Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6)

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Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6) Page 32

by Jo Willow

  “Mitch? Could I talk to you and Beth for a minute?”

  Phil knew his friend well and had seen him busy on the phone all morning. He took the blanket and the bag from Mitch and exited through the patio door.

  Mitch sat down next to Ian. Beth sat down beside him and took his hand. Ian cleared his throat and began a difficult story.

  “Before you get angry or ask questions, let me finish the whole story. Remember who you are and remember that things can get complicated because of that and small things can have major implications.”

  Mitch looked at Ian and knew him to be an intelligent man with a cool head. He trusted Ian and thought of him as family.

  “Alright Ian. I’ll try to remember all of those things and I’ll let you tell your story. I assume it has to do with me.”

  “It started out that way, but now it involves both of you in a twisted way. We may need Beth’s insight if things get ugly.”

  “I’m already not liking this Ian. Get to the chase.”

  “Kevin, David and I got together after the auction and made a few decisions. Of all of us, I’m the one that understood what you were dealing with. Rose and I went through a hell of a time with an ex of mine and it almost cost me our marriage. I’ll spare you that story because you’ve got your own. The point is this: Marla dated Tim first. Then she methodically worked her way to you. One Tanner is a fluke Mitch. Two is a mission. The woman was dangerous and turning our backs on her was not an option.”

  Mitch tensed and moved to the edge of his chair. He leaned with his elbows on the table and clasped his hands. He stared at them for a moment before he looked back at Ian.

  “What did you do to her Ian?”

  Ian looked at him closely, wondering what in the world he thought the Tanners were capable of. Ian knew what the family would do if backed into a corner, but he couldn’t help but wonder how Mitch suspected it.

  “I got her a job Mitch. Of course SHE doesn’t know I got her the job, but it’s a damned good one and she’ll make a lot of money because she’s good at what she does. California will suit her.”

  “You shipped her to California?”

  “I lived there for years. Remember? Most of my contacts are there. I’ve done musical favors for a lot of influential people Mitch. Once we realized what she was doing, we thought it best to get her out of town before things got crazy. No one forced her to take the job. If she’d said no, we’d of worked around it. The thing is, she jumped on it. She’s on a flight to Carmel now.”

  Beth furrowed her brow and drew Ian’s attention.

  “You said once you realized what she was doing... how did you know what she was doing? By the way, what exactly was she doing that caused you so much concern?”

  “After she Beth came to live with us the first time, we started having her followed.”

  “You knew she lured him to her house? You knew what was going on and you didn’t stop it?”

  “What the hell were we supposed to do Beth? Have someone bust in and say, ‘whoa you can’t do that’? Mitch is an adult. Our guy was instructed to keep an eye on her and report back. You told us about that night before our contact did. She showed up early the next morning and you called David. Besides, that’s ancient history. Our concern goes beyond that now.”

  Mitch knew the story was about to take a turn and he wasn’t sure the turn wasn’t into a dark alley he didn’t care to go down. He put his hand on his wife’s arm and patted her, gently requesting her silence.

  “Ian, tell us what made you think she needed to be in California.”

  Ian cleared his throat, stole a quick glance at Beth and then returned his gaze to Mitch.

  “For the last few weeks she’s been seeing Brian Stone. In the last couple of weeks it’s gotten serious.”

  Mitch felt Beth stiffen, but he didn’t have time to question the cause. Something was coming and it was going to hit them hard. He felt it.

  “How serious?”

  “They’re sleeping together and driving each other’s cars. We found out by accident that she’s pregnant.”

  “Damn it all to hell.”

  Beth’s outburst shocked Ian, but not Mitch. Mitch stayed focused on Ian.

  “You’re sure?”

  “When my friend phoned to offer her the job, she told him she was pregnant.”

  “I see.”

  “No Mitch, you don’t. We don’t think it’s yours.”

  Now Beth leaned forward as well and her pose mimicked her husband’s.

  “Why not Ian?”

