voice.

  "How did you know the banish thing you did, sugar?" he asked curiously.

  "Segrid," I said simply and nodded my head in my new Troll buddy's direction.

  "Sooo, what's with the Troll, anyways? Where did you pick him up?" Alfred asked warily, eyeing Segrid, who was too busy examining everything in the room to notice.

  "That's Segrid, the Troll King. Your mother black mailed him into kidnapping and disposing of me, but he couldn't do it," I began to tell Alfred, but he started growling angrily, before I could finish.

  I hugged him tight, hoping to comfort him and continued after a moment.

  "He found out I'm an Air Witch. He says you don't want to cross an Elemental Witch. It's bad juju or something like that and now he says he owes me a life debt. ...so here he is," I told him quickly.

  "Aaaawww, now he's going to hang around forever," Alfred groaned at me.

  I raised a brow at him questioningly.

  "Do you know how hard it is to pay back a life debt, sugar? Near Impossible!" Alfred opined.

  "Well, I like him. He's sweet, so he stays," I told him firmly, smiling at Segrid as he looked up at me and smiled back.

  "He better be house broken," Alfred muttered.

  "I heard that, dog," Segrid chuckled, his deep bass reverberating through the room.

  He seemed unfazed by Alfred's insult to his person.

  I think he enjoys the banter, I observed thoughtfully.

  Poor Segrid, he must be lonely.

  "Great and he thinks he's funny too, yay me," Alfred muttered blandly, lacking any real enthusiasm, his lips pursed like he'd just sucked a lemon.

  I kissed his sour face and grinned, "Come on, sour puss, I'll feed you and turn that frown upside down."

  I went to the kitchen and started pulling out enough ingredients to make food for everyone.

  How much can a Troll eat? I wondered.

  "Yeah, Frankfurt," guffawed William, "Wouldn't want you to run around on an empty tummy," he snickered.

  Greniv laughed at my poor Alfred's expense too, so I whipped up a little wind and sent it in their direction.

  They both shot up and fell on the floor with a 'thump', landing in a heap on top of each other.

  "Really, boys," I chastised them as I walked up to the back of the couch.

  They glared up at me accusingly from the floor.

  "You should be more careful, you could have an accident..." I warned them and winked at Alfred, who was cackling like a madman from the couch.

  Segrid was still in the kitchen, grinning at me from ear to ear.

  "My Mistress puts on a good show," he said, chuckling at my antics.


  "Thank you, by the way, for all of your help. Especially the crash course on witch stuff. You'll be back often to visit, won't you, Segrid?" I asked my new friend hopefully.

  "As my Mistress commands," he said gravely, smiling at me.

  I hugged him and then he left, whistling as he went.

  Greniv and William had already left, so he was the last to go.

  "Don't tell him to come back, darlin', he's a Troll!" Alfred complained.

  "Don't be such a snob, Alfred," I said haughtily, moving across the yard to wave at Segrid as he drove away in his van.

  I looked over at Alfred and noticed he was staring at me, slack jawed.

  "I aint a snob! You little pistol!" he growled at me.

  He started stalking towards me, but the gleam in his eyes gave him away.

  I giggled and ran into the house.

  I ran straight through the front door and then through the back one, running directly into the woods, not stopping to look back, because I knew he was coming.

  I could feel it, sense him.

  Catch me if you can, mate mine, I thought and laughed out loud.


  I love a good chase!

  I grinned as I heard her run through the back door.

  Mine, I thought and stalked out the back door in search of my mate.

  Her scent has changed, I realized as I tracked her.

  She's pregnant! I thought happily.

  The sound of her laughter trailed after her, giving her away.

  I gave chase, running through the woods, right in her direction.

  A sudden idea occurred to me and I slowed down, putting my plan into action.


  Kat entered the clearing and sat down, looking around to make sure no one was looking.

  She started to take off her clothes and I hung back a little, watching her strip tease.

  My beautiful mate bent over to set her pile down, giving me a wonderful view of her well rounded ass.

  I jumped out from my hiding spot, tumbling her to the ground.

  She didn't seem surprised and I knew instinctively that she'd known I was there the whole time.

  I could feel it.

  The little minx had been teasing me!

  I growled in her ear and she rubbed herself against my already nude body tauntingly.

  I rolled onto my back and pulled her up so she was straddling me.

  "Ride me, Kitty Kat," I demanded as she rubbed herself on my stomach teasingly.

  I could feel how wet she was, her core hot on my stomach muscles as she rubbed herself against me.

  I leaned up and bit her shoulder, causing her to gasp and moan, writhing against me frantically.

  I pulled her over my erection and shoved her down, getting a sharp cry of pleasure out of her for my efforts.

  She started riding me with wild abandon, her tight hot depths squeezing me, pulling me that much closer to blowing my wad.

  "This is going to be a very short ride," I muttered, not realizing I’d said it out loud.

  "Now!" she yelled, her inner walls spasming around me, causing me to follow right behind her.

  "Mine," I snarled, grazing her neck with my teeth as she started quivering around me again.

  After I finished, I slumped against her for a moment.

  She looked down at me and grinned widely.

  "Think we made a baby that time? Even though I wasn't in heat? I'm part Human, so maybe I don't need to be in heat every time?"

  She sounded hopeful at the idea.

  "Actually, you're half Witch and half Werewolf, there's a difference, and I don't really know how all that's gonna work out for you, but I do know one thing for sure, darlin'," I said and she looked at me expectantly.

  "You're already pregnant." I grinned, tapping my nose. "I noticed when I was chasing you that your scent had changed."