  “Follow the logic kids. If she were pregnant with a Tanner, she wouldn’t have given Stone the time of day. She’d have the trap set and she’d of told Mitch before she told anyone. I’m betting she found out she wasn’t pregnant, then started dating Stone hoping to get to Mitch through you and the kids.”

  Mitch followed him seamlessly.

  “You think she moved on to Plan B and got caught in a trap of her own.”

  “Exactly. They liked each other, things progressed and now Marla’s in a world of trouble by her own design. We threw her a bone and offered a way out. She was smart enough to take it. There’s only one problem left.”

  Mitch didn’t see any more problems. Mitch saw smooth sailing for him and his little family. Mitch was on cloud nine. It was Beth that saw the problem a mile away and gaining fast.

  “Brian doesn’t know she’s gone does he?”

  “Not yet. He’s at work and she left about an hour ago.”

  “Does he know she’s pregnant?”

  “We think so. We believe he found out today. For some reason, he came home early from work and found her at his condo. She left alone in tears, and a couple of hours later he went to her place locked and loaded. He ripped the screen off of her bedroom window when she wouldn’t answer the door and he got in that way. Whatever happened, they must’ve worked it out because he left with a smile on his face about an hour and a half later and went back to work.”

  “Brian has a condo?”

  “Condo? Beth, he’s got a condo that overlooks a golf course. He owns a truck he uses for work and a Jag convertible he drives for fun. He only works at construction because the bastard owns the company. He’s been living the life while you’ve struggled for years.”

  Beth sat back in her chair in disbelief. Mitch looked at her and wondered where her head was at. He didn’t have to wonder for long.

  “How could any man let his children do without when he had the power to stop it? I just don’t understand. Do you know that Scott has never had a new bike? Patty’s had one new doll and Mitch bought that for her last Christmas. That lion you bought her? She’ll have that thing the rest of her life. Yes she takes care of her things, but mostly she’ll be afraid that she’ll never get another one. That’s what my kids’ lives have been like.”

  She got quiet and the silence sucked the light from the room. Ian wanted an hour alone with Stone, Mitch wanted fifteen minutes. He didn’t think it would take longer than that.

  Ian reached out and squeezed her hand.

  “Beth, we’re worried that if he decides that her leaving had something to do with Mitch in some way, even in an obscure way, he’ll try to block the adoption and go after the kids himself. He’s got the money to fight us if he decides to.”

  “He can’t have my kids Ian. No way. He can brutal at times and he doesn’t give a shit about my kids. No.”

  “Sis’ I understand. We’ve got a month to go, then things will start happening fast. Beth, did he ever hit you?”

  That snapped her back to the present conversation.

  “What? No. He never hit me. He just made me wish I were dead. Every night I dreaded going to bed because I knew what was going to happen.”

  Mitch put his arm around his wife and pulled her into his side. He kissed the side of her head.

  “I’m so sorry baby.”

  “Oh it slowed down when Scotty was born. When he found out I was pregnant with Patty, it stopped a
ltogether because he left. It got easier after that.”

  Ian looked at her sitting in clothing that used to belong to his wife and leaning against a man that made clay pots for a living.


  Beth looked at Ian and gave a wistful smile.

  “I didn’t have to deal with him anymore.”

  The three of them looked at one another for a long time, each one hoping one of the others would come up with a solution or a plan of some kind. Beth swallowed and closed her eyes.

  “I’ll meet with him and ask him to sign the papers so that we can get this done quicker.”

  Both men looked at her and waited. There had to be more. There was no way in the world they’d ever allow her to be alone with her angry ex-husband. Finally Mitch blurted it out, unmindful or uncaring of Ian’s presence.

  “Woman, you are out of your mind if you think for one minute that I’d allow my pregnant wife to be alone with a man that terrorized her for years. Not no but hell no. Nice try, but no way.”

  Ian quickly assimilated the new information.

  “Beth, you’re pregnant? Damn Mitch, do all the Tanners work that fast?”

  Mitch chuckled and shook his head.

  “It would appear that all of us except David work that fast, yes. The point is, she’s not putting the baby in jeopardy. I won’t allow to be upset.”

  “You’re right. Absolutely. No way Beth. I wouldn’t let Rose do it and I won’t let you do it.”

  Beth let the men beat their chests and do the caveman thing before she interrupted and told them how it was.

  “I’m the only one that can do it. He won’t hurt me, he’s never struck me in his life. He doesn’t have it in him. He likes rough sex, not rough conversation. If he’s got money, then he’s got something to lose. Relax. If he won’t sign the papers, I’ll threaten him with child support. He’s looking at ten more years with Scott, twelve with Patty. One way or another, my son is getting a new bike this Christmas.”

  She sat back with a self-satisfied look on her face and Mitch looked at Ian hoping for solidarity. The problem was, Ian thought it was a stellar idea.

  “Mitch, he doesn’t know what I look like. We’ll set up the meeting and Phil and I will be nearby. If he looks like he’s losing his temper or patience, we’ll take him outside and remind him he’s a gentleman. I think we can pull this off or I wouldn’t be going along with it. Do you want your kids or not? The sooner he’s gone and out of your lives, the better.”

  Mitch ran both hands through his hair and fought every urge he had to wrap Beth up in cotton and keep her safe.

  “Ian, I swear to god if anything happens to her or that baby...”

  “Nothing will happen you have my word. I love her like my own sister Mitch. Hell, Phil and I set up Trust Funds up for Scott and Patty’s education. Those kids got to us in a major way this week.”

  Beth took Mitch’s hand and felt a weight that she didn’t know existed, lift from her shoulders.

  “You set up college funds for my kids? Why would you do that Ian?”

  “Because Scott’s as smart as a whip and I want him to work the family business someday. He and Phil were talking at the breakfast table one morning and he doesn’t think he’s going to college. What if he wants to be a doctor or a lawyer? That kind of schooling isn’t cheap and the kid deserves a chance. We promised to give him that chance and his whole attitude changed Beth. Patty’s only six and she can already read and do math. You work hard with those kids. They deserve a chance to go as far as they can. That’s why we did it. If you don’t like it, well that’s just too damned bad. It’s done.”

  Ian was ready for an argument. What he was not ready for was a crying woman with her arms around his neck. He hugged her close and patted her back. He looked at Mitch who shrugged and smiled.

  “Thank-you. You just saved us one more worry. Educating two was going to be hard enough and now we’re looking at three. Mitch doesn’t think about it, but I do. Thank-you so much Ian.”

  “Honey, the new one will get the same perks the existing ones get. There’s no favoritism where education is concerned. Every Tanner goes to college. Period. I’m sure it’s carved in stone somewhere on the property, we’ll look when we get home. Now enough about this. Let’s plan that meeting with Brian.”

  Ian called David and Kevin and put them in the loop. Kevin was very interested in a quick resolution, David was nervous about revealing their hand to the enemy. To him, Brian was just another Mike Reynolds with money. He didn’t know him but he didn’t trust him, and he didn’t like the idea of him alone with Beth. In the end, he reluctantly agreed and promised to get in touch with the attorney and get a copy of the adoption agreement ready for Brian’s signature.

  When everything was settled and the men had a direction, she turned to Ian.

  “I need his phone number.”

  When Ian produced it, she didn’t seem surprised and she took it without hesitation.

  Brian didn’t recognize the number and he was getting ready to leave for the day. He pushed away from his desk and answered in a rush.


  “Brian, it’s Beth.”

  He stopped in mid rise and sat down again, not quite believing what he was hearing.

  “Beth? Is something wrong? Are the kids alright? How did you get my number?”

  “Yes, it’s Beth. The kids are perfect, not that you really give a shit, and how I got the number is irrelevant. Anyone can get a phone number Brian. I can turn Scott loose with a computer and in five minutes he can get me any piece of information I ask him to. Remember that. Aren’t you curious why I’m calling?”