  "How many do you think are in there?" she said happily, grinning down at her stomach.

  "Oh, I don't know... how do you feel about an even dozen?" I asked, putting on a serious face.

  She sat there stunned a moment and then turned thoughtful, a look of concentration on her face.

  "Oh, you are so full of shit!" she exclaimed, laughing at me.

  I laughed along with her and tried to pull her close.

  "You had me scared for a minute there!" she yelled, whacking me.

  Guess she's figured out how to sense me through the mate bond... so much for teasing my little mate.

  "Hey! Hey watch the nipples! I'm sorry! Gah!" I managed between laughs.


  "Ready?" I asked, turning and walking into the middle of the backyard, where it bordered with the woods.

  "I'm ready, sugar. Show me your surprise," Alfred said, wiggling his brows at me.

  I pulled my shirt off over my head and proceeded to strip down to my birthday suit.

  My mate looked on patiently, grinning lasciviously at me.

  "Oh, darlin', if this is the surprise, I love it and I'm all for it. Should I get naked too?" he growled sexily.

  "No, this isn't the surprise, cowboy. Just hold your horses. I have to concentrate," I said impatiently.

  I mock glared at him, but he knew better.

  He could feel my excitement and trepidation through our mate bond, just like I could feel his lust and excitement at my nudity.

  “If you’re doing what I think you’re doing... I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he said worriedly all of the sudden.

  I could sense what was bothering him and tried to reassure him.

  “Segrid looked into it, silly. He said the fever/sickness was from my dormant powers releasing, but having nowhere to go, since I was unknowingly blocking them and bottling them up. It’s okay, Alfred, I’m okay now. I promise,” I grinned at him, “Trust me, mate mine, I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he said right back, smiling at me warmly.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated, keeping my breaths slow and even as I let myself relax and let the shift wash over me.

  "Sugar, you know you can't shift yet," he said, frowning worriedly, "it won't be a full moon for another... Well, hell! I'll be damned!" he burst out, his eyes wide with shock.

  "Hot damn, sugar, you did it! And aren't you the prettiest she wolf I ever saw!" he said proudly.

  I took off into the woods, ready for a little game of chase with my man.

  We may not have started off on the right foot, but I think we've found familiar footing on the right paw.

  Hmm... that was super corny... blame it on the hormones for making me silly and sentimental!

  I gave what would pass for a wolfish grin in my full shift and sprinted past the clearing we'd made love in last time, scenting out a new spot.

  I could feel his excitement through our mate bond and I howled, putting all my feelings into my song.

  He answered back and I took off again into the night.

  Even if I didn't get the traditional fairy tale ending, I definitely got a happy one and for me that's all that matters.


  Made to Match headquarters

  I walked out of the elevator and headed towards my office.

  "Medah, hold all my calls, would you?" I ordered the secretary at the main desk.

  My heels click clacked as I walked through the tiled foyer.

  "Yes, Ma’am, Miss La Faeii," Medah replied.

  I nodded my head in her direction and carried on.

  "Brian, I want those reports on Monday. First thing, understand?" I barked out as I passed his office.

  "Yes, Miss La Faeii, right on it," Brian acquiesced.

  I walked by my personal assistant Margaret's desk and she handed me my important notices and the dossiers I’d asked for.

  "Thank you, Margaret," I murmured and entered my office, shutting the door firmly behind me, then locking it.

  I sat down and leaned back in my comfy desk chair, the requested files in my hands.

  My com beeped and I put it on.

  "Yes." I answered.

  "Miss La Faeii, a Mr. Buttes on line one for you?" Margaret's nasally voice intoned.

  "Patch him through," I told her, rolling my eyes at the name, tapping my fingers excitedly as I awaited any news.

  "Yo, Morg, that you, girly?" Rez's familiar voice drawled.

  "Really, Rez? Mr. Buttes? What are you, five? Well, what's the deal? Give me some good news. Spit it out, Rez! I'm dying here," I demanded, being pushy and not really caring at the moment.

  "They're good, all settled on that front. Turns out she's an Elemental Air Witch," he relayed, giving me the news I'd been waiting for.

  "Excellent, Rez, appreciate it," I thanked him.

  "Hey, Morg, you need to be real careful, you know. Parakind Purists aren't going to take it well when they figure out your intentionally playing match maker between Dormants, Humans and Parakind. You know?" he told me, worry lacing his tone.

  "Don't you worry about me, Rez, you just keep yourself out of trouble until I need you again. No more wrestling Ogres, huh?" I laughed at him.

  He snorted and said he wouldn't promise anything, but I knew better.

  Rez is one of the 'good' ones.

  A little quick on the draw, but I like that about him.

  I looked around my office and smiled.

  This business has been in my family for a thousand generations and I wasn't going to stop my grandmother's dream of bringing 'all' kinds a happy ending.

  I'm not going to stop just because some Parakind snobs don't agree.

  Nope, this fairy godmother has a stubborn streak in her a mile wide.

  I grinned, and cracked my knuckles, then picked up my files, perusing them for my next match.

  I needed to fulfill my great, great grandmother's prophecy of uniting Para and Human kind or all of Parakind would eventually die out.

  If I have anything to say about it, it aint happening.

  Next victim!


  Heh, heh.

  I mean, next match, please!

  The End


  Next up!

  Book four in the Cosmic Soul Mates Series

  Coming soon!


  Jeanette Lynn lives with her "Incredible Hunk", two young children, and slightly eccentric terrier mix, "Magpie". She enjoys caffeine free soda and a good happy ending.


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  Thanks again and happy reading!


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