  “You tired of Tanner already babe?”

  “Not in the least. We’re having a baby Brian. The kids went to Disney World and we’re on our honeymoon on a beach in St. Pete’s.”

  “Well good for the kids. If you’re on your honeymoon, why the hell are you calling me?”

  I want you to meet me somewhere so that you can sign the adoption papers. We don’t want to drag this through the courts and the sooner this is over the better.”

  “Just like that? Elizabeth wants it, so Elizabeth thinks she should get it. You’ve been a fuckin’ Tanner what, ten minutes and you’re already issuing orders based on your whims? Well guess what honey? I don’t care how long it takes. It’ll take as long as I say it’s gonna take. What do you think about that?”

  Beth drifted into the bedroom and decided it was time to rattle his cage. She’d waited a long time for this and she was ready to play hardball.

  “Brian? Let me tell you what I know. I know that Marla Simms tried to talk you into helping her get Mitch away from me and for some reason, you declined. I guess it’s true that even a broken clock is right twice a day. That was the only smart thing you’ve done lately. I know that you knocked her up and I also know that she’s gone. She’s gone and she’s gone for good.”

  She knew he was finding this out for the first time and to hear it from her was cutting him to the bone. She waited patiently for him to catch up. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse and soft.

  “She wouldn’t leave. She promised to help me find a house. She’s going to marry me and raise our child.”

  “Brian, think about it. She tried to sleep her way through the Tanner family hoping one of them would bite and give her the name. You put your faith in a woman that tried to trick you into helping her trick one? You don’t exactly have an exemplary track record when it comes to sticking around to help with hard work where children are concerned hon’. Trust me she’s gone. Now let’s get back to that adoption petition.”

  “Why in the hell would I help you give my kids over to the Tanners? Tell me Beth because I’m dying of curiosity right now. And what does that have to do with Marla?”

  Beth looked around the corner to make sure she wouldn’t be overheard. What she was about to do was in no way right. But sometimes justice wasn’t right. Sometimes you did what you had to do because
it was the right thing to do for kids that deserved a better life. And sometimes you did what you had to do because Karma was a bitch and for a brief moment in time, she changed her name to Beth.

  “Brian, I know where Marla is.”

  “You what? How do you know where she is?”

  “You don’t need to know how. I can tell you that she’s safe, she went of her own free will, and she accepted a lucrative job offer. If that’s enough for you, then refuse to sign the paper and we’ll see you in court.”

  “You’re going to tell me where the hell she is Beth.”

  “Am I? Tell me something Brian. What exactly have you done for me or your kids in the last six years that would lead you to believe that I owed you anything? Would it be all the child support you showered us with? How about the gifts for the kids at Christmas or the calls on their birthdays?”

  “Alright I get it! I was a shit father and a lousy husband. Okay? Are you happy? I’ve changed Beth. I love her. Damn it to hell, I love her and I want that baby. I want one child that I’m there for and that knows me. She loves me, she told me so. We’re crazy about each other and it scares her Beth. She ran because she’s scared. She thinks I’ll leave her like I left you, but I won’t. She’s nothing like you. I was young when we got married. I wasn’t ready for all of it. I’m ready for it now.”

  “So’s Mitch Brian. Our kids adore him and they’ve got a real shot at college and a happy life, it’s not too late for our kids either. If you have any affection for them at all, you’ll let them have that life.”

  “If I sign your damned paper, will you tell me where she is?”

  “You have my word. Do we have a deal?”

  “Where and when?”

  “Day after tomorrow. I’ll meet you at the Starbuck’s down on River Street at eleven o’clock. We’ll get it done and part as friends.”

  “I’ll be there. If you lie to me about her whereabouts Beth, there’s not court in the state that will keep me away from those kids. I’ll make the Tanner’s lives a living hell with court cases and TV coverage. Are we clear?”


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